KC Could Get A College Degree In Prison For Free - Thoughts Please

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WE should all be allowed to attend college. I'm not being snarky, but in other countrys, it's a real option. WE don't have it here, because some folks don't want to pay for others to go to college. Afraid someone will get a free ride. So.. folks are stuck with huge college bills.. while others think they don't have the option to attend college.

I think that folks who recive the grade, should be allowed to attend college. Period!

But in our system, someone serving LWOP shouldn't be recieven a education, unless it's to do a job in our jail system. And the salary should go to pay back the cost of the education the person received. And to help lower the cost of the jail and prison system on the tax payers.
The thought gets me too but think of this - the degree she gets may be free but she hopefully will never be able to use it and

The education she will get in prison will be priceless!!!
If a prisoner receives a degree while in prison it is my opinion that if they are ever released, they should have to pay back the money that us common folk would have paid to obtain the same degree.
Does an inmate with LWOP have the same right to education as one who will return to society?

In general, education for inmates does not bother me. I believe that society is best served when inmates are rehabilitated as much as possible, and education is part of rehabilitation. It increases the ex-con's ability to gain employment, thereby reducing overall cost to the taxpayer. It also bolsters a sense of pride of accomplishment, which can have very positive behavioral outcomes.

I don't see the same kind of outcome associated with educating the LWOP inmate. There is no benefit to be derived, really. Even the improved behavioral outcome associated with accomplishment isn't realized in an inmate held in solitude.

I don't think it's important for Miss Casey Anthony to realize her greatest potential on earth. I don't believe the taxpayers should be forced to pay the price of providing her with a jailhouse law degree. I don't think society owes her the opportunity to become self-actualized.

I believe she threw out these rights when she threw out her daughter like yesterday's dinner scraps.
My thought would be I wouldn't mind this so much if our tax dollars helped victims of violent crimes rather than the people that commit them.


This is the heart of it all, to me.

I'm sorry for your pain. *hugs*

It's infuriating to me that those in jail could get a free education, while right now I am in college over full time - as a mom of two small children, working my britches off and paying out my nose for my education.

I was also a victim... I can't stomach to look to see what education he's since received at the tax payers expense. How wonderful that he may benefit out of what he did to me and others.

How nice that crime has such added benefits. *dripping sarcasm*

What a slap in the face to those that stay clean and work hard to better themselves the LEGAL way.

ETA: This thread drug me out of lurkdom...LOL Sheer force!...
WE should all be allowed to attend college. I'm not being snarky, but in other countrys, it's a real option. WE don't have it here, because some folks don't want to pay for others to go to college. Afraid someone will get a free ride. So.. folks are stuck with huge college bills.. while others think they don't have the option to attend college.

I think that folks who recive the grade, should be allowed to attend college. Period!

But in our system, someone serving LWOP shouldn't be recieven a education, unless it's to do a job in our jail system. And the salary should go to pay back the cost of the education the person received. And to help lower the cost of the jail and prison system on the tax payers.

In Denmark it's free for all people.
If a prisoner receives a degree while in prison it is my opinion that if they are ever released, they should have to pay back the money that us common folk would have paid to obtain the same degree.


The idea of KC getting ANYthing makes me want to vomit.
Your rights as a prisoner should be determined by your crime. A child murderer should have NO RIGHTS - they are not human. There are hardworking upstanding people in this country who can barely afford to feed their children 3 meals a day nevermind college and someone like Casey is given more than them.
Why would someone doing life be getting an education anyway? It makes me sick...
I don't care if she gets an education or not.

I wouldn't care if she paid for it herself.

Like the rest of us have to.

Funny how a prisoner is first to scream of not having equal and fair rights...

I think every citizen should be screaming about this.

I guess I'm going about this the wrong way. Doh! Thinking I should stay hard working and of high morals. What am I thinking.... A free education is in sight. *sarcasm*
Yeah. Doesn't really bother me. She's going to be in prison the rest of her life. I imagine educated prisoners are probably easier to control. At least they're keeping their minds busy with books, not with making shivs or planning elaborate escape plans.
Your rights as a prisoner should be determined by your crime. A child murderer should have NO RIGHTS - they are not human. There are hardworking upstanding people in this country who can barely afford to feed their children 3 meals a day nevermind college and someone like Casey is given more than them.
Why would someone doing life be getting an education anyway? It makes me sick...

