KY KY - Katie Gray, 10 months, West Paducah, 29 Nov 2004

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They were wet and muddy, according to the Wallaces...but it was raining and muddy outside and they said they'd walked there from the party house.

How they could calmly lie and pretend their child hadn't just been lost to drown in the creek is beyond me, though.
I did find out tonight that she has worked at our local Cracker Barrel, but I don't know in what capacity.

I also heard rumor about recent domestic violence in the Gray household, but don't know if that's rumor only or factual.
Okay so perhaps they had a prior encounter with the police and maybe they were warned that they could lose their child if they didn't smarten up.

If the story is true about losing katie accidently in the flood it could make me understand a little better why they were afraid to call the police - thinking they would be suspected, so they came up with that lie and then later when it all hit them they told the truth to their friends who called the Polce.

I still can't grasp how they would be calm enough to think of themselves before their child though... unless they were drunk or on drugs.

Anything could have happened to Katie, I wonder if they used tracking dogs?
Trailing dogs and cadaver dogs have been used. A fresh crew of dogs will be used tomorrow but I don't know what kind of dogs they are. The river is rising toward flood stage and that backs up water into the creek again.

I don't know that the domestic violence was handled by police.

The calmness displayed in front of their friends immediately following their child's loss is what really blows my mind. And the concocted story about Katie at a babysitter.
When I first saw this news story I was so saddened and felt so bad for the parents. Flash floods do happen and I could just see them losing the grip on her seat. However, the more that I read here, the madder I am getting. This story just doesn't add up.

My local station hasn't had any updates and I really appreciate you keeping us up to date.
Something tells me that the father did most of the talking to the "friends". I have a feeling that he might have done something and was forcing her to cover it up. I would feel tremendous guilt if something happened to one of my children and I didn't or couldn't do anything about it. It sounds like there was probably domestic violence whether the police were called or not.
I would like for everyone who reads this to stop and say a prayer for Katie.

Prayer is SO powerful!

I know, I was healed of blindness. You only have to be healed of blindness once to know the power of prayer.

None of us knows what happened, but we should not assume anything.
Let's pray for the child, that she is found, and soon.

With love and HOPE for Katie, Lanie
More likely than not, Katie is probably in the care and comfort of our Heavenly Father. Reading the details given in these threads, causes one to imagine the worst case scenerios.

I pray for Katie, that her body will be found and placed in a permanent honorable resting place. I pray the Lord will take this situation and have his will in the lives of those involved.

This is so heart breaking. I honor Katie this day.
McCracken Commonwealth Attorney Tim Kaltenback says no body and no contradictory evidence means he has to assume the parents are telling the truth. No case has yet been presented to the district attorney by LE for consideration to file charges.

The search continues for 2 reasons, according to Sheriff Augustus: to be able to give Katie "a proper burial", and because he believes Katie's body "is going to tell the story".

Sandy Gray has talked to police twice--right after the 911 call and yesterday. Sheriff Augustus says her statements were "mostly consistent". Gray indicated yesterday that she does not want to talk to LE anymore.

Six cadaver dogs are searching today for 10-month old Katie, with divers standing by if a scent is found.

--summarized from the Paducah Sun "No body means no charges for infant's disappearance" 12/8/04

Hundreds of manhours-- and doghours-- have already been put forth in searches, and it looks like searching will continue for a while yet.
Finding Body Key to Katie Gray Answers

Anna Prendergast
Thursday, December 09, 2004

Thursday will be Day 9 in the investigation of what happened to the Lone Oak infant missing and presumed to be dead, although the McCracken County Sheriff's Department continues to call it a missing person case.

Dogs specially trained to find bodies, boats and four-wheelers could be seen combing the banks of Massac Creek.

Sources say investigators have little evidence and prosecutors are moving slowly, fearful they might charge the parents with a lesser offense like Reckless Negligence and then be precluded from increasing the charges if, ultimately the parents are found to have a larger role in the case then they have suggested to police.
--- >>

The search goes on.
LP - thanks so much for keeping this updated. :)

They really need a break in the case soon... at least they are not giving up and are still out there looking every day.

Anyword on the parents situation? I wonder how the community is embracing them or treating them since the news came out about their odd behavior the night Katie was lost.
The search is again suspended because of high and rising water. It may be January before the search can continue in and beside the creek.

I don't know how the community is embracing or treating the Grays. Everyone in the area that I've talked to about Katie's disappearance thinks the situation and circumstances are highly suspicious.

LE is seeking medical records for both Katie and her mother Sandy.
Katie Gray's Mother Speaks Out
Written by: Anna Prendergast
Friday, December 10, 2004

For the first time Katie Gray's mother, Sandy talks with News Channel Six. She says she checked into Lourdes Hospital the night Katie disappeared because she says, " I wanted to kill myself after Katie fell into the creek." Sandy also said she had no comment when asked why she didn't call 911 right after Katie disappeared.

Today McCracken County Commonwealth attorney, Tim Kaltenbach presented the Grand Jury with both Katie and Sandy's medical files. He says in past cases medical files have been used to identify a body, and to find out what patients have said to doctors.

I don't understand about the medical files and the grand jury. The DA presented the files to the jurors so surely he knew what the files contain...or were only the jurors allowed to actually see the contents because of confidentiality rules? The article makes it sound as if confidentiality of doctor/patient can be gotten around by using a grand jury.

Sandy Gray's comments, unless there are much more to her comments than reported, sound more concerned with herself than with her baby. What good reason can there be not to call 911 immediately?
with the recent history of her dui It wouldn't surprise me that maybe she was driving while under the influence of alcohol and drove into the rising creek water either way what a tradegy a young life was lost because of irresponsible adults, so many families are effected by there careless actions...
There is already a grand jury? isn't this all moving very quickly?
There is always a grand jury in Kentucky. This grand jury wasn't called just for the Gray case. The standing general grand jury may be asked to consider whether charges more serious than negligence could be filed against either or both parents.

There've been no media reports about alcohol use on the night that Katie is supposed to have been lost in the creek waters, but several hours went by between the time the Grays say Katie was swept away in the creek and the time the 911 call went out. Time to sober up?

My heart breaks for Katie, who is out there somewhere, and for her grandparents who are in great emotional pain over her loss.
I really hope they find this little angel soon.
I too wonder if alcohol wasn't a factor in her disappearance.

The fact that they didn't call 911, that they lied to their friends about where Katie was and that they stopped for cigarettes is all highly suspicious to me.
This doesn't sound liek your run of the mill accident here.. Something happened out there, more than the parents are saying.
Maybe So said:
Yep, I knew it was a girl but for some reason used "him" throughout my entire post....LOL....I must have been mentally picturing my son in the baby seat while I was trying to think about whether I would have taken the car seat out of the vehicle with a child in it or if I would have taken the child out in my arms. I think I would have gotten by baby out and left the car seat behind in the vehicle.

I haven't read through this entire thread yet, but I did have a comment here. The baby is only 10 months old and therefore still in an infant car seat. Many of these are designed to be easily removed and used as a carrier for the baby. Mine was that way. It would have been much faster for me to remove the whole seat (push only one button and it pops right out) than to try to remove the baby. To me, this is entirely plausible.

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