KC's whereabouts June 17 - June 20

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*respectfully snipped*
That was me, Bond, who said they closed @ midnight. I was going by what I found listed in their website. I was wrong though, as Intermezzo pointed out (thanks Intermezzo :) ). Called them in person today to double check and the 2nd PJ's she called is open till 1 am (the first closes @ midnight). Just stating for accuracy.


Could u point me to the doc where you'all got these two #s ending in 9999. I've looked and looked and can't find them. I read where LE/FBI states there were omissions in the 1st set of cell records, but I can't find the doc that shows these missing numbers. TIA! :)

The only record I find lists 2 more calls to restaurant/pizza places immediately following the Papa John's calls, nothing ending in 9999.

(Sorry I'm out of the loop :) )

This is backwards from what was stated earlier and what I found in their yellow pages add, for Papa John's pizza locations. Are you saying you called 273-7272 and they said they are open only till midnight and 380-7272 said they are open till 1am? Since she spoke the longest on the first call, she couldn't have been told they were still open, ordered pizza then called the other one.There would be no reason to do that. She also couldn't have been told they are closed then tried the other one still open and only talk for 4 seconds, if she were ordering a pizza. The only explaination is that she was looking for someone.

I see no other calls after the pizza calls and 9999 calls other than one text to Tony and one coming back from him, till the next morning at 7:55am on the discovery doc cell records. I'm looking at pg 500, hand written page number, I believe. It's hard to read them on the copy I have because they didn't scan the whole number.

I also don't know that I buy them texting each other being in the same house or her texting back and forth while he is in class or lab, unless there is a very lenient instructor and he doesn't need to focus on his work.

ETA: The info I got yesterday on the 9999 number was from PhoneTray which won't open up today for some reason. Today I looked again and found this site: http://www.whosephoneisthis.com/exchange/407-447-6666.html The 447 exchcange is an Orlando number through Florida Digital Network. It says it is a landline, even though the site yesterday said differently. The 478 number is Winter Park and is a landline, according to this site. If either of these numbers were a business they would come up in a search. I'm confused as to why they come up with two different carriers though. Makes me doubt the validity of search results. This page: http://www.whitepages.com/10866/search/ReversePhone?full_phone=407-447-9999&localtime=survey says it is a landline, unpublished or unavailable. It says the same for the Winter Park number.
She had TL's jeep when he was in NY. I think he had no idea she was using it the entire time he was gone.

Yes, she did drive TL's jeep when he was gone to NY (June 30-July5) but she also had his Jeep one late afternoon, after 5pm, when she went to visit Chris S at his home. I think the date was June 18 or 19.
I believe TL would be inbetween classes, so I wondered why she would have the Jeep sans TL and she went to visit Chris. I don't remember TL mentioning he let her borrow his Jeep one afternoon.

I'm going to theorize, her car was at TL's apartment complex, the 2 left to go somewhere, TL stayed(let's say Fusion to set up since Friday June 20 was Fusion Night) and she asked to borrow his Jeep instead of waiting for him.
Intermezzo, I started a simple reponse that turned into a few hours of sleuthing. :bang: I'm still working out options...I need to re-read Chris' account.

The short answer is we don't (but would love to) know why Casey had Tony's Jeep when she visited Chris' house. She had just finished a text conversation w/ Sean before this period started...and she pinged near Fusian @ 5:45PM which would not be the direct route to Chris'. I am curious if Tony wanted something from Sean that was @ Fusian and Casey offered to go get it for him since Tony would be 'hosting' the 6/20PM event. IIRC, Tony and Casey distributed flyers 6/11 for the 6/13 Fusian event...it would've been late Thursday PM to be getting flyers for a Friday PM event 6/20...so...just thinkin' out loud here. IIRC, Sean lived south of G&C's, hence, Fusian would be kinda half-way, and/or, perhaps Fusian had them printed & delivered to the restaurant....dunno.

