Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #14 *Arrest*

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Could be, have we heard anything about the progression of the CINC case?
ETA- although the WIBW article said ‘Glass will be allowed to see her daughter’ that’s not really supported by the Eagle article. It’s still undetermined?

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WIBW did a poor job, imo, with their wording. They said "will be allowed to see her daughter", but they followed it with, "however" contact is governed by the CINC case. I mistook governed for supervised, but governed by the other active case probably means what your article says, I think.

It might've been more clear to say EG "would" be allowed to see her daughter, who is in someone else's care, however visitation is determined by the judge in the CINC case.

No paragraph break, either, imo, would have helped a bit. But now I'm really nitpicking.
WIBW did a poor job, imo, with their wording. They said "will be allowed to see her daughter", but they followed it with, "however" contact is governed by the CINC case. I mistook governed for supervised, but governed by the other active case probably means what your article says, I think.

It might've been more clear to say EG "would" be allowed to see her daughter, who is in someone else's care, however visitation is determined by the judge in the CINC case.

No paragraph break, either, imo, would have helped a bit. But now I'm really nitpicking.

So many of the articles around this case have been so poorly written it’s insane!

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Bad news articles seem all too common in many cases.
This is a gruesome question, but may help people know what to look for. FLA please don't read this.

Is this something we should post about openly? I do know a good deal of what occurs postmortem in a number of environments, but am very hesitant about letting it fly for what ought be obvious reasons :(

I don't have time to look it up, but maybe someone can. If someone stumbles upon Lucas, say in July after the rains have stopped and it's been hot for 30 days, are they going to find Lucas, his clothes, or his diaper? All? None? By then, and ground disturbance will have been washed away or worn down or eroded, or grasses and ground cover will have sprouted. What should people be keeping an eye out for looking for in that regard?

Lets just say for open land several months in, the ph, flora/fauna will not be the same in the location as surrounding- *notable*.

Textile fibers are diverse! Lets just consider current market types: those such as acetates (modified natural to synthetic blends) 'shatter' from UV.
Naturals can last a year or longer under good conditions however are subject to insects & weather degradation.
Polyester & plastic can survive many years exposed & retain colour.
I just watched the EG jailhouse interview. Did she really say she wasn't ready to tell her side yet?

I know - that statement left me gobsmacked. A child is missing, long enough to presume he's deceased, family members are wringing their hands wondering where he is and what happened to him and Glass is babbling about telling her story - doesn't that just take the cake? Ugh!

Another person who also stated a desire to "tell her story" is Brook Lynne Crews, the woman who murdered Savanna Lafontaine Greywind and cut her unborn baby out of her stomach. She pleaded guilty and is sentenced to LWOP. It was a good move on her part since she was all but caught red-handed commiting the crime. Still, she had the audacity to mail a letter to a reporter, stating she wanted to tell her story but couldn't until after the trial of her co-defendant.

So we have self-absorbed, attention-seeking criminals eager to... what? Justify their crime? Talk about wrongs done to them that caused them to act in a most barbaric way to a human being? Yeah, I'm gonna play the world's smallest :violin: for her.

Emily, how about you start your "story" with the location where you dumped poor Lucas - until I hear that I'm deaf to anything you have to say. :furious:
I know - that statement left me gobsmacked. A child is missing, long enough to presume he's deceased, family members are wringing their hands wondering where he is and what happened to him and Glass is babbling about telling her story - doesn't that just take the cake? Ugh!

Another person who also stated a desire to "tell her story" is Brook Lynne Crews, the woman who murdered Savanna Lafontaine Greywind and cut her unborn baby out of her stomach. She pleaded guilty and is sentenced to LWOP. It was a good move on her part since she was all but caught red-handed commiting the crime. Still, she had the audacity to mail a letter to a reporter, stating she wanted to tell her story but couldn't until after the trial of her co-defendant.

So we have self-absorbed, attention-seeking criminals eager to... what? Justify their crime? Talk about wrongs done to them that caused them to act in a most barbaric way to a human being? Yeah, I'm gonna play the world's smallest :violin: for her.

Emily, how about you start your "story" with the location where you dumped poor Lucas - until I hear that I'm deaf to anything you have to say. :furious:

ikr Im right there with you.
The audacity she had to even say that was unbelievable.

It shows the real narccism she has and total selfishness she has.
Like us and LE are supposed to be patient and wait till she is good and ready to give us a clue to what happened.

