K.J.L.B and S.B.T.C theory by Bluecrab

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Perhaps Patsy killed her to protect her from further molestation by someone near & dear to her. Sorta a mercy killing. Believing her daughter would be better off with God. Perhaps she blamed Jon Benet. We know many mothers do and choose their spouse over their own child.

Reading the RN I can't help but think the author had an intimate, emotionally confusing relationship with John. The RN begins and the tone suggests there is no animosity, the kidnapping isn't personal on the part of the author. The author then says the others involved don't like him. This leads me to believe the author is struggling with her feelings concerning John. As the RN goes on the author seems to grow more resentful and the author takes jabs at him, personal ones. There is definite familiarity contained in that RN that simply put, should NOT be there.
The entire last two paragraphs are all about shifting responsibility for Jon Benet's murder from the author, who killed her, and blaming it on John. Jon Benet was already dead when that RN was written.

The author did not want to take any credit for the death of that child. What type of foreign faction that kidnaps and writes 3 page RN's doesn't want to take credit? I thought the entire purpose of the supposed RN was to make some sort of political statement. So why give John all the credit?
aussiesheila said:
Yes, I agree. I have always thought STBC stands for Saved by the Cross and that Patsy wrote it. I think that in her mind it was some kind of appeal to her God for her own salvation because of her own guilt. I think she knew deep down in her heart she bore some responsibility for JonBenet's death because of her association with the pedophiles who I think killed JonBenet. I think that although she was devastated by the death of her daughter she was still thinking of herself as she wrote the note.


The experts who had the original note to exam and had all of the present and historical exemplars to study all agreed that Patsy did not likely write the ransom note. Her 4.5 score almost eliminated her. John's 5.0 score eliminated him as the writer. Burke could not be eliminated as the writer, but his score was never made public.
The more I think about it, the more I think I would leave off the last period.
For example, when I abbreviate United States of America, my hand
wants to write U.S.A
-it seems rather awkward to put a period after the A.
I definitely think it's one's style of writing-sort of like where one tends to put
commas like cat, dog, and mice or
cat, dog and mice minus the comma after dog.

Do we have something of Patsy's where she left the period off?
Linda7NJ said:
The entire last two paragraphs are all about shifting responsibility for Jon Benet's murder from the author, who killed her, and blaming it on John. Jon Benet was already dead when that RN was written.

The author did not want to take any credit for the death of that child. What type of foreign faction that kidnaps and writes 3 page RN's doesn't want to take credit? I thought the entire purpose of the supposed RN was to make some sort of political statement. So why give John all the credit?
I agree with you about the last two paragraphs of the note, but I don't agree that the author of the note killed JonBenet. I think Patsy wrote the note. I think Patsy felt some kind of guilt for Jonbenet's death because it arose as a result of ongoing sexual abuse that Patsy was aware of but did nothing to stop. I think Patsy suffered from a personality disorder and because of this she could not own up to her guilt and was transferring responsibility for what happened to John, blaming him for for not protecting JonBenet from the sexual abuse which mostly took place when he was away on his frequent business trips.
BlueCrab said:

The experts who had the original note to exam and had all of the present and historical exemplars to study all agreed that Patsy did not likely write the ransom note. Her 4.5 score almost eliminated her. John's 5.0 score eliminated him as the writer. Burke could not be eliminated as the writer, but his score was never made public.
Yes BlueCrab, I know this, but as you say, they didn't eliminate her completely. By their scoring method there was still a 10% chance that she did write the note. I also know that there were other experts who say that she definitely did write the note. Has anyone ever discussed tha analysis of Gideon Epstein on this forum?
aussiesheila said:
Yes BlueCrab, I know this, but as you say, they didn't eliminate her completely. By their scoring method there was still a 10% chance that she did write the note. I also know that there were other experts who say that she definitely did write the note. Has anyone ever discussed tha analysis of Gideon Epstein on this forum?


The only handwriting experts who had all of the historical and current exemplars and the original ransom note to study were the six used by the government. All others, including Gideon Epstein, had to work from copies after the original note was purposely destructively tested in a last ditch effort to obtain fingerprints.