Short answer regarding Tony's whereabouts during Casey-Chris time...he was @/near his apartment. He pinged there for some in & outbound calls during the time Casey was MIA that evening. Being a Thursday afternoon Tony should've been between afternoon & evening classes, IIRC.[/QUOTE]


Thanks Bond
I just posted above(before reading your post) that perhaps she and TL went to Fusion so he could set up or something and she didn't want to wait around and asked him to borrow his Jeep.
But as you pointed out TL was at/near his apartment and Casey was off with his Jeep.
So the question still remains, why she was driving TL's Jeep and where was the Pontiac parked? Hopefully LE has cleared that mystery up.:)
I think Chris stated Casey told him her car was broken down:rolleyes:....Geez, what a worn out excuse that has become
This is backwards from what was stated earlier and what I found in their yellow pages add, for Papa John's pizza locations. Are you saying you called 273-7272 and they said they are open only till midnight and 380-7272 said they are open till 1am? Since she spoke the longest on the first call, she couldn't have been told they were still open, ordered pizza then called the other one.There would be no reason to do that. She also couldn't have been told they are closed then tried the other one still open and only talk for 4 seconds, if she were ordering a pizza. The only explaination is that she was looking for someone.

I see no other calls after the pizza calls and 9999 calls other than one text to Tony and one coming back from him, till the next morning at 7:55am on the discovery doc cell records. I'm looking at pg 500, hand written page number, I believe. It's hard to read them on the copy I have because they didn't scan the whole number.

I also don't know that I buy them texting each other being in the same house or her texting back and forth while he is in class or lab, unless there is a very lenient instructor and he doesn't need to focus on his work.

ETA: The info I got yesterday on the 9999 number was from PhoneTray which won't open up today for some reason. Today I looked again and found this site: http://www.whosephoneisthis.com/exchange/407-447-6666.html The 447 exchcange is an Orlando number through Florida Digital Network. It says it is a landline, even though the site yesterday said differently. The 478 number is Winter Park and is a landline, according to this site. If either of these numbers were a business they would come up in a search. I'm confused as to why they come up with two different carriers though. Makes me doubt the validity of search results. This page: http://www.whitepages.com/10866/search/ReversePhone?full_phone=407-447-9999&localtime=survey says it is a landline, unpublished or unavailable. It says the same for the Winter Park number.

I don't know about cell phone tech stuff but I am wondering, do we know for certain when she called the first PJ number that someone answered the call?
Or did she just let the phone ring for awhile, no one answered and she hung up?
I don't know about cell phone tech stuff but I am wondering, do we know for certain when she called the first PJ number that someone answered the call?
Or did she just let the phone ring for awhile, no one answered and she hung up?

I don't believe any call would begin the clock until it is answered, whether by a machine or a person.
Intermezzo, I started a simple reponse that turned into a few hours of sleuthing. :bang: I'm still working out options...I need to re-read Chris' account.

The short answer is we don't (but would love to) know why Casey had Tony's Jeep when she visited Chris' house. She had just finished a text conversation w/ Sean before this period started...and she pinged near Fusian @ 5:45PM which would not be the direct route to Chris'. I am curious if Tony wanted something from Sean that was @ Fusian and Casey offered to go get it for him since Tony would be 'hosting' the 6/20PM event. IIRC, Tony and Casey distributed flyers 6/11 for the 6/13 Fusian event...it would've been late Thursday PM to be getting flyers for a Friday PM event 6/20...so...just thinkin' out loud here. IIRC, Sean lived south of G&C's, hence, Fusian would be kinda half-way, and/or, perhaps Fusian had them printed & delivered to the restaurant....dunno.

Short answer regarding Tony's whereabouts during Casey-Chris time...he was @/near his apartment. He pinged there for some in & outbound calls during the time Casey was MIA that evening. Being a Thursday afternoon Tony should've been between afternoon & evening classes, IIRC.

Sounds like maybe a drug pickup to me - maybe Tony needed some pot and told Casey she could take his Jeep if she went to get it.
So the question still remains, why she was driving TL's Jeep and where was the Pontiac parked?

I've been trying to focus on what would cause her to wanna kill time (pun thoroughly intended) like she did that evening.

