KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #5

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I'm still here reading. I haven't posted because there hasn't been much to say lately other than , "What is taking so darned long????" Of course I am still praying for the Kimmi family.

I just wanted to post to let everyone know I haven't forgotten Pat.

It is so discouraging to not hear anything. I can only imagine what the family is feeling.
bumping up for Pat on this (ITA with jeans!) gloomy-sky wednesday in Kansas.
what do you know! The sun decided to come out! Bump up for Pat
Adding my bump. Are they waiting for any reason? I know LE has to want this as much as we all do... so maybe someone in charge has a reason to wait for a specific date or a specific ....... something.
The wait seems long for us, but think of the Kimmi kids and their families. They know more than we do and still have to wait. There must be a logical reason? Would waiting for RoHo's court date on the attempted vehicular murder of ReHo be any reason?

Bumping up for Pat before heading to bed!

Hoping for tomorrow to bring some kind of information.

Dear Lord, please help all of us be patient with the legal process and most of all, help Pat's family through the waiting. Give them strength to endure the wait and help them hold eachother together through the mental and physical strain they have been living with. Please give them a ray of sunshine to lift their spirits and to remind them that your love for them will carry them through. Amen.

G' night all.
another bump for Pat to the top of the page! Rita, are you still in touch with TES? Are they still planning to come to search?
Goodness, the DA must be a slow reader! Sorry, but the pace (or lack thereof) seems to be "standing still". I'm not the most patient member of this list - lol
yes you are wiskeyhorse! I think I am the most impatient... and when it is all said and done think I should change my username to nurseBUMPme!
It is my guess that this case needs to have everything connected by the tiniest detail.
And every connection must be made to prove there is no reasonable doubt to the jury.
I also think that they have enough to know that the one who did this is already sitting
in jail. Just my opinion. I also think that to get a conviction on the "contract" killing they have to have ever detail connected to prove there is no reasonable doubt.

I would also like to say that the fact that Kansas allowed the pre-arrest under oath
testimony may just lead to these convictions. The attorney for whoever did this can
not ask for discovery in the case until his or her client is charged. Which means they
won't have as long to get their "ducks in a row" as the County Attorney.

Under these circumstances I am willing to wait until the case is as solid as possible.

I would also like to say that I think about Pat and her wonderful caring children everyday and pray for their comfort. May God hold you all in his arms and bring you peace.

Mary Brooks Class of 1969

P. S. Rita I also have a Tiger head and a paw print on my lavender crocs. We "girls"
of 1969 are a lot alike.
“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”

Soft bump upwards
LOL.. I thought wiskeyhorse said "patient" LOL...

Okay.. so we wil tie for being the most impatient ;-)

I agree with all of you that I need to work on that ;-)
Just a thought - the prosecution's star witness could be ReHo. Has anyone heard about her condition lately? Is it possible that there is a pause to promote her recovery before she is subjected to rigorous questioning by the defense during pre-trial discovery?
Just a thought - the prosecution's star witness could be ReHo. Has anyone heard about her condition lately? Is it possible that there is a pause to promote her recovery before she is subjected to rigorous questioning by the defense during pre-trial discovery?

Well, good thought. I know absolutely nothing about the whole process, so in my mind I was thinking ARREST him now so someone is being charged with doing this to Pat and her poor family.
I am sure there is more to it though. I am just wanting something to happen so much for Pat's family. I can't even imagine waiting for this if it was my mom.
Just a thought - the prosecution's star witness could be ReHo. Has anyone heard about her condition lately? Is it possible that there is a pause to promote her recovery before she is subjected to rigorous questioning by the defense during pre-trial discovery?

Or....until she is healthy enough to lead them where necessary?
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