GUILTY KS - Keighley Alyea, 18, Overland Park, 30 Sept 2009

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No, I don't know what he meant. Maybe he was grasping at anything he could to put the blame somewhere else. It must be hard to understand why your child would be involved in such a horrendous crime.
Joseph Mattox and Dustin Hilt also have an uncle and cousins in Harrisonville. Their grandparents (and of course parents) lived outside of Harrisonville from 1975 until around the mid to late 80's. It might have been early 90's
Some interesting comments on here on the Prairie Village topix forum -- primarily Bob from Leawood, who among other things comments that there are legal issues pending with respect to the Mattox residence.

Page 3

but also one called no name from Braymer, MO.
Page 5
From Bonnie's life of crime blog -- info on the three inmates. Says no bond, and notice that Mattox and Hilt are held in one facility, Calbeck in another. Ironically, Mattox will be before the judge on his birthday.



I can't speak for Bob, but what gives me insight is knowing the Hilts years ago.
So they killed her, then stole her money and medication? :furious:

So sad...right when she appeared to be trying to get her life together. :(

Sadly, I've followed these kinds of cases long enough to know that it happens a lot in abusive relationships. I think it's one of the main reasons that women keep going back, or stay with the abuser. It's easy to believe someone that says they will kill you if you leave them, when they have no qualms about beating the crap out of you.

Thankfully, I'm not speaking from my own experience. Just from what I have seen in these types of cases. Actually, this case reminded me quite a bit about Carrie Culberson.
I thought rccook was referring to Kara Kopetsky?
Teen On Teen Domestic Violence Growing Problem In Metro
October 7, 2009
Friends of Keighley Alyea who spoke to the media this week touched on the possibility that she was a victim of domestic violence. It's a growing problem in Kansas City among teens.

According to the Rose Brooks Center, one in five teens is a victim of domestic violence. It's a figure that is rising across the country and in the metro.

At the Hope House Shelter, director Mary Anne Metheny said teen on teen domestic violence is escalating.

"The highest per capita age group is 16-24. You don't have to be married and actually a lot of people in violent domestic situations, a lot of people aren't married," Metheny said.

Included In Article Link!
Video: Teen On Teen Domestic Violence Growing Problem In Metro 2:44

&#8216;Teen,&#8217; &#8216;adult&#8217; neither exclusive nor synonymous
Posted on Sat, Oct. 10, 2009 10:15 PM
&#8220;How do you determine when someone in their teens is referred to as an adult and when they are referred to as a teen?&#8221; asked an e-mailer last week.

He was referring to an Oct. 6 story about the killing of 18-year-old Keighley Ann Alyea. The Page A-1 headline read, &#8220;Missing teen&#8217;s body is found; three arrested.&#8221;

&#8220;The headline calls her a teen, but the body of the article calls her a woman,&#8221; the reader pointed out, also referring to a story the same day about accused terrorist Hosam Maher Smadi, who is 19.

And at the same time, the line between juveniles and adults is less concrete in the eyes of the law. According to The Kansas City Star&#8217;s style book, anyone at least 10 but not 18 years old is a juvenile in Kansas. In Missouri, it&#8217;s 16 or younger. A judge can rule that people within those age criteria may be charged as adults.

Tragic lesson for dating teens: Violence is never OK
Posted on Mon, Oct. 12, 2009 10:15 PM
Overland Park teenager Keighley Ann Alyea died violently. As they mourned her loss, family and friends said she&#8217;d been in an abusive relationship with a boyfriend. Police described her as a recent victim of a domestic assault.

The short life and tragic death of the 18-year-old community college student bring into focus the much-too-common problem of violence in adolescent relationships.

Dating violence is sometimes described as the younger sister of full-blown domestic violence. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it affects about one in 10 adolescents; other studies say up to a third of teenagers who date experience physical abuse. Verbal and emotional abuse are even more common.


This is for Calbeck, but all three show similar. with different attorneys. Also appears that Hilt has had other run ins with police - driving with suspended license, drug arrest, but both were dismissed by the Prosecution. Perhaps due to age??


