GUILTY KS - Karen Kahler, 44, two daughters & grandma murdered, Burlingame, 28 Nov 2009

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I will stay off the comments section. The only way I found WS was doing a Google search for Karen Kahler because I felt cheated/guilty that I did not know her better. I did not know about her daughters being in a band and all of that. The more I learn about them the more I see what a wonderful family Karen and the kids were and it makes me feel better, then I think about all they accomplsihed and the dreams they had and I get sad. I need to stay off WS and the computer for a while. Trying to make sense can be consuming.

The Kansas attorney general's office has filed a revised complaint against a former Columbia water and light director accused of shooting four people in northeast Kansas.

James Kraig Kahler, 46, remained charged Thursday with capital murder. But that charge originally didn't cover all four deaths from the Nov. 28 shootings in Osage County.

The attorney general's office filed the revised complaint Thursday, as Kahler had a hearing in district court in his case.

The capital murder charge originally covered the shootings of Kahler's estranged wife and their two daughters.

The revised charge now covers his wife's 89-year-old grandmother. The shootings occurred at the grandmother's home outside Burlingame.


After a four-minute hearing, he was scheduled to appear at a March 18 preliminary hearing.
I was wrong about him making a fictitious MySpace page. I guess she was affectionately known as mommymonster. But he definitely broke into her home at least twice and was watching outgoing and incoming email.
Judge denies motion to dismiss capital murder case against Missouri man
Posted on Tue, Jun. 22, 2010 03:23 PM

LYNDON, Kan. A northeast Kansas judge refused Tuesday to disqualify prosecutors or dismiss a capital murder case against a former Columbia, Mo., city official accused of fatally shooting his estranged wife, their two teenage daughters and the wife's grandmother.

Lawyers for James Kraig Kahler argued the case against him in Kansas is tainted because authorities seized documents related to divorce and domestic assault cases against him in Columbia, where he formerly served as water and light director. Defense attorneys said the seizure and use of those records violated the constitutionally protected confidences between Kahler and his lawyers.
Kansas Deputy Attorney General Barry Disney called the attempt by Kahler's attorneys to either dismiss the capital murder charge or remove prosecutors a “Hail Mary request” and “laughable.”

“We've done nothing wrong. We seized documents and inventoried them,” Disney told [Judge John Stephen] Jones during a hearing at the Osage County Courthouse. “Their motion is frivolous.”

and much more, at
This makes me sad. The surviving child is going to have to testify, albeit by video but still....

Kraig Kahler murder hearing delayed again

"The preliminary hearing for a former Columbia official charged with fatally shooting four members of his family last year has been moved to December because one of his attorneys is resigning from the firm that represents him...."


"...At least three law enforcement officers were inside the courtroom, and another heavily armed officer was positioned outside the door. As Kahler was being escorted out of the courthouse after the hearing, he asked the officer outside about the caliber of his weapon. The officer didn&#8217;t respond...."

more at link
Friends recall Kahler family
Sunday marks anniversary of slayings in Osage County

COLUMBIA, MO. — Darla Atkins and her workout partners still meet every Monday and Friday for an hourlong, early-morning boot camp.

It has been a tradition for two years and counting, but a lot has changed.

Trainer Karen Kahler once led the crew at the Activity & Recreation Center, pushing them to the limit in each session. Participants shared their goals with her, and in return, Karen shared a window into her life.

She spoke proudly of her career, her friends and her three children — Emily, Lauren and Sean. And despite her pending divorce from Kraig Kahler — director of the Columbia Water and Light Department — she never spoke ill of her husband to the group, Atkins said. But already her husband had been charged in an alleged assault against her, and she had obtained a restraining order and filed for divorce.

