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Stepmom of missing boy — Lucas Hernandez — wants lower bond, says she's not a threat

The jailed stepmother of a missing Wichita boy is asking a judge to change her bond so she can go home to her husband and have contact with the boy and other children.
“Defendant does not pose a threat or harm to the community,” Emily Glass’ attorney argues in a court document filed in Sedgwick County District Court on Friday.

In the court document filed Friday, her attorney, Julia Leth-Perez, says Glass &#8220;allegedly endangered her minor child&#8221; but that the &#8220;facts and circumstances do not support the current bond amount. A similarly situated Defendant would not likely receive the same bond.&#8221;
Glass is a stay-at-home parent and can&#8217;t afford &#8220;this substantial bail amount,&#8221; Leth-Perez says in the document.
After her release from jail, Glass would return to the home where she lives with her husband, Leth-Perez said. Glass has said in another court document that Lucas&#8217; father, Jonathan Hernandez, is her husband.
Glass isn&#8217;t at risk of fleeing and doesn&#8217;t pose a threat to the community or to her child, who has been placed in state custody, Leth-Perez said. Glass needs to be involved in her child&#8217;s pending child-in-need-of care case, her attorney said.
Glass&#8217;s current bond prohibits her from contact with three people identified in the court document as &#8220;JAH, LH and MH.&#8221; Those match the initials of her husband, her missing stepson and her daughter, the attorney wrote. Glass is asking to be able to have contact with them, the court document says.
Affidavit: Stepmom smoked marijuana day before reporting Lucas Hernandez missing

According to the probable cause affidavit, Glass told police the day before she made the report she smoked marijuana.
Glass said she was cleaning the family's home, located near Lincoln and Edgemoor, when she went into the garage around 3:30 p.m. and "smoked a few bowls" of marijuana.
Glass told police she got hungry. So, she and her one-year-old daughter, only identified as MH, drove to Olive Garden for dinner.
Glass said she only stayed at Olive Garden for about an hour before driving back home with MH.
The court document says Glass consented to a search of her phone where police found texts on Facebook Messenger between her and JH (Glass' husband, Jonathan Hernandez).
Police say the messages stated Glass was going to smoke a couple of bowls of marijuana and go to Olive Garden using a gift card JH sent her.
The document goes on to say Glass made two phone calls on Feb. 16 at 4:53 p.m. and 5:43 p.m. The phone calls were made from the area of Central and Rock, near where an Olive Garden is located.

[h=3]Document details child endangerment case against Emily Glass[/h]A probable cause affidavit states Glass said she was cleaning on Feb. 16, went to the garage to smoke "a few bowls" and drove to Olive Garden near Central and Rock Road.

The document says only Glass' daughter was with her during this time. She reported Lucas missing the next day.

Glass remains jailed on $50,000 bond for the child endangerment charge. Her bond reduction hearing is Wednesday morning.

Police say they have found no evidence that Lucas was abducted. Texas EquuSearch, a mounted search and rescue team for missing persons, returned to Wichita Monday to search again for Lucas.


[h=3]Judge denies bond reduction for Emily Glass[/h]Bond for 26-year-old Emily Glass remained at $50,000 following a hearing Wednesday. She has been held in the Sedgwick County Jail since she was arrested for child endangerment on February 21.
Glass is accused of endangering her 1-year-old daughter on Feb. 16, one day before she reported 5-year-old Lucas Hernandez missing. Her attorney argued that a bond of $50,000 does not fit the crime, a Class A misdemeanor.
The judge said that because Glass is part of an on investigation into Lucas' disappearance, she is a flight risk.

How a missing boy loomed large in judge's decision on stepmom's bond

Judge Kevin O’Connor didn’t mention Lucas Hernandez by name and didn’t specifically refer to the criminal investigation into his disappearance. The judge only alluded to Lucas — as another child in an ongoing investigation.

Still, whether in name or not, Lucas weighed heavily in the judge’s decision not to lower the bond for his stepmother so she can get out of jail.

O’Connor ruled Wednesday that Glass, who reported her step-son missing, poses a risk of fleeing because of another, unnamed child in an investigation.

