Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #22 *Arrest*

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I know in some states they can take away a driver's licenses and put a person in jail for not paying child support. He won't be able to get his licenses back (if he even has one) until he pays up.

YES! Epecially in Kansas. The love taking away drivers licenses for everything. If you owe court fees, child support, parking tickets, etc, they suspend your license.
Trial already??

Why would they need jury selection if what ESO so it's a "bench" trial. I thought a bench trial was trial by Judge - ??

So - sorry, but I skimed over the last 100 posts - so - do we know for sure there will be trial on Monday the 14th? Or just a continuance, since the Judge won't rule on the suppress motion until that Friday 5/18.

TIA! :wave:

Boy - you guys move quick....

You have the choice between a bench or jury trial. I had just assumed EG would be smart enough to choose a bench trial, but I overestimated her it seems and it is scheduled to be a jury trial.

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So would that mean when my ex gets out of prison he will not only have to pay back child support but reimburse the state for any assistance we get due to lack of child support? Especially since the crimes were against our daughter?

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Yes. It’s the type of debt that you can’t file bankruptcy on either.

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Caught up and all I can post on here right now is that I am confused, somewhat (lol, not) angry, bordering on banging my head against the wall wanting to know where Lucas is, and eating a poptart I don't need....
I'm glad LE corrected their initial claims that it was the neighbor and not the LL that saw Lucas while EG was at OG. I'm curious about the vastly different level of interaction ... from peekimg through the window to a full on conversation is a huge difference. But no matter, it establishes his presence. I wonder what his state of health was and if it was notable.

I am many posts behind----but is it possible that the neighbor is also the Landlord?
I have never heard of it either. But if law enforcement noticed from early on that Emily is the type of person who has to be in control then they might have thought that allowing her to pick the questions would make her feel more in control of the answers. I think Jamie said that the police had a set of questions for her to pick from and every single question pertained to what happened to Lucas or his whereabouts so no matter what questions she picked she would still fail the polygraph no matter what if she was guilty of any of it. It may have just been a tactic they used to make her feel more comfortable. In my mind I imagine a child throwing a tantrum because they don't want to eat the peanut butter and jelly sandwich you made but if you let them help you make the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, they all of a sudden calm down and happily eat the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Or something like that. lol. This is all IMO.

This is exactly what I was thinking also..let her think she is in control of situation by choosing her own questions.
Just catching up here as I was down and out yesterday but a HUGE THANK YOU to PommyMommy for the details of the interview with JO. It brought a few things to light for me in my thinking process.
One thing that did stand out to me and truthfully, it is a thought I have had since the beginning but I realize now that it is NOT what happened, even if I have this little tug in my heart that it did happen, is JO's admittance to taking LH to protect him. I still have this lingering thought (hope) inside me but after hearing this interview, I think if she had planned and executed it, we would NOT be hearing her heart break while she speaks.
#Team LUCA
Hi kschultz06082

There was 1 sentence she let slip that totally convinced me when this all went down. I know FLA told us to focus on Friday night and I believed that was accurate, and from then on, never even considered that LH went missing on Saturday. However, when Jamie said it and then said "scratch that from the record", that really set it in stone for me because I feel like that was a total accidental slip up.

(above BBM) I also listened in the middle of the night.....and feel like I missed this particular statement by JO. Do you recall where in the interview it approximately was discussed? I wanted to go back and listen to that part specifically. TIA if you can point me to even a general time frame out of the 90 minutes.

ETA -- just noticed I'm about the 5th or 6th person to answer -- again!
It was during the Q&A so I'm thinking start around the 1:10 mark -- someone asked JO what she thought about the silence from JH and JO said she was confident that JH knew nothing about what happened Fri night. One of the interviewers took notes and attempted to follow up, clarifying that JO mentioned Fri night when Lucas was reporting missing Sat, and that's when JO made the request to "scratch that."
I find it strange that EG's own family reported her to CPS or whatever you call it first. Her own family called in the abuse, yet even after more reports came in from JO as well as JH's family, they still didn't investigate her further and take Lucas away from her and JH? I mean, three families involved reported her. This really angers me!

Jamie- thank you so much for your candid interview- so heartfelt and honest. I pray Lucas is found soon and that you get answers soon as to what happened when he disappeared. Hugs and strength to you. :heartbeat:
I agree with Jamie's assessment that Lucas isn't more than 100 ft from the road. This is why I think the restricted/suspended drivers license is important. I think he is a lot closer to the home then people think and I think she purposely mentioned other things like parks and whatever to throw the police off. She may have even turned her phone off and drove somewhere, turned her phone back on and did something in that area for the purpose of getting a phone ping in that area. This line of thinking brings me to my next thought.

(snipped by me)

I agree with you about him being closer to home than we might think and that she tried to throw off LE with everything. I'm not sure if you saw but I pointed out another way she could have been trying to throw them off and that is her pinning everything on Jamie. I think that in her line of thinking that if she pinned it on her then LE would look for Lucas further out and away from the home instead of focusing on closer to home. There for awhile I'm like why hasn't LE looked closer to where Jamie is at and then today after listening to Jamie's interview that came to my mind about how maybe he's could actually be closer to home and that she's pinned everything on Jamie so that they wouldn't search in Wichita. It makes sense with her VD lie and all. Apparently EG isn't that smart though bcof LE catching onto her real quick.
ETA -- just noticed I'm about the 5th or 6th person to answer -- again!
It was during the Q&A so I'm thinking start around the 1:10 mark -- someone asked JO what she thought about the silence from JH and JO said she was confident that JH knew nothing about what happened Fri night. One of the interviewers took notes and attempted to follow up, clarifying that JO mentioned Fri night when Lucas was reporting missing Sat, and that's when JO made the request to "scratch that."