I've stretched before to suggest that maybe she staged another outta gas within walking distance of Tony's apt. 6/19 as a means to explain the 'two weeks in a row...on a Friday' text to Amy (even though this was a Thursday :rolleyes:)...and that borrowing Tony's Jeep was somehow part of the get gas & recover story. I don't really like that explanation...but I haven't come up w/ one I do like yet.

I don't think much has changed since Nov/Dec when we noted Casey's afternoon trip 6/19 to the JBPark area...and tagged that as a one of the likely bag and/or staging events.

Now we know Tony was @ the apt. the afternoon of 6/19, and we know Casey had just IM'd Iassen that she was going to get food ~1:46PM...and that Amy said she & Will were on their way over about Amy's totalled car. All that still allows a 6/19 afternoon bagging ~3PM. The ADD supports it too...albeit a slightly earlier in the afternoon 6/16 t.o.d. (~4:30PM) than I prefer. I'm trying to see if all of this works into the clothes find @ JBPark 8/17. With the chess game of Jeep vs. Pontiac @ Chris' that evening it still points to the now-bagged body being in the Pontiac 6/19PM...likely in the Sutton Place apt. parking lot overnight.

Looking more to me like the lightening quick trip to the G&C area on the afternoon of 6/20 ~2PM was the actual body disposal on Suburban Drive...middle of the afternoon no less...and no advance calls to locate George either. And we're talkin' fast...something like 3-5 minutes.

Scenario I: 6/16 ~4:30PM t.o.d., Body bagged 6/19 ~3PM near JBPark or Tony's apt. and disposed later that evening (via Tony's Jeep :eek: or Pontiac). Tough to make the Pontiac use plausible 6/19PM...owing to travel time needed for the round trip to BOTH Suburban AND Chris'. Possible though since we don't have specific times for when Casey left & returned to Chris' or Tony's apt...only partial info. OR body disposed 6/20 ~2PM.

Scenario II: 6/16 ~7:00PM t.o.d. Body bagged 6/19 ~5PM near JBPark or Tony's apt. and disposed later that evening or 6/20 ~2PM (per above)

Scenario III: 6/17 ~3:00AM t.o.d. Body bagged 6/19 ~11PM near Tony's apt. while Tony was in class @ Full Sail that night and disposed 6/20 ~2PM (per above)

Somehow the trip to Chris' might've had something to do with the bagging process releasing a little bit of decomp odor and needing time for that to subside wherever the Pontiac was...to place Casey far from it IOW. Working on possibility for a shower @ JBPark Econ Soccer complex in the mix. "Tony, I'm going for a jog...be back in a few."

Also have to factor in the Crane's Landing visit 6/19 afternoon too...hmmmmm.
Sounds like maybe a drug pickup to me - maybe Tony needed some pot and told Casey she could take his Jeep if she went to get it.

I have to agree.

Once upon a time ...

All the stoners in the Valley, (Ville, Hood, School, you get the picture) got thier weed this way ... seriously! I cannot tell you how many Pizza Joints, how many times, and or, how many peeps ... this was the easiest way, and from what I hear, still is! Pizza and weed ... just think coffee and the paper, they are always (almost) purchased together.
Sounds like maybe a drug pickup to me - maybe Tony needed some pot and told Casey she could take his Jeep if she went to get it.

FWIW, in Nate's interview with Yuri when they are discussing smoking pot, Nate says "Tony, you know doesn’t smoke at all or anything like that.". I would tend to believe this statement because Nate says he himself smokes almost every night before he goes to bed.

IMHO, I think KC ran an errand for Tony, who was probably doing some school work in preparation for his 9 PM to 1 AM lab that night.

Come to think of it...that kind of means KC had to be back enough before 9 PM for Tony to take the short drive over to Full Sail and get to his class. :rolleyes:
:eek:Ok.. I broke down and spent 4.99 at Intelius.com to find out more info about this phone number.
I did not get instant results. Had to wait 48 hours.

fwiw... ALL THEY GAVE ME WAS A FIRST NAME :waitasec: hope I was taken on a ride....