Gideon Epstein, during the wolf v Ramsey defamation lawsuit, was shredded by Lin Wolf in a deposition. As aresult, his testimony that he was 100% sure that Patsy wrote the note, and much of his other testimony, was quashed by the court.

IMO Patsy did not write the note nor did she murder JonBenet. Females don't garrote their victims and then smash their skulls in two, followed by three pages of violent threats in a fake ransom note. And the foreign DNA on JonBenet is male. The murder has MALE written all over it.

BlueCrab said:

IMO Patsy did not write the note nor did she murder JonBenet. Females don't garrote their victims and then smash their skulls in two, followed by three pages of violent threats in a fake ransom note.

Wasn't JB's skull bashed in first?
For a female could very well have staged the garroting scene afterwards and have written three pages of violent threats to create the impression that the murder was committed by a male person.
rashomon said:
Wasn't JB's skull bashed in first?
For a female could very well have staged the garroting scene afterwards and have written three pages of violent threats to create the impression that the murder was committed by a male person.


The medical examiner, in his autopsy report, said that cause of death was asphyxia, associated with a smash on the head. It implies the strangulation came first. And the presence of petechial hemorrhages on the neck and eyelids, along with the almost total lack of blood on the brain, strongly suggest the strangulation came first.

Female killers are seldom violent. I just can't picture Patsy garroting JonBenet and whacking her with a baseball bat or some other heavy weapon. Patsy is up to her neck in the coverup, but IMO that's about the limit of her involvement. I also don't think Patsy wrote the ransom note, but she knows who did write it. And she knows that it was one of two people who killed JonBenet, but she doesn't know "for sure" which one actually did it.

BlueCrab said:

The medical examiner, in his autopsy report, said that cause of death was asphyxia, associated with a smash on the head. It implies the strangulation came first. And the presence of petechial hemorrhages on the neck and eyelids, along with the almost total lack of blood on the brain, strongly suggest the strangulation came first.

Female killers are seldom violent. I just can't picture Patsy garroting JonBenet and whacking her with a baseball bat or some other heavy weapon. Patsy is up to her neck in the coverup, but IMO that's about the limit of her involvement. I also don't think Patsy wrote the ransom note, but she knows who did write it. And she knows that it was one of two people who killed JonBenet, but she doesn't know "for sure" which one actually did it.

I think you are right but it doesn't cover Patsy walking in on John when the child is all but dead from a pinched vager(sp?) muscle and trying to hit john with a golf club and hitting JonBenet instead.
The injury to the head displaced a section of skull that was oblong like a golf club would leave.
BlueCrab said:
Gideon Epstein, during the wolf v Ramsey defamation lawsuit, was shredded by Lin Wolf in a deposition. As a result, his testimony that he was 100% sure that Patsy wrote the note, and much of his other testimony, was quashed by the court.BlueCrab

"Shredded", as in a personal opinion of the depo? I read it and thought that Epstein did a very good job of holding his own against LLW. Why was it quashed by the court? Was it only because he did not use the original, or some other reasons? Thanks.
Nehemiah said:
"Shredded", as in a personal opinion of the depo? I read it and thought that Epstein did a very good job of holding his own against LLW. Why was it quashed by the court? Was it only because he did not use the original, or some other reasons? Thanks.


From Judge Julie Carnes order dismissing the Wolf v Ramsey lawsuit:

"Epstein's explanation for his conclusion seems to be little more than 'Trust me I'm an expert'."

Epstein did not have the original note nor did he obtain original Patsy Ramsey exemplars. He deviated from the methodology he had previously asserted was required to make a reasoned judgment. The court also concluded that Epstein's conclusion could not carry the day because of the unanimous opinion by the CBI's six handwriting experts who contradicted Epstein's conclusion.

SisterSocks said:
Maybe he had already wrote the note.
Doesn't make sense. If he/she had already written the note, why would he/she risk placing it on the stairs AFTER she was dead?

