Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #18 *Arrest*

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I swear I am not a "bot" or some sort of never sleeping troll LOL.
These are just the prime moments I really have the quiet time to catch up and read as well as work in the background as an interventionist and a supporter of sobriety and suicide awareness.
So I just completed my latest "adventure" and find myself back thinking about dear Lucas.
Dear Lucas,
I was out driving in the rain on my way home having fears for your safety[.:bowdown:-----that's me being glad I made it home.]
These kind of grownup fears are not the kind of fears you should have ever had to feel, like when you had to call her "Emily".
Like when you said "she doesn't like me any more".
Those were sad thoughts for a special boy like you to have had.
And I am so very sorry for that. If I could scoop you up in my arms and bring you home I would. In a second. For real.:yes:
Where are you honey?
What can we do to find you?
You know we all know that your spirit is never going to die. It just won't.
I continue to hope and pray that you are still with us, although it doesn't seem likely right now.:tears:
How I wish you were home with those that love and need you sweet boy.
If you can possibly do so, please send them a clue as to where they can find you.:floating:
Your mother and daddy and the rest of your family are missing you so very badly.
We who have never met you have grown to love you a whole whole bunch too.
May today be your day Lucas.
Chi (and little Sancha) :heartbeat:
Respectfully agreeing and disagreeing all at the same time - there's a lot we know, there's a lot we don't know. Some of us know more than others. LE knows the most, and I don't think they've shared everything with anyone. I think LE knows enough to do what they need to do. Time is still on their side, and the hope is Lucas will be found. But even if not, I personally do not believe it will hinder their charges sticking when that time comes. jmo
I swear I am not a "bot" or some sort of never sleeping troll LOL.
These are just the prime moments I really have the quiet time to catch up and read as well as work in the background as an interventionist and a supporter of sobriety and suicide awareness.
So I just completed my latest "adventure" and find myself back thinking about dear Lucas.
Dear Lucas,
I was out driving in the rain on my way home having fears for your safety[.:bowdown:-----that's me being glad I made it home.]
These kind of grownup fears are not the kind of fears you should have ever had to feel, like when you had to call her "Emily".
Like when you said "she doesn't like me any more".
Those were sad thoughts for a special boy like you to have had.
And I am so very sorry for that. If I could scoop you up in my arms and bring you home I would. In a second. For real.:yes:
Where are you honey?
What can we do to find you?
You know we all know that your spirit is never going to die. It just won't.
I continue to hope and pray that you are still with us, although it doesn't seem likely right now.
How I wish you were home with those that love and need you sweet boy.
If you can possibly do so, please send them a clue as to where they can find you.:floating:
Your mother and daddy and the rest of your family are missing you so very badly.
We who have never met you have grown to love you a whole whole bunch too.
May today be your day Lucas.
Chi (and little Sancha) :heartbeat:

Hi Chi,

Another never sleep bot here to accompany you :lol:
Morning Ana....I miss Caylee's sweet smile so much.
Every time I "see" you I just feel good seeing her too.:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:
I know she is safe now.
Thanks Chi. I love starting the day with a positive outlook. I appreciate you.
and AnaPisces, I wish I could do so much more--it's amazing how many hearts little Lucas has touched, and my heart aches for all of those that love him.
and AnaPisces, I wish I could do so much more--it's amazing how many hearts little Lucas has touched, and my heart aches for all of those that love him.

:heartbeat: Thank you. I too wish I could do so much more for Lucas Jules :(

If someone, anyone, has any direction to give on what we can do next, please share. I have a few PM's I need to get back to today - anyone who has PM'd me with ideas etc, I am not ignoring you, nothing is being overlooked, there is just a lot to go through. :tyou:
"We're not stopping,” said organizer Julie La Force. “We still have hope. Nothing is final until he's brought home." "We've gotta stop having these children fall through the cracks,” she said. “If that means I have to get a group of mama warriors out here to do this, then that’s what we're gonna do. We're gonna be that voice for Lucas."

Gov. Jeff Colyer and Gina Meier-Hummel, the new Kansas Department for Children and Families secretary, spoke to The Star earlier this year about changing state law to give the public more information after a child dies of abuse and neglect. "In the short time Secretary Meier-Hummel has been at DCF, we have seen a marked change in the culture and trajectory of the agency," said Kendall Marr, Gov. Jeff Colyer's spokesman. "When Gina joined the administration, she and Gov. Colyer had a frank conversation about the necessary financial investment it would take to remedy some of the issues at the agency, including the problem of children sleeping in offices and the need to hire additional staff to help locate children missing from their placements."
LE has plans for her.
Shes going to feel like she threw out several boomarangs and then forgot to duck.
Shes going to experience alot of "OH SHIZ" moments.

Imagine if the neglect case goes to trial.
Alot will come out.
That information will also be used against her when they file new charges concerning Lucas.

The details of those charges will indicate how much hard time she will do.

It also allows LE to gather information to build a case against anyone else they feel should be charged

Oh I’m sure they do. I have no doubt they know a whole lot more than anyone could even guess. I was just answering a question about current charges against her.

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Thank goodness and thank you for the wisdom.

I agree with PB. It’s not current policy for judges to allow SM comments.

Looking at it from a different perspective, it create many more avenues to explore as far as getting to the truth. Or the reasonable doubt the defense is looking for. Without actually using actual posts. I’ve read some very unlikely content out there.

