KS - Alex & Jennifer Wood for starving 6 & 7yo girls, Wichita, 2006

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Dark Knight said:
For all the anger on this thread, why don't we use it to lobby for harsher penalties for crimes such as this? Just a thought.

I couldn't agree more. I'm so angry I could scream. Instead of sitting here reading and crying I would be more then glad to so something to chanel my feelings in a positive direction....but I don't know where to start. Can you help?
Alcina said:
She probably just said they had food allergies as her excuse to family for not letting them eat at the picnic. I bet neither girl actually has them. :mad:

I guess none of Jennifer's family are out spoken enough to question the food allergies. I believe that is were the BBQ took place. I'm an outspoken old woman and if one of my kids came to a BBQ and had stepchildren and wouldn't let them have anything but water because of allergies I would have started asking questions. What are they allergic to....well can't they eat such and such..here honey have some of this and this. I'm also snoopy enough that I would have asked questions until I found out what was going on. I would never have let something like that go. My gut feeling would have told me that something was way wrong. That family knew something was wrong too but they just let it go. Shame on them.

Watching that video I saw a nice home...very will kept from what I could tell even though it was kind of blurry. Nice car and nice fenced in yard. Nothing to alert a person that two kids were slowly being murdered. It just goes to show that the people who do things like this aren't always on welfare living in some run down shack on the wrong side of town. I couldn't really see what the kids look like but they looked like cuties. In my opinion that stepmother looks like a witch of which she really is.

I hope we can keep our eyes on this case. I want to see what kind of sentence these people receive. If they get a slap on the hands we all should scream to high heaven. Letters and emails flying to whoever they will do the most good. I also hope the bio mom now has a chance to raise the girls. I'm not going to judge her because I believe that she did what she thought was the best for the girls even though I agree that she didn't try hard enough to see the girls. Now she might have the chance to have a relationship with the girls and be a mom to them. I doubt that the girls will just be handed over without any followup from CPS. They will probably do home visits as an insurance that the girls are doing well. I hope someone in that stepmother's family can take her kids...someone the reverse of that witch.
It is pretty amazing that with the abuse going on as long as it was, that the SRS investigations prior to the children being taken somehow concluded that there was no abuse. I'm sure that successfully fooling the child protection workers just made the stepmom more bold about starving and beating the children. This case is just so awful that I still think about it every day. I hope that the investigation into why SRS missed the abuse leads to changes that make sure it doesn't happen again. I understand that the authorities want to err on the side of keeping kids with their parents, but this is just beyond the pale. This woman is a monster.
In some respects I blame the whole entire family - sisters, brothers, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, cousin - the whole entire family. I don't think it's an unreasonable assumption that someone in the crowd knew or should have known something was bad, bad wrong.

Jennifer Wood's family had to have known she'd had problems before and needed to be monitored, if not for her stepchildren then for her own children. Somebody somewhere knew she'd been assigned parenting classes during her divorce.

Alex Wood's family had to have known he was out of town alot (I find that no excuse) so therefore how was this new addition to the family (Jennifer) treating the kids? I can't believe that no one -not even for a passing second was concerned enough to make a surprise visit or call to invite the kids to come stay for Christmas or something. His brother especially - he should have grabbed those kids up and took off...no matter the consequences he should have done something. He had to have known being that he was living in the house that long.
What I'm understanding is that no one - no where - at any time - cared enough for these kids to check on them! I'm sorry, really, but I am very very angry..I'm angry that there are people like these parents; that there are kids who have to suffer before anyone wakes up and pays attention; that I, myself, have either blindly ignored these things...that I feel so damned helpless when I see or hear about them...that I've allowed the government to fight so d***ed hard to protect the lawless that I've lost any protection for myself or children like these. I'm angry....
Actually I think Alex Wood's brother tried to talk to his brother about the abuse but he wouldnt listen to him. And I believe Alex Wood's brother is the one who made the call to which the girls Abigail and Sierra were finally removed from that hell hole. I may be wrong but that is what I heard on the news from one of these links. So it does look like at least uncle so&so may have saved their life after all.

cathieq said:
In some respects I blame the whole entire family - sisters, brothers, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, cousin - the whole entire family. I don't think it's an unreasonable assumption that someone in the crowd knew or should have known something was bad, bad wrong.

Jennifer Wood's family had to have known she'd had problems before and needed to be monitored, if not for her stepchildren then for her own children. Somebody somewhere knew she'd been assigned parenting classes during her divorce.

Alex Wood's family had to have known he was out of town alot (I find that no excuse) so therefore how was this new addition to the family (Jennifer) treating the kids? I can't believe that no one -not even for a passing second was concerned enough to make a surprise visit or call to invite the kids to come stay for Christmas or something. His brother especially - he should have grabbed those kids up and took off...no matter the consequences he should have done something. He had to have known being that he was living in the house that long.
What I'm understanding is that no one - no where - at any time - cared enough for these kids to check on them! I'm sorry, really, but I am very very angry..I'm angry that there are people like these parents; that there are kids who have to suffer before anyone wakes up and pays attention; that I, myself, have either blindly ignored these things...that I feel so damned helpless when I see or hear about them...that I've allowed the government to fight so d***ed hard to protect the lawless that I've lost any protection for myself or children like these. I'm angry....
Mygirlsadie said:
Actually I think Alex Wood's brother tried to talk to his brother about the abuse but he wouldnt listen to him. And I believe Alex Wood's brother is the one who made the call to which the girls Abigail and Sierra were finally removed from that hell hole. I may be wrong but that is what I heard on the news from one of these links. So it does look like at least uncle so&so may have saved their life after all.

My understanding was Uncle made the call which saved the girls too.
New Details Surface in Child Starvation Case
...From 2001 to 2006, SRS was called seven times. Investigators repeatedly said they didn't have enough evidence to support abuse and neglect claims. However, during those investigations the girls reportedly told SRS workers they were hit, choked and thrown by Jennifer Wood...

more at link. I just can't comment right now.
After reading that last post about the repeated attempts to report the abuse and obtain help, it is only by the grace of heaven that those girls are alive today.
I also believe it was the brother who had spoken up, first to the father and then later reported things to authorities.
I have to wonder about this womans own family. IMO abuse to children is repeated generation to generation. I'm not saying it's an excuse, just that I would not be surprised to learn of abuse being done in her past.

cathieq said:
New Details Surface in Child Starvation Case
...From 2001 to 2006, SRS was called seven times. Investigators repeatedly said they didn't have enough evidence to support abuse and neglect claims. However, during those investigations the girls reportedly told SRS workers they were hit, choked and thrown by Jennifer Wood...

more at link. I just can't comment right now.
Those SRS workers are obviously incompetent. I hope they fire them and get someone who can recognize abuse when they see it.
The brother should have whooped both of their arses.:furious:
Old Broad said:
I also believe it was the brother who had spoken up, first to the father and then later reported things to authorities.
I have to wonder about this womans own family. IMO abuse to children is repeated generation to generation. I'm not saying it's an excuse, just that I would not be surprised to learn of abuse being done in her past.

I couln't agree with you more. The abuse cycle is literally that - a chain of pain.
We followed this case a few months ago. I saw this article this morning. I tried to find the old thread but didn't have any luck. I am not sure of the date we were posting on it, but I thought some of you might be interested in this.
When people do something like this...they ought to have punishment that fits the crime. Like...hummm...let me see....how about starving her a$$.

That sounds fitting. Too bad we are so civilized and have laws against cruel and unusual punishment.

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