For the past year, the group has reflected on Karen's inspirational spirit and the difficult life she apparently led behind closed doors.

long, excellent article at
LYNDON - A former Missouri city official charged in the slayings of four family members is asking a Kansas court to waive his preliminary hearing so his young son can be spared the trauma of testifying.
However, the Kansas Attorney General's office said in a response filed Tuesday that the hearing should be held because the prosecution also has a right to the proceeding, The Topeka Capital-Journal reported.

more here
How did I know he would continue to "care" about his son? Mind you, he didnt put too much thought into how his son would deal with the slaughter of his mother, sisters and grandmother...and how much guilt he might feel at being the only one to fact the one "favored" by his father.

LYNDON — The son of capital murder defendant James Kraig Kahler, who is charged in four slayings, testified via television Tuesday morning that he saw his father shoot his mother with a deer-hunting rifle.
The boy said he wanted to stay longer at his grandparents' home, so he could hunt and fish at the Kahler farm. He asked his mother for permission.

"When my mom said I couldn't stay any longer, my dad was mad at my mom," the boy said.

more here
Kraig Kahler, a suspect in family's deaths, objects to jury pool

LYNDON, Kan. &#8212; A former Columbia city official is objecting to how the jury will be chosen for his trial in the deaths of four relatives in Kansas.


Well, here we go with the defense complaining about everything...
This little man likes control when he can get it.
I have not read this thread in a while and was so sad to see that in the child's testimony, as clipped by Texas Mist (the link no longer works), it sounds like he's blaming himself. That's tragic. I realize that a therapist is probably helping him reframe the events but what he spoke is most likely how he still sees the murders. It seems as if he processed it that he asked for permission to stay at Grandma's and by doing that, he caused an argument.

That's awful. Oh, how I hope he has strong support.

Dying declarations entered as evidence in Kraig Kahler hearing
December 23, 2010

"...Dorothy Wight and Lauren Kahler did not survive long enough to testify on Tuesday. Their last words were submitted by the sheriff's deputy and emergency medical technician who attended them as they were dying.

When the defense objected to the testimony, Osage County Magistrate Judge Stephen Jones overruled it under the "dying declaration" exception.

Although Kansas law suppresses hearsay, it does allow second-hand testimony when a deceased victim's statement was made voluntarily and in good faith and if the individual knows he faces imminent death...."

more at link

And a link about the son's testimony:

"....Kahler did not want his 11-year-old son exposed to the &#8220;stress and emotional trauma&#8221; of testifying, according to his lawyer...."

What about the stress of standing right next to your mother as she's murdered?? I had not realized that the little boy was actually right next to Karen when she was shot down. They were washing old coins together. My heart breaks for that little guy.
And what did Kahler expect?

Kraig Kahler denied trip to son's custody hearing

"A former Columbia city official accused of killing four family members in Kansas won't be able to attend the custody hearing for his son, who survived the carnage.

An Osage County district judge ruled Tuesday that James Kraig Kahler will not be taken to Wichita for the May 26 custody hearing for his 12-year-old son. The Topeka Capital-Journal reports that the judge suggested Kahler could participate by phone...."

more at link

At first blush, this seems like a no-brainer. However, DHS, must work towards termination of parental rights if the boy is to be adopted, even by a relative. Kahler is not convicted yet and thus still has some rights concerning custody. He can either sign the relinquishment papers or ask for a hearing. I'd be willing to bet that he'll drag this out and ask for a hearing. Poor child. He needs permanency now.
His son was all he wanted. He was delivering a message when he murdered the women and left his son standing. He is not giving him up. He doesnt have that level of maturity and he would have to crawl out from under his narcissism to realize that the greatest gift he could give to his brave boy is to cut himself out of little man's life. But that takes compassion. That takes selflessness. I think Mr Kahler has proved his inability in this regard.
What really concerns me, Believe, is that given that the child is now 12, he has "standing" in court. If there is a Termination of Parental Rights trial, the little boy would most likely be called to testify about his wishes concerning custody. Judges want to hear from older children. Kahler is just cruel and narcissistic enough to go through with this. He wanted to "spare" the child and yet he mows down the entire family in front of the little guy, effectively traumatizing him forever. The only decent thing (if that's even possible for this monster) is to sign the darned papers and let the boy get on with his life. Jeanette Maples' parents did that in Oregon not long after their arrest and the signatures allowed the children to be permanently placed.

