GUILTY KS - Alicia DeBolt, 14, Great Bend, 21 August 2010 - #2

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OMG, AL's GF met him online 8 mths ago WHILE he was in prison.

She said they were like a family. "He's always considered me his wife even though we were not married."

Puke, barf,:sick: sense of entitlement and ownership. How long until he would have changed into an abuser?

As the woman talked about how things have turned out, she choked back tears.
"My son looked up to him like a father figure," she said.

Good grief. And I hope his woman can use this as a lesson to both herself AND her kids. Frightening.

ETA: meant to include that I am incredibly pleased to finally hear from the GF and what she has to say.
You know, if this is true, LE better hope they find them all before the good ole boys do. They will not let this slide.


I'm almost hoping for the good ol' boys, but unfortunately then they'd be hauled in on homicide charges.
Sometimes my mother would just give up. She didn't have the energy to fight for hours so she would say things like, "fine, you can go, just be back in an hour". That's how envision Alicia's mothers situation. It was a poor choice on her part and a choice she is going to have to live with. I think that guilt is more than enough punishment. I hate that people are bashing her at a time like this when she is experiencing such great loss. I'm sure she keeps replaying that night in her head, wishing for another chance.

This is probably true, but in reality, if this man or men targeted her daughter and if it is the guy in custody for the car theft, then I have a feeling that he would have made his move on any given night and any given day. If she'd stayed home that night, he just would have struck at a different time.
Thanks holly, no I hadn't seen it, so thanks. I think this neighbor is not the same one as the one who gave him the ride.
Snippet #1 from news article

The following Saturday, Aug. 21, he worked at the Venture asphalt plant west of town where Alicia's body was found, she said. He came home from work dirty, "all black," she assumed from excavation work at the asphalt plant.

I query this, do they mean that Sat ? The plant closes at dusk! It is closed on Sundays
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Authorities said Alicia was last seen leaving her home about 11 p.m. that Saturday. She got into a small, dark-colored SUV.

That same night, not far from Alicia's home, Longoria left his home about 11 p.m. in the woman's black 2002 Ford Escape, saying he was going to see a friend, the woman said. She said she thinks he returned within about two hours, between 12:30 and 1 a.m.

So I think he picked her up! What on earth happened in those two hrs, the time frame is short. If there are possibly others involved I am thinking Gang Rape, I also wonder if it was premeditated. There is travel time to consider and I am not sure of the distance from his place to the asphalt spot. NG said she had one sneaker on when her body was found.
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Thanks to hollyblue's map it is 7 plus miles from Alicia's home to site where her remains were found.
That woman who knew he was in prison and let him move into her home needs to have a mental evaluation stat! How can a mother of 2 children do something so foolish? Why the Hello do they let prisoners have computer access,IMO that should be stopped also these pen pal programs need to be stopped.I read the above article and she makes me feel as sick as he does.She doesn't seem all that upset about how horribly he murdered that beautiful 14 yr old.He was a father figure to her son, how badly did she need a man to pick a like that.

Can't repeat your post too many times! When I read that he was released from prison on May 26, my brain was reeling! She is very fortunate that he didn't get to one of her children ... if, that is, he didn't.

I read that they had "been together" for six months (or is it eight?) ... and we know that that is physically impossible. So they corresponded for ~5 months, he gets out and they immediately cohabit? Yeah, she sure knew him really well before he moved in with HER CHILDREN!! You can learn a lot about a person in 3 months, especially in correspondence etc.

OMG! This makes me feel like Meryl Streep in "Death Becomes Her" ... remember when her head was facing backard on her body?

I'm sure the "wife" was only with him to provide a father figure for her son ... She better start praying, fast!

And she needs to shop for the next father figure somewhere other than in the prison system. I feel awfully mean saying these things, and do hope and pray that she really takes a lesson away from this. I wish her luck in the future, for her children's sake.

How horrible for this young girl and her family. How nonsensical for this woman to be so insecure and so in need of companionship that she neglected the needs of her family AND her community and enticed a criminal into the community in order to meet her self-esteem needs. When are we as women going to wise up and realize that WE are all we need and that if we decide to let someone else into our lives and ESPECIALLY into our children's lives they had better add something other than a warm body to feed our pitiful egos? How could you possibly think that you could trust someone who was in prison to be a good partner and a father figure for your children? She brought this man into her community to prey on its children for her own stupid inferiority complex that she wasn't worth the time of a man who had morals and values. GRRRRR I'm not saying that every man who is in prison is going to be a reprehensible ; however, the best predictor for future events is past events, is it not? Why would you go fishing for a fella in prison?? Somebody please explain that concept to me!!

RIP sweet Alicia! May God bring your family comfort and peace!
for any locals still with us, are there gangs out there in Great Bend?

Yes, there are 2 separate gangs that I have heard about thru my sister & brother who went to high school in GB. According to my brother, a new smaller gang has "moved" in and causing issues also. Haven't heard anything if this could be gang related or not though.
Authorities said Alicia was last seen leaving her home about 11 p.m. that Saturday. She got into a small, dark-colored SUV.

That same night, not far from Alicia's home, Longoria left his home about 11 p.m. in the woman's black 2002 Ford Escape, saying he was going to see a friend, the woman said. She said she thinks he returned within about two hours, between 12:30 and 1 a.m.

So I think he picked her up! What on earth happened in those two hrs, the time frame is short. If there are possibly others involved I am thinking Gang Rape, I also wonder if it was premeditated. There is travel time to consider and I am not sure of the distance from his place to the asphalt spot. NG said she had one sneaker on when her body was found.
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Thanks to hollyblue's map it is 7 plus miles from Alicia's home to site where her remains were found.

