KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #3

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Welcome to WS. Actually this is a crime sleuthing site. Sometimes it's not pretty and sometimes that means having to determine what's fact or not fact. I've seen some pretty big outrageous rumors turn out to be true. We are usually allowed to post rumors, but we have to state we are posting a rumor. And this poster did that when she said she had gossip. If I'm incorrect about that, a mod can clarify.

A reminder to everyone about WS TOS. You can't attack another poster....ever. A better way to have handled this would have been to ask the poster to back up their claims. Just want to give everyone a heads up so they don't get spanked.

My apologies to all if my previous post violated tos. Out of love and respect for my Mom, however, I felt the need to protect her against the rumor being circulated. Perhaps I am completely misinterpreting cowgirlsleuth's "gossip" but there is only one rumor that has gone round and round and round, and that is what I thought she was posting about. Now it is not just local, but reporters are calling to ask us about it. There is no truth to it, anyone who knows my Mom in the least would know that, and certainly anyone w/ "firsthand" knowledge would know better than to repeat it. So I have to question the motives of the person made it up in the first place, whoever that may be.
Thanks, Suzi, for saying this. Just wanted to add that there is a separate forum for family/victim information and support where families can go read information about the case if the discussion thread is too upsetting. However, I can't find a Patricia Kimmi thread in the Information and Support Forum. Maybe I'm just missing it. Here's a link to that forum. Missing Persons Information and Support - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I took offense partly because of the tone which to me was something like "I have juicy gossip about a woman who's been abducted and probably murdered". None of us would take any offense to questions asked if they are asked tactfully or have any basis, but I realize the poster probably didn't realize our family was even to here to ask. EVERYTHING about the case is upsetting to us, but we still want to know the truth, no matter what it is.
There is still a ways to go here.
Even if an arrest is made next week,
then there are court dates and
finally, a trial,
and then a sentencing.

I do think, from what has been reported in the news, that LE has a good handle on things.
Gossip, rumors, they never end. People believe what they want to believe.

Patricia's children and friends know the truth about her.
Nothing else matters.
And I think we here on WS know the truth about Patricia.
It rings true from every description we have had of her as a person,
a mom, a grandma, her love of animals, the way she handled her life.

Justice is on its way.
There is still a ways to go here.
Even if an arrest is made next week,
then there are court dates and
finally, a trial,
and then a sentencing.

I do think, from what has been reported in the news, that LE has a good handle on things.
Gossip, rumors, they never end. People believe what they want to believe.

Patricia's children and friends know the truth about her.
Nothing else matters.
And I think we here on WS know the truth about Patricia.
It rings true from every description we have had of her as a person,
a mom, a grandma, her love of animals, the way she handled her life.

Justice is on its way.

With tears in my eyes, THANK YOU.
thanks suzi
i took the OP at face value, she stated it was rumor, she also said to look deeper into the connection between Mrs H & EK, and also made a point to not confuse that into meening there is a connection between Mr H & "kimmi's ex", who would be Pat

On the previous Pat Kimmi threads, "Kimmi's ex" has referred to Pat's ex. Maybe I misunderstood the person posting.
Call me blindered, but the thing that first struck me about The Rumor post was the mention of horses, because it made me think back to the first thread and Little_Pony, Pat's email friend from Canada, writing that their group's correspondence was based around their love of horses. So, while I saw the innuendo at the end, I didn't really dwell on it - just on Mrs. K.'s love of horses and the fact that this was a real woman who loves life and deserves more of it; and of all of her friends, and of her family, and of the absolute need for justice for a woman from my home state, one who loved horses - horses, those magnificent animals, horses.

I hate strife, especially when it strikes in a group of people all here for the same thing: justice for Pat Kimmi.
On the previous Pat Kimmi threads, "Kimmi's ex" has referred to Pat's ex. Maybe I misunderstood the person posting.

i havent been around long enough to have known that, i could have misunderstood also
im sorry if i offended you, & as a newbie, ill try to set back & get a grip on the consensus before spouting off
i certainly support you, your family, & justice for you mother
i havent been around long enough to have known that, i could have misunderstood also
im sorry if i offended you, & as a newbie, ill try to set back & get a grip on the consensus before spouting off
i certainly support you, your family, & justice for you mother

No offense taken. I certainly did not stop to consider the other ways the information could have been interpreted.
My apologies to all if my previous post violated tos. Out of love and respect for my Mom, however, I felt the need to protect her against the rumor being circulated. Perhaps I am completely misinterpreting cowgirlsleuth's "gossip" but there is only one rumor that has gone round and round and round, and that is what I thought she was posting about. Now it is not just local, but reporters are calling to ask us about it. There is no truth to it, anyone who knows my Mom in the least would know that, and certainly anyone w/ "firsthand" knowledge would know better than to repeat it. So I have to question the motives of the person made it up in the first place, whoever that may be.

