Found Deceased KS - Marilane Carter, 36, Overland Park, enroute to Birmingham, 1 Aug, call from Memphis, 2 Aug 2020

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I am struggling with the vehicle part of that equation.
Meaning someone should have found her vehicle by now? I agree however as several have pointed out throughout our discussions - plenty of examples of people’s car being missed all the while it’s in “plain sight”. In a residential neighborhood etc. it’s probably not going to show up at the Memphis airport but for a random neighborhood somewhere (either side of the bridge) I could see it being overlooked. There has been very little press at all in regards to her disappearance-especially in our immediate area. I see more articles out of Alabama and Kansas City.
Meaning someone should have found her vehicle by now? I agree however as several have pointed out throughout our discussions - plenty of examples of people’s car being missed all the while it’s in “plain sight”. In a residential neighborhood etc. it’s probably not going to show up at the Memphis airport but for a random neighborhood somewhere (either side of the bridge) I could see it being overlooked. There has been very little press at all in regards to her disappearance-especially in our immediate area. I see more articles out of Alabama and Kansas City.

I'm sure that MPD, WMPD, County Sherriff's, ARSP, TNSP etc all have a BOLO for that vehicle in their respective jurisdictions. It is just crazy to me that it hasn't turned up.

If she was to just 'walk away', that vehicle would have to be left somewhere. If she did drive into the river near the big river crossing, I'd assume it's down river.
Does MC homeschool her children...the ones old enough to attend? I wouldn’t imagine so if she was looking into taking on a teaching position herself. Which you had previously mentioned - the family doesn’t necessarily believe in women working outside of the home (beyond the level of church volunteering roles etc).

Perhaps she needed/wanted a break from the extreme conservative expectations.
Meaning someone should have found her vehicle by now? I agree however as several have pointed out throughout our discussions - plenty of examples of people’s car being missed all the while it’s in “plain sight”. In a residential neighborhood etc. it’s probably not going to show up at the Memphis airport but for a random neighborhood somewhere (either side of the bridge) I could see it being overlooked. There has been very little press at all in regards to her disappearance-especially in our immediate area. I see more articles out of Alabama and Kansas City.

Case in point, Lauren Moss was found dead in her car in a Wal-Mart parking lot. She had been there for three months.
Case in point, Lauren Moss was found dead in her car in a Wal-Mart parking lot. She had been there for three months.
Speaking of, someone - if they haven’t already - should probably search the Walmart in West Memphis. It’s directly off of i-40, in a high traffic area and probably within 10 miles of where her phone was last pinged.

Speaking of her phone, I was hoping we would get some information from that today.
Did she have cash?
I guess she has not used an Atm...
As of last week (at time of the press conference by Overland Park KS PD) she had not used her cards past the last gas fill up in West Memphis just miles away from where her phone was last detected. There’s a good illustration (on here and on the find Marilane fb page) of where all she had been and the purchases she had made during her route until it all suddenly went silent.
What may be difficult for some to understand is, many of the RC faith, and many of the Baptist faith, essentially see the other "side" as adhering to an entirely false gospel, and that means a false religion and not genuine Biblical Christianity at all.

For both sides, that's massive.

I know that might sound outrageous to some but I assure you, many Baptists and many RC will agree 1,000%.
What I do not know, is if MC's Baptist church was of this position (and by default, her very own husband and his Biblical/doctrinal convictions), or the church she allegedly converted to, was of this position.

For the household of Christian faith, this is not a small thing - this is the main thing.

Just trying to explain to those not familiar. I do hope this helps.

OM, this is a quite accurate explanation of the position each takes on the other, certainly in the South.

I cannot shake the feeling that some type of addiction is at play here.

Having an airplane ticket booked and at the last minute deciding to "drive instead" really raises my hinky meter. I'm not sure she decided to drive instead. I think she may have just said...I'm not going and headed out. This then would explain why her husband reported her missing at 3:00 am in the morning when she didn't come back. It would also explain why she didn't go to Birmingham (as far as we know). She wasn't about to go and get help. If she wanted help for whatever her issues were - she'd be there.

If Marilane was headed to rehab, a cover story that she was going to be with her sister for the birth of her baby would definitely be above question. There are several rehabs in Birmingham.

The whole converting to Catholicism is a bit of wrench in the works. That's a really big decision especially when one is married to a Baptist Pastor. Yikes. How do you explain that? Did he know? What precipitated that decision?

Mental illness and addiction go hand in hand.

I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I would not be surprised at all to find out that Marilane is on a bit of a bender - holed up in some motel or even living in shelters right now.

I also don't think we have the entire story.

I hope and pray that Marilane gets the help she needs (in whatever form that takes) and reunites with family and friends. Her children need her.

When we consider that helplessness and hopelessness are the very definition of clinical depression, it wouldn't surprise me to learn Marilane is holed up somewhere but the prospect of her husband harming her or confining her someplace won't leave my mind.

I don't paint preachers with a broad brush because some are good counselors but my mind goes back to a personal experience with clinical depression. Since I was new in town and not connected with anyone who could recommend a therapist I made an appointment with our new preacher. I spilled all my concerns and cried and you know what his advice was? "Go home and get your house really clean and you're going to feel a lot better." The end. Who knew that even suicidal ideation could be cured with polished floors?! (Finally I found a therapist who practiced Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and was cured!)