No hunny. Sorry it doesnt work that way. There is a child missing and you are square in the middle of knowing what may have happened.

So go ahead and stay silent and sit and rot and wallow in your sorrows. And when we find him on our own we wont care one word what you have to say.

Or you can hurry up and fess up and tell us everything you know and then throw yourself at the mercy of the court and hope that there is someone willing to try to defend you. Because the longer you wait the less people willing to even give you the time of day.
WIBW did a poor job, imo, with their wording. They said "will be allowed to see her daughter", but they followed it with, "however" contact is governed by the CINC case. I mistook governed for supervised, but governed by the other active case probably means what your article says, I think.

It might've been more clear to say EG "would" be allowed to see her daughter, who is in someone else's care, however visitation is determined by the judge in the CINC case.

No paragraph break, either, imo, would have helped a bit. But now I'm really nitpicking.

As someone from Topeka, I can tell you that WIBW does tend to make a lot of mistakes but they are normally pretty good at fixing a mistake if there is one. Spelling, however, isn't one of their strong suits. I think I would listen more to articles that are directly related to Wichita and surrounding areas then WIBW. That's just in personal experience and IMO.
ikr Im right there with you.
The audacity she had to even say that was unbelievable.

It shows the real narccism she has and total selfishness she has.
Like us and LE are supposed to be patient and wait till she is good and ready to give us a clue to what happened.

No hunny. Sorry it doesnt work that way. There is a child missing and you are square in the middle of knowing what may have happened.

So go ahead and stay silent and sit and rot and wallow in your sorrows. And when we find him on our own we wont care one word what you have to say.

Or you can hurry up and fess up and tell us everything you know and then throw yourself at the mercy of the court and hope that there is someone willing to try to defend you. Because the longer you wait the less people willing to even give you the time of day.


You have excellent thoughts and I totally agree with them. In the long run EG keeping silent isn't helping her case.
I agree that there was no new details given, but here is a summary.
Hope it makes sense.

Summary of Nancy Grace podcast:


Kim Martin - effort to find Lucas with Missing pieces network
Karen Smith - forensic expert
Ashley Willcot - juvenile judge, founder of child crime watch
Dr. Chloe Carmichael - founder goal attainment, New York psychologist
Chuck Roberts - Crime stories investigative reporter

The moment he disappeared is up for debate..
Emily was napping 3pm & woke up contacted police 6:14pm

Just moved into new home 10 days earlier - Lucas would have been unfamiliar with area
‘Step mother’ EG is 26
Shoes & coat still at home, unusually warm that day
May have gone outside on his own accord

School teachers ‘a very sweet boy’

Kim (on the topic of the search):

Police, swat team, canvassing neighbourhood
Early on they said it was not an abduction, there was no sign of any one in house or sign that anyone removed Lucas.


No forced entry etc. Canvassed neighbourhood - no strangers

Kansas police recording (Charlie):
Officers & K-9 units checked home and neighbourhood with no luck of Lucas

Gives advice that EG’s associates and cell phone records should be looked at.
Rear door apparently open? Should take DNA swabs, finger prints.

Check for footprints and marks on windows/doors.

No sightings of Lucas since disappearance.

Dr Chloe:
Moving is one of the top 5 stressful events (NG) Dr. Chloe agrees; it poses emotional stress, poses cognitive stress.
Blended families - issues of anger, possessiveness
Where does loyalty lie?
Moving can cause a psychological storm (looking through photos etc.)

Dad (JH), left for work on the 9th, worked 20 days on 10 days off, previously worked in Texas, switched to working in NM and works on oil rig.

Mom- last time in Kansas Jan. 1, lives in Oklahoma, she is devastated and in Wichita now.

(NG making it about herself[emoji849]/sympathising)....

Rumours, blame being thrown
Family being harassed, threatened, had to step back from searches


Karen (on the topic of neighbours):

Talks about sexual predators



Step mom is the ‘live in girlfriend’
More than a year together - ‘not a step mother’


Step mother? She says no.

It takes a special person to be committed to someone else’s children..


EG has two older children -does not have custody of.
EG & Johnathan have a 1 year old daughter
Two older children - older than Lucas.. no specific age given.
They live with their father.
1 year old girl - napping with EG at time of Lucas going missing....

Lucas brown hair brown eyes, 4ft tall,
EG said 60lbs, actually 38-40lbs...