I have to say I wouldn't believe any rumor that puts Pat Kimmi in a bad light. Everything we have read makes me believe that she was a wonderful mother and grandmother, and put her children and grandchildren before herself. I know how close I am to my own mother - and was to my grandmother too - and my heart aches for Pat Kimmi's loved ones.

Pat sounds like the kind of person I would want for a friend and I feel like I know her after reading Rita's writings. I know her family is devastated, I cannot imagine how I would feel in their place, but I know I would be unconsolable. The one bright spot in all this is that it sounds like Pat was a woman of strong faith and I know that kept her close to God throughout whatever she is going through. Pat built a strong family and I know they will stick together and honor her. The slime who took her away from her home wsn't worthy for her to walk on.

I'm praying for LE, it sounds like they have been on the right track all along, and I hope they are getting the necessary evidence to get justice for the Kimmis and will have answers soon. The waiting is so hard...
So did RH sell the horses or not? The poster called it gossip. But may have meant it as in giving us something factual to sleuth and talk about. If they are selling all of their livestock, I'd be curious to know why. Do they need money for a good defense attorney? And I didn't interpret the posters post as being anything negative about Pat. But that's just me.

I would like to know more about that too. But when a person comes on and gets that much grief with one post, why would they come back?

S/he would have done better to use a little more tact instead of glee and the word 'gossip' but really.... why not hear what s/he has to say?

If the Hollisters sold their livestock, WHY?

To get money to leave in a hurry?

To give the animals a home before they are arrested?

To raise money for their defense should they be arrested?

I am sorry this upsets the family, but in crime cases, it is real hard to walk a line of "what to say to not cause pain" kwim.
I don't want to cause any pain by what I think or type, but I do want to hear everything there is to hear.
Hang on a sec....

That marlboro man/reba/livestock selling post...

Did most of you take it to mean it was derogatory towards Pat?
I didn't.
Very good point about the mention of the horses.

The main thought I took from the Rumor post was that they were raising money for lawyers. I am wondering who the owner of the farm is though, since public record shows it isn't "the Marlboro man and an older Reba" (ha!) I wonder if the legal owner knew what was going on on her property.

I'm seeing J H N as the owner of the property. (XXXX V Rd, Sabetha) I'm assuming she's a relative of some sort?
If the Hollisters sold their livestock, WHY?

To get money to leave in a hurry?

To give the animals a home before they are arrested?

To raise money for their defense should they be arrested?

The first thing that occurred to me was the thought they might be accumulating the cash to flee. At this point, I'm not sure what LE can do about it, but I have to think that their actions are being monitored or noticed in some fashion or another.
It's very curious that someone who lives for horses would up and sell them all like that. It sure is a sign of something. And does anyone know why the Hollisters moved from their previous home?
It's very curious that someone who lives for horses would up and sell them all like that. It sure is a sign of something. And does anyone know why the Hollisters moved from their previous home?

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4721595&postcount=604"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - KS - Patricia Kimmi , 58 , Horton, missing 06-Nov-09 #2[/ame]
No offense taken. I certainly did not stop to consider the other ways the information could have been interpreted.

Don't worry about it Rita - I love it when you get feisty! Makes me feel super-confident that answers and justice are on the way!

Oh yeah I remember that post. For some reason I was thinking the reference was for a more recent move. Now I'm really curious about what connection that would have to this case. Or is it merely to point out that the Hollisters are dishonest people capable of commiting serious crimes?

Also, is the description of Marlboro Man and Reba accurate? I kinda find that humorous myself.
Don't worry about it Rita - I love it when you get feisty! Makes me feel super-confident that answers and justice are on the way!

Same here.

(((hugs Rita)))
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