K.J.L.B and S.B.T.C theory by Bluecrab

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Upon reading another thread about the Ransom note at A Candy Rose website the other day, http://www.acandyrose.com/crimescene-ransomnote.htm, I came across some other interesting facts about the acronym S.B.T.C. :

04-18-2000 Steve Thomas, "JonBenet, Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation,"

Page 65:

"From another basement storage closet, a crime scene tech pulled a plaque denoting that John Ramsey had served in the navy at Subic Bay in the philippines. The media erroneously added the words Training Center to Subic Bay and obtained an explanation for SBTC acronym, although Subic Bay was a massive naval installation, not a training base. Everybody had a theory."

04-13-2000 Good Morning America
(Elizabeth Vargas) Live Chat
with former Detective Steve Thomas

Moderator at 12:07pm ET:
Dana T writes: "Do you have any theories behind what S.B.T.C. signifies?"

Steve Thomas at 12:08pm ET:
"You know, we searched high and low, far and wide, and heard everything from "Saved By The Cross" to
Ramsey's own suggestion of "Star Base Technical Command," but were never definitively able to attach a source to that acronym. However, an open Bible on Ramsey's desk in the house, NIV version, Psalms 35-36, verses 1-4, contains the acrostic SBTC, backwards."
Rupert said:
If it wasn't RDI, then I think the perp did it for a premeditated poltical reason and had the inside on the R's. I think the RN was a message. "We do respect your bussiness (kissiness) but not the country (Little Miss America) that it serves." In other words, we know you love your daughter but we have a message and as a symbol she is unfortunately chosen. Since it was a message, then it was written in code (so as to hide their identity S.B.T.C from most of us), just like "K.J.L.B Groups" is no doubt a code too. Coincidence? - this one is too strong.

The perp might have been hyped up on drugs while watching Nick of Time that night and couldn't help but infuse his favorite hobby, watching the movies. The perp is vengeful and wants to gain control and thus takes pleasure instructing John just the way that the father was in Nick of Time. The thought made me wonder if the R's received some other instructions which they could not tell about. After all, there were some missing sheets. Perhaps that's why they became so defensive. Speculation and I know you have your own ideas.

I don't think enough thinking has been done yet on this case and the BPD should definitely check this out.

Was Michael in atlanta during these interviews?
UKGuy said:
I have another that goes Kill Johni L Benet, and SBTC is a public reply Strangled Bound Tortured Corpsed, but that seems to belong in the Stephen King realm, or from a forthcoming BTK true crime thriller.

S.B.T.C could also be Stangled Bound Tortured Child
BlueCrab said:
Please set aside Patsy's involvement just for the timebeing.

The missing period and Students for Justice in Northern Ireland (S.J.N.I) and Tom Shelley's possible tie-in to the Ramsey case should be the topic.


For instance, could we have some thoughts about those four initials resembling the format (no punctuation mark after the last letter) also used at APAC's website and on the Ramsey ransom note?

Also, the hand printed S.J.N.I writing sure looks familiar. IMO it should be professionally analyzed and compared to the printing in the ransom note.

In the ten years I have been interested in this case I have believed PR did it and JR knew it.


Thanks for these postings.
Linda7NJ said:
Doesn't make sense. If he/she had already written the note, why would he/she risk placing it on the stairs AFTER she was dead?

To place it on the stairs BEFORE he took her to the basement would have been ridiculous.

The note was written after she was dead, to explain her death and point LE away from family members. The RN was bogus from the start.
I'll stick by my opinion, I am not buying into the Karr guy's fantasies or the notion that an intruder did it.

I would love for Karr to be the guy....but he ain't
Rocky said:
Was Michael in atlanta during these interviews?

Hi, Rocky. Do you mean Michael Helgoth?

Court TV channel had a program the Thursday night after JMK was arrested, 6 pm, Eastern, discussing other suspects including Helgoth. They had Helgoth's friend (?) Kannady telling that he hung out with some very rough characters at an auto parts junk yard. He said he'd been elated about a chance for him and another friend to make $50,000 or $60,000 but just before Christmas he became depressed, and wondered how it would be to bash in a human head. (Somebody else got the job?)