O’Connor said that ongoing investigation of the other child “makes Ms. Glass a flight risk, and that is just a reality” that he can’t ignore.
Extra deputies brought Glass into the courtroom. She was restrained by ankle and wrist chains and dressed in jail-orange shirt and pants. She kept a blank expression. Some of her relatives sat at the back of the courtroom. A Wichita police homicide detective sat behind the prosecutor.
Hoyt contended that Glass poses a risk of fleeing because she no longer is the caregiver for the child she is accused of endangering and because her husband works out of state.

Glass poses a risk to public safety because she allegedly drove with a child in her vehicle after smoking marijuana at home, putting the child and the public in danger, Hoyt said. Glass got “the munchies,” prompting her to put her child in the car and head out onto public streets, the prosecutor said.

A police affidavit released Tuesday says Glass smoked “bowls” of marijuana at home, became hungry and drove with her 1-year-old to the Olive Garden restaurant near Central and Rock, the day before Lucas disappeared.
She also possibly left another child at home while out driving under the influence, Hoyt said, without identifying that child.

Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/latest-news/article204949454.html#storylink=cpy
"Where is Lucas Hernandez? It's a question burning in the hearts and minds of many in the Wichita community and across the nation.

After tireless efforts from police and volunteers,*the 5-year-old Wichita boy is no closer to being found. Saturday marks a month since he was reported missing."

"He has become Wichita's son and we've got to bring him home," recent search organizer*Julia LaForce said."


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Over the past week, volunteers met with the Texas search group EquuSearch and received special training. EquuSearch is the search and rescue organization that has worked on many high profile missing persons cases.

&#8220;We learned a lot. We learned what to look for. We learned what not to look for,&#8221; La Force said.

The group is now choosing to not let the public know where they are searching and they said it&#8217;s for a good reason.

&#8220;There&#8217;s a lot of bad stories that we learned with EquuSearch about, you know, bodies and evidence being moved into cleared areas after the areas were cleared. So, basically our silence leaves Lucas where he is right now so that we can find him,&#8221; Lucas search leader, Sheila Medlam said.


Okay guys, so our very own has worked hard to create a confirmed and up to date timeline for Lucas' case. This has taken a lot of time and effort but should help to alleviate any rumors that are being circulated.

We posted it to the official Lucas FB page:



A timeline was created in an effort to alleviate rumors and help organize the events surrounding the disappearance of 5-year-old Lucas Hernandez. Lucas has quickly become known as &#8220;Wichita&#8217;s Son&#8221; and he needs to be located. Sadly, we suspect that finding Lucas is now a recovery effort. If that&#8217;s the case, he deserves to be laid to rest respectfully and surrounded by those who love him.

5-15-17: Family member of Lucas&#8217; father in NM call DHS in KS regarding suspected abuse of Lucas. Family member of Lucas&#8217; biological mother in KS also report suspected abuse in May of 2017. It is later revealed that Lucas told family members in NM that his step-mother, Emily Glass, had thrown water in his face, kicked him, and dragged him across the room. Lucas stated that Emily is &#8220;mean to me.&#8221;

11-13-17: Another family member in NM contacted DHS about suspected abuse of Lucas.

2-7-18: Lucas moved into a new home in the 600 block of Edgemoor St. in Wichita, KS with his father, stepmother and younger sister.

2-9-18: Lucas&#8217; father returns to NM for his scheduled 20 days of work.

2-11-18: Lucas is seen by a neighbor while playing with his stepmother&#8217;s two older sons. Glass is witnessed smoking outside with an unknown male. She later reports to Lucas&#8217; father that a black male and white female were outside their home that night.

2-12-18: Glass surrenders the family cat to the Wichita Animal Shelter. Pets are not allowed in the rental house and she was reportedly unable to find anyone to take the cat.

2-16-18: Glass alleges she had been cleaning and around 3:30 p.m. "smoked a few bowls" of marijuana in the garage. She reportedly got hungry and drove to Olive Garden with her 1-year-old daughter in a white Acura SUV. Glass alleges she stayed at Olive Garden about an hour. She made two phone calls on at 4:53 p.m. and 5:43 p.m. The calls were made from the area of Central and Rock, near where an Olive Garden is located. (She later alleges that she left Lucas home because he had been sick, was sleeping, and she didn&#8217;t want to wake him.) Lucas is seen peeking out the window by the landlord around 5:30 p.m.