Assisted Phone Search Report - May 20, 2009
Your Report SummaryOrder #19816525
Phone Number: (407) 447-9999

Report Contents
Assisted Phone Report

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Reverse Phone Lookup
What is a Phone Report?
This section lists current and historical records that share the same phone number as your search subject. The Reverse Phone Lookup Summary can be helpful in providing a consolidated view of matching current and historical records for your subjects phone number across multiple public sources.Income & Home Value are compiled from property, demographic, census, & other public record sources. Income & Home Value may contain specific household and area statistics associated with an individual or address.

1 Results found for (407) 447-9999.

Name Address Other Info

Phone Type: Land Line
Carrier: Florida Digital Network Inc
Time Zone: 11:33 PM EST
County: Orange
Average Income: $21,629
Average Home Value: $72,200
This is backwards from what was stated earlier and what I found in their yellow pages add, for Papa John's pizza locations. Are you saying you called 273-7272 and they said they are open only till midnight and 380-7272 said they are open till 1am? Since she spoke the longest on the first call, she couldn't have been told they were still open, ordered pizza then called the other one.There would be no reason to do that. She also couldn't have been told they are closed then tried the other one still open and only talk for 4 seconds, if she were ordering a pizza. The only explaination is that she was looking for someone.

I see no other calls after the pizza calls and 9999 calls other than one text to Tony and one coming back from him, till the next morning at 7:55am on the discovery doc cell records. I'm looking at pg 500, hand written page number, I believe. It's hard to read them on the copy I have because they didn't scan the whole number.

I also don't know that I buy them texting each other being in the same house or her texting back and forth while he is in class or lab, unless there is a very lenient instructor and he doesn't need to focus on his work.

ETA: The info I got yesterday on the 9999 number was from PhoneTray which won't open up today for some reason. Today I looked again and found this site: http://www.whosephoneisthis.com/exchange/407-447-6666.html The 447 exchcange is an Orlando number through Florida Digital Network. It says it is a landline, even though the site yesterday said differently. The 478 number is Winter Park and is a landline, according to this site. If either of these numbers were a business they would come up in a search. I'm confused as to why they come up with two different carriers though. Makes me doubt the validity of search results. This page: http://www.whitepages.com/10866/search/ReversePhone?full_phone=407-447-9999&localtime=survey says it is a landline, unpublished or unavailable. It says the same for the Winter Park number.

407 - 380 - 7272 closes at midnight per my call to them - called again to double check.

407 - 273 - 7272 said they close at one.

On the papa John's website, the hours for both locations list closing time as midnight but, apparently, per the live persons on the phone, that is incorrect.

Hope that helps. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my post. :)
This is backwards from what was stated earlier and what I found in their yellow pages add, for Papa John's pizza locations. Are you saying you called 273-7272 and they said they are open only till midnight and 380-7272 said they are open till 1am? Since she spoke the longest on the first call, she couldn't have been told they were still open, ordered pizza then called the other one.There would be no reason to do that. She also couldn't have been told they are closed then tried the other one still open and only talk for 4 seconds, if she were ordering a pizza. The only explaination is that she was looking for someone.

I see no other calls after the pizza calls and 9999 calls other than one text to Tony and one coming back from him, till the next morning at 7:55am on the discovery doc cell records. I'm looking at pg 500, hand written page number, I believe. It's hard to read them on the copy I have because they didn't scan the whole number.

I also don't know that I buy them texting each other being in the same house or her texting back and forth while he is in class or lab, unless there is a very lenient instructor and he doesn't need to focus on his work.

ETA: The info I got yesterday on the 9999 number was from PhoneTray which won't open up today for some reason. Today I looked again and found this site: http://www.whosephoneisthis.com/exchange/407-447-6666.html The 447 exchcange is an Orlando number through Florida Digital Network. It says it is a landline, even though the site yesterday said differently. The 478 number is Winter Park and is a landline, according to this site. If either of these numbers were a business they would come up in a search. I'm confused as to why they come up with two different carriers though. Makes me doubt the validity of search results. This page: http://www.whitepages.com/10866/search/ReversePhone?full_phone=407-447-9999&localtime=survey says it is a landline, unpublished or unavailable. It says the same for the Winter Park number.

