Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #14 *Arrest*

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I am wondering if it was worded like that because maybe one call was a call in and another a call out? For example, maybe someone called her but she didn't answer and then called them back an hour later? If it was the LL calling and she was already gone, she might have ignored his call and waited until she was on her way back home to return the call in case he wanted to come by for some reason.

When it was discovered that two phone calls were made. BTW, I think your scenario is most likely the accurate one. I can't help but wonder if one of her friends was disposing of Lucas while she was at the OG. One call to the friend to let them know that she is out of the house and one call from the friend to let her know that the deed has been done and she can now return to the home. Just my :twocents:
I know that DHS reports are confidential but I can't help but wonder what actions, if any, DHS initiated to investigate abuse committed against Lucas. DHS was contacted more than once about this. :banghead:

I have to say, I think jurisdiction issues played a part, court custody issues played a part, the relationships and temperaments between all of the parents involved played parts in influencing the courts and DHS. This was just one big hot mess! Seems like there was a whole lot of he said she said and pointing fingers. Poor little Lucas was caught in the middle of all this mess! There were those that really felt they were trying to save him and it's just so hard to get any movement in these types of cases.
When it was discovered that two phone calls were made. BTW, I think your scenario is most likely the accurate one. I can't help but wonder if one of her friends was disposing of Lucas while she was at the OG. One call to the friend to let them know that she is out of the house and one call from the friend to let her know that the deed has been done and she can now return to the home. Just my :twocents:

But the LL saw him approx. 5:30 peeking out the window.
Another thing I have been wondering about. Why would JH take Lucas to his family in NM covered in bruises? Was he trying to get Lucas away from EG for awhile? JH would have to of known his family would question the brusies. It wasn't like there was only 1. He had numerous bruises.
Sadly I think whomever did the disposal probably did it over county lines, complicating matters further. Oh how my head and heart ache right now:facepalm:.
Still reading and thinking of you Lucas honey:floating:.
I know that DHS reports are confidential but I can't help but wonder what actions, if any, DHS initiated to investigate abuse committed against Lucas. DHS was contacted more than once about this. :banghead:
It kinda seems like they didn't do anything at all. JMO but I know people who get reported for this or that and the people on the hotline take the info, but the person reported never gets contacted at all, let alone investigated.
When JH was working in New Mexico did he visit his family, did he stay with his family?
When it was discovered that two phone calls were made. BTW, I think your scenario is most likely the accurate one. I can't help but wonder if one of her friends was disposing of Lucas while she was at the OG. One call to the friend to let them know that she is out of the house and one call from the friend to let her know that the deed has been done and she can now return to the home. Just my :twocents:

And it’s a fine theory except the landlord saw Lucas at the house at 5:30, while EG was at Olive Garden

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According to the "timeline" the LL saw him at about 5:30 pm. Are you thinking someone was there with Lucas? E.G. Said he was home alone and sick. So should we assume , once again, she is lying? Was someone there with him waiting to take "care of him" while she was gone ?
Another thing I have been wondering about. Why would JH take Lucas to his family in NM covered in bruises? Was he trying to get Lucas away from EG for awhile? JH would have to of known his family would question the brusies. It wasn't like there was only 1. He had numerous bruises.

This makes me think he believed EG. Is Lucas his oldest? If so, she's more experienced, she's a mother and I'm sure she gas-lighted (gas-lit?) him about it: Kids get bruises! What are you accusing me of! How dare you! Don't leave him with me if you think I'm so horrible. Lucas, I'm not mean to you...AM I? No, of course not, you just got rug burn with your cousins, remember?

I need to go clean my brain out, now.

Why he believes EG over his own family and his own child, I cannot answer and maybe he can't either, yet.
Every day I come here. Every day I wish for news about Lucas. I am starting to fear this little love bug will never be found. I have prayed so hard that he would be returned to the people who love him. I am so disheartened and sad.
Does anyone know -- do we know the circumstances of EG losing custody and having to work her way back up to unsupervised visitation? I know some have referenced they have seen some of these court documents and others (such as DV between EG & JH) but I have not seen any of them. Do we have links to any of them?

I got really hot under the collar when I realized those bruises are from May and in October she alleges to the court that she is taking care of Lucas as an example of decent parenting! Even if I'm wrong and the bruise pictures came in November, those May allegations were on file when the court case is heard in October. Why didn't the court catch that? I understand why in theory, but, just, WTF. It really isn't the courts job to cross reference, that ball was so unfortunately dropped by JH, but there must be a way to fix that so the court would have to at least ASK the parties if they are aware of pending or past DCF cases.

A national child abuse database doesn't seem so hard to implement. It doesn't have to be public.

eta..sorry, this has nothing to do with the drugs part, I guess your post just made me think of those court documents

edited again to add...I don't mean to judge JH...maybe he was never even thrown the ball, I don't know if he had direct knowledge of the issues surrounding the custody of EG's older boys or direct knowledge of all calls to DCF regarding Lucas.