2-17-18: Glass reported Lucas missing at 6:14 p.m. after she alleges she left Lucas in his room around 3:00 p.m. while she took a shower and a nap. Lucas&#8217; father begins his return trip home from NM after learning that Lucas is missing. Police begin an extensive search for Lucas and state they believe he was not abducted.

2-18-18: Lucas&#8217; biological mother (who shares joint legal custody) arrived in KS around 5:00 a.m. after learning of Lucas&#8217; disappearance. Prior to this, her last visit to KS was Jan. 1, 2018.

2-21-18: Glass is arrested and charged with 2 counts of child endangerment &#8211; one for Lucas and one for his 1-year-old sister. The endangerment charge for Lucas is later dropped. Lucas&#8217; disappearance is now a criminal investigation.

3-3-18: Missing Pieces Network and the family of Lucas Hernandez encourage any property owners in Wichita and the surrounding counties to search their land and outbuildings for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary.

3-13-18: Police announce that the tip line will no longer be utilized for Lucas. Anyone with information is now asked to contact Crime Stoppers at 316-267-2111 or Wichita PD at 316-268-4407.

3-14-18: A judge denied Glass&#8217; request for a bond modification. In her ruling, the judge stated that Glass is part of another separate, ongoing investigation and is considered a flight risk. Her bond remains at $50,000.

3-18-18: The &#8220;Searching For Lucas Hernandez&#8221; Facebook page was created in order to keep the public informed on the search for Lucas and to insure that Lucas&#8217; face and story isn&#8217;t forgotten. Property owners who need assistance searching their land and outbuildings are encouraged to send a message to SearchingForLucas@gmail.com. We can&#8217;t allow Lucas to be forgotten and we won&#8217;t stop until he&#8217;s found.




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FBI trains Kansas agencies in missing, abducted child cases

The FBI is helping to make sure law enforcement agencies across the state know how to handle cases of missing and abducted children.


While this volunteer group searches for Lucas, the FBI is training 35 law enforcement agencies from across Kansas.

"This started a couple years ago, it is now expanding across the country, I will tell you this region, Kansas in general is ahead of the curve," said Special Agent Darrin Jones with the FBI Kansas City office.

They are using the same training the FBI's team uses when responding to child abductions.


The training is not just in the classroom, as they'll be holding an exercise in El Dorado on Thursday.


5-year-old Lucas Hernandez has been missing for nearly 6 weeks

Lucas Hernandez. He's a 5-year-old boy who was reported missing in mid-February and there's been no sign of him.

“We’ve said it. He is Wichita’s son," recent search organizer Julie LaForce said. "He’s our son as well. We may not be the immediate family but he is our boy and we’re gonna bring him home.”

That was nearly two weeks ago, but the volunteers haven't given up.


"It is still an active investigation," Wichita Police Officer Charley Davidson said Friday morning. "We are still asking for any information from our community."

Kansans turn on 'Lights for Lucas', encourage others to remember missing boy

A group of people in Kansas are installing green porch lights to spread awareness about missing Lucas Hernandez.


"I would be devastated. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if that was my baby," said Chrissy Morales. "This little boy has stolen so many hearts. It's amazing how much support and love this little boy has."

Morales, like many other Kansans, is now hoping to shine a light on that love.

"The green light on my side porch is for him. That supports him," Morales said. "Green, I am hearing is his favorite color."

Morales said she's received quite a bit of feedback on the green lights.

"I've had several people ask where did you get those awesome lights at because they're so bright," she said.
Why a dad wanted a judge to keep two sons away from stepmom of missing Lucas

Twelve days before Emily Glass reported that her 5-year-old stepson &#8212; Lucas Hernandez &#8212; was missing, the father of her own young sons reported a safety concern to police after the boys visited her home.

On Feb. 5, the day after one of his two sons returned from visiting Glass and had red marks with visible fingerprints on his chest, the boys&#8217; father filed a report with police &#8220;for the safety and welfare of the children,&#8221; a court document says.