And and I am if the age that I can remember my parents being the first in the neighborhood to have color tv. It’s funny remembering my grandmother cooking on a wood stove. We bought her a microwave and years later THAT WAS THE ONE THING she wanted to take with her when moving into assisted living.

My point is is social media is pushing life into a very public domain. I’ve seen subjects discussed on SM we kept as private business even 10 years ago.

Im very careful what I say and remember anything can be misconstrued and twisted to meet the agenda of the reader. Especially if the reader is an attorney.
Respectfully agreeing and disagreeing all at the same time - there's a lot we know, there's a lot we don't know. Some of us know more than others. LE knows the most, and I don't think they've shared everything with anyone. I think LE knows enough to do what they need to do. Time is still on their side, and the hope is Lucas will be found. But even if not, I personally do not believe it will hinder their charges sticking when that time comes. jmo

Strongly agree⁉️ Well written and great point.

It will be interesting to to see how this unfolds, and sorting through the legal tactics trying to find the actual truth.

In the meantime I hope the Judges in any case keeps all of the children involved very safe. There is hope for each child and it might just mean a fresh start away from drama, drugs and abuse.
I agree with PB. It’s not current policy for judges to allow SM comments.

Looking at it from a different perspective, it create many more avenues to explore as far as getting to the truth. Or the reasonable doubt the defense is looking for. Without actually using actual posts. I’ve read some very unlikely content out there.

And and I am if the age that I can remember my parents being the first in the neighborhood to have color tv. It’s funny remembering my grandmother cooking on a wood stove. We bought her a microwave and years later THAT WAS THE ONE THING she wanted to take with her when moving into assisted living.

My point is is social media is pushing life into a very public domain. I’ve seen subjects discussed on SM we kept as private business even 10 years ago.

Im very careful what I say and remember anything can be misconstrued and twisted to meet the agenda of the reader. Especially if the reader is an attorney.

Very smart of you!
More than one attorney probably directly involved in this case are reading and absorbing everything possible in this case as in others.
Paralegals are going to be their workhorses as usual...
The defense is always going to think ahead towards the possibility of a jury pool, and rightly so.
We all know that a good defense is guaranteed to us as citizens, but that varies depending on socioeconomic factors, race, color etc etc etc. :(
EG seems to have very good counsel at this point.
I have had to block so many people it's becoming ridiculous.

Lucas:kickcan:wish we could play kick-the-can
I agree with PB. It’s not current policy for judges to allow SM comments.

Looking at it from a different perspective, it create many more avenues to explore as far as getting to the truth. Or the reasonable doubt the defense is looking for. Without actually using actual posts. I’ve read some very unlikely content out there.

And and I am if the age that I can remember my parents being the first in the neighborhood to have color tv. It’s funny remembering my grandmother cooking on a wood stove. We bought her a microwave and years later THAT WAS THE ONE THING she wanted to take with her when moving into assisted living.

My point is is social media is pushing life into a very public domain. I’ve seen subjects discussed on SM we kept as private business even 10 years ago.

Im very careful what I say and remember anything can be misconstrued and twisted to meet the agenda of the reader. Especially if the reader is an attorney.

Judges may not allow random comments - but personal pages, comments, posts and messages can and will be mined and used on both sides (example FB messages regarding trip to OG referenced in affidavit on her current charges)
So much of many people’s lives is on SM now, to not examine the contents for potential would be folly by either side.

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How do I get one of these countdown things onto the page? Every time I get to the point where I share it on FB, it shares to my personal page instead of the Lucas page.

How do I get one of these countdown things onto the page? Every time I get to the point where I share it on FB, it shares to my personal page instead of the Lucas page.

I think you have to select from the arrow top right of the page, to post as the page not yourself (at least that’s how I remember doing it when I had a page it may have changed)
If you’re sharing a post from somewhere else, select ‘write new post’ and then from the top you should be able to select to post to your own page, to a group, or on a page you admin.
ETA- sharing a post info

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Charlie, it made me smile when I read about the color tv. We were too. I've told the story a hundred times to all my kids and grandkids. Ours was the big console type with a record player on top amongst the Elvis Presley and Tiny Tim albums. The whole neighborhood came to visit. Often. It was an exciting time. Warm memories. Thanks for posting.
Judges may not allow random comments - but personal pages, comments, posts and messages can and will be mined and used on both sides (example FB messages regarding trip to OG referenced in affidavit on her current charges)
So much of many people’s lives is on SM now, to not examine the contents for potential would be folly by either side.

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I'm ok with the SM of the people actually involved being used. I feel it could be valuable evidence. But all the BS from groups etc going on surely wouldn't be allowed, I hope? I've never really thought about SM in terms of jury pool etc. It could definitely be a problem.

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I'm ok with the SM of the people actually involved being used. I feel it could be valuable evidence. But all the BS from groups etc going on surely wouldn't be allowed, I hope? I've never really thought about SM in terms of jury pool etc. It could definitely be a problem.

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You are correct. Unless one of the parties directly involved were posting relevant info. in the groups. Otherwise it’s all just hearsay or gossip.

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I'm ok with the SM of the people actually involved being used. I feel it could be valuable evidence. But all the BS from groups etc going on surely wouldn't be allowed, I hope? I've never really thought about SM in terms of jury pool etc. It could definitely be a problem.

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Yes sorry I should’ve been more clear, people directly involved such as EG personal comments, posts etc

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