Somewhere in the story a dead child found in a duffle bag was mentioned, not in connection with Helgoth. And I remembered there was a duffle bag in the crawl space of the Ramsey home, people decided wasn't important. I think even if JMK is one of the killers and wrote the RN, dictated to him, he certainly wasn't the only one, and didn't have anything against JR. He only talks about loving little girls, not resentment of JR.

Glad to see you here, from the P.P. This case is so compelling I hardly ever get there any more. Yep, some young people could have made a secret flight to Boulder and back that night, though we don't know they were associates of Helgoth, especially if they knew SOMETHING was coming down. JAR may or may not have made it home before his mom's arising, to go to the airport with his sister, reason JR hired a lawyer, I believe, for her/the older children. I just can't figure what the SOMETHING coming down could be. Or what the eccentric "friends" all had in common, reason they could all get there so early next morning, maybe ALL wearing the previous night's clothes, for all we know. Maybe nobody went to bed? Not just PR?

If the killer shot Helgoth, and if JMK was involved, why didn't he get shot too? Helgoth was right-handed, but was shot from the left, you know, so the boots could have been planted, and the stun-gun, staging, because he knew too much, had been considered for some $50 or $60,000 job but was evidently replaced, if Kannady's telling the truth about all of that.
I'm just a lurker here, and I've tried to scan to see if this has been answered/addressed already, but I'm not finding it, so...I'll go ahead and ask:
Do I understand notes to the first child bride were also signed SBTC per her Mother's recollection? Have we ever seen where that girl was asked what she thought it meant? If I received a note from a boyfriend with any words or reference I didn't understand, I'd probably not hesitate to ask, "Babe, what did that mean?"

And one other thing I never see referenced is - could PR and all her actions that evening have been impaired by some serious drug influence?

I'm sorry if these are old and long ago discussed items - but I didn't see them when I tried to look. Thanks.
Very interesting and well researched theory posited here.

I can't help but wonder, if the reason these "persons of interest leads" (e.g. IN, Wolf, Hogarth, BR, Kennady) seem to hit a wall, is because there is more than one person who has knowingly or unkowingly provided access to this home/child (and was not at the crime scene), and each person does not have a typical relationship/connection one another. Perhaps, none at all. That might be why, when you follow one of these threads, it has a dead end. Falls off the map.

S.B.T.C_ : Could this have been deliberately used, to implicate someone in this low-life criminal community, who used this phrase, or had a t-shirt or cap with this moniker (Wolf & Hogarth)? And what makes this even more curious, is the RL author, unknowingly left his own "calling card", by the way he wrote S.B.T.C_ (as BlueCrab has discussed). This suggests yet another affiliation, that is unrelated to others participating in this crime.


IN: Very interesting person, (Great research, Blue Crab!). Is it possible that someone used his "access" and familiarity to/with this family? Perhaps by saying, "Hey, we're just going to pull a little Christmas prank on the family. We're going to leave some joke Christmas gifts in the house, while they are gone. All in fun". And IN, not wanting to be the odd man out, and maybe as BlueCrab suggests, may have had some quiet resentful feelings toward JR, went along with it. Hey, it wouldn't be him that actually entered the house; and it was all in playful fun.

Who would have wanted access? As BlueCrab and others suggested, someone who harbored resentment toward JR (his wealth, the graphics company, his privileged wife and spoiled child, etc.). And did this individual "recruit" one of the criminal low-lifes in the neighborhood, who would be a willing participant (e.g. someone like Kennady or ?).

I think that more than one individual "talked" about this. Mused about it. But only one, more likely two individuals actually entered this house; and they both had totally different agendas. One liked the idea of using the child, as the target of his resentment. The other, really liked the idea of the child - because they were a child predator. These two "agendas" is perhaps why we have a crime scene, having elements that are somewhat unusual to find together. I speculate that it is because there are two different people, that are acting out in two different ways.

One of these two people is smart. If the child died before the RL was written, I speculate that they knew if would be difficult to prove 1st degree murder - if it was an intended kidnapping gone bad. That RL looks like whomever wrote it, was damn scared. They were writing on a tablet, yet their letters are quavering. Hand shaking. Adrenaline or fear of death?

