Kronk Reveals 1990's Expunged Arrest

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I have asked before and not seen any input from anyone, but I don't think RK will even be called as a witness. There is nothing to be gained by introducing a witness whose testimony does not lead one way or the other to defendants guilt or innocence.

But wouldn't either side want to call him as a witness to (at the minimum) hear him say in his own words that he, and he alone, was the person who discovered the remains on Dec. 11?

If the claims that RK is "daisy chained" to Casey turn out to be true how does that help the defense?

Because the "daisy chain" is not to be assumed without direct questioning of the MR, and exploration of it (with MR on the stand) could reveal that others are involved in Caylee's death, or possibly obstruction of justice?
The defense will talk with his girlfriend, then decide.

A WS member on the previous thread stated that the girlfriend has no problem speaking out on RK's behalf and explaining the incident, and also clearly stated that he did nothing wrong and is a good person. No, I don't have a media link as this info came from another member (Pirate, I believe).

I don't think the defense will get anywhere by bringing this tid bit of information up, but they may try to bring it in just because they need to establish reasonable doubt that KC could have committed this horrible crime against Caylee. The allegation against RK apparently happened in the early 90's, and he was never tried or convicted. Sounds to me like there was no basis for the allegation, it was dropped and the record was expunged, but if allowed, the defense will try to use it.
if anything, i think this case has taught us to question everything. we just come up with different answers, thoughts, ideas, and opinions after we are faced with the questions. there are lot of us here, obviously we are not all going to come up with the same conclusion. the way you feel so strongly about what you said is no different than the strong feelings of those who disagree with what you think.

in any case, we will get answers. well, i hope we will. and until then, no one is wrong, no one is right.

guess we'll find out.

(sorry, i know this is a 'duh' kind of post, but it looks like it needed to be said. :) )

Questioning everything about this case has been ongoing for many months.

I would bet that at least a dozen or so people on this forum could literally sit down and off the top their head (without referring to any notes) give you a play by play of every detail since day "31" and even be able to go back to the real day "1".

We all know who did this, and it wasn't Roy Kronk.

He has already told us a part of his life that he didn't have to reveal if he didn't want to. Why don't people believe that he won't do the same regarding the circumstances as to how he came to believe that Caylee's body was in those woods? I think that if there are any extenuating circumstances, such as someone tipping him off...he will be honest about that as well.
Yes Ma'am

Hope "you know who" doesn't see this!!! :)
Voldemort? :crazy:

I don't see how this can be used against RK. If the defense tries to, either it will make *them* look bad or the judge will not even allow it. Particularly if Casey can't say she knew him before and he's the one she left her daughter with.
Admittedly, I questioned Kronk's tie-in to the case from the onset. However, as of late, that opinion has changed as he has appeared to be a stand up guy and is fully cooperating with the investigation.

Then this all comes up, and in my opinion, a non-issue. I do hope they bring it out in court so the prosecution can score the win for it, I don't see it as a value-add for the defense since there was nothing to it.

I am glad that WebSleuths does not monitor out opinions, unless people go off the deep end on other sleuthers or people involved with the case. Hearing different views enables all of us to hear diverse viewpoints to ultimately make the best decisions about our own positions.
But wouldn't either side want to call him as a witness to (at the minimum) hear him say in his own words that he, and he alone, was the person who discovered the remains on Dec. 11?

Because the "daisy chain" is not to be assumed without direct questioning of the MR, and exploration of it (with MR on the stand) could reveal that others are involved in Caylee's death, or possibly obstruction of justice?

I personally dont believe MR was nay part of a daisy train:) But to answer your question IMO the defense wont ask him anything not if it leads to the defense:crazy:
A WS member on the previous thread stated that the girlfriend has no problem speaking out on RK's behalf and explaining the incident, and also clearly stated that he did nothing wrong and is a good person. No, I don't have a media link as this info came from another member (Pirate, I believe).

I don't think the defense will get anywhere by bringing this tid bit of information up, but they may try to bring it in just because they need to establish reasonable doubt that KC could have committed this horrible crime against Caylee. The allegation against RK apparently happened in the early 90's, and he was never tried or convicted. Sounds to me like there was no basis for the allegation, it was dropped and the record was expunged, but if allowed, the defense will try to use it.

Im sure its in black and white anyway. Let them question the girlfriend wont do them any good IMO:)
Admittedly, I questioned Kronk's tie-in to the case from the onset. However, as of late, that opinion has changed as he has appeared to be a stand up guy and is fully cooperating with the investigation.