To place it on the stairs BEFORE he took her to the basement would have been ridiculous.

The note was written after she was dead, to explain her death and point LE away from family members. The RN was bogus from the start.
BlueCrab said:

From Judge Julie Carnes order dismissing the Wolf v Ramsey lawsuit:

"Epstein's explanation for his conclusion seems to be little more than 'Trust me I'm an expert'."

Epstein did not have the original note nor did he obtain original Patsy Ramsey exemplars. He deviated from the methodology he had previously asserted was required to make a reasoned judgment. The court also concluded that Epstein's conclusion could not carry the day because of the unanimous opinion by the CBI's six handwriting experts who contradicted Epstein's conclusion.

OK, so it was six against one. But that doesn't mean that the six are right and the one is wrong. I think it is quite reasonable to take the position I do which is that Epstein is right and the other six are wrong.
The Rams have been made suspicious by various interpretations of what they did. I too can succumb to that I know. I also know that they were under intense spotlight. Now....

"We are the S.B.T.C Group" - That's what the RN clearly says.

Kind of like the "K.J.L.B Group", which was the last group in NI's APAC before it was disbanded in April 1997. The Rams were with the Stines in the same house as NI. "S.B.T.C Group" must have been in his face.

Now, why didn't NI see the connection and bring this to the attention of the Rams or the BPD?

We know that the BPD had no knowledge or interest in NI. So, I don't think this coincidence was ever brought to the attention of the BPD or the Rams.

Just to keep the old talk going.....an open mind.
sandraladeda said:
I mena no disrespect, but I find that, often in the JBR cae, people hear hoofbeats, and assume it must be a herd of Zebras.

The obvious is the most likely.

The Ramsey family - Definitely Patsy, maybe John, less likely Burke - knows something, has hidden something, has not fully cooperated, I believe we can agree - and as a result, justice has not been served.

I agree Sandra, I think Saved By The Cross is a far more likely explanation than Stop Bombing Third World Countries/Children, Subic Bay Training Center, or Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. All of those explanations are really reaching, IMO. Patsy has NOT been eliminated as the writer of the note, because I do believe she wrote it to cover for the murder of JBR, committed when John went too far in sexually abusing JBR. The murder was then staged, and Patsy wrote the note to cover-up, plant that an intruder did it with a planned kidnapping. She just didn't think her alibi through, kinda like Scott Peterson with his alibi!
LinasK said:
I agree Sandra, I think Saved By The Cross is a far more likely explanation than Stop Bombing Third World Countries/Children, Subic Bay Training Center, or Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. All of those explanations are really reaching, IMO. Patsy has NOT been eliminated as the writer of the note, because I do believe she wrote it to cover for the murder of JBR, committed when John went too far in sexually abusing JBR. The murder was then staged, and Patsy wrote the note to cover-up, plant that an intruder did it with a planned kidnapping. She just didn't think her alibi through, kinda like Scott Peterson with his alibi!


IMO any combination of the three people left alive in the Ramsey household may have murdered JonBenet.

Assuming your theory is correct, why does Patsy assist John ?

Saved By the Cross could also be a pseudo-religious killer's (sinning-willfully) philosophy of life, that he can do absolutely anything he wants and be forgiven, demand forgiveness, a word JAR seemed to have heard from some propagandist somewhere, because of the Cross. (The orthodox know that if you sin willfully, "there remains no more sacrifice for sin". You've deliberately thrown away the Cross.)
UKGuy said:

IMO any combination of the three people left alive in the Ramsey household may have murdered JonBenet.

Assuming your theory is correct, why does Patsy assist John ?

UK Guy, I actually just answered this on another thread:

Because of the negative PR, she had to cover up for him. She stands by her man, the repercussions would've been to great otherwise. They present a united front. It's classic- mother choses husband over daughter. Many mothers of abused children do this.

A little bit about me: I am also a molestation victim. In my case, my abuser was my mother's brother and she was close to him. She chose to remain in denial when I finally told her, rather than face that her brother could do that to her daughter.

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