As for the two other restaurants - I've lost the file but they were both "something Ristorante."


OT but HELP anybody!!

I'm having a great deal of trouble finding the phonecall records now. Have actually spent (literally)a couple days now looking through the pdf. files on both my computer (stored) and the Offical Documents . . . thread. Can you or someone point me to the right file? It would mean a great deal. I've looked through so many and don't know where I found them before.

I wouldn't ask if I wasn't giving up hope at this point. I can't stand it when people are lazy and always ask, "Where are the links/docs for this and where are the links/docs for that." Now, here I am doing it, but I'm not being lazy I swear.

This is what I get for judging other people - lol. Going :crazy: here.
407 - 380 - 7272 closes at midnight per my call to them - called again to double check.

407 - 273 - 7272 said they close at one.

On the papa John's website, the hours for both locations list closing time as midnight but, apparently, per the live persons on the phone, that is incorrect.

Hope that helps. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my post. :)

So, the first one she called is the one still open, as I thought. So, again, it makes no sense she would then call another one unless she were looking for someone rather than ordering pizza.

Here is a link where you can find the records: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/1635917/Casey_Anthony_Cell_Log_part1 The rest of the parts should be on the side bar. This is part 1.

Ibeyounger, what a rip off. You paid 5 bucks and they don't even give you a last name, let alone the address. I'll no not to use their service now. So, it confirms the service provider and that it is landline, like I found yesterday. I'm not sure why my first search turned up that it was Cingular/AT&T mobile. I've never heard this name before. I do find one with this first name and a connection to Orlando. But didn't see any hint of a connection to Casey. That was a whole year ago though. A lot changes in that amount of time. Someone else could have had that number last year.

Carrie, I wold think if the 9999 numbers were a business then it would still come up in a search, from old web pages. Here it looks like they both numbers are landlines and unpublished numbers which would mean a residence rather than a business. So, either it was a business number a year ago and they have deleted that information so that it no longer comes up in a google or yahoo search or it was mistaken.
SNIPPED: "Interesting observation re: same last-4 digs for PJ's, AZ. :waitasec:

I'm not certain who it was, but, on one of the other threads IIRC, they suggested PJ's closed @ Midnight.

Casey's first call to PJ#1 @ 12:10AM 6/18 lasted 52 seconds. Her call to PJ#2 @ 12:11AM lasted 4 seconds. Perhaps call#1 was an "I'm sorry, we're closed" w/ some attempt to flirt the guy into just one more order (pick-up or delivery)...and/or...as you suggest, just a call to get the closer store's phone#, only to dial it and learn that they were closed...."
I still like the above explanation as an option re: the two PJ calls...

Yellow pages shows the 1st papa john's called open till 12:30am. Still, she wouldn't call the one furthest away, if she were at Tony's and wanted pizza, then call the one nearer that was closed, if the first were open. Makes no sense that either her or TL's roommates were calling for pizza with those calls.

Two google results on 9999 show it is a mobile phone. So, if someone called and it said it wasn't a valid number, then under what circumstances does this happen. It was clearly valid at that time because she was connected for over a minute each time. Usually when a number is disconnected it says so and is then is assigned to a new user within a few months if not sooner.
As discussed in carrie's post, below, the 1st PJ call was to a PJ store that was closed at 12:00 a.m. Moreover, she might have called that one first because she knew the number and/or had ordered from them before and hoped they were open and would deliver to her. After a brief explanation from PJ store employee, Casey learned they weren't open but got the number for another store, which happened to be closer to where she was - since the store employee would have asked her where she was calling from so they could give her the number to a store that delivered in the area she was calling from, that was open. Another reason she could have been on this call longer than necessary is that she might have been placed on hold right after the PJ employee answered the call. "Hello, thank you for calling Papa John's, please hold!" This kind of stuff happens to me all the time.

