KY KY - Heather Teague, 23, Spottsville, 26 Aug 1995

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You can just feel the pain that Heather's mother is in. She is so tormented, why can't someone come forward and tell her what happened to Heather. :banghead:

Sarah - I will pray for Heather's safe return.
In the article on Heather's page, a man was watching her from a telescope from a ways back and saw that bearded person approach Heather, and stick a pistol to her head and lead her away from the chair where she was laying out in the sun. HE thought it was a joke or something. The man who was a suspect killed himself before police could question him or search his property. The girlfriend of the suspect wont talk to police. Looks to me like they could go ahead and search the property, in which, I'm sure they did.

This is a scary case.
I came across Heathers site by accident and was going to post a thread when I found this one. This is so sad. Heathers family must be tormented. I don't know how they manage.

WHY hasn't someone come forward with what they know? There is no excuse for this kind of cowardice. I pray someone will find the strenght of spirit to SPEAK UP and do the right thing for this beautiful girls family.
Has anyone checked out the website the mother referred to rapez? I don't even want to look. The mother didn't mention if she looked there. It sounded like she was referring to snuff *advertiser censored* which would fit with "several" individuals being involved like was suggested i.e. chevette and bronco. Also, it would fit with why the suspects wife won't talk.

I'm not sure I understand what happened to the search warrant, it was never executed? why?

I'm also too scared to look at it. I wonder if it is still up?? I really think it is too horrific for words, if it really is some kind of snuff site. It would explain a lot though. I can't imagine Heathers mother daring to look at it...............
I sure hope this leads to something... although, even if this man is the one responsible, I doubt he would lead police to her body - because he didn't with the woman who dissappeard before Heather. He was even offered less jail time if he led them to her body and he still refused.
Goodness- after all this time. Thanks for posting this- i hope heathers family find some answers.
There is a new development in Heather's case. Here is the link for anyone who is interested.

I sure hope this is the break that has been needed all these years.

this article says he was a truck driver and spent years traveling from state to state.

i sure would like to see a timeline on his might help some other families get answers!
This was posted on Maura Murray's website tonight.

We received this email from the Cue Center today. Hopefully, many of you will visit the website set up for Sue Ann as well as Heather. Heather's mom has been very supportive of the Murray family and our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.

Heather's website:
Sue Ann's website:

On Friday, August 26, 2005, Sue Ann Ray vanished without a trace. It is believed that her husband may be involved in the disappearance. There were six domestic violence calls she placed to police not too long ago involving her husband.

Sue Ann is the relative of Heather Teague who vanished exactly 10 years ago on August 26th. The public needs your help to circulate this information, because the husband is NOT cooperating although he's in custody.

This has not made it to the airways yet but we expect it to within 24 hours. Our group is working with Cue Center for the Missing to assist the family during this difficult time. Below is Sue Ann's information. Please take a look. Within 24 hours if she is NOT located, a website will become available for Sue Ann. We will forward that once it becomes available. There is # below to call for verification of correct info. should you need it.

Sue Ann Ray is MISSING
Full Name: Sue Ann Ray
Age: 26
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Weight: 110
Height: 5’0
Race: Caucasian

Sue Ann Ray was last seen on August 26, 2005. Her abandoned car was later found in a nearby shopping center parking lot. Sue Ann has two tattoos, one tribal tattoo on her buttocks and a flower on her left ankle. If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Sue Ann Ray, you are asked to please call Sgt. Dan King at 770-294-7231.

You may remain anonymous if needed

Heather's website:
Sue Ann's website:

On Friday, August 26, 2005, Sue Ann Ray vanished without a trace. It is believed that her husband may be involved in the disappearance. There were six domestic violence calls she placed to police not too long ago involving her husband.

Sue Ann is the relative of Heather Teague who vanished exactly 10 years ago on August 26th. The public needs your help to circulate this information, because the husband is NOT cooperating although he's in custody.

This has not made it to the airways yet but we expect it to within 24 hours. Our group is working with Cue Center for the Missing to assist the family during this difficult time. Below is Sue Ann's information. Please take a look. Within 24 hours if she is NOT located, a website will become available for Sue Ann. We will forward that once it becomes available. There is # below to call for verification of correct info. should you need it.

Sue Ann Ray is MISSING
Full Name: Sue Ann Ray
Age: 26
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Weight: 110
Height: 5’0
Race: Caucasian

Sue Ann Ray was last seen on August 26, 2005. Her abandoned car was later found in a nearby shopping center parking lot. Sue Ann has two tattoos, one tribal tattoo on her buttocks and a flower on her left ankle. If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Sue Ann Ray, you are asked to please call Sgt. Dan King at 770-294-7231.

You may remain anonymous if needed
Prayers for both Sue Ann and Heather. It's an eerie coincidence that they both went missing on August 26th - exactly 10 years apart.
lisag said:
I sure hope this leads to something... although, even if this man is the one responsible, I doubt he would lead police to her body - because he didn't with the woman who dissappeard before Heather. He was even offered less jail time if he led them to her body and he still refused.

It just burns me that this killer "made a deal" with the Pros. I think 11 to 15 yrs is an insult. That is the value the Pros put on that woman's life. "If you will just plead guilty so we don't have to fork over the money for a trial we will give you a great deal.....hence...11-15 yrs." He murdered that woman in cold blood yet he gets a deal :furious:

I sure hope that they can connect this creep with Heather. Her poor family need justice for Heather and for themselves.
it is extremely eerie that both of these women went missing on the same day. i think however, with 6 doemstic violence phone calls we know exactly what happened to sue ann. she should have left after the first poor girl!

prayers that both these women are found soon.
Have they been looking at the wrong guy all this time? They've been trying to connect Christopher Below with Heather Teague's disappearance but now with him still behind bars and Sue Ann disappearing....... maybe Sue Ann's husband needs to do some talking. Not that he did it, but he may know something.

And the "eyewitness" with the telescope, just happening to be looking at Heather when she was taken.......doesn't this sound fishy to anyone else? Not to mention that the "eyewitness" gave a description that perfectly fits someone else who could be placed in the area. Maybe the eyewitness was cleared of any connection, I don't know. I just hope something comes together for her mother soon, so that she can sleep and move one.

Truck drivers have to keep so many records of their weigh station stops. I guess they already looked at those records of Below's to see if he was near those other missing women.
findcarrie said:
Heather Teague was abducted on August 26, 1995 from FROM: Newburgh Beach - Spottsville, Kentucky. The only known suspect killed himself when a warrant was executed to search his property. Please take a moment to look at Heather's site. Her family could still use your support even after all this time.

If someone that LE suspected committed suicide when LE wanted to search his property that is a pretty loud statement isn't it? I wonder if LE went ahead and searched it?
Marty Dill, a resident of Henderson County, Kentucky, had been pulled over during a routine traffic stop by police in February 1995, six months prior to Teague's disappearance. Dill matched the description of Teague's abductor and also drove a red Ford Bronco, which was identical to a vehicle a witness reported was parked next to Teague's car on Newburgh Beach. Authorities discovered two guns, two knives, duct tape, rubber gloves and rope in Dill's vehicle at the time of his February 1995 traffic stop. Investigators received several tips connecting Dill to Teague's case in August 1995 and arrived at his home to question him. Dill reportedly told his wife to leave their residence after becoming alerted to law enforcement's presence. He then committed suicide before officers could enter his home.
You would think that the wife would want to help the family out....but obviously she is hiding his secret. Now that he is gone, we may never know where she is.

But how old would that guy have been when Heather disappeared? (the husband of Sue Ann, I mean)

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