We were told early on by VI’s that the dark hours of the 16th were what we should focus on-

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Have we heard from PB and/or FLA in response to the podcast? I've been busy so may have missed posts so apologies if that's the case.

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Hi kschultz06082

There was 1 sentence she let slip that totally convinced me when this all went down. I know FLA told us to focus on Friday night and I believed that was accurate, and from then on, never even considered that LH went missing on Saturday. However, when Jamie said it and then said "scratch that from the record", that really set it in stone for me because I feel like that was a total accidental slip up.

(above BBM) I also listened in the middle of the night.....and feel like I missed this particular statement by JO. Do you recall where in the interview it approximately was discussed? I wanted to go back and listen to that part specifically. TIA if you can point me to even a general time frame out of the 90 minutes.

I wish I did. I feel like it is toward the end, but I may be totally wrong. I intend on listening again, so when I hear it, I will make note of the time.
I am many posts behind----but is it possible that the neighbor is also the Landlord?

our rentals are right beside us so I would say yes it’s a possibility for sure.
Was it said which neighbor?

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No, but I'd bet it's not the man she asked to call 911 when Lucas went "missing." I would be willing to bet that EG was made aware at some point of the convo between neighbor and Lucas--whether it was one of the calls to her or she found out after arriving home.

This bit of info gives further support to what our VIs have been telling us--focus on the dark hours of late 2/16 to early 2/17. It's further supported by JO's slip and "scratch that" during the interview.

EG being aware that she is now being "watched" by yet another person--in her brand new neighborhood, no less--had to make her even more guarded.

I bet she would have avoided that same neighbor when picking one to run to on Sat eve prior to 911 call. In the process of "disappearing" Lucas, this info also makes me feel pretty certain she had help. I'm certain she had to offer some kind of explanation to the neighbor on Fri, and she would not have risked being seen leaving the house unless there was someone to babysit a "sleeping Lucas" and MH. -- if the accomplice wasn't directly involved in removing Lucas from the home, I would bet that he/she was utilized to "babysit"--not so much because EG wouldn't leave MH home or just take her, but earlier issue with neighbor seeing Lucas would prompt her to make sure all appeared correct.

I am now of the mind that EG's vehicle was likely not the one used.

Been lurking since day one of Lucas’ threads. This is not the first case I’ve followed on WS but Lucas grabbed me right from the beginning. I can’t imagine the fear and pain that poor little boy experienced in his short lifetime. I hope EG talks but In my heart I doubt she will.

JO’s interview just about broke my heart. Thank you pommymommy for transcribing.

I don’t have much to contribute to the discussion. My thoughts are all over the place with regard to where EG could have left Lucas. I believe she would have been afraid and very disorganized in her thinking at that point. I think she probably discarded (hate typing that) him very quickly. She either had the baby with her or left her home alone. Either way I don’t think she would have driven for more than 30 mins each way. Especially if her license is restricted in any way. (I’m not sure if her lic status has been confirmed) If Lucas is found further out then that, I would tend to think she had help and I think the site would be closer to where she thought JO lived.

I’m torn with regard to JH. He had to have seen the bruises and probably witnessed some of the abuse first hand. At the very least, he knew all of their families had seen the bruises and were very concerned. How he will live with his decision to leave his little boy with that monster is his hell to pay. It will probably haunt him for the rest of his life.

This is all JMHO. I hope Lucas is returned to his mommy and family who loved him and peacefully laid to rest. FindLucasAllen you and your family are in my thoughts every day.

Searchers-please keep looking. I wish I lived closer to help. Huge thanks to . Your VI info has been greatly appreciated.

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I find it strange that EG's own family reported her to CPS or whatever you call it first. Her own family called in the abuse, yet even after more reports came in from JO as well as JH's family, they still didn't investigate her further and take Lucas away from her and JH? I mean, three families involved reported her. This really angers me!

Jamie- thank you so much for your candid interview- so heartfelt and honest. I pray Lucas is found soon and that you get answers soon as to what happened when he disappeared. Hugs and strength to you. :heartbeat:

Do we know the dates that EG’s family made the reports, I know we have the dates that two reports were made.
You missed one. I won’t even utter it because I do not want anyone to think I have an opinion about it being a possibility. But if you think a little harder what is another despicable crime one would commit against a child...please do not anyone misinterpret that as I am implying anything about JH. I am not, but it is a huge threat one could use for blackmail.

Sadly, I, too, thought of that as an answer to PhoneJockey's question of what could be SO terrible, that even having murdered/disappeared his child, he would still stay silent?

I don't think that is the reason, but at this point, who knows......
ETA -- just noticed I'm about the 5th or 6th person to answer -- again!
It was during the Q&A so I'm thinking start around the 1:10 mark -- someone asked JO what she thought about the silence from JH and JO said she was confident that JH knew nothing about what happened Fri night. One of the interviewers took notes and attempted to follow up, clarifying that JO mentioned Fri night when Lucas was reporting missing Sat, and that's when JO made the request to "scratch that."

We appreciate everyone that has answered this for us. I worked all day and am just getting caught up- I was behind quite a few pages. I'm sure I am not the only one who's catching up right now. Much appreciated to all of you for clearing things up and helping those of us who weren't around earlier to read about or listen to the interview.

Special thanks to PommyMommy for bringing this interview to our attention and thank you to those who transcribed it for us. :heartbeat:
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