KC's "Brain Development"

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I am saying IT MUST be considered, and she cannot be treated as a Normal person. No, I am not saying she should be set free.

NOW: many bipolar people untreated have killed.

People with mental illness are no more dangerous than people without mental illness. Mental illness doesn't cause violence.
I do not believe she is bi-polar. IMO She seems like a psychopath and pathological liar, and not a very good or skilled one either. Her executive functioning seems waaaay off to me. I would venture a guess that she does indeed have frontal lobe damage. Too bad we'll never know for sure.

I cannot say damage in the brain and then say normal....
I agree that it is very hard to detect, recognize, or accept.
I also am not a DR. but I am somewhat learned and not by choice, just out of necessity. MI does not only mean bipolar, it can be other forms; also hard to diagnose.
BY NOW, she has been so vilified and I do see why she is vilified, that people just refuse to see that MI also exists here.
I just wanted to say, just because you know someone who has Bipolar Disorder does not make you an expert. Please don't mislead others with "facts."

Violence is not a symptom Bipolar Disorder.

Bipolar Disorder can also look alot like Cyclothymic Disorder and Seasonal Affective Disorder.

The reason there is a high rate of Bipolar Disorder now is the fact the medical card and insurance reimburses doctors and therapists for Bipolar Disorder but will not for a lot of other disorders. It is an abuse of the system but Doctors do like to get paid for their services, even if their patient is really malingering.

Also, there are two types of Bipolar Disorder with eight different mood qualifiers - in essence you can say there are 16 different types of Bipolar Disorder.

Try not to confuse others. Thanks.

Like my professor said on our first day of grad school in Advanced Psychopathology, "A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing."

Thank you for that. There seems to be a lot of misinformation and stigmatizing language regarding mental illness here at times.
I cannot say damage in the brain and then say normal....
I agree that it is very hard to detect, recognize, or accept.
I also am not a DR. but I am somewhat learned and not by choice, just out of necessity. MI does not only mean bipolar, it can be other forms; also hard to diagnose.
BY NOW, she has been so vilified and I do see why she is vilified, that people just refuse to see that MI also exists here.

I clearly stated what I believe in the post of mine that you quoted. Unlike her lawyers I don't find her particularly intelligent either. I think she l;ives in the moment, never looking forward or back with any kind of real reflection or forethought.
People with mental illness are no more dangerous than people without mental illness. Mental illness doesn't cause violence.

Obviously not all Bipolar victims kill. Sadly there is a history where it shows that some do.
It is very clear to me from reading here that some refuse to accept this as a possibility.
Fortunately, not many people know enough unless it touches them directly.
If any one feels confused by posts about Mental Illness, at least they are considering more than just "Let's Hang Her"
IMHO, Casey is mentally ill.
No, I do not condone her behavior or think she should be set free.
NO, I do not think she is the evil reincarnate. I think she is MI

Someone said there is more than one kind of BP that is very true. There are three types. and many have an add on of a, personality disorder attached.
IMO from all I learned and had seen, each person who is a victim of
BP shows up very differently.
I clearly stated what I believe in the post of mine that you quoted. Unlike her lawyers I don't find her particularly intelligent either. I think she l;ives in the moment, never looking forward or back with any kind of real reflection or forethought.

I agree. I think people are confusing "intelligence" with "not being low iq". She seems average/below average at best and not at all insightful or analytical, and not emotionally intelligent in any way. She functions but that's about it imo.
The frontal lobe is diveded into three distinct functional zones: motor cortex, premotor cortex, and prefrontal cortex. The premotor cortex can be divided into two regions: lateral area responsible for selecting behaviors and supplementary area. The prefrontal cortex can be divided into two general zones: dorsolateral (memory) and the inferior prefrontal region. I could go on and on but this is not a class.

So, what I'm saying is - the frontal lobeS each have a distinct funtion with connections between areas that also have functions. Saying someone has damage to their frontal lobes could mean anywhere from loss of memory to impaired reasoning to Parkinson's disease.