I agree, I think he was the one to pick her up. I have to wonder if there were already other people in the SUV when he picked her up also. I think the crime happened quickly after 11pm and he was home shortly after. I don't want to get in trouble for posting anything I shouldn't, but gang rape is rumored. Which goes along with my thinking that is the reason they haven't officially charged AL with murder. I think they are trying to get him to talk to implicate other people and their role in the crime. I have heard some absolutely disgusting/horrific things happened, and I think they want to make absolutely sure they get the right people for the crime.

GB is very small, and you can get from one side of town to the other in a matter of minutes. 10 minutes is probably average with stoplights. There are numerous stop lights along K-56 that goes thru town because there are many things along the route (gas stations, car places, food places, grocery stores, etc). It wouldn't take hardly any time at all for AL to pick her up, drive out to the plant, and be home again within a couple hours.

I talked to a friend that lives in GB today, and she said that the asphalt plant always has different smells/fumes/smoke coming from the site, so many people probably wouldn't think anything of it because it wouldn't be out of the ordinary. I guess I would think that at night, when people know it's closed, it may be different, but maybe not.
Sad. Touching vigil.

And the last sentence about church members protesting not only this, but also military funerals? That just makes me flat furious. :furious::furious::furious:

This picture brings tears to my eyes. If I wouldn't have had to work tonight, I would have been there.

I'm so glad that nasty group was escorted out, they are such a disgrace and it's an embarrassment that they are from KS. I hope everyone knows that the real people of KS are disgusted by them. They protest everything, it's really sad.

Yup, and they made a movie out of it. Only 400 people there who (IMO) rightfully united to keep their mouths shut, or dollars to donuts the good guy goes down for taking out the bad guy, unless in defense of his life and property, and even the latter can get you into jail right quick any more.

Due process is sometimes an ugly thing, but we have to live with it. I have reasonable confidence the perp(s) will be caught, processed, get something resembling a speedy and fair trial, and hopefully NEVER see the light of day again.

Fire up ol' Sparky for this one.

Vigilante justice doesn't always get it right, and would hate to see an innocent person in the line of fire for this.
Hello - I am mostly on WS for the Kyron Horman case, but Alicia's case has me very upset. Sorry if this is a duplicate post, but I have read confusion on this thread about AL's girlfriend. Her name is withheld in this MSM article, but she is 31, and they first became acquainted online 11 months ago.

Respectfully snipped:

"The woman, who asked that her name not be used because of safety and privacy concerns, said she first became acquainted with Longoria online. For about eight months, they corresponded by written letter. She knew he was in a Texas prison."


"The following Saturday, Aug. 21, he worked at the Venture asphalt plant west of town where Alicia's body was found, she said. He came home from work dirty, "all black," she assumed from excavation work at the asphalt plant.

Authorities said Alicia was last seen leaving her home about 11 p.m. that Saturday. She got into a small, dark-colored SUV.

That same night, not far from Alicia's home, Longoria left his home about 11 p.m. in the woman's black 2002 Ford Escape, saying he was going to see a friend, the woman said. She said she thinks he returned within about two hours, between 12:30 and 1 a.m."

I thought I read somewhere that he had lost his job that week as well? Sounds like he wasn't at Venture that long, if according to this article he just started working there the Wednesday before Alicia went missing.

Thank you for finding this article and posting the link.

This sure clears up how they both got together especially since AL only came out prision on May 25th and yet the brother claims they know each other for 6 months or so.

I posted the other day I thought this was an online romance, however I was hoping it wasn't because of the danger behind meeting criminals online. :(

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased KS - Alicia DeBolt - 14 - Great Bend - August 21, 2010
Authorities said Alicia was last seen leaving her home about 11 p.m. that Saturday. She got into a small, dark-colored SUV.

That same night, not far from Alicia's home, Longoria left his home about 11 p.m. in the woman's black 2002 Ford Escape, saying he was going to see a friend, the woman said. She said she thinks he returned within about two hours, between 12:30 and 1 a.m.

So I think he picked her up! What on earth happened in those two hrs, the time frame is short. If there are possibly others involved I am thinking Gang Rape, I also wonder if it was premeditated. There is travel time to consider and I am not sure of the distance from his place to the asphalt spot. NG said she had one sneaker on when her body was found.
Read more:

Thanks to hollyblue's map it is 7 plus miles from Alicia's home to site where her remains were found.

2 hours just doesn't make sense to me. I wonder if he left the house again after his girlfriend fell asleep.
claudicici (thread #1, post #583 )

I'm only aware of one IR
....and if he is the one in the link in no way do I mean to imply that makes him more likely to be involved in Alicia's murder.... that might be the reason why he seems so cold in his FB postings....JMO

Sorry to rehash this from thread #1, but there are two IR's that are "friends" with Alicia via FB....
This is the IR that posted the message:
"Gnna need a f$%^& lawyer" (I changed the bad word). This is the one y'all were discussing...

And then we have this one (page is private, but can access his friend list)
Maybe this is a second FB page for the same (IR) guy...?
Or maybe it is a different person by the same name...?
From the profile photo, his right ear appears to have same characteristics, but face looks thinner...!/profile.php?id=1456067628 looks like the same guy to me....if you scroll down to the older posts on the profile that's not private there's another picture of him that's brighter and it looks like the same guy IMO
There will be a live press conference at 10am (Central Time) from the GB courthouse talking about the charges against AL. I'm trying really hard to stay awake (I work 12hr nights) to find out the latest info and see if they release any additional info.

I will share as soon as I can. I really hope the Attorney General releases more information and that there will be new charges today.
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