Red flag... she didn’t know weight, purposely lied? 38lbs is small for height.

NG - child extremely malnourished

NG - Last seen wearing black sweats, white socks, grey shirt with bear

Bruise on face. Not sure if police have connected that with case.
Lucas told family EG threw water in his face, kicked him, and EG was ‘mean to him’

Recording of Great aunt sally:

Multiple bruises on face and neck
Police didn’t think there was enough evidence..

(NG)Great grandmother stated:
Lucas was kicked and EG dragged him across room (reported concerns)


Four or five people reported suspected abuse, from Lucas’ fathers family and bio moms family.
JH - unfounded, EG did not abuse.
16 photos. (Break your heart)
All over Lucas’ body.
‘Emily hurts me’
Called her Emily not ‘step mom’

Repeated bruises = different story.. intentional abuse.
System fail
System failed Lucas.. multiple reports etc.

Check where bruises are located, old and new bruises? Abuse for a period of time
System failed Lucas
Should have been removed from home
Patterns to bruises?
Hand marks or objects?

(Kansas police - Gavin - 2 separate accounts of child endangerment) - recording being played.

What led to arrests:
Day before disappearance:
Took 1 year old to OG, later admitted to JH, she smoke a couple of bowls of marijuana, left him because he was sick and didn’t want to wake him up.

Step mom - requested a bond reduction..


Find Lucas.. 99% sure recovery effort sadly
Doesn’t think anyone will pay until Lucas is found.
Area = vast, rural and a lot of private property
Need land owners to search
A lot of land to cover


Landlord, saw Lucas peeking through window at 5:30pm on 16th. LAST VISUAL.

Consented to search of home, found texts (Facebook messenger) between her and JH, police say - glass was going to smoke and go to OG, use gift card
Made two calls


No reason to believe boy made it through the night (her opinion)
Emily came home
LH made comment on landlord
She snapped..
Lashed out at him

Been sick for two or three weeks
Think it killed him..

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Let's be real here though.... Yes, it's maddening to hear that she wants to tell her story, but she's "just not there yet"....

But that's just because it's not concocted to her satisfaction. Not because she's actually going to give any helpful information. If memory serves, right after she made that statement she started talking about the abuse allegations, and how they were untrue.

Her story that she's not ready to tell is just that. A story. Should she decide to unload, it's going to be a big ole bag of BS.


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Let's be real here though.... Yes, it's maddening to hear that she wants to tell her story, but she's "just not there yet"....

But that's just because it's not concocted to her satisfaction. Not because she's actually going to give any helpful information. If memory serves, right after she made that statement she started talking about the abuse allegations, and how they were untrue.

Her story that she's not ready to tell is just that. A story. Should she decide to unload, it's going to be a big ole bag of BS.


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Exactly this
Who knows if she would even be in jail now if not for the evidence in the phone about the pot and the OG trip. I feel 99.99999% sure she didn’t give that info willingly, only after confronted with the incriminating messages (and possibly video and testimony?)
She isn’t giving anything up. Not yet and maybe not ever. Everything is about her- she didn’t speak like a mother in her interview. She wasn’t concerned with her other children even! Much less Lucas! Everything was ‘just, like, you know’ so matter of fact and distant.

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I didn’t realize 4 or 5 reports were made on abuse. I only knew about great aunt and grandma reporting. So sad. ��
Let's be real here though.... Yes, it's maddening to hear that she wants to tell her story, but she's "just not there yet"....

But that's just because it's not concocted to her satisfaction. Not because she's actually going to give any helpful information. If memory serves, right after she made that statement she started talking about the abuse allegations, and how they were untrue.

Her story that she's not ready to tell is just that. A story. Should she decide to unload, it's going to be a big ole bag of BS.


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The first story hasn't been very believable so I doubt that anything else she come up with be either. Unless she wants to tell where she put Lucas and that can't come soon enough. imo
Respectfully shortened by me:

I agree that there was no new details given, but here is a summary.
Hope it makes sense.

Summary of Nancy Grace podcast:


Kim Martin - effort to find Lucas with Missing pieces network
Karen Smith - forensic expert
Ashley Willcot - juvenile judge, founder of child crime watch
Dr. Chloe Carmichael - founder goal attainment, New York psychologist
Chuck Roberts - Crime stories investigative reporter

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Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for this amazing summary! I, too, was at work today and missed the podcast. This was perfectly summarized!

