KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #4

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I'm going to make this a message to our community, since I know so many read along here. Just when you think you've hurdled one issue, or twenty...then another comes along...and another.

When something like this happens, you have to do things you don't want to do, make decisions you don't want to make, think things you don't want to think - it all gets dumped in your lap. The searching, meetings, phonecalls, media, questioning, researching, passing on tips, doing our own "detective" work. And Mom's animals have to be cared for, her bills still have to paid, her taxes have to be filed, her house kept up, the land maintained. All the while you're trying to love your kids through this and live your daily life that is not at all normal anymore.

It's a struggle to know how much and when to tell your kids about what has happened. They need to know the truth, but how much? If they don't hear it from us, they're going to hear it at school. What's the BEST thing to do for the kids?

From the outside looking in, maybe it doesn't seem like we're doing what we should but we're doing the best we can with what we know. The public doesn't know what we know. I think it's wonderful that people aren't giving up hope, but we no longer have the hope that she will be coming back to us, that she's alive. We have a different hope - that people will know how much we love her, that people will see her faith through us, that people will want that kind of faith for themselves and grow closer to God. I have the hope that in all we have lost, our faith is still strong and our kids will see that and live their lives close to God. I have the hope that people will see if we can get through THIS, you really can get through ANYTHING if you trust in God. At a certain point, I couldn't go on pretending like she was coming back when I knew she wasn't, and I couldn't lie to my kids anymore either. My daughter asked me two nights ago if we were going to have a funeral for Ninny. I said yes. But when? Do you know how many times I've asked myself that? I have no idea when. When do you have a funeral for someone who you know is gone but you can't find their body?

My youngest brother and his family have moved into Mom's house. There came a certain day, a horrible day, when things were pretty clear to us what the outcome would be, and we sat that night and cried together. And we talked about what Mom wanted. One thing for sure and certain is that she wanted my brother and his family to have the house if something happened to her. There was no question about that among us. We've never argued about the decisions that we've made and we won't, because of our love for her. It's time for that home to have life in it again, to have peace and love and family filling it, because that's what she WANTED. That will always be the place where we feel closest to her.

It was harder than hell to tell our kids that Ninny's in Heaven. It wasn't easy to go through her things or for my brother and his wife to move in her house. What about my sister in law and her family, losing her dad, Gary on Nov 1st? They didn't even have time to grieve for him before this happened - it makes me so mad, it's so UNFAIR. None of ANY of this was a choice for Mom or our family. People took those choices away. You have no idea what a strain this puts on marriages and the toll it takes on your kids. It tests every drop of faith you have, but we're still standing, and we're doing it for Mom.

Every day, it's still not real. We just want to find her. And I think we deserve that much.
Oh Rita - you DO deserve that much - and so much more!

All the seemingly mundane things you have to do is what keeps you going. You kids have done every, single thing right. Those of us here who don't know you or your Mom - we know who you are through your posts. We have come to care for all of you and we stand with you - from afar - daily.

Be honest with your babies. That's really the best way, IMO. It sucks to know bad things can happen to good people. But it's important too. And you're right, they will learn about all of it one way or another. Better to come from their parents.

It just sucks. What more can be said about it, really? There's no easy way to lose your Mom. But I hope you've seen here that those of us who have lost our Moms carry them with us in so many ways - every, single day. You are already doing that.

Please stay strong, Rita. It's obvious that you all love one another and you have to stand together to get through this. It's not over - by a long shot - but it will be someday.

Please just remember what your Mom would have wanted for all of you.
Continuing to pray for peace and answers for the Kimmi's. Rita your faith has blessed me. Reading about your mom has blessed me. Thank you for sharing memories of her with us and inspiring ME in my own walk with God- by seeing your own faith.
bumping up.

Rita, you are an amazing woman. Your Mom, I am SURE, is so very proud of you. I pray for you and your family every day.

Let us know if Texas Equusearch still plans on coming to help find your mom as I want to volunteer when and if that happens. You deserve to find your mom and she deserves to be found.
Every day, it's still not real. We just want to find her. And I think we deserve that much.[/quote]

This is exactly how I feel about my missing brother...more than 3 years missing for us and we still don't know what happened to him. I feel your pain, I know your sorrow and my heart aches for your family.
I'm going to make this a message to our community, since I know so many read along here. Just when you think you've hurdled one issue, or twenty...then another comes along...and another.

When something like this happens, you have to do things you don't want to do, make decisions you don't want to make, think things you don't want to think - it all gets dumped in your lap. The searching, meetings, phonecalls, media, questioning, researching, passing on tips, doing our own "detective" work. And Mom's animals have to be cared for, her bills still have to paid, her taxes have to be filed, her house kept up, the land maintained. All the while you're trying to love your kids through this and live your daily life that is not at all normal anymore.

It's a struggle to know how much and when to tell your kids about what has happened. They need to know the truth, but how much? If they don't hear it from us, they're going to hear it at school. What's the BEST thing to do for the kids?

From the outside looking in, maybe it doesn't seem like we're doing what we should but we're doing the best we can with what we know. The public doesn't know what we know. I think it's wonderful that people aren't giving up hope, but we no longer have the hope that she will be coming back to us, that she's alive. We have a different hope - that people will know how much we love her, that people will see her faith through us, that people will want that kind of faith for themselves and grow closer to God. I have the hope that in all we have lost, our faith is still strong and our kids will see that and live their lives close to God. I have the hope that people will see if we can get through THIS, you really can get through ANYTHING if you trust in God. At a certain point, I couldn't go on pretending like she was coming back when I knew she wasn't, and I couldn't lie to my kids anymore either. My daughter asked me two nights ago if we were going to have a funeral for Ninny. I said yes. But when? Do you know how many times I've asked myself that? I have no idea when. When do you have a funeral for someone who you know is gone but you can't find their body?

