Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #5 *Arrest*

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Hi everyone, I’m new here and registered because I’ve been following this case.

Does anyone know why they don’t think it was an abduction?

At first, it was really odd to me that the father was not showing his face or pleading with the public for help finding his son. Then I saw the interview he gave the other night and my gut said he did not harm the child.

I was reading about the girlfriends past drug use and honestly, what if she started using again and was “sleeping” for way longer than she realized? It could have been hours and hours. Are the child endangerment charges because she was doing drugs while watching the 2 kids? It seems totally plausible to me that she shot up, passed out, and Lucas became bored/hungry/curious and just went outside. I mean, plenty of 5 year old boys would do just that.

He could have either been abducted, or else fallen in the creek and drowned. It looks like there is a creek almost across the street from his house.

Thank you for registering and speaking up. Good first post...:welcome: to WS
A search party has been organized for anyone who wants to search for Lucas at Chisholm Creek Park tomorrow morning (Monday 2/26) at 9 am. If I could be there, I would, but I live out of state.

It sounds like the police are okay with this because they've already thoroughly searched the area. I was concerned since they've specifically asked the public NOT to search. I hope it helps these people feel like they are doing something to help.
If stepmom ends up responsible for Lucas’ death, I wonder if she’d ever asked herself “What if?”

“What if I ever hit him one too many times, or what if I was unable to control my rage toward him and killed him?” If she ever wondered or worried about the possibility, she might’ve thought of cases of other kids who had died by their caregivers hands and maybe before realizing it kind of kept a file of those incidents in her head, occasionally putting herself in their footsteps “just in case” her a reason to think about what she would do or how best to hide a body. She could’ve more or less planned it in her head never thinking she’d ever really go that far.

I don’t think it was premeditated, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she ever had dark thoughts or subconscious worries about it happening.

Kinda weird but JMO it’s possible.

I've had thoughts along a similar line, because people watch the news or hear about cases in the news somehow. If someone hasn't been thinking that this might happen to them and then it does, what goes through their head?

What recent or local cases come to mind? Does she think about Sherin in a culvert, Mariah in water and think to herself that as they were found they obviously weren't good locations, what would be a better location for her to choose? But I also think someone like her would be limited in the amount of thinking they could do about it, because I think she should still be more in a panicked mode? Would she be able to think "I rule out this location because I go there too often and people would associate it with me?"

I almost think we should ignore Sherin's location, it's so close to the home that it makes me wonder if WM subconsciously wanted her body to be found.

Mariah's location feels like it ought to have more insight, and EK went quite a long way for a child that wasn't his own, and he chose a watery grave in a place that was familiar enough to him because he'd gone fishing there in the past. That's why I'm sort of thinking that it might be a place from the past where there's familiarity with the locale but not frequented so much recently.

I presume she was already thinking of reporting and trying to make it seem like a stranger abduction (or maybe a relative abduction related to the abuse allegations), but I don't really think someone in that state can try to get into the mind of a stranger abductor other than through memories of cases in the news? But most child cases I'm aware of in the US in recent years have traced back to close relatives (not all).

Another, unrelated, thought I've had is that when JH got back from wherever he was, he went back to the house and to EG. They would likely have been together for a few days with her telling him that Lucas must have got out and then been abducted. She must have had some balls to do that, to offer him comfort, to pretend guilt but not too much, to ask for comfort in return. She has LE questioning her about everything she did in the last 48 hours, where she's been, who she's been with, whether she's seen any suspicious people or cars around. And at some point LE start questioning her as a potential POI, and then an actual POI, and she's sitting in an interview room for hours with LEOs trying different tacks to try to get information/confession.

All I can imagine is her repeatedly saying she had nothing to do with it and they have to look for the real abductor. Then she's Mirandized and she has a lawyer sitting at her said saying "you don't have to answer this question".

All I can hope is that they have found some evidence in the house or car and can say to her "if you confess now and give us the location, you might get a lighter sentence, but the longer you hold out the worse it will be for you."
But if LE did find adult footprints somewhere outside, wouldn't they be able to compare it to EG's?
Also, I was wondering at what time does Le decides to declare active search to recovery? IIRC in Mariah Woods case they dis that days before aresting EK? I m wondering why they haven't done so yet? (Although I m glad they didn't , it still leaves a shred of hope)
Who reports someone missing then gives LE pictures of the child from much earlier to use on their missing posters. Those pictures look like Lucas' toddler pictures. What happened here was intentional IMO.

Lisa Irwin's parents. DeOrr Kunz's parents also.
Its Monday night where I am. As you awake this morning let's hope it's to hear news of where Lucas is and the DA agreeing to move forward with charges after the police present their case so far.

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Just wanted to throw a thought into the mix regarding the 'gardening'.

Do you know what takes tree sap off your hands? Dirt!

It's just a thought...if little Lucas was put into treed area or actually in a tree it is very hard to get sap off your hands. Could this be what she was doing in the garden? Would she have even known to do that?