To those that were disappointed in no new information- I didn't think there was going to be any myself. I thought the point of going on Nancy's show was to get the information that we already know out there for folks who may not know he's missing or have no idea that he's still missing. It also might help jog some folks memories of that evening, as well as it brought attention to the landowners to check their properties thoroughly just in case EG buried him somewhere on one of their farms. Isn't that what the purpose was for this interview- to get Lucas' face out there again and to ask the community for help locating him?
ikr Im right there with you.
The audacity she had to even say that was unbelievable.

It shows the real narccism she has and total selfishness she has.
Like us and LE are supposed to be patient and wait till she is good and ready to give us a clue to what happened.

No hunny. Sorry it doesnt work that way. There is a child missing and you are square in the middle of knowing what may have happened.

So go ahead and stay silent and sit and rot and wallow in your sorrows. And when we find him on our own we wont care one word what you have to say.

Or you can hurry up and fess up and tell us everything you know and then throw yourself at the mercy of the court and hope that there is someone willing to try to defend you. Because the longer you wait the less people willing to even give you the time of day.

I know I keep saying this but IMO Glass is constantly "rolling the dice" that Lucas won't be found and if he is the COD will be undetermined and in her mind she thinks it'll keep her out of a prison term.

And she may be right - we've seen it in other cases. CA for one and last year in Indianapolis the prosecutor took a no-body case to trial and lost. Delano Wilson has never been found but there was overwhelming evidence that he was murdered by his father. Yet, the jury found him not guilty. I still can't believe they let him off!

But in Lonzie Barton's case Ruben Ebron also kept rolling the dice and when the prosecutor began moving toward a no-body case he saw the writing on the wall and finally disclosed where Lonzie was dumped.

So these cases can go any which way. But IMO Glass is deluding herself if she thinks she will skate on Lucas' death. No amount of "positive thoughts," magical numbers, angels or plain old acting like she's some sort of victim will buy her a ticket out of prison. I bet LE is accumulating a mountain of evidence that she doesn't know about. I hope so anyway.

And just a stray thought - after reading HayLouise's excellent summary of the NG podcast something that we've known all along caught my eye in a new light - the talk about them moving in just 10 days before Lucas went missing and how he would have been unfamiliar with the area.

This is just speculation so only MOO but it did make me wonder if that was not a coincidence. Think about it; little boy moves to new house then gets "lost" soon after. Glass may not have counted on LE eliminating the possibility that Lucas was abducted or wandered off and may have thought it would be a good smokescreen. If she planned his disappearance based on the move then that may come back to bite her in the :behind: as it would point to premeditaion.

As always, JMOO.
Yes most of us have read those court records along with others in the link thread for Lucas.
So sad the family dynamics that led to this "imperfect storm":gaah:. As for the "playing swords with rake handles" another poster here asked a very good question: Since they had just moved from an apartment, why did they have these? And where are the rake heads? Scary to even think about.
Just breaks my heart every time I think of all the lost chances for Lucas:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:. So many of his extended family members did report to social services but alas nothing was ever effective. They love him and they are surely in pain we cannot begin to fathom.

I asked that question about the rake handles. I mean, who has those things handy just as you move from an apartment into a house just a few days before? How did those rake handles get broken so fast- did Ms. EG have another one of her temper tantrums or does she make it a habit of cutting off axe heads and rakes and collects the handles?
She just keeps getting worse and worse. Monsters exist. Praying Lucas will be found soon!
I agree that there was no new details given, but here is a summary.
Hope it makes sense.

Summary of Nancy Grace podcast:


Kim Martin - effort to find Lucas with Missing pieces network
Karen Smith - forensic expert
Ashley Willcot - juvenile judge, founder of child crime watch
Dr. Chloe Carmichael - founder goal attainment, New York psychologist
Chuck Roberts - Crime stories investigative reporter

The moment he disappeared is up for debate..
Emily was napping 3pm & woke up contacted police 6:14pm

Just moved into new home 10 days earlier - Lucas would have been unfamiliar with area
‘Step mother’ EG is 26
Shoes & coat still at home, unusually warm that day
May have gone outside on his own accord

School teachers ‘a very sweet boy’

Kim (on the topic of the search):

Police, swat team, canvassing neighbourhood
Early on they said it was not an abduction, there was no sign of any one in house or sign that anyone removed Lucas.


