KY KY - Crittenden, 50 Ft From Kenton Co Line, WhtFem 13-15, UP6711, Found Nude On Menefee Road, Long, Light Brown Hair, Apr'76

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Do we know who she was tentatively “identified” as?

Knowing who they thought she was that turned out to be wrong could help figure out who she is.

An amazing number of the “Redhead” victims have been ID’ed in the past few years despite their age (chronologically, not the victim’s actual age).
Could this girl be tied in with them? Possibly once again?
Based on the information given about the UID Lloyd was thought to have been matched to (found a few months after Lloyd's disappearance in February 1976, found about 50-60 miles from Kettering, OH), I'm thinking that this Doe was indeed tentatively matched to Lloyd. Though, I have no idea what's going on with the case being re-uploaded with these new sketches? It's quite odd.
Post #61 suggests her NamUs profile “reappeared” with several updates, including photos and a fairly drastic change in estimated age range. This was in December 2019. Has something changed since then? Because now I’m confused(er) :confused:
Post #61 suggests her NamUs profile “reappeared” with several updates, including photos and a fairly drastic change in estimated age range. This was in December 2019. Has something changed since then? Because now I’m confused(er) :confused:

Have you read the whole thread? See posts 44-46 if you haven't read the thread before: KY - KY - Crittenden, WhtFem UP6711, 13-15, found nude on Menefee Road, Apr'76
To Recap: her NAMUS disappeared at the same time that Lori Jean Lloyd's family posted she was matched with a KY Doe via dental records, but we never got official confirmation on identification. They couldn't find the remains to check the possible match to Lori. Also this Doe's age estimate was originally much older than Lori's age. Then all of a sudden in Dec 2019 the Doe's NAMUS was restored with a younger age estimate and new sketches. No explanation for the changes was given and no statement was made on whether they still believe this Doe could be Lori Lloyd or if she was ruled out. Nothing. I think everyone reading here is confused as well.
Have you read the whole thread? See posts 44-46 if you haven't read the thread before: KY - KY - Crittenden, WhtFem UP6711, 13-15, found nude on Menefee Road, Apr'76
To Recap: her NAMUS disappeared at the same time that Lori Jean Lloyd's family posted she was matched with a KY Doe via dental records, but we never got official confirmation on identification. They couldn't find the remains to check the possible match to Lori. Also this Doe's age estimate was originally much older than Lori's age. Then all of a sudden in Dec 2019 the Doe's NAMUS was restored with a younger age estimate and new sketches. No explanation for the changes was given and no statement was made on whether they still believe this Doe could be Lori Lloyd or if she was ruled out. Nothing. I think everyone reading here is confused as well.
Thank you Gardener! I have read the entire thread and that’s how I understood it which is why I wondered if something was missing from here. I sure hope someone can get it straightened out. I can’t imagine we’re the only ones confused. Poor girls! :(
Case is now listed under 2019 Closed Cases - Located & Identified Persons

930UFKY, discovered on April 17, 1976 in Grant County, Kentucky, has been identified per NamUs in 2016. No further information is available.

This entry doesn't show up on Doenetwork any more. I searched on the case number and on Grant County, and on Kentucky. Nothing.

And Lori's Namus is back/still there (I don't remember whether it was ever removed): The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

So it looks to me like for whatever reason the identification wasn't confirmed.
This entry doesn't show up on Doenetwork any more. I searched on the case number and on Grant County, and on Kentucky. Nothing.

And Lori's Namus is back/still there (I don't remember whether it was ever removed): The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

So it looks to me like for whatever reason the identification wasn't confirmed.
this one?

ETA: it appears to have been updated on 1/2/20. It’s been linked on the spreadsheet, but I can’t remember if when I looked at it last it had IDENTIFIED on it or not. :confused:
this one?

ETA: it appears to have been updated on 1/2/20. It’s been linked on the spreadsheet, but I can’t remember if when I looked at it last it had IDENTIFIED on it or not. :confused:

No, I meant the entry in the Doenetwork 2016 resolved cases list where it said she had been identified. The post I quoted talked about it, but I couldn't include a link because nothing to link to.

I think we can safely conclude she is still unidentified.
NamUS needs to hire a better geography person. If you click “map” (in the “circumstances”) it will take you to a map, but I’ve noted that it will nearly every time be wrong.