According to the document &#8212; an affidavit from the father &#8212; Glass blamed the red marks on her boyfriend, Jonathan Hernandez, who is Lucas&#8217; father.


The Eagle obtained the court documents detailing the father&#8217;s concerns about Glass on Thursday. Her attorney couldn't be reached for comment.

According to the affidavit filed by her sons' father, Glass was allowed to have her sons for two and half hours every Wednesday and for seven hours every other Sunday.

She did not complete a court-ordered class on &#8220;parenting in a home with anger/violence nor a co-parenting class,&#8221; the affidavit says.

The father says in the affidavit that Hernandez, identified as Glass&#8217; boyfriend, &#8220;got physical with our youngest son&#8221; on Sunday, Feb. 4. The injured boy is about 6 years old, according to the birth year listed for him in the court document.

&#8220;The children reported the incident to me as soon as I picked them up after parenting time,&#8221; the father said in the affidavit. He took photos of the injury. &#8220;And although it was 4-5 hours later, there were still red marks on (the boy&#8217;s) chest with visible fingerprints. His chest was still red the next day.&#8221;

Hernandez couldn&#8217;t be reached for comment. Sedgwick County District Court records don&#8217;t show any charge against Hernandez related to those allegations.

The father said in the affidavit that Glass told him &#8220;that her boyfriend (Jonathan Hernandez) said that the mark was &#8216;an accident&#8217; and that she kicked him out after it occurred.&#8221;

&#8220;She then became angry, blamed the children&#8217;s behavior and hung up on me.&#8221;


On Feb. 17 &#8212; 12 days after the father made the report to police &#8212; he saw on the news that Glass had reported Lucas missing while he had been in her care, the affidavit says. Glass told police that she took a nap that day and that when she woke up, Lucas was gone. Relatives have said that Lucas&#8217; father, Hernandez, often worked out of town.

When the father of her sons called her that day, she told him that police with dogs were on the way to look for Lucas, and she agreed to reschedule her parenting time that had been set for the next day, the affidavit says.


He said he worried that her &#8220;situation could be traumatic for the boys to deal with. I have worked to shelter them so that they do not know their mother is in jail nor the full circumstances surrounding it. &#8230; I don&#8217;t know what (her) living arrangements will be when she is released from jail &#8230; .&#8221;
Philip Klein, president of Klein Investigations and Consulting, on Tuesday confirmed that his hiring is dependent on $25,000 being raised to pay him. That amount is necessary to cover transportation and lodging costs for a team of investigators, Klein said. He said he would cover separate investigative costs. His business is in Nederland, in southeast Texas.

Klein said he got a call last Wednesday from a friend of Lucas&#8217; family. If the money is raised and he is hired, he said, &#8220;I made it very clear: I am not coming for any family member. I&#8217;m coming in to look for Lucas.&#8221;


Wichita police did not immediately comment Tuesday on the plan to hire a private investigator. More than 100 officers and FBI agents have investigated the child's disappearance.

Klein said he has been featured on the TV show "Dateline" and that Lucas&#8217; case has drawn national and international attention. He has spent about 15 hours looking into the case so far, he said.

What could his team bring to an investigation that Wichita police and the FBI have not?

&#8220;That&#8217;s a great question,&#8221; Klein responded. He said he could assemble a team of specialists with search and interview skills who would bring &#8220;a new, fresh set of eyes,&#8221; who could uncover something possibly missed by police detectives.

If he gets hired, he said, &#8220;I represent little Lucas. I&#8217;m going to go find that boy if we can.&#8221;


Lucas Hernandez's father, Jonathan Hernandez says he set up the page with his mother and stepmother to raise money for a private investigator.
Klein investigations and consulting have agreed to take the case. Hernandez says they require a $25,000 retainer fee to begin the investigation process
The page to raising money to hire a private investigator requests $28,000 to account for the percentage takes from each campaign, Hernandez explains.
Klein released a statement saying if the company is hired, its focus will only be on finding Lucas.
Horrific new details emerge in court document about missing 5-year-old Lucas Hernandez

The bruises on Lucas Hernandez kept showing up. Relatives saw them. The school nurse counted nine of them and said it looked like he had been in a fight. His injuries were reported to the state &#8212; twice.

