Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #25 Arrest

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It won't be long now before everyone understands why it was important that EG walk on those charges.
She made her mess, and she gone die in it.
I agree. At the time I wasn’t thrilled but understood. We would have found him eventually but not this soon after she was released I don’t think. I’m now glad she got out.
My heart goes out to anyone who loses a child but I can't accept denial and loyalty as an excuse. It is not like Lucas death came out of the blue and there were no signs. The bruises were seen, there was violence in the home, drug use, long term illness etc. He might not of believed it would ever go this far, but he accepted and participated in the lifestyle these children were put in. I may come across as very cold but I can sympathize that he lost his child in a horrific way and still feel like he played a part in the final outcome by not taking steps to stop and protect the children and I believe it is time that people be held accountable for their choices, Lucas wasn't given a choice.
Neither can I, but as another member said earlier on the old board (JulesinOz I think?) -- trying to understand behavior is not the same as excusing behavior. It helps to try to understand state of mind, especially when trying to determine level of culpability in Lucas' death.

If she was able to convince others, including strangers, that she wasn't responsible for the abuse, EG was probably able to do a huge number on JH. We don't know what--if any--conversations took place between Lucas and his dad; if Lucas ever fearfully backed up EG, it's possible JH let it go. Without getting into too many hypotheticals, my point is that while JH should have demanded more answers and protection for Lucas earlier on, it's hard to know what he thought was happening. Given the way JH was described by Kim Martin, it sounds like he wasn't grasping that Lucas was gone or that a significant amount of damage had been done to his family already -- it sounds like someone who is placing hope in any possibility that his son will be found safe and that his family will be restored and all will go back to "normal" once they get through this "rough patch".

In looking at cases of child abuse, there are those who are complicit in that they fully comprehend what is happening and do nothing. There are others who can't recognize the truth if it hit them in the face with a brick. I don't know where JH falls, but probably somewhere in between. To what level do we hold these people accountable? Should they be charged? Or is it punishment enough to go through the stages of mourning the loss while realizing what clues he missed and the guilt and shame that will come? In this case, I'm really waffling -- a lot.
I honestly still think she just drove out and dumped him when she thought she was far enough. That's what I thought she did before he was found (I was guessing she went south though), and that's still my opinion. I think she literally jumped on Woodlawn and just drove. When she thought she was far enough away, she pulled off on the next cross street and saw the bridge. I think if there had been no bridge there, she would've just left him in some trees or something. I don't think there was any master plan. I don't think she cared enough to make a plan.
Not forgetting however that there was quite a big time gap in her account of the Friday afternoon. Maybe she didn't smoke as much as she said she did too, to pad out that time - why would she risk being punished for drugs and driving unless she thought it was the better option to explaining she was actually out searching for a well hidden bridge. She said she decided to eat real quick and I have a feeling that was because she had been very quick there and thought they might be able to check up on how long she had actually been at Olive Garden.
I think EG leaving Lucas home on Friday will help the prosecution show a lot about EG's attitude to 'parenting' Lucas. History can sometimes be deemed 'prejudicial' but I think in this case it would be valid to bring up those pictures of Lucas with bruises and all the concerned family members who called CPS, because this is all about EG and her treatment of Lucas. They might manage to throw out things like drug history, but I don't think the judge will agree to throw out anything related to Lucas.

The JO theories can be thrown out, I think, as it was EG who led the PI to the body. I also believe there might be forensic evidence in EG's house to show something happened there. It would seem impossible to tie JO to any evidence like that (if it's there). One thing the defense could try is to attempt to throw doubt on EG being the one to cause the bruises on Lucas through abuse, either by saying that Lucas had accidents or by pointing a finger at JH and saying that it could have been either of them. Hopefully dates for JH's work will help. I don't think JH is going to be a very good witness for the defense and the prosecution could use his inactions to throw reasonable doubt on EG being the one to cause the bruises, after all if JH had thought her capable of abusing his son why did he act in the way he did? And a jury will surely find that difficult to understand as well.

Finding a COD and the testimony of the person who saw and interacted with Lucas on the Friday will be very important, imho. That person can say whether Lucas had fresh bruises on his face, and possibly whether Lucas was holding his tummy and saying that he feels sick.

I completely agree that it's not the expected response to waking up and finding a dead child in his bed to go and hide the body instead of calling an ambulance. I think if there's an inconclusive COD that will be another big question. It's a giant sign on EG's forehead that she doesn't care about Lucas' well-being, she doesn't even want to find out how he died, she just wants to hide the body? She doesn't want to check that it's not some bad food she gave him in case it's something she also feed her daughter that day? She calls JH her 'husband' yet she doesn't want him to know his son is dead and how that happened? She doesn't want JH to be able to have an autopsy, answers, and a funeral for his child? She's willing to lie to him, to LE, to media, to cover up a natural death?

