KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #7, New Arrest 3/12/13

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Here we go - and moving right along!

So, he DID implicate EK! So why is he still walking around free?

Prayers to you Kimmi family - I know this won't be easy for you.
Looks like RoHo's shiner is gone. Too bad - would have looked nice with that black suit and his black soul.

He sure did get gussied up for his trial today, huh? Doesn't matter, though. He still looks mean as he!! and no suit in the world is gonna hide that.

I'm thinking the possible "aiding and abetting" charges to which they eluded would pertain to Mrs. Ho?
legal question: can Mrs. Ho testify against Mr. Ho??? As she allegedly led LE to Pat's remains!

just wondered about spousal privledge, etc...

she DID divorce him, right???
legal question: can Mrs. Ho testify against Mr. Ho??? As she allegedly led LE to Pat's remains!

just wondered about spousal privledge, etc...

she DID divorce him, right???

That's a good question, nurse. IDK if the divorce was ever finalized. I should think she would be a star witness for the state.
Thanks to all keeping us updated with information on the trial. It's difficult for all Pat's family and friends, and hard to think that justice for our dear Pat rides on what happens here. Faith in God - and Kuckleman.

Each side told their version of the story of Hollister's alleged involvement with Kimmi's murder.
What we do know is Hollister drove Patricia Kimmi's ex-husband Eugene Kimmi to Patricia's home the night before police discovered she was missing.

Eugene put a rolled-up carpet in the back of Hollister's truck.
The opposing sides disagree over whether Patricia Kimmi's body was rolled in that carpet.

Did I miss something??? RoHo drove EK to Pat's....a rolled up carpet??? I figured it was just a mistake in reporting but I saw two different reports about a rolled up carpet. Just want to make sure I didn't miss something. I think that would have been something I'd have remembered.

Hang in there Kimmi friends & family I think we're about to get a lot of BS dumped on us and I'm not sure the press are bothering with double checking their facts before they post their reports. If things get dirty like I think they might, it could be discouraging to see any negative false statements made about Pat or her family reported as truth in the media. But you have the truth on your side and from my count a couple thousand supporters who have your back and will not let your family be slandered.
2/22/2011 10:15:00 PM
Opening Arguments Kick Off Hollister Trial

Mary Meyers
Atchison Globe

Defense attorneys for Roger Hollister have begun to paint a picture of a different suspect in the abduction and murder of Patricia Kimmi - her ex-husband.

Opening statements and testimony in the capital murder trial portrayed Eugene Kimmi as an abusive alcoholic who wanted her dead.

Mr. Hollister's defense attorney James Heathman said Eugene often made it known he was upset about the divorce because he got eight acres near the sawmill and Ms. Kimmi received 150 acres in the outcome.

"He (Eugene) repeatedly said," Mr. Heathman said "'he hated her and wanted her dead. He (Eugene) was strapped for cash. Because of the housing market the saw mill was not doing well."

more here

It appears that we learned a lot of new information from yesterday's court appearances! Like a WHOLE lot!
Is it normal for so much previously unknown by the public to come out like this? Since I'm new to the trial scene, I'm very curious.
Sending my prayers for all who will testify today and for Pat's family who will be in court also. Lord, please guide each and every person who is called today to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Also, please help the prosecution officials overcome the deceptive tactics that the Heathman team may be trying to use. Thank you Lord. We all know that justice will prevail but your continued help will be appreciated. Amen.
It appears that we learned a lot of new information from yesterday's court appearances! Like a WHOLE lot!
Is it normal for so much previously unknown by the public to come out like this? Since I'm new to the trial scene, I'm very curious.
Sending my prayers for all who will testify today and for Pat's family who will be in court also. Lord, please guide each and every person who is called today to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Also, please help the prosecution officials overcome the deceptive tactics that the Heathman team may be trying to use. Thank you Lord. We all know that justice will prevail but your continued help will be appreciated. Amen.
Amen. That is all :)
It appears that we learned a lot of new information from yesterday's court appearances! Like a WHOLE lot!

we sure did~!! (rsbm)

here are some of the new things:

1) EK was in the truck with RoHo
2) there was a rolled up carpet
3) there were calls demanding money
4) dna on the money clip/money match RoHo


also, here is a link to a reporter tweeting from the court room:


Gene has just been sworn in... prayers to all of you Kimmi's!

Pat Kimmi's last computer activity before her kidnapping and murder was farmville on Facebook. (((eta: last computer activity was at 6:11 pm)))

wibw reporter tweeting from courtroom


Mr. Kuckelman questioned Mr. Kimmi about his relationship with his father, Eugene Kimmi, throughout his childhood and 12 years of adulthood when Gene worked with Eugene at the Kimmi Lumberyard and Sawmill.
Gene recalled the search for his mother after she went missing. Defense attorney James Heathman cross-examined Gene about alleged threats Eugene Kimmi made to his mother.
The younger Kimmi denied any memory of alleged threats.
good article on yesterdays testimony... here is a snip:

Heathman told jurors about the November 2009 night Eugene Kimmi allegedly showed up at the Hollister house asking to borrow his truck. Hollister was selective in whom he let drive his truck, so he drove Kimmi through some back roads to a home, where Eugene Kimmi loaded carpet into the back.

“Evidence won’t show you there was a body in the carpet,” Heathman said.

When the two returned to the Hollister farm, Heathman said Eugene Kimmi asked Hollister about a burn pit on the property. Heathman said Hollister then went inside and Kimmi left.


eta: right..... ((which version of events is this one RoHo?))
There are things that are going to come out at this trial that are going to be excruciatingly painful for this family. I know the family already knows but when it all goes public the discussion may get very...well...horrific.

I can not speak for them, obviously, but a mod might want to consider setting up a thread in the basement for discussion that I think is going to be very graphic.

I am not sure how all of that works as far as threads etc...
The family may want to weigh in here as to their wishes...

My heart hurts for you so very much and at the same time I have so very much respect for you and they way you have all handled this. I can not say that enough, I just can't.

HUGE hugs, prayers,

ETA: I know I can't protect them as they have already heard it all. But after hearing it all again at trial... I am just not so sure they will want to come here and re-read it again. Maybe what I am asking is that one thread be for family support without the graphic conversation??? Idk
tweet rss feed
1) friend testified ((said pat wanted to get home before dark))
2)first officer on scene testified ((he was immediately concerned and needed to find Pat))

more at link

eta: to get to rss click on that link at her twitter link: http://twitter.com/kq2lourin

eta #2: added details

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