This "multiple of persons involved" reminds me of when there is a murder trial, and the two or three participants in the murder are tried separately. They each accuse the other. And the jury is riddled with doubt about who actually caused the death - if any of them.

This complicated murder will never be solved by the BPD, because it doesn't fit into their Crime Scene 101 expection of motive and M.O., and peculiar elements of the crime scene such as the RL's S.B.T.C_

sorry to be so long winded.
Annette said:
Do I understand notes to the first child bride were also signed SBTC per her Mother's recollection?

And one other thing I never see referenced is - could PR and all her actions that evening have been impaired by some serious drug influence?

Good questions. Where did you hear this about the first child bride and SBTC? Maybe it's in the news today. I had to get a little work done for a change this morning.
So far, I don't think they've come up with any.

BUT, they HAVE found an eyewitness! Vernell Duncan is her name. Apparently, Karr helped her move furniture on Christmas day, then he and his second wife took off to Georgia.
Thanks Eagle1.

I've mostly only read this forum for a few days now, so was thinking I had seen here in some post or link where the mother of Karr's first wife said she thought she remembered notes signed that way - but if you aren't familiar with that, then I'm possibly mistaken or confused. I did not follow this case prior so it HAS been a lot of information for my brain to try to absorb in a short time - I could be short-circuiting something.

As for PR - I wondered if a drug impaired state could account for her agreeing to participate in a coverup or talked into believeing she hadn't really seen what she thought she saw (to trigger the outrage). I too wondered why not turn over someone if you discovered them doing something heinous to your child, and the presence of a drug element plus the ways that could be twisted to manipulate a guilt and horror stricken, dependent individual - fit.

I haven't decided any one way or another on all this yet. I'm still in a drinking-it-all-in mode.
Annette said:
I'm just a lurker here, and I've tried to scan to see if this has been answered/addressed already, but I'm not finding it, so...I'll go ahead and ask:
Do I understand notes to the first child bride were also signed SBTC per her Mother's recollection? Have we ever seen where that girl was asked what she thought it meant? If I received a note from a boyfriend with any words or reference I didn't understand, I'd probably not hesitate to ask, "Babe, what did that mean?"

And one other thing I never see referenced is - could PR and all her actions that evening have been impaired by some serious drug influence?

I'm sorry if these are old and long ago discussed items - but I didn't see them when I tried to look. Thanks.

Welcome to Websleuths Annette:)

Yes it was suppose to have been notes or letters to the girl, which had been signed SBTC, per her mother. That was in the news several days ago. As far as I know, nothing has been shown for any proof. It was so many years ago, they might have thrown them away.

About Patsy using drugs, I have no idea. On the eve of the 26th, I read where she had a doctor in attentdence, he more than likely gave her something.

What actions are you referring to? The night of the 25th or the 26th? IMO she did say some very strange things on the night of the 26th, according to Pam Griffin. John too, for that matter.
Thanks for the welcome LaMer! And for the clarification on the long-ago letters to the first wife.
Being PDI, with religious sacrifice-for-self-preservation motive floating stubbornly around my theories, I've always believed that S.B.T.C stood for "Saved By the Child." PR seemed to imply some kind of world salvation effect of JBR's death in some early statement, but I can't remember where I read this.
However, on Reddit there was a reference to "Subic Bay Tailhook Club" which apparently was some kind of bacchanalia/debaucherous society among cadets, and that JR, even if not a member, would have heard of it. Possibly PR too.

Lately I've been wondering if one or both adult R's had arranged a faux kidnapping of JBR for sale to dark web types. And maybe the hired "actors" killed her, and then there had to be a coverup based on the Rs' mutual dark secret associations.
I left my girls' dad, who was otherwise a seemingly great guy, because as a professional photographer trying to find gig work, one job had him filming the "kidnapping" of a 14? year old girl. Makes me wonder if that kind of thing cost them, or was done to earn, about 118k dollars. Just a spitball idea. MOO on all the above.

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