A court document filed by a prosecutor and viewed by The Eagle sheds light on what happened to 5-year-old Lucas before he disappeared from his Wichita home almost two months ago. It gives the widest, most detailed view so far of the investigation of his disappearance. The mystery of the missing boy has transfixed thousands of people. Various social media groups named after Lucas and devoted to finding him have sprung up. Some are sharing pictures of the bruising.

In seven single-spaced pages, the child-in-need-of-care petition describes a dysfunctional and violent household.

It says Emily Glass, Lucas' 26-year-old stepmother, has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, has difficulty controlling her anger and has experimented with methamphetamine and heroin.

Horrific new details emerge in court document about missing 5-year-old Lucas Hernandez

Glass, the report says, was thought to be targeting Lucas due to her anger with the boy's father. The pre-kindergartner had bruises most often after Glass and the father fought, the state's child protection agency was told.
The day before Lucas was reported missing, a witness saw a young boy standing at the front door of the home. Glass later admitted to leaving the 5-year-old home alone that day while she went to eat at Olive Garden.
Those details are part of a Sedgwick County juvenile court document that provides the most complete account of abuse that Lucas allegedly suffered.
Lucas Hernandez Update: Horrid reports of child abuse revealed in new court doc as little boy remains missing for over a month


  • February 14, 2015: Jamie Taylor, the biological mother of Lucas, becomes worried about him and asks police to check on the boy at his father&#8217;s house. Police don&#8217;t find anything unusual going on and noted Lucas as &#8220;fine.&#8221;
  • February 22, 2016: Police arrest Glass and Hernandez for fighting during a domestic dispute incident.
  • March 2017: A witness told the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) that Lucas was covered in temporary tattoos to hide the bruises on his body.
  • May 16, 2017: A report is filed with DCF with complaints that Lucas is being abused at home, with Glass and an unknown person as the culprit. The reports noted that the witnesses said they saw a slap mark across the boy&#8217;s cheek and bruising on his arm in the shape of a hand.
  • October 2017: Glass visited Hernandez while he worked in New Mexico, and brought Lucas along with her. Family members in New Mexico reported that they saw Lucas with two black eyes. The incident was reported to children&#8217;s services in New Mexico.
  • November 2017: An updated report reflected that bruises appeared on Lucas after Glass fought with his father.
  • December 3, 2017: A witness spotted Lucas with bruising on his arms, legs, and forehead. Lucas said Glass got mad at him and &#8220;threw a water bottle at his face.&#8221;
  • December 16, 2017: Glass was supposed to pick Lucas up from school but claimed she fell asleep.
  • January 22, 2018: Lucas arrived to school with numerous bruises and abrasions, according to an interview conducted by DCF with the school nurse. The nurse found abrasions and bruising on the boy&#8217;s right eyelid, right cheek, right knee, nose, left eyebrow, left cheek, and left eyelid. He also had a large cut on his nose that measured around three inches long.
  • January 23, 2018: Lucas visits the nurse again at school and complained of a stomach ache. Glass picked the little boy up from school and took him to a doctor. He returned to school a few days with a doctor&#8217;s note that said his injuries looked like he fell.
  • February 1 and 6, 2018: Lucas continued to have stomach issues, even vomiting, and missed two days of school.
  • February 5: Glass&#8217; ex-husband filed a report with DCF, claiming that her two biological sons were being abused while at her home. The father alleged that his sons told him that Hernandez was physically abusing them.
  • February 8, 2018: A DCF worker interviewed one of Glass&#8217; sons at school. The boy said he got punished for spraying air freshener and that Hernandez pushed him. DCF didn&#8217;t notice any marks or bruising. The boy also said Hernandez yelled &#8220;bad words&#8221; at Glass.
  • February 9, 2018: Lucas attended school for the last day before he disappeared. A doctor&#8217;s note indicated he had a stomach virus.
  • February 16, 2018: Glass allegedly admitted she smoked a bowl of marijuana in the garage while Lucas and her 1-year-old daughter were in the home. She then drove to Olive Garden with her daughter, leaving Lucas home alone.
  • February 17, 2018: Glass reported Lucas missing.

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