And if she tries to say she had to hide Lucas' death because she was scared she'd lose visitation with her sons...doesn't that open up questions on why she doesn't have physical custody of her sons? So then the jury learns that she can't be trusted with her own biological children. I feel sorry for whoever gets assigned to 'defend' EG in court.

I am not a lawyer, that's all my own thinking and conjecture. I've only even watched one trial and that was for the death of Bella Bond. Bella's 'mother' had someone in the house at the time, her boyfriend, who she blamed everything on, and it wasn't even a very logical story, but I don't think EG has a good enough scapegoat to do the same thing. Rachelle Bond got off by taking a plea deal to testify against her boyfriend, so her inactions were never put on trial (the inaction of not calling an ambulance for Bella, the inaction of going along with her boyfriend to dump Bella's body, the inaction of sticking with that boyfriend). But I think EG will have to answer for her inactions, those questions (both action and inaction) are going to be critical in a trial for EG, and I can't see how she can possibly have good answers to them.
You bring up very good points, and I'm feeling more confident now in what LE and the PI have combined. Plus, our DA Marc Bennett is known for ticking people off for not trying cases due to lack of evidence -- if he proceeds, he is confident.
It was reported early on in the search, that that week (a couple days after JH left for work) 'EG sent JH a snapshot of a couple' claiming to be worried about 'being home all alone (with 2 kids, a ton of neighbors all around her new home and cell to whip out & dial 911 at the drop of a hat).
Is there a link where I can see the interview?
I think it’s just a coincidence. He was found further North.
But...she may have known one of the players or their customers at some point; she may have travelled out that way and remembered just enough.
I am curious about this spot. Harvey is connected to Sedgwick on the south and Butler on the east -- except for the house nearby, was this a "BFE" drinking/smoking spot for high schoolers? Or extremely close to one?
But...she may have known one of the players or their customers at some point; she may have travelled out that way and remembered just enough.
I am curious about this spot. Harvey is connected to Sedgwick on the south and Butler on the east -- except for the house nearby, was this a "BFE" drinking/smoking spot for high schoolers? Or extremely close to one?
That’s kind of what I was thinking in regards to her dealer or knowing someone. I think it’s too far North from Andover to be a drinking spot in HS. I went to Andover (way before EG) and we went more towards Augusta, Benton and Towanda. Could be though...
My youngest son died in his sleep when he was 2 months old.

(Originally labeled SIDS then later labeled complications from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. We knew I had it, didn't know he did.) I can attest to the fact that although I called 911 and got my oldest child dressed to rush to the hospital with the ambulance, my first thought was NOT to hide the body and create a fictional story.
OT My DH and his Sister also have EDS along with all of our children...just don't come across many zebras.. So Hi! I am sorry for the loss of your sweet baby.
Do we know for sure if there are actual pictures of the two people described? Tell me again which night that picture was taken?
She didn't say in the interview except that it was "a few days prior" and "pretty early in the morning" -- I thought I saw it mentioned on the timeline as being on the 11th ????
I believe he was placed there. I have pictures. I don't know if I can post them here, if a Mod gives approval I will put them here.

Hi KareBear, are they pictures you took yourself? If yes, you may post them. If they are not personal pictures, you need to link to the source and it must be an approved source, such as MSM or a MSM social media page.
I know people. Blanket statement.
Since this is still being discussed, I am not accusing anyone at all.
Just saying in agreement (or not) one more time: "birds of a feather flock together".
At this point I have no idea what's going on, as I am obviously in Memphis and way behind.
I know people. Blanket statement.
Since this is still being discussed, I am not accusing anyone at all.
Just saying in agreement (or not) one more time: "birds of a feather flock together".
At this point I have no idea what's going on, as I am obviously in Memphis and way behind.
@chihuahua glad you’re back and safe! :hugs:
I changed my mind. From the beginning I've asked myself, "Where would I hide a body?" I'm right next to a state line, so I'd probably jump across the border, with the thought that maybe with more jurisdictions involved, it would be more difficult. After looking at the map, 96th street is the first road off of Woodlawn in Harvey county. I think she wanted to cross the county border. Our VI told us before that one of the abuse reports wasn't followed up on because it was filed in a different county. I'm sure EG had heard about it, so maybe she thought she'd try her luck again.
I don't think EG requested to be interviewed - it looks like anyone can go online and request a video visitation with an inmate. You have to sign up for the service and provide government ID for your account to get approved. I could be wrong, but I think he was just hoping she would accept the visitation and say something to him.
I went to twitter and someone asked if she agreed to the interview and he said yes.
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