Then this all comes up, and in my opinion, a non-issue. I do hope they bring it out in court so the prosecution can score the win for it, I don't see it as a value-add for the defense since there was nothing to it.

I am glad that WebSleuths does not monitor out opinions, unless people go off the deep end on other sleuthers or people involved with the case. Hearing different views enables all of us to hear diverse viewpoints to ultimately make the best decisions about our own positions.

I think a persistent MR that found the remains was hokey. That is nothing personal to Mr. Kronk - I don't even know him. I just didn't like the way it all came about. Maybe he will speak to the effectiveness of LE!!! LOL. oh well.
Even then it is not usually allowed, it is prejudicial information. If allowed it usually entered at the penalty phase.

I have asked before and not seen any input from anyone, but I don't think RK will even be called as a witness. There is nothing to be gained by introducing a witness whose testimony does not lead one way or the other to defendants guilt or innocence.

The state does not need him to establish location of the body. That is well documented and accessible through the LE/FBI agents. I don't personally see with the information we have what JB would gain by putting him on the stand. That the body wasn't there in August? Forensics show otherwise and he can show that this area was searched previously through other routes if really wants to go that route. If the claims that RK is "daisy chained" to Casey turn out to be true how does that help the defense?

He definitely will be called by the state to say that he located the bag on the date he found it; that he touched it with his foot; that a skull rolled out of the bag; that he didn't further touch or disturb the remains or the area; that he notified a supervisor who placed the 911 call for him, etc.

Doesn't matter that LE then went on to observe the scene themselves -- the state will very precisely lay out for the jury how, when, where the remains were found and, since Kronk found the remains, he no doubt will be called to testify about that.

Also, the state will examine RK about the prior calls he'd made -- what he saw, exactly where and when; to whom it was reported; whether he or anyone else with him touched anything; whether he had any contact with LE on those occasions...and so on.

This needs to be explained to the jury and reasons offered (if possible) via that witness and others why LE didn't locate the remains on those prior call dates since it will most assuredly be brought up by the defense. Better to explain it during the state's own case than not to mention it (risking looking as if they tried to hide that info) and then having to respond to the defense bringing it out.

I don't see any way whatsoever that Mr. Kronk wouldn't be called by the state. The defense may attempt to get what they want from him during cross-exam, but if they don't get it that way, I look for them to also call him in their own case in chief.
Much ado about nothing. It has no bearing on this case nor any other case. The defense will attempt to use it to discredit the witness but nothing can roll back that clock. Caylee's body was found, KC was responsible for the child's death, and that's that.
You know, right away when I saw the headline regarding RK, I thought right away...great! She is going to get away with it!!!!:behindbar I am hoping that I am wrong!!! Please talk me down (jk).

I thought this at first, too. Even though I didn't think he had anything to do with it, I thought it might be enough to get her off. But with the ex-gf saying she called him to come get her, it sounds like the boyfriend made a false report and should be the one in trouble, not RK. I don't see how the defense can actually get her off with this since it's really turned out to be nothing.

I'm not disappointed, though, that some posters might have looked at RK with a jaundiced eye. This case is so crazy you never know what's going on. The expunged kidnapping charge was reported on in the news, RK brought it up himself, it was something that happened and even though it amounts to nothing you can't just say well I don't like that so I don't want it to be reported or anyone to talk about it.
Because the "daisy chain" is not to be assumed without direct questioning of the MR, and exploration of it (with MR on the stand) could reveal that others are involved in Caylee's death, or possibly obstruction of justice?

Casey was charged with murder and it will be her trial. The Court will not try other people for obstruction of justice during her trial. If the As are charged, they would have separate trials from Casey.
Why? The defence would have no evidentiary basis to puruse it, and it has no relevance to the case. It doesn't matter if 100 convicted criminals all found her at once, it doesn't change the case against Casey.