No forced entry etc. Canvassed neighbourhood - no strangers

Kansas police recording (Charlie):
Officers & K-9 units checked home and neighbourhood with no luck of Lucas

Gives advice that EG’s associates and cell phone records should be looked at.
Rear door apparently open? Should take DNA swabs, finger prints.

Check for footprints and marks on windows/doors.

No sightings of Lucas since disappearance.

Dr Chloe:
Moving is one of the top 5 stressful events (NG) Dr. Chloe agrees; it poses emotional stress, poses cognitive stress.
Blended families - issues of anger, possessiveness
Where does loyalty lie?
Moving can cause a psychological storm (looking through photos etc.)

Dad (JH), left for work on the 9th, worked 20 days on 10 days off, previously worked in Texas, switched to working in NM and works on oil rig.

Mom- last time in Kansas Jan. 1, lives in Oklahoma, she is devastated and in Wichita now.

(NG making it about herself[emoji849]/sympathising)....

Rumours, blame being thrown
Family being harassed, threatened, had to step back from searches


Karen (on the topic of neighbours):

Talks about sexual predators



Step mom is the ‘live in girlfriend’
More than a year together - ‘not a step mother’


Step mother? She says no.

It takes a special person to be committed to someone else’s children..


EG has two older children -does not have custody of.
EG & Johnathan have a 1 year old daughter
Two older children - older than Lucas.. no specific age given.
They live with their father.
1 year old girl - napping with EG at time of Lucas going missing....

Lucas brown hair brown eyes, 4ft tall,
EG said 60lbs, actually 38-40lbs...


Red flag... she didn’t know weight, purposely lied? 38lbs is small for height.

NG - child extremely malnourished

NG - Last seen wearing black sweats, white socks, grey shirt with bear

Bruise on face. Not sure if police have connected that with case.
Lucas told family EG threw water in his face, kicked him, and EG was ‘mean to him’

Recording of Great aunt sally:

Multiple bruises on face and neck
Police didn’t think there was enough evidence..

(NG)Great grandmother stated:
Lucas was kicked and EG dragged him across room (reported concerns)


Four or five people reported suspected abuse, from Lucas’ fathers family and bio moms family.
JH - unfounded, EG did not abuse.
16 photos. (Break your heart)
All over Lucas’ body.
‘Emily hurts me’
Called her Emily not ‘step mom’

Repeated bruises = different story.. intentional abuse.
System fail
System failed Lucas.. multiple reports etc.

Check where bruises are located, old and new bruises? Abuse for a period of time
System failed Lucas
Should have been removed from home
Patterns to bruises?
Hand marks or objects?

(Kansas police - Gavin - 2 separate accounts of child endangerment) - recording being played.

What led to arrests:
Day before disappearance:
Took 1 year old to OG, later admitted to JH, she smoke a couple of bowls of marijuana, left him because he was sick and didn’t want to wake him up.

Step mom - requested a bond reduction..


Find Lucas.. 99% sure recovery effort sadly
Doesn’t think anyone will pay until Lucas is found.
Area = vast, rural and a lot of private property
Need land owners to search
A lot of land to cover


Landlord, saw Lucas peeking through window at 5:30pm on 16th. LAST VISUAL.

Consented to search of home, found texts (Facebook messenger) between her and JH, police say - glass was going to smoke and go to OG, use gift card
Made two calls


No reason to believe boy made it through the night (her opinion)
Emily came home
LH made comment on landlord
She snapped..
Lashed out at him

Been sick for two or three weeks
Think it killed him..

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Thank you so much for the recap. I didn’t realize JH and EG were together for that short of a time span. I think it’s worth noting that she should be called “live-in girlfriend” rather than “stepmother”. I agree!

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I just saw this about a weekend search planned on the news. Hopefully they can bring this sweet boy home <3

"The group is asking that volunteers bring gloves, walking sticks, water and snacks; they are also in need of people with ATVs to help search.*

"We are looking to recover a missing child," it states in a flier. "It is dirty, hard*work, but it is also one of the most rewarding and giving things we can do for Lucas Hernandez.""

Fantastic. Adam Gilbertson was located here in Denver via a volunteer search group.

I agree that there was no new details given, but here is a summary.
Hope it makes sense.