I think this is just a coincidence, but the map for this girl wouldn’t be far off for UID 793, found in Owen County (which is a neighbor to Grant). But it’s not anywhere near Crittendon or the Kenton County line.
NamUS needs to hire a better geography person. If you click “map” (in the “circumstances”) it will take you to a map, but I’ve noted that it will nearly every time be wrong.

I think this is just a coincidence, but the map for this girl wouldn’t be far off for UID 793, found in Owen County (which is a neighbor to Grant). But it’s not anywhere near Crittendon or the Kenton County line.

I think the map link is generated automatically from the information in the location field. Unless they take the time to enter the precise location, or the coordinates (there's a separate field) what we see will just be Googlemaps' best guess of the location. When the location is just town, state, it'll be the middle of town.
The first post in the Facebook group run by the family is someone back in December, asking for the status of the case after the NamUS listing was reposted. LJL’s brother and sister both confirm that Ohio closed the missing persons case after the probable identification was made with her full dental records in 2016, but Kentucky has not closed its case on the UID, even though the family was told it was a match.

Lori Jean Lloyd

They also both say that the family chose to “keep the press out of it.” They do not sound interested in pursuing the case further, for reasons I can certainly understand. RIP Lori Jean.
>>>>Unidentified<<<< Person /NamUs #UP6711
Female, White / Caucasian
View attachment 225423 View attachment 225424
Date Body Found: April 17, 1976
Location Found: Grant County, Kentucky
Estimated Age: Late Teen/Young Adult; 13-15
Estimated PMI: Days

Estimated Height: 5' 2"(62 inches)
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Light Brown; Long
Body Hair Description: Light brown pubic hair, thighs show a growth of fine, pale hair... the lower legs apparently have been shaved recently.
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinctive physical characteristic: Small breasts

Clothing: Body was nude; A pair of shorts found near there fastened with a safety pin.

(Emphasis on the ‘Unidentified’...I think :p)

Is it me?....I find the body hair description a little weird....How would that help in identifying her. This kind of things, especially considering the age, aren't identifiers a broader public would know. (sorry, my intention with this remark is positive but it's hard to find the right words)
The first post in the Facebook group run by the family is someone back in December, asking for the status of the case after the NamUS listing was reposted. LJL’s brother and sister both confirm that Ohio closed the missing persons case after the probable identification was made with her full dental records in 2016, but Kentucky has not closed its case on the UID, even though the family was told it was a match.

Lori Jean Lloyd

They also both say that the family chose to “keep the press out of it.” They do not sound interested in pursuing the case further, for reasons I can certainly understand. RIP Lori Jean.

I'm sorry, but I'm not convinced this Jane Doe is Lori. They must have found the grave of this Jane Doe in the meantime and (I presume) based on exhuming her they reentered the case with different stats and new recons.
No, I meant the entry in the Doenetwork 2016 resolved cases list where it said she had been identified. The post I quoted talked about it, but I couldn't include a link because nothing to link to.

I think we can safely conclude she is still unidentified.
I do not want to come across as negative here, but I've noticed that the DoeNetwork has been quite inaccurate lately, like updating their pages way too early and having to do some serious backtracking when the information turns out to be wrong. And don't get me started with their European cases! People should also bear in mind that is open for EVERYONE to edit and I've seen many serious errors on that page as well.

Is it me?....I find the body hair description a little weird....How would that help in identifying her. This kind of things, especially considering the age, aren't identifiers a broader public would know. (sorry, my intention with this remark is positive but it's hard to find the right words)
I've also thought about this in other cases when mentioned. Unless you were known for dying your pubic hair green on a regular basis, how could anyone know? I guess LE/ME want to make sure every little piece of information is collected and presented, just in case. The body is a kind of crime scene; you only get one shot in collecting evidence and data.
I do not want to come across as negative here, but I've noticed that the DoeNetwork has been quite inaccurate lately, like updating their pages way too early and having to do some serious backtracking when the information turns out to be wrong. And don't get me started with their European cases! People should also bear in mind that is open for EVERYONE to edit and I've seen many serious errors on that page as well.

I've also thought about this in other cases when mentioned. Unless you were known for dying your pubic hair green on a regular basis, how could anyone know? I guess LE/ME want to make sure every little piece of information is collected and presented, just in case. The body is a kind of crime scene; you only get one shot in collecting evidence and data.

