Keeping Hayleigh's Story In The Public Eye

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You've probably read his posts here, but there is a gentleman that goes by the name of Player. He's tried to help out here on WS with fleshing out some of the finer details and has given some insight to the Cummings household. You probably already know, but he claims to be a former neighbor.

That said, this man says he has offered numerous times to be interviewed by media just to give the same type of insights... and possible truths.

He claims that no one will take him up on his offer, and that the media is more interested in the soap opera... Not the truth... or well.. anything germane to finding the little girl. Always with the sensationalism. That sells papers and airtime.

(Respectfully snipped)

I'm pretty sure that player has said that he does not want to be interviewed by the media -- as he doesn't want to be seen on tv -- someone can step in and correct me if I'm wrong. I am 100% certain that he said he will (or has) cooperated with LE.

That said, I'm not sure if we are supposed to discuss other poster's by username upstairs? Maybe one of the mods can edit these posts if the posts are not ok. :angel:
I just wanted to say that I have faith in Sheriff Hardy and LE. I know that the Sheriff may be intimidated by the media and all, but I believe he'll do what he needs to do for Haleigh's sake. He appears to be a good man through and through.

I've felt for a long time that this case is being kept under wraps for a reason. Over time, people slip up. Others might start to talk...

With all due respect to your post and your opinion I have had the complete opposite feeling about the Sheriff and LE there since about a week or so after Haleigh went missing. Yes, over time people do slip up, but I just don't think Haleigh has/had the time to wait. I'm apalled at the way LE has treated MC with kid gloves, the last person to have been with this child when she was alive. MC has given inconsistant statements to LE and to media but yet is not under lock and key but is allowed to get married to the missing child's father. If the Sheriff can be intimidated by the media who else can he be intimidated by? I want my Sheriff to be intimidated by No One! I'm frightened for Haleigh.
Beats me why a sheriff should be intimidated by the media. Something going on the town that he doesn't want revealed? We have seen lots of drugs, underage sex and few arrests. Is that what they want to hide? Appears to be some activity going on there that city folk would not understand. I know I don't. I want to be enlightened!
Beats me why a sheriff should be intimidated by the media. Something going on the town that he doesn't want revealed? We have seen lots of drugs, underage sex and few arrests. Is that what they want to hide? Appears to be some activity going on there that city folk would not understand. I know I don't. I want to be enlightened!

ITA, if they say they don't want people to search because of illegal activity in the woods, why don't they stop the illegal activity? Maybe because they are profiting from it? Meth, pot, moonshine?
Well, we know NG won't be discuss Haleigh anytime soon? She's got enough stuff with DP for CA to cover the next 2 weeks.
If my child was Missing I'd be only TV every time I could no matter how the media perceived me. Ron & Misty both need to be out there talking about Haleigh.... unless they want the media to go away also.

Ron is so controlling I cant believe he cant persuade Misty to clarify her story or at least he tell the media her side of what happened. He acts like he hasn't even asked her questions about her inconsistencies
(Respectfully snipped)

I'm pretty sure that player has said that he does not want to be interviewed by the media -- as he doesn't want to be seen on tv -- someone can step in and correct me if I'm wrong. I am 100% certain that he said he will (or has) cooperated with LE.

That said, I'm not sure if we are supposed to discuss other poster's by username upstairs? Maybe one of the mods can edit these posts if the posts are not ok. :angel:

He said a few times that we would be happy to interview off-camera and with his voice disguised.

I'm more interested in RC's lawyer.. why we haven't seen him.

Anyone got a name or a link to statements? Thanks if you can help.
Beats me why a sheriff should be intimidated by the media. Something going on the town that he doesn't want revealed? We have seen lots of drugs, underage sex and few arrests. Is that what they want to hide? Appears to be some activity going on there that city folk would not understand. I know I don't. I want to be enlightened!

I am leaning in your direction here. Unfortunately, there are corrupt people everywhere, and a small-town sheriff, police officer, LE, etc, is not immune to such things. For instance, there is a local sheriff near here who recently drove drunk into a parked car, injuring two passengers inside and doing much damage. He anonymously backed away and drove home without even checking to see if everyone was okay. If not for the local newspaper, no one would have ever known about it. Now, all kinds of ugly stuff is coming out about him and his cronies. It's not good.