Saying someone has frontal lobe damage is really broad and confusing.
Obviously not all Bipolar victims kill. Sadly there is a history where it shows that some do.
It is very clear to me from reading here that some refuse to accept this as a possibility.
Fortunately, not many people know enough unless it touches them directly.
If any one feels confused by posts about Mental Illness, at least they are considering more than just "Let's Hang Her"
IMHO, Casey is mentally ill.
No, I do not condone her behavior or think she should be set free.
NO, I do not think she is the evil reincarnate. I think she is MI

Someone said there is more than one kind of BP that is very true. There are three types. and many have an add on of a, personality disorder attached.
IMO from all I learned and had seen, each person who is a victim of
BP shows up very differently.

I'm just not sure how mental illness is relevant to her actions. Mental illness does not cause people to murder. It seems like there is a correlation being made where none exists...Yes, people with mental illness do commit crimes, but having mental illness does not predispose someone to committing crimes.
ADHD and Personality Disorders are not comorbid with Bipolar Disorder.
I'm just not sure how mental illness is relevant to her actions. Mental illness does not cause people to murder. It seems like there is a correlation being made where none exists...Yes, people with mental illness do commit crimes, but having mental illness does not predispose someone to committing crimes.

Hi, Horace Finklestein. I agree with this post and several of your other earlier posts. Casey Anthony's actions as we understand them are so unthinkable that many of us find ourselves searching for their explanations beyond the pale.
How could a mentally defective person do all the things she has done?
False job.2 years?
Making up false boss' email accounts to fool everyone?
fake names of friends/ babysitter?

She had no need for a babysitter she did not work, plus no money to pay one if she had one.
Taking police to the steps of an unoccupied aprtment she says he dropped Caylee off at only to return in the afternoon to find both the babysitter & Caylee gone?

removed her sims card from her cells[cell?] phone/hiding evidence.

Covered her tracks pretty well looks like to me..no mentally defective person here.
If anything she is a PATHOLOGICAL LIER.
Who is also a NARCIST[?} you know what I mean.

The whole thing:rollercoaster::silly::nuts:

Mental illness does not = stupid. It's not like being mentally retarded. I'm "mentally defective" (as are millions of other Americans) and can remove a sim card- they actually even let us drive cars and have children, get jobs and get married :crazy:. We aren't dumb, we are sick.
Hi, Horace Finklestein. I agree with this post and several of your other earlier posts. Casey Anthony's actions as we understand them are so unthinkable that many of us find ourselves searching for their explanations beyond the pale.

Thank you...it is just upsetting to me to see mental illness become a scapegoat. It harms people who have mental illness by increasing stigma and misinformation. There is no more reason to jump to mental illness as an explanation than there is to blame it on the color of her hair.
Thank you...it is just upsetting to me to see mental illness become a scapegoat. It harms people who have mental illness by increasing stigma and misinformation. There is no more reason to jump to mental illness as an explanation than there is to blame it on the color of her hair.

You are so right. I have an in-law suffering from this malady and I have seen how this gentle man's anxiety has been redoubled by people's insensitive responses to his very real problem.
I'm just not sure how mental illness is relevant to her actions. Mental illness does not cause people to murder. It seems like there is a correlation being made where none exists...Yes, people with mental illness do commit crimes, but having mental illness does not predispose someone to committing crimes.
However, what I do not know is what really happened -
SEE IF Casey is MI and they are known for making bad decisions. WHAT IF she just put Caylee in the trunk to sleep while she did party? (Bad decision) and returned to a catastrophe, because the baby suffocated? Just using it as an example I refuse to hang her as if I know all the facts.
MI does predispose them to lie.
Thank you...it is just upsetting to me to see mental illness become a scapegoat. It harms people who have mental illness by increasing stigma and misinformation. There is no more reason to jump to mental illness as an explanation than there is to blame it on the color of her hair.

I just did a 5-mile walk for Mental Health Awareness to erase Stigma and get more awareness, more funding, more help, and more Laws to help these people. FACT: There are far more MI people in prisons today then they want to publish, we are trying to change a few laws to help them, they belong in other facilities not a prison.

SO I DO AGREE that is adds to stigma.
I am refusing to Hang KC just because I feel she is MI.
Do I want her out walking *ell NO!
But MI is real it is a hardship not a scapegoat.
The only misinformation we have on this case is from the entire ANTHONEY FAMILY.
As for MI people yes they are smart – the fact that most people are surprised at that should show us all how little we all know.