I imagine cell phone records and street cameras will tell LE a good bit about the husband's travels. It may be that LE is keeping a lot close to the vest waiting for the husband (or someone else) to slip up.

It's so sad to think about Marilane's three-year-old celebrating without her.
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@MemPat im sorry to hear about that but glad to know you are better. I too have had a bad experience with church counseling.

My take on AC in his video - it made me feel uneasy. That all is good pastor at the pulpit vibe doesn’t work for me when your wife is missing. The larger audience isn’t your congregation here. JMO
@MemPat im sorry to hear about that but glad to know you are better. I too have had a bad experience with church counseling.

My take on AC in his video - it made me feel uneasy. That all is good pastor at the pulpit vibe doesn’t work for me when your wife is missing. The larger audience isn’t your congregation here. JMO

Reminds me of Davey Blackburn and how he (before Amanda was cold) launched his Nothing Is Wasted campaign. Having Marilane disappear will work better for her husband's career than if she became a Catholic and left him. MOO
Remember a few years ago, a mega church pastor, Ron Carpenter's wife went missing. There is a thread here. Turns out she was off in a program, I believe it mightve been substance abuse, but that part I'm not remembering.
OM, this is a quite accurate explanation of the position each takes on the other, certainly in the South.

When we consider that helplessness and hopelessness are the very definition of clinical depression, it wouldn't surprise me to learn Marilane is holed up somewhere but the prospect of her husband harming her or confining her someplace won't leave my mind.

I don't paint preachers with a broad brush because some are good counselors but my mind goes back to a personal experience with clinical depression. Since I was new in town and not connected with anyone who could recommend a therapist I made an appointment with our new preacher. I spilled all my concerns and cried and you know what his advice was? "Go home and get your house really clean and you're going to feel a lot better." The end. Who knew that even suicidal ideation could be cured with polished floors?! (Finally I found a therapist who practiced Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and was cured!)

I imagine cell phone records and street cameras will tell LE a good bit about the husband's travels. It may be that LE is keeping a lot close to the vest waiting for the husband (or someone else) to slip up.

It's so sad to think about Marilane's three-year-old celebrating without her.

I think her husband has been accounted for from the start and that she has been seen clearly alone out of the area.
Reminds me of Davey Blackburn and how he (before Amanda was cold) launched his Nothing Is Wasted campaign. Having Marilane disappear will work better for her husband's career than if she became a Catholic and left him. MOO
I followed the Blackburn case for a while but I don't quite recall that.
Was the Nothing is Wasted ministry some sort of grief program he put together?

ETA: googled it, so... nevermind :)
Is it possible that this intelligent young woman is in hiding and that all of the travel time delays and seeming confusion have merely been attempts at covering her true intentions and throwing would-be followers off the track?
I hope that is the case. I hope her “confusion” was completely made up as well.

But, then I rationalize with myself and say there is an element of mental illness that thinks hiding is necessary.

I’ve heard many people here over the year or so I’ve been here remind me of Occam’s razor. It’s just in this case I don’t know what the most simplistic answer is.
UPDATE 8:45PM CST August 17, 2020

Search efforts are continuing around the region thanks to the many volunteers posting and searching. We've are getting word of people in NY, TX, IL, CO, and many other states who are posting flyers and looking all over for Marilane.

So far, sonar data reviews are not showing any signs of Marilane or her vehicle in the MS River. However, it's important to know that sonar reviews are not yet completed, and additional sonar teams are expected to arrive in the area soon to conduct more imaging and searching before we are able to rule out the possibility.

Law enforcement is reviewing tower data dumps and investigating any new leads. Please call local law enforcement if you have any info, leads, or tips.

We've been in touch with a connection that can coordinate crop dusters to fly aerial searches in the area as well. This is helpful as we look to receive more accurate phone ping location information from law enforcement investigators.

Marilane fueled up with $33.32 of fuel at the Shell Station on Petro Road in West Memphis, AR, on Sunday, August 2, 2020, at approximately 4:57PM CST. Based on the fuel capacity and range of her 2011 GMC Acadia, she could possibly have traveled nearly 400 miles without refueling.

Please review the attached map showing the 400-mile radius from her last fuel stop. Please look for Marilane and her vehicle. Marilane could be anywhere.

Marilane Carter - 36 years old / white female / 5' 8"/ 130 lbs / brown hair / green eyes / last seen red shirt and dark pants with a ballcap

Vehicle: 2011 GMC Acadia (dark gray / charcoal) with Kansas tag - 194 LFY.

Pray. Share. Hope. Look. #FindMarilane ❤️

Find Marilane
you are right, @MemPat. while i'm not still in that crowd or belief system, nor in my small southern hometown, this is definitely a thing that is generally quite true in the south.

Well....I am from the South(Alabama), have lived in the South my entire life ( in 4 different Southern states), and that's really not true in most areas down here. It may have been true 40-50 years ago, and maybe still is in evangelical sects, but most Southern Baptists just don't care that much, especially those under 50. I know lots of Catholics ( my SIL for one, my nieces and nephews also) who married Baptists, Methodists, Jews and even a few Hindus mixed in. It just isn't an issue with most people.
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