Even if they got his past into trial, the jury would see it for what it is. They would also see what JB is doing. It would not be a win for the defense,
Bunny, we haven't seen LE's interview with the MR after his discovery. We don't know if he named any key tipsters, or if there even were any. We don't know if LE inspected everything he thought was suspicious about when they met him on the scene Aug 13. The defense will use the MR any way they can to raise doubt about the crime scene and the possible involvement of others in Caylee's death and possible subsequent cover-up.
I certainly do not feel that this info should have any bearing on this case,and I do think it does speak of his character that he wisely brought it up.That being said,I do think that some important players in this case WILL try to use this to cause a reasonable doubt---just look at RG last night!!!I have decided that I do not like that show,at all.If his comments were a post on a thread here,he would get a time out!!!
RK is not the person who failed to report a kidnapping for 31 days. He isn't the one who placed a child (with duct tape over her mouth) in KC's car trunk for later disposal in the woods. He is not the person who tried to mislead every single person in the search for Caylee.

The defense can try to discredit him, but without him, the remains of Caylee Anthony might have forever laid in a garbage bag in the woods. I don't think any juror would listen or take into consideration for a second an attempt to discredit this man. If the defense does try this tactic, any juror would be able to tell immediately that there is no case at all. RK isn't sitting in a jail charged with first degree murder. Now it remains to be seen if KC concocts another tall tale regarding ZFG and RK as co-conspirators. She really is that dense you know.
RK is not the person who failed to report a kidnapping for 31 days. He isn't the one who placed a child (with duct tape over her mouth) in KC's car trunk for later disposal in the woods. He is not the person who tried to mislead every single person in the search for Caylee.

The defense can try to discredit him, but without him, the remains of Caylee Anthony might have forever laid in a garbage bag in the woods. I don't think any juror would listen or take into consideration for a second an attempt to discredit this man. If the defense does try this tactic, any juror would be able to tell immediately that there is no case at all. RK isn't sitting in a jail charged with first degree murder. Now it remains to be seen if KC concocts another tall tale regarding ZFG and RK as co-conspirators. She really is that dense you know.

Exactly! RK was persistent. He called LE 4 times, and has been open and honest about his past and his actions. He's not hiding. KC continued to lie, steal, cheat, avoid her parents all while partying her fanny off with a big smile on her face....never bothering to call LE, NOT EVEN ONCE, to report her child went missing. How does the defense explain this?
RK is not the person who failed to report a kidnapping for 31 days. He isn't the one who placed a child (with duct tape over her mouth) in KC's car trunk for later disposal in the woods. He is not the person who tried to mislead every single person in the search for Caylee.

The defense can try to discredit him, but without him, the remains of Caylee Anthony might have forever laid in a garbage bag in the woods. I don't think any juror would listen or take into consideration for a second an attempt to discredit this man. If the defense does try this tactic, any juror would be able to tell immediately that there is no case at all. RK isn't sitting in a jail charged with first degree murder. Now it remains to be seen if KC concocts another tall tale regarding ZFG and RK as co-conspirators. She really is that dense you know.

My bold and italics. Ditto.:clap::clap::clap:
I think a standard part of our adversarial justice system is based on the credibility of the witnesses. While most of us feel Kronk is 100% credible, it is the defense's job to create doubt. What doubt this does or doesn't create, or if the defense will even try to cerate it, is part of the discussion.
As I say, imo this adds to his credibility rather than detract. I don't see what everyone is getting so excited about.

A past domestic charge isn't relevant to RK's testimony about how he found Caylee and what he saw.

I don't see how or why it would be brought up.

I thought this at first, too. Even though I didn't think he had anything to do with it, I thought it might be enough to get her off. But with the ex-gf saying she called him to come get her, it sounds like the boyfriend made a false report and should be the one in trouble, not RK. I don't see how the defense can actually get her off with this since it's really turned out to be nothing.

I'm not disappointed, though, that some posters might have looked at RK with a jaundiced eye. This case is so crazy you never know what's going on. The expunged kidnapping charge was reported on in the news, RK brought it up himself, it was something that happened and even though it amounts to nothing you can't just say well I don't like that so I don't want it to be reported or anyone to talk about it.

What I am disappointed about is that this forum has several threads discussing how suspicious Mr. kronk is, and how strange it is that he found Caylee, etc. Many people have said that they don't believe him, that he had no business out there, that he was a previous boyfriend of casey.

I just don't understand why so many people have turned on this guy, he told his employer this information, he told LE, he told the whole world his personal private business. He has long since gotten ahead of any bus that jose intends to drive by his house. I believe that he will tell us the truth and nothing but the truth. If I were jose I would be a bit nervous, because that truth just might involve a leak from the defense.

Some things on this forum are not discussed or talked about and if you do bring them up, they will be deleted or moved to the parking lot. Despite how truly suspicious those things are.
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