(Hate to post and run...headed off to work...but I wanted to throw this out there for you all!)

I hope some answers are found today!

Its Monday night where I am. As you awake this morning let's hope it's to hear news of where Lucas is and the DA agreeing to move forward with charges after the police present their case so far.

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Monday morning here. Very much hoping for this news. Lucas, people from around the world are paying attention. [emoji169]
We are not sure about drug use, as nothing like that has been confirmed. No past charges for drug abuse, etc. We are also unsure about where the child endangerment charges came from, but she has charges for Lucas, as well as charges for her daughter.[/QUOTE]

hi, another first time poster here. Member for quite a while but have just had my first sleepless night from worrying about this wee guy, he looks likes such a wee sweetheart and FLAs description of his personality touched me. I have no idea how all of you close by are managing, and of course FLA and all his family. I read 2 threads right through to catch up and think the past drug use for E.G. Was confirmed in her last custody hearing for her older boys although it did say this was in the past and "forgiven"... whatever that means? Have tried to look for the link but have to go to work now but thinking of wee Lucas and all of you. Hopefully some progress today. Love and best wishes all the way from Scotland x
So, I was thinking about what I would do if I were Emily. I think she did it on "accident" (in that she hadn't planned it). She also had to have known that she would be the prime suspect and her only chance was to make sure he was never found. I'm not familiar with Wichita, but I live in a city right next to the state line, and my first instinct would be that it would complicate things for LE if I took the body across state lines. Is it possible that she could've thought the same and taken him south to OK?

(I still think she called someone she trusted, met them at that park, and passed the body off to them to hide)

Hi everyone, I’m new here and registered because I’ve been following this case.

Does anyone know why they don’t think it was an abduction?

I have quoted both these posts because my reply coincides with both. Although I snipped part of the second quote. Anyways in my personal opinion I do not think it was an accident. The amount of bruising this child had on him in several different pictures makes me think she beat him to death which is probably why LE is saying it's not an abduction. With the evidence they have they are probably thinking this is a case of physical child abuse that ended badly with disposal of the body. I hate to sound morbid but that's just what my gut is telling me. I also think this is why they have the child endangerment charge on both children. They probably saw bruising on the little girl as well and it was enough for them to charge her with something as well as back up their theory on something happening to Lucas from being abused. JMO! I don't know if anyone agrees with me but this is just how I feel.
Link to the info on EG's legal past and custody issues:
"The judge’s order said that Glass has shown “unjustified confrontation in front of the children, foul language ... a general pattern of inconsistent and at times inappropriate parental behavior.”
"The court order noted a plan to increase Glass’ parenting time “gradually and hopefully safely.”Before progressing in the plan, she had to complete a parenting course that dealt with anger or violence.
The order said that Glass “has used illegal drugs in the past and is forgiven” but warned that any future use would be seen as “a choice by her not to parent” her children. She was not allowed to leave Butler and Sedgwick counties with the children."

jmo but maybe she came up positive on a drug screen after Lucas went "missing".
Hard waiting for today's update.
Praying they find Lucas today!

Good morning, everyone! Let today be the day Lucas is found.

I respect all opinions that Lucas may have been killed accidentally, and those who thinks this wasn't a premeditated crime. However; I respectfully disagree.

No one is allowed to commit felony child abuse against any child. Anyone of even average IQ would know abusive attacks against a small child could result in the child's death.

Felony child abuse cases that have resulted in murder of the child have been capital or Felony Murder cases with some having the death penalty attached in states that have it. She could be charged with felony murder since she was in the middle of doing felony child abuse when she committed felony murder of Lucas. (If that turns out to be the case and she is the suspect at some point)

The very acts of committing felony child abuse shows premeditation to severely harm or kill the child. IMO. No one can beat a child severely and then claim the abused child died accidentally from those abuses. Felony child abuses are acts that require aforethought. If her abusive attacks against Lucas this time were of the most severe to cause his death.. then if he is found with abusive injuries... she will be charged with first degree premeditated murder imo.

No one who intentionally beats a child can then claim legally that it was all just an accident when the criminal acts themselves were willfully done by the perpetrator to inflict harm on the child/children. What would her defense be that would convince a jury that it was all an accident when they would know child abuses are willful acts done by the monsters who inflict them against small children like Lucas?

Imo, this was no accident. It is no different than if an adult perpetrator had beaten another adult to death. Each infliction of blows are premeditated acts in order to do grave harm or death on the one being attacked.

If she does become a murder suspect, I will never believe Lucas' death was an accident. Imo, she wanted him gone, and she made sure that he was. :( Her past acts of child abuse against Lucas will also weigh heavly if she is arrested and brought to trial.

JMO though
"If she does become a murder suspect, I will never believe Lucas' death was an accident. Imo, she wanted him gone, and she made sure that he was. Her past acts of child abuse against Lucas will also weigh heavly if she is arrested and brought to trial."

And if she is going to claim accidental death, why in the world would you hide the body? Consciousness of guilt.
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