SNIPPED: "This is backwards from what was stated earlier and what I found in their yellow pages add, for Papa John's pizza locations. Are you saying you called 273-7272 and they said they are open only till midnight and 380-7272 said they are open till 1am? Since she spoke the longest on the first call, she couldn't have been told they were still open, ordered pizza then called the other one.There would be no reason to do that. She also couldn't have been told they are closed then tried the other one still open and only talk for 4 seconds, if she were ordering a pizza. The only explaination is that she was looking for someone...."
I don't see it as necessarily backwards. See above possibility re: why the initial 1st call to the closed PJ store could've lasted longer than the 2nd call to the 2nd PJ store. Also, by the time she called the 2nd store, she could've changed her mind, or she was put on hold again and, deciding she didn't feel like waiting on hold again, she hung up, and decided to try another route, ergo the 999 calls...which we to date cannot explain nor ascribe to anyone/business in particular...

407 - 380 - 7272 closes at midnight per my call to them - called again to double check.

407 - 273 - 7272 said they close at one.

On the papa John's website, the hours for both locations list closing time as midnight but, apparently, per the live persons on the phone, that is incorrect.

Hope that helps. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my post. :)
Carrie, thanks again for calling the number and double checking their closing time. :)

SNIPPED: "So, the first one she called is the one still open, as I thought. So, again, it makes no sense she would then call another one unless she were looking for someone rather than ordering pizza. ..."
The above statement is incorrect based upon the data provided by poster carrie, as discussed above. The first PJ Casey called was closed as of 12:00 a.m., not 12:30 a.m.. The 2nd PJ she called was still open and stayed open til 1 am.
I still like the above explanation as an option re: the two PJ calls...

As discussed in carrie's post, below, the 1st PJ call was to a PJ store that was closed at 12:00 a.m. Moreover, she might have called that one first because she knew the number and/or had ordered from them before and hoped they were open and would deliver to her. After a brief explanation from PJ store employee, Casey learned they weren't open but got the number for another store, which happened to be closer to where she was - since the store employee would have asked her where she was calling from so they could give her the number to a store that delivered in the area she was calling from, that was open. Another reason she could have been on this call longer than necessary is that she might have been placed on hold right after the PJ employee answered the call. "Hello, thank you for calling Papa John's, please hold!" This kind of stuff happens to me all the time.

I don't see it as necessarily backwards. See above possibility re: why the initial 1st call to the closed PJ store could've lasted longer than the 2nd call to the 2nd PJ store. Also, by the time she called the 2nd store, she could've changed her mind, or she was put on hold again and, deciding she didn't feel like waiting on hold again, she hung up, and decided to try another route, ergo the 999 calls...which we to date cannot explain nor ascribe to anyone/business in particular...

Carrie, thanks again for calling the number and double checking their closing time. :)

The above statement is incorrect based upon the data provided by poster carrie, as discussed above. The first PJ Casey called was closed as of 12:00 a.m., not 12:30 a.m.. The 2nd PJ she called was still open and stayed open til 1 am.

OK, I'm still confused. The order of calls was: 273-7272 THEN 380-7272. So the first one she called was open. Perhaps she was outside their delivery area and didn't want to drive there for pickup? Then the second one was closed. Then within a few minutes she calls the 2 different 9999 numbers.
So, the first one she called is the one still open, as I thought. So, again, it makes no sense she would then call another one unless she were looking for someone rather than ordering pizza.

Here is a link where you can find the records: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/1635917/Casey_Anthony_Cell_Log_part1 The rest of the parts should be on the side bar. This is part 1.

Ibeyounger, what a rip off. You paid 5 bucks and they don't even give you a last name, let alone the address. I'll no not to use their service now. So, it confirms the service provider and that it is landline, like I found yesterday. I'm not sure why my first search turned up that it was Cingular/AT&T mobile. I've never heard this name before. I do find one with this first name and a connection to Orlando. But didn't see any hint of a connection to Casey. That was a whole year ago though. A lot changes in that amount of time. Someone else could have had that number last year.