Summary of Nancy Grace podcast:


Kim Martin - effort to find Lucas with Missing pieces network
Karen Smith - forensic expert
Ashley Willcot - juvenile judge, founder of child crime watch
Dr. Chloe Carmichael - founder goal attainment, New York psychologist
Chuck Roberts - Crime stories investigative reporter

The moment he disappeared is up for debate..
Emily was napping 3pm & woke up contacted police 6:14pm

Just moved into new home 10 days earlier - Lucas would have been unfamiliar with area
&#8216;Step mother&#8217; EG is 26
Shoes & coat still at home, unusually warm that day
May have gone outside on his own accord

School teachers &#8216;a very sweet boy&#8217;

Kim (on the topic of the search):

Police, swat team, canvassing neighbourhood
Early on they said it was not an abduction, there was no sign of any one in house or sign that anyone removed Lucas.


No forced entry etc. Canvassed neighbourhood - no strangers

Kansas police recording (Charlie):
Officers & K-9 units checked home and neighbourhood with no luck of Lucas

Gives advice that EG&#8217;s associates and cell phone records should be looked at.
Rear door apparently open? Should take DNA swabs, finger prints.

Check for footprints and marks on windows/doors.

No sightings of Lucas since disappearance.

Dr Chloe:
Moving is one of the top 5 stressful events (NG) Dr. Chloe agrees; it poses emotional stress, poses cognitive stress.
Blended families - issues of anger, possessiveness
Where does loyalty lie?
Moving can cause a psychological storm (looking through photos etc.)

Dad (JH), left for work on the 9th, worked 20 days on 10 days off, previously worked in Texas, switched to working in NM and works on oil rig.

Mom- last time in Kansas Jan. 1, lives in Oklahoma, she is devastated and in Wichita now.

(NG making it about herself[emoji849]/sympathising)....

Rumours, blame being thrown
Family being harassed, threatened, had to step back from searches


Karen (on the topic of neighbours):

Talks about sexual predators



Step mom is the &#8216;live in girlfriend&#8217;
More than a year together - &#8216;not a step mother&#8217;


Step mother? She says no.

It takes a special person to be committed to someone else&#8217;s children..


EG has two older children -does not have custody of.
EG & Johnathan have a 1 year old daughter
Two older children - older than Lucas.. no specific age given.
They live with their father.
1 year old girl - napping with EG at time of Lucas going missing....

Lucas brown hair brown eyes, 4ft tall,
EG said 60lbs, actually 38-40lbs...


Red flag... she didn&#8217;t know weight, purposely lied? 38lbs is small for height.

NG - child extremely malnourished

NG - Last seen wearing black sweats, white socks, grey shirt with bear

Bruise on face. Not sure if police have connected that with case.
Lucas told family EG threw water in his face, kicked him, and EG was &#8216;mean to him&#8217;

Recording of Great aunt sally:

Multiple bruises on face and neck
Police didn&#8217;t think there was enough evidence..

(NG)Great grandmother stated:
Lucas was kicked and EG dragged him across room (reported concerns)


Four or five people reported suspected abuse, from Lucas&#8217; fathers family and bio moms family.
JH - unfounded, EG did not abuse.
16 photos. (Break your heart)
All over Lucas&#8217; body.
&#8216;Emily hurts me&#8217;
Called her Emily not &#8216;step mom&#8217;

Repeated bruises = different story.. intentional abuse.
System fail
System failed Lucas.. multiple reports etc.

Check where bruises are located, old and new bruises? Abuse for a period of time
System failed Lucas
Should have been removed from home
Patterns to bruises?
Hand marks or objects?

(Kansas police - Gavin - 2 separate accounts of child endangerment) - recording being played.

What led to arrests:
Day before disappearance:
Took 1 year old to OG, later admitted to JH, she smoke a couple of bowls of marijuana, left him because he was sick and didn&#8217;t want to wake him up.

Step mom - requested a bond reduction..


Find Lucas.. 99% sure recovery effort sadly
Doesn&#8217;t think anyone will pay until Lucas is found.
Area = vast, rural and a lot of private property
Need land owners to search
A lot of land to cover


Landlord, saw Lucas peeking through window at 5:30pm on 16th. LAST VISUAL.

Consented to search of home, found texts (Facebook messenger) between her and JH, police say - glass was going to smoke and go to OG, use gift card
Made two calls


No reason to believe boy made it through the night (her opinion)
Emily came home
LH made comment on landlord
She snapped..
Lashed out at him

Been sick for two or three weeks
Think it killed him..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Thank you, HayLouise. Marking.
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