I know that DHS reports are confidential but I can't help but wonder what actions, if any, DHS initiated to investigate abuse committed against Lucas. DHS was contacted more than once about this. :banghead:

I really wish something could be done about situations like this -- if a parent cannot have custody of her own kids, wth is she allowed to "care for" someone else's? Like in the case of Evan Brewer -- Bodine horribly abused his own children. While it was in another state, I would think that with ALL the many, many complaints made about Evan's situations, someone at DCF could have dug even just a little bit into Bodine's past and seen what kind of monster Evan was living with -- that might have given someone a clue that Evan's mother may not be in a position to leave or even tell the truth about what was happening (not sticking up for her, just a possibility). How can we prevent this?

This makes me think he believed EG. Is Lucas his oldest? If so, she's more experienced, she's a mother and I'm sure she gas-lighted (gas-lit?) him about it: Kids get bruises! What are you accusing me of! How dare you! Don't leave him with me if you think I'm so horrible. Lucas, I'm not mean to you...AM I? No, of course not, you just got rug burn with your cousins, remember?

I need to go clean my brain out, now.

Why he believes EG over his own family and his own child, I cannot answer and maybe he can't either, yet.

Seems to me that EG was able to snow a lot of people. Even when Lucas tried to tell about the abuse, the adults weren't sure what to think at first:

"Houchin said Lucas had told her long before he disappeared that he did not like his stepmother. When Houchin asked why, she said, he replied: “She’s mean to me.”
When she questioned him, Houchin said, the boy said, “She is too.”

Read more here:

If she can almost win over people she doesn't know, imagine how well EG can fool the people who know her, love her, and want to believe in her. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she was able to convince JH that she was innocent, that Lucas just didn't like her or that his family didn't like her, etc, etc

I’m not 100% sure anyone could identify a child accurately they had only seen once, especially “peeking” out of a window. I didn’t hear or read anything about this sighting until very recentIy. thought that LE in an interview said the last confirmed sighting was on 2/11 when EG introduced the kids to the neighbor children.

I think both scenarios make sense but the 2/11 date would give her time. Time to think smoke more mj, think, get high, clean up, think, get high, come up with a story, test story and fit some time into her “soccer mom” fake life. Think get high sleep, think some more. When she was ready with a solid fairy tale she ran to neighbors, probably after she smoked so she didn’t have the shakes. Then let the whole story roll.

Nothing, and most of those who should have nurtured this little boy, have good intent. The distant family might be the exception.

This is going togo on a lot longer than I had hoped. I don’t understand the evil in some people. in some people. I’ve seen it, I know it, but I don’t understand it. People have children and don’t think that cute baby is going to grow up and need love and attention. In Lucas’ case he needed an extraordinary amount of love and care due to his disability. He fidnt get it. Period. No one close to him gave him the basics. This is so very very sad.
IMO alot of people in Lucas life knew what was going on, some tried to do something about it others were ok with it. Lucas lived in a violent environment, IMO this isn't all on EG.
I’m not 100% sure anyone could identify a child accurately they had only seen once, especially “peeking” out of a window. I didn’t hear or read anything about this sighting until very recentIy. thought that LE in an interview said the last confirmed sighting was on 2/11 when EG introduced the kids to the neighbor children.

I think both scenarios make sense but the 2/11 date would give her time. Time to think smoke more mj, think, get high, clean up, think, get high, come up with a story, test story and fit some time into her “soccer mom” fake life. Think get high sleep, think some more. When she was ready with a solid fairy tale she ran to neighbors, probably after she smoked so she didn’t have the shakes. Then let the whole story roll.

Nothing, and most of those who should have nurtured this little boy, have good intent. The distant family might be the exception.

This is going togo on a lot longer than I had hoped. I don’t understand the evil in some people. in some people. I’ve seen it, I know it, but I don’t understand it. People have children and don’t think that cute baby is going to grow up and need love and attention. In Lucas’ case he needed an extraordinary amount of love and care due to his disability. He fidnt get it. Period. No one close to him gave him the basics. This is so very very sad.

I'm sure the landlord had seen Lucas on more than just the one occaision. JH is always out of town and that leaves EG in charge of all of the day to day duties. I'm sure if he/she was confident enough to say they saw Lucas, they were certain about who he was. Not to mention, we now know that EG has admitted that she left him home alone while she and the baby went out to eat at OG at the same time the LL saw the child. She had her baby with her, that only leaves one child it could be. LE would have definitely already interviewd OG employees and reviewed any security camera footage available to confirm that EG was alone with the baby.

If our VI are stating things as fact, I think we can pretty much rely on the fact that these are confirmed facts that have been investigated and verified by LE.
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