KC Could Get A College Degree In Prison For Free - Thoughts Please

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I guess the question would be. How much does it cost to house a prisoner per year?

Is it cheaper to educate them so that the likelyhood of them returning is lower.

At the end of the day perhaps studies show it's cheaper to give them an education then have them come back to prison.

~shrugs~ I'd think whatever keeps your tax dollars in your pocket would be the best solution

Don't get me wrong. Prisoners with LWOP probably don't receive any kind of education. But for those serving several years, I'm not sure it's such a bad idea. If you look at the whole picture.

Good point. Take away all the frills & it would be much cheaper. No books, no gym, no hot water in the shower, no tv's, NO NOTHING, just a cell, iron bars, a pot to pee in. Give them grits & koolaid & toss a vitamin their way. They broke the law and deserve nothing, are entitled to nothing. These people didnt care if they sold dope to your kids, robbed or raped you elderly grandma or killed their kid. Let them all rot...no medical no dental, no nothing. Think how cheap it would be then. Put that money into education, health care, housing & feeding those who do not break the law.
Good point. Take away all the frills & it would be much cheaper. No books, no gym, no hot water in the shower, no tv's, NO NOTHING, just a cell, iron bars, a pot to pee in. Give them grits & koolaid & toss a vitamin their way. They broke the law and deserve nothing, are entitled to nothing. These people didnt care if they sold dope to your kids, robbed or raped you elderly grandma or killed their kid. Let them all rot...no medical no dental, no nothing. Think how cheap it would be then. Put that money into education, health care, housing & feeding those who do not break the law.

Exactly! Set a standard! The more that know of this standard, the less people will commit crimes!
Don't educate criminals for free and think that they will not get in trouble again just because! Start in the jail, make it rough and tough so that they refuse to go back!
So in an economy such as ours, we are wasting tax dollars on giving prisoners a college degree that they may never use. That makes sense :rolleyes:
The US national debt is $10,641,877,013,510.77 as of today increasing an average of $3.31 BILLION per day since Sept. 07. And people don't care that prisoners are getting paid in full education on that?

How about putting that towards a college education for the 100's of thousands of people lining up for unemployment?

Oh, I agree!! ITA!
She might be offered the opportunity to get a degree, but I bet she won't take it up!! As a single mom, with low income, receiving no child support, she probably could have attended college for free on the outside. But you know what: hard work, a little self discipline and the desire to accomplish something positive in life -- that's not Casey's style!!!!

She'd rather learn how to steal checks and cash them, than work an honest day and earn one.
She might be offered the opportunity to get a degree, but I bet she won't take it up!! As a single mom, with low income, receiving no child support, she probably could have attended college for free on the outside. But you know what: hard work, a little self discipline and the desire to accomplish something positive in life -- that's not Casey's style!!!!

She'd rather learn how to steal checks and cash them, than work an honest day and earn one.

Yeah, but the only difference is that, in jail, she won't have "the little snothead" to distract her during study time.
Out of six million incarcerated human beings in this country, how many are getting college degrees and going to law school? How many are getting college degrees?

With all due respect, Bev, that's not the point. The point is that it's not offered to everybody else. I find it very disheartening.
I think it is unlikely that KC would actually want to commit to a college degree program. What I do think she would jump at, is the chance to take cosmetology classes. She'd probably still drop out, but not before they cover brazilian waxing.
I agree with prisoner getting their GED. I don't agree if they get a degree and come out of prison and get a job with a degree with taxpayer money. If they do they need to pay the amount that it would cost my child for same degree. Has far has service men and women in service they are protecting our country and I don't mind my tax dollars going for them. JMO
No no no no no...please don't get me wrong. I'm saying that it's not fair that everybody doesn't have these same luxuries. I believe in rehabilitation, sure, without a doubt...but the innocent should not be left out - which they are. That's what I'm trying to say. We have a broken system that needs to be repaired. Our country is in a sad state, yet our lawmakers give prisoners a college education and We The People can't afford to do the same for ourselves or our children. That's what I'm saying. Something's definitely wrong here.

I agree totally with you!
Why is everyone getting so worked up over this? If this free education is available to everyone in prison, then why single out Casey? Has she said she wanted to get a degree? Are there any plans or preparations for these college courses already going on? Of course not, she's not in prison yet. Why don't we all wait and see what happens IF she goes to prison? Because it is not a certainty yet that she will be convicted. A high probability, yes.... but not 100% certain.
In the meantime, I'm not going to worry about something that isn't even happening yet.
I personally don't care if she gets a degree or not. If she is convicted, what good will that degree do her? She is in prison for life. If she so happens to get out early, who is going to hire her with her background? She will be a old woman by than. So, her get a degree. Besides, the thing she wants most is taken away from her and that was her FREEDOM! They are stuck in a jail cell 23/7, allowing them maybe an hour out of their cell. How boring is that? I'd go nuts.. :behindbar :crazy:

Bpred is okay,and who cares if she goes nuts,I believe she is really already there!!! IF everyone is entitled to an education,let's provide for those not incarcerated firdt,and maybe even have the prisoners sponser children. A prisoner should have NO fluff!!!!
is this distance learning, or with a teacher in an actual classroom setting? i ask because, if casey has a male teacher, we all know how she'll earn her degree. mmmm hmmm
The title of the thread is a hypothetical and thereby all replies are in reference to the hypothetical which was posed. IF Casey gets to go to college IF she is convicted then how do we the people feel about that? I for one think it is a complete and total waste to give any type of degree to someone who is going to spend the rest of their lives in prison. I DO believe they should have access to reading materials and even libraries of materials where they could educate themselves for their own therapy while facing a lifetime of incarceration. However, I agree that whatever funds are being given to those on the inside of prisons should be re-routed to those who are struggling to go to college and have NOT committed any crimes. I mean, come on, does anybody here honestly believe that prisoners inside are being rehabilitated? If so then you may want to do some research on that because the vast majority are not being "rehabilitated" at all, just trained better in the ways of crime. Why waste the money there when it could be put to better and more productive use for citizens who did NOT choose to break the law. I mean, if you are a convicted felon you are no longer eligible for student loans, so why should folks on the inside be offered this preferential treatment over those who served their time and got out and did not get a degree while inside. The system IS broken in a million and one ways and the way to fix it alludes us all I guess...:waitasec:
She *did* graduate from high school. She *did* get her diploma. It's on record.See this link:


There's a link to the document that shows it.

THat said: Law offenders seem to have way more rights than us common peons who follow the law.

I thought she had gotten her diploma also (after her class graduated, at some point. ) I see the hand-written note on the school records that were linked, with the notation that she did.

Interesting, Nate's interview with Melich & Allen (this is ch. 13's pdf, my highlighting):

According to Nate, LA told them she hadn't gotten her diploma, the night he went to TL's to pick up KC's things. Why would he say that?
The article referenced in the first post says nothing about free and it says nothing about FSU currently offering any such program. The article is about research and development efforts by some of the "criminologists at Florida State who will guide and coordinate the group's efforts in cooperation with the Correctional Education Association www.ceanational.org and other national and state organizations. Together the participants will provide leadership and research and develop legislative advocacy. In addition, Florida State researchers will collect data from all 50 states to establish a National Data Clearinghouse for juvenile justice and adult correctional education."
"The hoped-for result: sound public policy that truly takes a bite out of crime by reducing recidivism and the nation's expensive and ineffective reliance upon incarceration."

Incidentally, FSU does not rely solely on public funding (state taxes) and appears to, like many similar public institutions, receive a ton of private funding from a variety of corporate and individual sources. It appears that this particular research project is in fact seeking outside funding.
The title of the thread is a hypothetical and thereby all replies are in reference to the hypothetical which was posed. IF Casey gets to go to college IF she is convicted then how do we the people feel about that? I for one think it is a complete and total waste to give any type of degree to someone who is going to spend the rest of their lives in prison. I DO believe they should have access to reading materials and even libraries of materials where they could educate themselves for their own therapy while facing a lifetime of incarceration. However, I agree that whatever funds are being given to those on the inside o:rant::rant::rant:f prisons should be re-routed to those who are struggling to go to college and have NOT committed any crimes. I mean, come on, does anybody here honestly believe that prisoners inside are being rehabilitated? If so then you may want to do some research on that because the vast majority are not being "rehabilitated" at all, just trained better in the ways of crime. Why waste the money there when it could be put to better and more productive use for citizens who did NOT choose to break the law. I mean, if you are a convicted felon you are no longer eligible for student loans, so why should folks on the inside be offered this preferential treatment over those who served their time and got out and did not get a degree while inside. The system IS broken in a million and one ways and the way to fix it alludes us all I guess...:waitasec:

This is what is wrong with this country and needs to be fixed! My son is struggling to find open classes at a State College while inmates complete their degrees with ease. Illegal aliens are admitted to UCLA on scholarships even though they cannot legally work in the US after they graduate.

I learned a long time ago that if I start to worry about these things, I make myself miserable. I've learned to cast my vote and try not to worry about the unfairness in this life.

Upstanding, law abiding citizens should be given the same educational and health care benefits as convicted felons. Maybe some day this country will realize that in our efforts to be "fair" we've given certain individuals greater rights and benefits than others and that when one violates the rules of society they go to the bottom of the ladder.

Our economy cannot afford to support many of the programs that we have grown accustomed to funding. We have many hard decisions to make as a society. I only hope that the needs of those deserve our support are funded first before those who have failed abide by the laws of our country.

End of tirade.
A few years ago, I did extensive research about the prison
system in the USA, it is heartbreaking. First, I need to say all prisons are not the same. With that said, here are some of the facts I found: 1. A felon is provided, free
food, a cell/room, the best medical and dental free,
a complete library with full law section, recreation that can include learning to play a musical instrument,(I just saw a
man serving life, doing his hobby minature doll house and furniture to scale..$1000's of our dollars.) They are also paid for the work assignment they do. ( It does not go to the victim.) There is free entertainment, tv's.

During my research I discoved the College I graduated from had provided free education to some of our prisons.
It use to be through the "Pell Grant", it may still be. However, it we taxpayers who pay. They can keep going with their education AA, BA, MA who knows maybe even a PHD. It is a hard truth to accept.

The topper I found, was that is the prisoner was not guilty of a violent crime/or sexual one and had good behavior during the years..in some prisons they would be offered the position and a prison Guard at $15/hr+ all the benefits.

As for KC, I personally do not think she has that kind of interest. You have to work very hard and she seems to just seek pleasure for herself. I do think she will find someone to marry her, so she can get the money she needs. This is especially true if her family pulls away.

In conclusion, far too much goes on behind the walls we
are never told about. I have a family member that is a victim ( carrys a bullet in his head)..he has recieved nothing..yet the man who killed his friend and shot him
goes up for parole every 2 yrs. Victim rights have never recieved the attention the prisoners demand.

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