Carrie, I wold think if the 9999 numbers were a business then it would still come up in a search, from old web pages. Here it looks like they both numbers are landlines and unpublished numbers which would mean a residence rather than a business. So, either it was a business number a year ago and they have deleted that information so that it no longer comes up in a google or yahoo search or it was mistaken.

oh well, I have blown five bucks on less. At least it cured my everlasting curiousity. Curiousity killed the cat!!:rolleyes:
I still like the above explanation as an option re: the two PJ calls...

As discussed in carrie's post, below, the 1st PJ call was to a PJ store that was closed at 12:00 a.m. Moreover, she might have called that one first because she knew the number and/or had ordered from them before and hoped they were open and would deliver to her. After a brief explanation from PJ store employee, Casey learned they weren't open but got the number for another store, which happened to be closer to where she was - since the store employee would have asked her where she was calling from so they could give her the number to a store that delivered in the area she was calling from, that was open. Another reason she could have been on this call longer than necessary is that she might have been placed on hold right after the PJ employee answered the call. "Hello, thank you for calling Papa John's, please hold!" This kind of stuff happens to me all the time.

I don't see it as necessarily backwards. See above possibility re: why the initial 1st call to the closed PJ store could've lasted longer than the 2nd call to the 2nd PJ store. Also, by the time she called the 2nd store, she could've changed her mind, or she was put on hold again and, deciding she didn't feel like waiting on hold again, she hung up, and decided to try another route, ergo the 999 calls...which we to date cannot explain nor ascribe to anyone/business in particular...

Carrie, thanks again for calling the number and double checking their closing time. :)

The above statement is incorrect based upon the data provided by poster carrie, as discussed above. The first PJ Casey called was closed as of 12:00 a.m., not 12:30 a.m.. The 2nd PJ she called was still open and stayed open til 1 am.

Chezhire, if you will refer to the doc I linked for the cell records you will see that the actual first call was to the 272 exchange, as I have stated elsewhere. Carrie simply wrote them in reverse order, not stating which was first or second. I have very little doubt that Casey was searching for someone, trying to track someone down with the 4 calls during the midnight hour of 6/18. Of course, not too many here would want to consider this because it might show Casey was trying to track down some mysterious person that knew the whereabouts of her "nanny" and/or daughter. She was with the new love of her life and to make these strange calls, along with some other unexplained ones during the time frame in question, makes no sense unless she was looking for someone. I would like the names of all Orlando Papa John's pizza employees during 2008. But it seems LE isn't interested in these or other mysterious calls either. It also makes no sense that THE pizza box that was found a month later was placed in there this soon if there was a body to be disposed of during this week. It sounds like on the 24th there was a blue crate and 2 gas cans in the trunk too.

AZlaywer, if she called the first wanting to order pizza but then wanted to try one closer and they were closed, IF she wanted pizza she would have called the first one back rather than call the two different 9999 numbers that are a residential land line.

IBeyounger, I wish they would have given you two searches for the money so we could have found out at least a first name for the other 9999 number. Maybe I'll consider paying, after I catch up on my work I'm playing hooky from and must get back to.
Chezhire, if you will refer to the doc I linked for the cell records you will see that the actual first call was to the 272 exchange, as I have stated elsewhere. Carrie simply wrote them in reverse order, not stating which was first or second...."

AquarianEssence, I didn't rely solely upon the post wherein a poster had listed the digits to the numbers out, one after the other, but that was the later of said poster's posts on the subject.

In response to BJB's post, poster carrie's first post very clearly stated that she "Called them in person today to double check and the 2nd PJ's she called is open till 1 am (the first closes @ midnight.)" See below.

Interesting observation re: same last-4 digs for PJ's, AZ. :waitasec:

I'm not certain who it was, but, on one of the other threads IIRC, they suggested PJ's closed @ Midnight.

Casey's first call to PJ#1 @ 12:10AM 6/18 lasted 52 seconds. Her call to PJ#2 @ 12:11AM lasted 4 seconds. Perhaps call#1 was an "I'm sorry, we're closed" w/ some attempt to flirt the guy into just one more order (pick-up or delivery)...and/or...as you suggest, just a call to get the closer store's phone#, only to dial it and learn that they were closed.