Apparently this means this is just a scheduling hearing! I am guessing we won't find out much!
According to JoCo Courts page, Calbeck has a new lawyer, and the prelim for all three will not be until January 19, 2010. So much for a speedy trial.
Probable-cause affidavits should be public in Kansas
Posted on Wed, Oct. 14, 2009 10:15 PM
But what evidence led prosecutors to file those charges? What do police believe happened on Sept. 30, the night that Alyea died?

In any state other than Kansas, that information would be a matter of public record. As it should be. Family members of victims and defendants, and many other people, deserve to know early on why someone has been charged with a crime.

But Kansas refuses to make that information public. Prosecutors can operate in secrecy, sometimes for weeks, before they are required to make their evidence public at a hearing.


Hilts and Mattox both have public defenders. Yesterday Calbeck's withdrew and he now has what appears to be his own lawyer, Thomas Bath - Bath and Edmonds

I'm thinking we'll have a plea long before this goes to trial.
Hilts and Mattox both have public defenders. Yesterday Calbeck's withdrew and he now has what appears to be his own lawyer, Thomas Bath - Bath and Edmonds

He's obviously the outsider in all of this and also the one who's been separated from the other two. My guess he's the one talking, I'd find it hard to believe that the lone guy would be the one who pressured the two cousins into killing some other guys ex-girlfriend (unless he's just THAT good at social manipulation).

Someone above mentioned that parents don't want to admit that their child could do something like this (agreed) or that he's disconnected from his kid (very much likely). He probably had no clue about the "types" of friends his boy was hanging out with... probably knew that his kid was "trying" drugs and it was just a faze, but look what happened. Well, he's an adult now and his "stupid" trial phase is over and he needs to own up to the choices he made, and one of them was NOT to walk away when bad was going on (i.e. the guys you are hanging around with are killing some girl -- and you chose to, at the very least, watch it happen and then NOT report it after the fact).

I'm thinking we'll have a plea long before this goes to trial.

Agreed, I bet he makes a deal before this goes to trial.

As far as a speedy trial it looks like all three are heading for one, if I recall a speedy trial is something like 90 days and Jan. 19 '10 is in that ballpark -- that and I haven't seen any filings waiving their right to a speedy trial quite yet.

Also, I'd like to think if some girls really prompted these morons to kill Keighley that they'd also be charged, at least with something like conspiracy (especially if they asked these guys to "do something" about her and if they knew afterwards that something had happened to her).

Probable-cause affidavits should be public in Kansas
Wed, Oct. 14, 2009 10:15 PM
Three men are accused of murder and other charges in the death of Overland Park teenager Keighley Ann Alyea. This much the public knows.

But what evidence led prosecutors to file those charges? What do police believe happened on Sept. 30, the night that Alyea died?

But Kansas refuses to make that information public. Prosecutors can operate in secrecy, sometimes for weeks, before they are required to make their evidence public at a hearing.

Teen violence must stop, but how?
Sun, Oct. 18, 2009 10:15 PM
We like to think violence doesn&#8217;t affect the good kids who come from the nice neighborhoods. But it does.

Earlier this month, Keighley Ann Alyea, an 18-year-old Overland Park girl, was reported missing and found dead. Her on-again, off-again abusive boyfriend and two of his friends are suspected of murdering her.

I don&#8217;t know the solution. But we have to start taking action before an entire generation goes genocidal while we watch it all happen on YouTube.

Killa City: January hearing set for men accused of killing Keighley Ann Alyea
Fri., Oct. 16 2009 @ 12:30AM
A preliminary hearing for the three men accused of killing Keighley Ann Alyea has been scheduled for January 19, 2010.

Johnson County prosecutors charged Dustin Hilt, Gerald Calbeck and Joseph Mattox with first-degree murder, aggravated kidnapping and aggravated robbery in Alyea's death.

Hilt, Calbeck and Mattox are all scheduled to appear in Division 6 of Johnson County District Court at 9 a.m. on January 19, 2010.



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