Sometimes the color of the pubic hair can be helpful. I know a case where a woman was found with very red hair....this matched her pubic in this case it's sound to say she was probably a natural "red-head". In this case I don't see the relevance of describing the hairs on the thighs. But you are right, maybe her mom could have noticed that. Also the description of her breasts...small breast could mean anything...developing breasts, full grown breasts but small....etc.
Is it me?....I find the body hair description a little weird....How would that help in identifying her. This kind of things, especially considering the age, aren't identifiers a broader public would know. (sorry, my intention with this remark is positive but it's hard to find the right words)
I understand fully what you’re saying! To me, it’s the same with WCJD’s inverted nipple. I always think when something so seemingly random/odd is mentioned in a report, it must hold some relevance. Or at least the person writing the report seems to think so. But with those two cases (for example), I don’t get it. Also with Sumter Jane Doe and her unshaved legs. Yes, these things could speak to the type of living situation the person had been in prior to being discovered. It could speak to socioeconomic background or even mental state. Someone close to them could know when the last time was that they shaved their upper legs or that they’d been born with one inverted nipple. It could also mean they were lazy and didn’t want to shave for a week or maybe no one ever knew about a part of their body that was usually, in most cases, covered up.

I suppose it’s all the “could”s that are what we hope catch the attention of someone who was close to these unidentified decedents. So I’d say these details must have been included to target those outside the general, broader public. Although, FWIW, I mostly agree with you!
I do not want to come across as negative here, but I've noticed that the DoeNetwork has been quite inaccurate lately, like updating their pages way too early and having to do some serious backtracking when the information turns out to be wrong. And don't get me started with their European cases! People should also bear in mind that is open for EVERYONE to edit and I've seen many serious errors on that page as well.

I've also thought about this in other cases when mentioned. Unless you were known for dying your pubic hair green on a regular basis, how could anyone know? I guess LE/ME want to make sure every little piece of information is collected and presented, just in case. The body is a kind of crime scene; you only get one shot in collecting evidence and data.
Not being negative either, but you’re not the only one to notice. And thank you for pointing that out about UW! I did not know that! Seems like I should have though. :oops:

I do understand wanting to preserve and note every detail about the body, as they only get one good shot at doing so. I just wonder if “advertising” all those findings is absolutely necessary in every case. This seems like one (IMO) where they could have withheld a few things for dignity’s sake. But it is a really cold case and I don’t know how long these details have been public knowledge.

Also, and this just occurred to me, maybe mentioning the leg/pubic hair and small breasts was done because of their obvious uncertainty regarding her age? (Sorry, but I feel more comfortable being a tad judgmental considering the entire status of this case - which is uncertain)
Sometimes the color of the pubic hair can be helpful. I know a case where a woman was found with very red hair....this matched her pubic in this case it's sound to say she was probably a natural "red-head". In this case I don't see the relevance of describing the hairs on the thighs. But you are right, maybe her mom could have noticed that. Also the description of her breasts...small breast could mean anything...developing breasts, full grown breasts but small....etc.
Seems to me like they’d only mention pubic hair color when there is lack of any other hair to get a color approximation from, or when it’s a different color than their head hair. A bald man, for example. Pubic hair color could be helpful in that case. But, and this is JUST my opinion, reading the description of a 13-15 year old’s thigh and pubic hair and small breasts makes me cringe. And not because I’m immature and think ‘ewww gross’, but obviously this poor girl’s killer(s) is/are/were still out there and I can just imagine them reading the same things we are and getting some perverse pleasure from it. Ya know?

The case is becoming more and more frustrating to me. (JMOO <— ETA emphasis)
And not because I’m immature and think ‘ewww gross’, but obviously this poor girl’s killer(s) is/are/were still out there and I can just imagine them reading the same things we are and getting some perverse pleasure from it. Ya know?

I didn't even think of that...but you are right.....ewwww that is really a horrific disgusting thought.
Is our conclusion that the dental records appear to match Lori Jean Lloyd but it's not enough for official confirmation?
Sorry, I'm not clear if there is a high chance it's her or a significant chance it isn't?

It goes without saying that these people should have been buried in such a way they could be retrieved.
I certainly hope things are being done very differently now in KY.
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

A long shot. Could this sweet girl be Lynette Dawn Culver missing since May 1975 from Pocatello, Idaho? Of course you could wonder about a few things;

Where was she during a whole year,
how did she came from A to B? It's an approx. 26 hours drive.
Bundy seems to have confessed killing her, but LE have their doubts about it.


Missing Age 12 Years (approx. 13 in 1976) / UID estimated 13 - 15
Long light brown hair / UID long light brown hair
5'2 / UID 5'2

Look at her mouth...and her very big eyes. It looks a lot like the recons IMO.

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