"Killing Field" in League City, Texas- Calder Rd Cold Cases

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Something to note when looking into the Killing Fields. There are "Private Investigators who are motivated solely by greed. They are not sincere. Believe me, they can appear to be concerned but believe me, they wont do anything unless they see money to be made. Be cautious when or if you talk to or communicate with a PI. During the last year I have run across PI's who appear caring and sincere, but in the end it's all about how much money is to be made and if it gains them attention to be able to make money. Especially in the Ali Lowitzer disappearance. They seek glory and their ten minutes of fame hoping it will bring in new clients they can swindle and take advantage of. There are some of us out here that are not motivated by the almighty dollar. They seek the media attention, barely mentioning the victim only to harp on about how a good job they did. So do yourself and these families a favor. Dont reveal any information to a private investigator, they are in it for the money and that is a sad fact.

If you have any kind of information tell the law enforcement agency investigating the case. IF a PI knocks on your door just tell them you'd rather talk to the real police and then send them on their way. I am so ticked off at these PI's. So greedy....
I was living in Clear Lake during most of these incidents; it was so scary, especially for a woman.

I believe LE keeps a lot of facts (and incidents) from the public to reduce panic and/or outrage, to avoid investigative expenses, and hide/cover-up corruption within their own agencies. I always wondered if the NASA community was being protected by the silence (of course, the billboards kind of upset that process!)

Drugs, sex and prostitution seem to run parallel with law enforcement ... in fact, I often wonder if that is not the reason some chose this profession in the first place.

I am hoping in my lifetime the truth will surface and "heads will roll" - but sadly, time is running out; people are getting old, moving on, retiring, expiring, etc. A lot of secrets go to the graves; KWIM.

JMO, thinking out loud here.
I agree with Texasguy's comment about the PI. On the one hand, I don't care if they get the reward as long as they solve the case. Many are fooled by the PI's efforts as being more than greed. We put a lot of faith and hope into their efforts with the hopes they will bring resolution. If they drop the case because it is going no where, they may hold important information passed on to them and not shared with law enforcement (LE). The problem with LE is no one is policing them and their efforts either (are they sharing with one another, are they concealing due to cover-ups, etc.). Most LE do not have the staff available, there is definitely no shortages of crimes to investigate. LUCK, fate, determination and justice all come into play when solving many crimes. I am not diminishing crime solving skills and expertise added to the mix.
There are a few folks out here like me that work on stuff like this. LE's hands are tied because mo one wants to pay overtime, hence no one to do the work. I've been working on this diligently since last December. Yes it costs me money but I dont ***** about it too much. Thats why I have these pics of the girls on the wall behind my desk to remind me of these girls. They need a voice, a sincere voice. I gather the intel, and piece it together a little at a time and present it. The fields started with a few documents and now there are many many additions. Note that there are the insincere ones that are trolling out here and get their info from this site. Also you can bet the ones involved with the crimes may be out here watching as well. If they are I hope they are really scared because they are fixing to go down in a blaze LOL
Please be safe Texasguy and thank you for not giving up and holding their feet to the fire. Those girls need justice, it's long overdue. I'm behind you 100%.
I'm also on the brink of connecting three women to a suspect who is dead now unrelated to the Killing Fields. I'm waiting on results from the ME's office. Two of the women are dead, the third is still missing. The missing one I think I connected to a found woman at the ME's office thats been sitting cold for a while. She was found badly decomposed not far from where her car was found. Same clothing description, body too bad to identify any distinguishing marks to compare to the missing lady. All three dated the same guy so keep your fingers crossed.
Talked to Me tday, she called and told me they are in the process of trying to find the DNA profile of the woman found dead...go figure, the Harris County ME screw up back then? Haha She sounded like she was sincere in finding the information and comparing it.....I hope its her. (Dont mean it to sound bad)
Still no word from the pathologist...she sounded a bit confused as she was looking at the case on her computer regarding DNA....
Wow, I cant for the life of me figure out why the LEOS are bent on keeping a lid on all this. They are shutting down reporters and Private Investigators, They even put a "stikcam" out here by my place. Their cams are mounted on a pole and operate wirelessly Then they come by in an unmarked vehicle and download the data. You can generally find them by doing a wireless search from you computer or your phone and ignorantly they are labeled HPD 7 etc...or FBI 21 etc...
The Killing Fields: Justice Delayed
Posted: March 24, 2014
Today I start live coverage from Galveston Texas, of the murder trial of Clyde Hedrick. This case is another miscarriage of justice.
Although Hedrick’s is suspected in the murder of dozens of women over the last 30 years -Murders that inspired the movie “Killing Fields” and the search organization Texas Equusearch- Hedrick’s is on trial for only ONE murder, that of 30 yr. old Ellen Rae Beason.
... the prosecutor heading up Hedrick’s trial, filed an unusual document directly referencing two other murders by name and, in a shocking statement has Hedrick’s admitting to killing 5 other women.