The 2 calls to 407-###-9999 @ 12:17 & 12:19AM lasted 1min 18secs and 1min 12secs respectively. This same number was called 6/29 @ 6:06PM...the only other time 6/1-7/17 it was called, except on 6/29 it doesn't appear to have an associated duration. There were no incoming calls from this number during the entire period.

Somehow the 9999 call seems like it would provide a clue as to what Casey was thinking/planning in response to not getting PJ.

I looked for any possible mis-dialing of this number that might match to another number in her records she might've been attempting to dial. No luck. :doh: Dialed today it yields a 'not a valid #' message.

I'm intrigued by Casey's calls to this 9999 lasting >1min. That she dialed it again on 6/29...:confused:
*respectfully snipped*
That was me, Bond, who said they closed @ midnight. I was going by what I found listed in their website. I was wrong though, as Intermezzo pointed out (thanks Intermezzo :) ). Called them in person today to double check and the 2nd PJ's she called is open till 1 am (the first closes @ midnight). Just stating for accuracy...."
Bolded and underlined by me, Chezhire.
Then carries later posts:
407 - 380 - 7272 closes at midnight per my call to them - called again to double check.

407 - 273 - 7272 said they close at one.

On the papa John's website, the hours for both locations list closing time as midnight but, apparently, per the live persons on the phone, that is incorrect.

Hope that helps. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my post. :)

So...carrie's earlier post says says "Called them in person today to double check and the 2nd PJ's she called is open till 1 am (the first closes @ midnight.)... but then she posts in another, later post that "407 - 380 - 7272 closes at midnight per my call to them - called again to double check. 407 - 273 - 7272 said they close at one."

Both of carrie's posts cannot be true: so which one contains the correct information?
AquarianEssence, I didn't rely solely upon the post wherein a poster had listed the digits to the numbers out, one after the other, but that was the later of said poster's posts on the subject.

In response to BJB's post, poster carrie's first post very clearly stated that she "Called them in person today to double check and the 2nd PJ's she called is open till 1 am (the first closes @ midnight.)" See below.

Bolded and underlined by me, Chezhire.
Then carries later posts:

So...carrie's earlier post says says "Called them in person today to double check and the 2nd PJ's she called is open till 1 am (the first closes @ midnight.)... but then she posts in another, later post that "407 - 380 - 7272 closes at midnight per my call to them - called again to double check. 407 - 273 - 7272 said they close at one."

Both of carrie's posts cannot be true: so which one contains the correct information?

Hi Chezire and Aquarianessence,

Sorry if I contributed to this confusion in any way by the manner of my posts. Thought for sure I was mistaken, it's happened before lol :), so I double checked my posts, the docs, and called PJ to check the times again. It's a good thing I have plenty of minutes on my phone - lol :) Here's what I found:

AquarianEssence, you are incorrect about the first call being to the 272 exchange. It is a 273 exchange, and it was, in fact, the second call, not the first.

1st call made at 12:10 am to PJ #1 @ phone# (407) 380 - 7272. This call lasted 52 seconds. I have called this PJs several times now and, according their employees who answer the phone, they close at midnight.

(I think these people are beginning to think I'm some kind of wierdo - lol! I can hear them now, "Who was that?" "Oh, just that woman calling from out of state to ask what time we close, again :rolleyes:")

Anyway, the 2nd call made at 12:11 am to PJ #2 @ phone# (407) 273 - 7272.This call lasted 4 seconds. Per my multiple calls to them, they close at 1 am.

I hope this helps. :)

Here is the link for the cell phone log:

I am a little confused...again...anyway, in TL's interview he says the day Casey brings over her stuff, big duffel bag, etc was on the 27th of June. June 27th is also the day TL picks Casey up at Amscot, she was holding groceries waiting for him outside of her car...So do we know if she really "set up camp" on the 27th or if Tony was wrong on the dates ?

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