:clap::clap: It make's me sick the tax payer is already paying to feed, house, clothe & give her medical care. She should have NO, NOT ONE, right for ANYTHING, no pringles, no bottled water, NOTHING. I say speedy trial & if found not guilty let her go to school on HER dime, if guilty a quick death sentence carried out. We have thousands of homeless veterans the govt says they can't help for lack of funds....put the prisoner college fund into the vets. We owe prisoners NOTHING.
:clap::clap: It make's me sick the tax payer is already paying to feed, house, clothe & give her medical care. She should have NO, NOT ONE, right for ANYTHING, no pringles, no bottled water, NOTHING. I say speedy trial & if found not guilty let her go to school on HER dime, if guilty a quick death sentence carried out. We have thousands of homeless veterans the govt says they can't help for lack of funds....put the prisoner college fund into the vets. We owe prisoners NOTHING.

Or how about we feed some of the starving children in our country with that fund. Or pump that $$ into Child Protective Services so there are more resources to help them.

When you take another persons life, you give up your human rights. I am so beyond disgusted, I need to stop posting in this thread before I get myself into trouble.

Pringles.... I am so fired up. :furious:

After the trial she could potentially be sitting there eating reeses, rubbing coco butter on her legs and getting a law degree... :furious:

While I work hard and shop at the discount store to barely feed my family and HOPEFULLY save enough to put my daughter through college.
As Scarlett O'Hara said: "I'll worry about that later."
Or how about we feed some of the starving children in our country with that fund. Or pump that $$ into Child Protective Services so there are more resources to help them.

When you take another persons life, you give up your human rights. I am so beyond disgusted, I need to stop posting in this thread before I get myself into trouble.

Pringles.... I am so fired up. :furious:

After the trial she could potentially be sitting there eating reeses, rubbing coco butter on her legs and getting a law degree... :furious:

While I work hard and shop at the discount store to barely feed my family and HOPEFULLY save enough to put my daughter through college.

Hi Shannon. Know what makes me sick? There was a time when one of my best friends didn't qualify for WIC (food program) b/c she made over the amount for 3 people (her kids were 4 & 7). She made $29000 and had 2 kids! She only needed it b/c her ex failed to pay child support and she was worried about her bills & mortgage payments falling behind, so she thought since she'd worked since she was 16 that it would be a true go ahead for a few months. Well, it really burns me up that, if I use FSU as an example, this perp can get to go to college for free when I had to bust my rump to go there! All I'm saying is that maybe there should be certain limitations, and definitely a payback program including reimbursement at in-state rates and community service for a very long time. How can we put a price on govt supplied food for our children but we can pay for prisoners to get their degrees. Something's not right here. I tend to agree with the basic educational needs to help prisoners, but there should be a line drawn...especially when our country is in the shape it's in right now.

Check it out: Tuition at FSU is $3,175 (in-state) and $16,306 (out-of-state) per term.

Full Year (in-state): $12,700
Full Year (out-of-state): $65,224

Note: This does not include room & board, books, or other living expenses.
That is our system. My sister and I used to joke (after we were both on ss medicare) that we should all be in jail, having art classes, taking college courses and let all the criminals go to work everyday and fight the traffic and shoot each other instead of the rest of the population. We also wanted all their social security to go to our further education and hobbies. Sounded like a plan to me. :) Another way of saying "don't get mad, get even"
I don't care if she gets an education or not.

Hi Patty:) What about if you were paying for it? Our govt funds these programs - which starts with our tax dollars. I agree with the prison reforms & educational system, but there should be limitations in place. Maybe there are, and I'm not familiar with them, which is the reason I started this thread. Thanks so much for your input...I always look forward to reading your posts.:blowkiss:
I dont have a problem with this.

Most prisoners could do with expanding their education.
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