Sorry, been a bit busy the last few weeks. I did mange to get a copy of the autopsy report of the "Unknown" found in Greens Bayou. The descrps are similar to a missing female but for some reason (sarcasm) the ME's office is not saying whether or not the DNA was collected...go figure. I have something else brewing this week, keep your fingers crossed.
Does anyone have any idea what happened to the shirt that League City collected as evidence in the Laura Miller death at the Calder rd killing field , 1986?
I don't care who comes up with the answers. Just look at the results so far 60 plus girls missing, Law enforcement=1, Baker case only..Good job there. League City retaining evidence so someone else or agency can solve these murders.. uh, let's see.. no.. lost it. I'm suspicious of it all. Look at the facts. It wont be the FBI or GCSO, CIA or Secret service that breaks this case. It will be you as if your reading this you may be one of the few to care. If you care you share.
Ok, still running into walls as far as law enforcement goes. Gets frustrating but not giving up by far. The more they try to stop it the more it makes me try harder. It would be great to get help after putting all this together but the mainstream media is shut down by LEOS (typical) and people in high power. They dont want this information out. What the general public doesnt know is that they DONT WANT THIS SOLVED. They want it to blow away and let folks on boards like this just talk about it. Unlike others, I dont sit and write about information I gather, I go out and do something about it, talk to family member and deal with crooked cops who smile to you face and have a knife in the other hand. I cant post anything else on progress here because the wrong eyes are watching this, people with ulterior motives, people looking to cash in on other peoples work. Mainly bad PI's. If people really care, friends and family members of victims, they would really do something about it instead of just talking about it. What if you were murdered, wouldnt you want someone to do something instead of sitting at the keyboard playing armchair detective. ??? Its all common sense, dont be intimidated by cops. I've done alot of work on this, talked and met with a lot of people trying to help solve a crime, I knew NONE of the victims. Its just the right thing to do thats all. In the almost 14 months of doing this I discovered crooked cops, low life search team people, low life private investigators, oppression by law enforcement, cover up by law enforcement and a crap load of other stuff. I am alone, doing this myself, no help. Only inuput and ideas from others, including nutball killers sitting behind bars. Local media is shut down by FBI agent Richard Rennison who just happened to work for League City PD during the abductions and investigations. Like putting a fox in a hen house right? We need to pressure the local media to do an in depth story on the coverup, the lost evidence, the suspects and the story. Then and only then will the local LEOS be forced to do their job and convict those responsible and indict the LEOS involved for covering this for so many years. It is by the grace of God that they havent tried to arrest me, oh they tried the intimidation, but NO COP intimidates me. I am doing this for all the right reasons. Ok, got that off my chest....thanks
Wonder what Wayne Dolcefino is up to these days? He would surely be an asset for you Texasguy .... don't you think!
Baker case was not part of the killing fields. She was a crime of opportunity for that jerkweed. RIP to the angel.
All the evidence disappeared from the LCPD property / evidence room. From what I understand all that was left was a 22 caliber slug that was "altered".
No updates yet. Still working on this as I have not, and WILL NOT give up on this. I know I've been doing this a while but I have to keep my options open. I cant just pursue one angle. Lets put it this way, if you go into an investigation with a particular theory, you can find facts that support that theory, to the exclusion of others that might be the the right ones.

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