"Knives are in youngsters DNA" in Britain...

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Dec 7, 2007
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Its shocking and frightening whats happening here with knives. Every other day we are hearing on the news here about another teenager stabbed and dying in the street. My nephew had his lung punctured at around 14 by another boy on the street with a knife. Three brothers were stabbed down the road from me not so long ago coming home from the pub. Scary times:(
Its shocking and frightening whats happening here with knives. Every other day we are hearing on the news here about another teenager stabbed and dying in the street. My nephew had his lung punctured at around 14 by another boy on the street with a knife. Three brothers were stabbed down the road from me not so long ago coming home from the pub. Scary times:(

hey, i heard a little about this on TV last night...i agree, "shocking & frightening"!...a LE officer was being interviewed, talking about upping police on the streets, along with searching people....

stay safe!
Muslim leader in call for Sharia law in UK
By Matt Knight
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A MUSLIM leader believes knife attackers should be locked up for 42 days like terror suspects.

Sarfraz Sarwar, 60, said he couldn't see the difference between the knife crime epidemic and those accused of plotting and carrying out terror attacks.

Mr Sarwar, of Gordons, Pitsea, also backed calls for Sharia law to be introduced in Britain and said public flogging should be carried out in town centres.

His comments follow those made by Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips, who said aspects of Sharia could be used to settle Islamic disputes, but not in the courts.

Mr Sarwar said: "What's the difference between knife criminals and suicide bombers?

"They should do exactly what they do with terrorists, "They should hold them for 42 days, question them and put them in prison and solve the problem."

He said Sharia law would act as a deterrent in solving crime in Britain.

He added: "If anybody is caught with a knife then give them ten lashes in the town centre.

"Sharia law is not controversial. It's a deterrent. Muslim countries don't have half the problems we have because Sharia law is there."

Aspects of Sharia law involve stoning, lashings and cutting off hands.

Mr Sarwar continues to run a minorities support group in Basildon. He was the leader of the Basildon Islamic Centre, in Laindon, before it was burnt down in 2006.

Mr Sarwar is also very concerned for the safety of Muslims today and says racial abuse has increased since the 7/7 London bombings in 2005.

He said: "What is happening is mainly to do with misunderstanding. Maybe there is just a fear of the unknown.

"It is very difficult to work out why this is. I thought we were living in a modern European country, but it is like Victorian times. There is a lot of hate."

Human beings will always find a way to harm each other. If it wasnt knives it would be something else.
I agree Chloekins but it really is at worrying levels here. They are going round with Samurai swords and everything and they are just teens. In fact its so bad that our top Policeman said its their number one priority over and above terrorism right now here. There have been at least 18 teens killed on the streets of London alone this year and we have had programs on tv every night recently just covering this subject. Its very worrying and might scary.
By the way...Nice to meet you:)
Nice to meet you too Ciara. I think there has been violence for many years. Its just become more glorified recently. I know that there was a group of chavs who beat a man into a coma in our village merely because he didnt want them loitering outside his front path and he told them what for. Im sure if they had had knives they would have stabbed him to death. How about the man that stabbed his son to death because he wont make his dad chips after a night out? Its not just the teens have no respect for life, its the adults as well.
You got that right Chloe..about the no respect for life bit. People are getting killed over nothing. That incident in your village...there have been quite a few like that here too. Its just so bad:mad:
Brutality has been with us since day one. It's a neverending problem, trying to combat horrendous acts with punishments that deter further violence, but that are fair, accepted by the public, and leave as little room for error as possible.

I don't have the answer, and it's clear that no one else has ever had the answer, either.

And it sucks.
I had recently read of a tragic case in the UK, perhaps in London, about a knifing murder outside of a club. I noted how knives appeared to be the weapon of choice and on the rise in that area. Figures, since we have them in our kitchens and they don't need to be licensed.

In my hometown here in California, we have also seen an increase in knifing incidents, primarily from gangbangers:

Santa Barbara gang knifings

(long story and mainly of interest to locals, cited for reference only)

Most troubling to me: Such an up-close and personal way to attack.

Thank you again for the thread start, Ciara...and so sorry to read about your nephew...I am hoping he recovered fully and is ok now.
Interesting link Shana. My nephew is fine now, the incident happened a couple of years back.
Scary what all these kids are doing to each other.

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