HANGING HER and playing Judge and Jury is her dilemma.
But If I am going to walk 5 miles for awarness and raise funds

If you read the "manic" part of bi polar symptoms you will recognise KC
had some...
I think if you are going to sentence someone to lethal injection/ LWPOP then they should at least be diagnosed as to whether they have these problems first.
I truly feel so sorry for what happened to Caylee, please dont get me wrong.
but...I think you have to have someone in your family or a friend with bipolar to understand how out of control they get and the things they do that dont make sense.
NORMAL young women do not go on about life when their 2 yr old is missing and not tell anyone about it and then make up elabarote stories when pinned for an explanation. ie: her taking the Detective to Universal Studios and saying she worked there. (she didn't)
Dont forget, in the beginning alot of her friends always said what a good Mother she was, something went terribly WRONG. That is why there will be a jury to listen to it all and then decide what happened. Not just jump to conclusuin that she is just a horrible person trying to get back at her Mother.
I cannot say damage in the brain and then say normal....
I agree that it is very hard to detect, recognize, or accept.
I also am not a DR. but I am somewhat learned and not by choice, just out of necessity. MI does not only mean bipolar, it can be other forms; also hard to diagnose.
BY NOW, she has been so vilified and I do see why she is vilified, that people just refuse to see that MI also exists here.

Psychopaths do not have brain damage. They just have different functioning brains.

Organic brain disorders do not necessarily equate with mental illness.

Bipolar, IMO, is the flavour of the day for explaining criminal behaviour. It's highly overrated and totally wrong. Statistically you will not find a significant number of bipolars prone to murder. They are however prone to killing themselves in significant numbers. I'm sick of bipolar getting such a bad rap.

She is villified because she is evil. She knows the difference between right and wrong and doesn't care. That is not mental illness, it is psychopathy.
Obviously not all Bipolar victims kill. Sadly there is a history where it shows that some do.
It is very clear to me from reading here that some refuse to accept this as a possibility.
Fortunately, not many people know enough unless it touches them directly.
If any one feels confused by posts about Mental Illness, at least they are considering more than just "Let's Hang Her"
IMHO, Casey is mentally ill.
No, I do not condone her behavior or think she should be set free.
NO, I do not think she is the evil reincarnate. I think she is MI

Someone said there is more than one kind of BP that is very true. There are three types. and many have an add on of a, personality disorder attached.
IMO from all I learned and had seen, each person who is a victim of
BP shows up very differently.

Yes, they are considering the totality of the behaviour and not just some aspects of it. With all due respect, personal familiarity with an illness does not make that person any more of an expert than anyone else. The knowledge and ability to perform a differential diagnosis does. This has nothing to do with hanging her high in any case. You guess a certain way, others don't agree with the guess, nor the reasoning. I certainly don't.
I used to suffer from terrible anxiety attacks. When I went to a dr., he flat out told me that I was repressing memories of sexual abuse... sounds cliched I know, but honestly, I believed him. To this day, years later, I haven't remembered, but there have been glimmers of memory. What forced me to go to the dr. was this...I was 17 years old and at a party with a friend. I admit that I smoked weed, but that was all...and it was the same weed everybody else smoked. Relaxed, I leaned back against the couch and realized I felt 'weird'. I stood up & the next thing I remember is 'coming to', and hearing a blood curdling scream. I was doing the screaming...and had picked up and was holding a very large fully stocked refrigerator. I slammed it down on the floor, looked around me, and could tell that every single person there, was scared of lil ol me. Well, I started having anxiety attacks and eventually made it to a psychiatrist. He explained that I had relaxed enough to let my mental gaurd down, & had remembered, but then I physically forced those memories back down. I know in my gut that's exactly what happened. It's not like I've forgotten, but more like something I just haven't thought about in a long time. Anyway, whatever it was, made me temporarily insane. I didn't hurt anybody, but I could have. If somebody had interfered during those seconds of fugue state, I think I might have killed him with my bare hands...and not even known it! I'm not making excuses for KC, I don't know what her mentality was, but something could be wrong with her and maybe there's more going on than just evil. If I had done something horrible, I would have immediately confessed and not driven around with a dead body, that's for sure, so IMO she knows enough to cover her backside. But my point is this...abuse can and does make some people mentally ill. MOO.

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