The alternative is to wait for a conviction but that leaves the child in limbo for far too long, IMO. This child needs stability and closure. How I wish Kahler could at least give this child that. I, like you, don't have high hopes, about Kahler exhibiting a shred of decency, however.

Kahler attorneys to judge: Suppress his statement
Death penalty unconstitutional, defense says

June 12, 2011

"Whatever capital murder defendant James Kraig Kahler told an investigator during questioning shouldn't be heard by Osage County District Court jurors during his trial, Kahler defense attorneys have told the district court judge in a motion.

But if Kahler is convicted of capital murder, he "likely" would receive the "discriminatory application of the death penalty," defense attorneys wrote in a motion challenging the constitutionality of the Kansas death penalty...."

more at link

And an article about the son's upcoming testimony. "Tender years". Oh, how I hope that judge and those therapists fight like heck for this child's emotional well being. He's so so fragile:

Surviving son to testify in murder trial

"A 10-year-old boy was the lone survivor of a massacre that killed his mother, two sisters and great-grandmother. And it is he who will testify next month in a proceeding involving his father, who is charged with the quadruple homicide.

On Wednesday, an Osage County District Court magistrate judge ruled Sean Kahler, now 11, will testify by a remote television hookup during the preliminary hearing of his father, James Kraig Kahler. The hearing will be June 22 and 23...."


"..."This is about strong emotions he has had for his father (and) the loss of his mother and sisters. Those emotions are still raw. He's in the middle of it...."


"...Magistrate Judge Jon Stephen Jones said the fact the boy was "almost of tender years" influenced his decision to use the closed-circuit TV alternative. Jones said he found Sean could testify by closed-circuit TV because the boy would be traumatized in a courtroom setting and the emotional distress of being in the presence of his father would be more than "de minimis," meaning more than mere nervousness or excitement or some reluctance to testify...."

more at link

Judge rules to allow Kahler's statements
June 17, 2011

"A judge yesterday denied a motion to suppress statements capital murder defendant Kraig Kahler made to law enforcement officers questioning him about the slayings of his wife, two daughters and his wife&#8217;s grandmother in November 2009.

Osage County District Court Chief Judge Phillip Fromme said Kahler &#8212; a former director of the Columbia Water and Light Department &#8212; had waived his Miranda rights to remain silent and to have an attorney present during questioning...."


"....The trial is scheduled to begin Aug. 8 and last three weeks...."

more at link
From the pretrial hearing:

Kahler trial will include testimony of 'home wrecker'
LYNDON — Jurors hearing the trial of James Kraig Kahler, who is charged with capital murder in the slayings of four family members, likely will hear testimony that a woman having a relationship with his wife was a “serial home wrecker,” an Osage County District Court judge ruled Wednesday.

The testimony will center on the relationship of Karen Kahler, the defendant's wife, and Sunny Reese, and may be part of the defense that Kahler suffered a mental breakdown as a result of the relationship, contributing to the slayings.
much more at Topeka Capital-Journal link above
Silly me-I can see how your wife having a relationship with someone else can trigger mass murder....whoops-he murdered just the women folk so there is something not adding up here...I hope his attorney has a back up plan.

This case brings out the very worst in me, I have to say-death is not enough for Kahler-he has to continue to abuse and slander the mother of his children. As much as he may hate it, she gave birth to his son as well. Apparently this was immaterial.

He stalked her-she was his prey. He planned this meticulously. He blew away the women in the house, just the women. He forced his son to live with a horror that is unimaginable. The survivors guilt must be monumental.....but it isnt enough for Kahler. I can see why he wants a trial-he just wants to kill them all over again.

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