My youngest brother and his family have moved into Mom's house. There came a certain day, a horrible day, when things were pretty clear to us what the outcome would be, and we sat that night and cried together. And we talked about what Mom wanted. One thing for sure and certain is that she wanted my brother and his family to have the house if something happened to her. There was no question about that among us. We've never argued about the decisions that we've made and we won't, because of our love for her. It's time for that home to have life in it again, to have peace and love and family filling it, because that's what she WANTED. That will always be the place where we feel closest to her.

It was harder than hell to tell our kids that Ninny's in Heaven. It wasn't easy to go through her things or for my brother and his wife to move in her house. What about my sister in law and her family, losing her dad, Gary on Nov 1st? They didn't even have time to grieve for him before this happened - it makes me so mad, it's so UNFAIR. None of ANY of this was a choice for Mom or our family. People took those choices away. You have no idea what a strain this puts on marriages and the toll it takes on your kids. It tests every drop of faith you have, but we're still standing, and we're doing it for Mom.

Every day, it's still not real. We just want to find her. And I think we deserve that much.

Rita, you are a blessing and a balm to your family. I feel like your inheritance from your Mother is her strength, her love of her family and friends and her unswerving faith. You are passing this inheritance on to your children and Pat's grandchildren thru your example. I know that I speak for many of us here...we stand in awe of the way you are handling all of this and are humbled by it.

Please, give yourself a day of rest (or many of them) find the peace that your Mom wishes for you, remember her love, it will carry you through.

Love & Prayers
I'm going to make this a message to our community, since I know so many read along here. Just when you think you've hurdled one issue, or twenty...then another comes along...and another.

When something like this happens, you have to do things you don't want to do, make decisions you don't want to make, think things you don't want to think - it all gets dumped in your lap. The searching, meetings, phonecalls, media, questioning, researching, passing on tips, doing our own "detective" work. And Mom's animals have to be cared for, her bills still have to paid, her taxes have to be filed, her house kept up, the land maintained. All the while you're trying to love your kids through this and live your daily life that is not at all normal anymore.

It's a struggle to know how much and when to tell your kids about what has happened. They need to know the truth, but how much? If they don't hear it from us, they're going to hear it at school. What's the BEST thing to do for the kids?

From the outside looking in, maybe it doesn't seem like we're doing what we should but we're doing the best we can with what we know. The public doesn't know what we know. I think it's wonderful that people aren't giving up hope, but we no longer have the hope that she will be coming back to us, that she's alive. We have a different hope - that people will know how much we love her, that people will see her faith through us, that people will want that kind of faith for themselves and grow closer to God. I have the hope that in all we have lost, our faith is still strong and our kids will see that and live their lives close to God. I have the hope that people will see if we can get through THIS, you really can get through ANYTHING if you trust in God. At a certain point, I couldn't go on pretending like she was coming back when I knew she wasn't, and I couldn't lie to my kids anymore either. My daughter asked me two nights ago if we were going to have a funeral for Ninny. I said yes. But when? Do you know how many times I've asked myself that? I have no idea when. When do you have a funeral for someone who you know is gone but you can't find their body?

My youngest brother and his family have moved into Mom's house. There came a certain day, a horrible day, when things were pretty clear to us what the outcome would be, and we sat that night and cried together. And we talked about what Mom wanted. One thing for sure and certain is that she wanted my brother and his family to have the house if something happened to her. There was no question about that among us. We've never argued about the decisions that we've made and we won't, because of our love for her. It's time for that home to have life in it again, to have peace and love and family filling it, because that's what she WANTED. That will always be the place where we feel closest to her.

It was harder than hell to tell our kids that Ninny's in Heaven. It wasn't easy to go through her things or for my brother and his wife to move in her house. What about my sister in law and her family, losing her dad, Gary on Nov 1st? They didn't even have time to grieve for him before this happened - it makes me so mad, it's so UNFAIR. None of ANY of this was a choice for Mom or our family. People took those choices away. You have no idea what a strain this puts on marriages and the toll it takes on your kids. It tests every drop of faith you have, but we're still standing, and we're doing it for Mom.

Every day, it's still not real. We just want to find her. And I think we deserve that much.

Thank you Rita for this. I am so sorry to all of you..Tony, David, Gene, Rita, your spouses and all of your children.
Bless you Rita - and your siblings.

As far as the kids go - I'd be as honest with them as their ages will allow. It sounds like most of them are the age where they will begin to understand that there are gray areas in the world, nothing is black and white, and yes, life does suck every once in awhile. My daughter lost a friend to a house fire over a year ago and it is a struggle for a youngster to realize that life is not fair, and how to enable their coping skills. As a parent I still think 'did I say the right things? Have I been a help, a comfort?' all the while grieving yourself for the loss.

There's no right or wrong with our kids sometimes. I think being a parent is just as much a learning process as is being a child!
Wishing all a good weekend. And am sending special prayers to the Kimmi kids as they strat the process of settling their mom's estate and trying to move forward. It's a first step in the healing process but we all know the true healing process won't be able to start till they find Pat. So until I know of any other way I can help with her search I will pray with all my heart that God in his mysterious ways will see that this happens.
Love You Kimmis Hang in there.
Sending Blessings and Love to you Rita, and all of your Family.

I think the answers you are looking for on what to do and how to handle things are in your heart, where your mom is. I'm sure her voice is there, where it's always been, and nobody on earth can take that away from you.

Can't believe we had a whole week with no news. :(
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