I have to wonder if there is something bad going on in that town that lots of people have gotten involved with. A child *advertiser censored* ring is one thing I was wondering about, considering the large amount of sex offenders located in that area. Just a thought.
Whatever happened to Cobra & the bizarre incident with Theresa Neves in the woods? What about White Boy Greg? Cobra seemed so sure of things about 2 weeks ago. I live in a town in which the local police are corrupt beyond belief. They laugh about domestic issues and people such as this little girl's family. Someone there has to know something.
Just stopping by to check on Haleigh. I am brokenhearted to see that there are only 15 people on this forum, and there is nothing new to discuss. This case is simply NOT being handled the right way. Haleigh is out there somewhere, alive or not, and she has to been found. That means there needs to be searches or recovery efforts, and I don't see that happening. Sure, maybe the sheriff is keeping things quiet, but when it comes to missing children, silence doesn't help. Something needs to happen NOW. Haleigh CAN be found.
If my child was Missing I'd be only TV every time I could no matter how the media perceived me. Ron & Misty both need to be out there talking about Haleigh.... unless they want the media to go away also.

Ron is so controlling I cant believe he cant persuade Misty to clarify her story or at least he tell the media her side of what happened. He acts like he hasn't even asked her questions about her inconsistencies
Oh, I agree-- the way they (R & C) have been handling things is awfully suspicious. Ron complaining outside of the tattoo parlor about how he has no privacy was one of many eye openers......
Just stopping by to check on Haleigh. I am brokenhearted to see that there are only 15 people on this forum, and there is nothing new to discuss. This case is simply NOT being handled the right way. Haleigh is out there somewhere, alive or not, and she has to been found. That means there needs to be searches or recovery efforts, and I don't see that happening. Sure, maybe the sheriff is keeping things quiet, but when it comes to missing children, silence doesn't help. Something needs to happen NOW. Haleigh CAN be found.

I check in several times a day and nothing. I have not seen the media report anything either. I don't understand why the family won't take the time and make a plea for Haleigh. I know the media wants gossip, and I don't know if the family has asked to have coverage or not. I would hope so. I would be yelling at the top of my lungs....begging for my child's return. I really pray this case does not end up in the cold case files. Thanks to JVM last night we had a little coverage on the Case and KP sounded as if things were moving in the right direction, but in her voice I also heard the silence of the case. No leads as to where this child may be. Prayer's is all anyone can do at this point. I really wish LE would share something, at least it would keep the focus on Haleigh and the public will have something to work with to try and bring this child home.
Here's a website they created for Haleigh with links to the press statements in Ron C's defence

and the firm website:

This message was not on the site when it first went up. I wonder what point they are trying to get across?
Haleigh Lives!
Life is precious. As Christians, Ronald, the Cummings family, and the attorneys and staff at Kimball and Snider, P.A., remind everyone everywhere that your eternal soul is precious to God and that He gave us Jesus Christ so that which is treasured shall not perish.
Whatever happened to Cobra & the bizarre incident with Theresa Neves in the woods? What about White Boy Greg? Cobra seemed so sure of things about 2 weeks ago. I live in a town in which the local police are corrupt beyond belief. They laugh about domestic issues and people such as this little girl's family. Someone there has to know something.

:Welcome-12-june: Just noticed you are a :newbie: too. I read mostly as I can't seem to catch up with how quickly everyone posts to respond. Been mainly on the rumors thread which is really fast. It's been very interesting to say the least. I'm getting so addicted to this, however, I have two little kitties :cat::cat: (almost six years old, but still they are my little ones) and a husband that feel ignored now and wonder why I spend so much time in our spare bedroom for so long. Good luck to you. Glad you decided to jump in.

I'm just so involved with hope of finding little Haleigh safe and bringing her home that this case has started to become part of my daily life until they find her. :)
This message was not on the site when it first went up. I wonder what point they are trying to get across?
Haleigh Lives!
Life is precious. As Christians, Ronald, the Cummings family, and the attorneys and staff at Kimball and Snider, P.A., remind everyone everywhere that your eternal soul is precious to God and that He gave us Jesus Christ so that which is treasured shall not perish.

I wondered the same and came up with two thoughts: 1. they suppose she's dead and seek comfort in the thought that Haleigh's eternal soul is with Jesus now, or 2. Whoever did something to her is reading and they want them to come forward and for Jesus to save his/her/their soul. Since there are reputations to think of, references to Christianity may also be useful.
I've been checking these boards daily in hopes that there is some news on Haleigh...I'm so sad that nothing more has come about in the last couple of weeks...nothing. I'm still holding out hope that she is alive somewhere.
I wish LE would hold some sort of conference to just touch base with the public. For them to let this go and fade away is a travesty. Maybe I'm wrong and there is a reason for them being so quiet...maybe they are watching and waiting....

Haleigh, you have not been forgotten, you are in my (& many others) thoughts and prayers daily.
Here's a website they created for Haleigh with links to the press statements in Ron C's defence

and the firm website:


Thank you so much for looking those up for me.

I'm almost a bit pissed at this point. Where in any of those statements does anything have on God's green Earth have anything to do with finding the child?

All I really see are defensive statements against Picazio and her agendas for her client. Gah.. what a misguided trainwreck.

Ambulance chaser chasing the other ambulance chaser. *swear words*
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