GUILTY KY - Kayla Williams, 17, Kortney, 14, & Ethan Frensley, 5, murdered, Roaring Springs, 15 Oct 2008

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How horrible. Some of the family must have known what was happening because he couldn't kill them all at the same time. I can't begin to imagine the horror they must have felt. I hope the mom survives but in all honesty...if I were in her shoes I wouldn't want to ever wake up to what this lady will have to face if she survives. Losing one child is a nightmare but to lose all three of your children....

I hope LE figures this all out soon and the monster is put away for life.

Some military officials parked nearby. The father of at least one of the deceased has military ties and requested their presence, Patterson said. The house is near the northwestern boundary of Fort Campbell.
Patterson would not say anything about the killings or whether their bodies were inside or outside of the home, although he said they were found in different locations on the property. He also would not say what hospital the injured person had been taken to, citing safety. Several friends and neighbors said Kristy Frensley was in intensive care after undergoing surgery.
Malcolm Biggs, who had been the family's next-door neighbor for two years before moving one road away, said neighbors told him all four victims' throats had been slit, that one body was outside and that Kristy Frensley was discovered in a swimming pool.
The below article indicates that someone (Kristi?) was pulled through a window:

Nicho McGee said her brother-in-law "Butch" McGee, who lives next door, was at the scene of the fire Wednesday and pulled one of the victims from the house.
"He said he saw a pink sock kicking at the window," she said. "He said her neck had been cut and her hands had been tied around her back."
A message left with Nicho McGee for her brother-in-law was not returned.
Trigg County Sheriff Randy Clark confirmed that one victim was pulled from a window, but could neither confirm nor deny that "Butch" McGee had been on the scene.
I live in Hopkinsville and I can tell you that the LE here is being very tight lipped. The story that I'm getting is her current husband was on post all day (Fort Campbell - 101st Airborne) and that has been confirmed.

Kristi was found outside in the pool with multiple stab wounds. All the children had their throats slit - but one body was found half in / half out & crawl out a window (to escape the fire?).

It has been reported that Kayla's father is in California and the LE wont even release information to him --- maybe they haven't 'confirmed' that Kayla was one of the victims in the house.

Again - this is all just what is going around here at work - but 'supposedly' the suspect stole a Directv van to flee --- the van has been recovered -- but the suspect has not.

Many here are getting upset that LE wont say if we need to be on the look out of this person ---

Here is the link to our local newspaper.
Oh man, this is just awful. If it was an upset father how could he take out his anger towards his wife onto his own children.

If the girl who was pulled out of the window had her hands bound then I wonder if all of them did. The two found outside may have tried to make a run for it but with their own hands bound it would be very hard to keep your balance. If there was only one killer he would have had to subdue all of them very quickly. 3 women could overtake one man - especially 3 women who are trying to save their own lives and their family members lives.

There are just no words to express condolense for Kristi. If I were her I'm not sure I would want to live. Hopefully the desire to make this person pay for what they did along with her families support she will find the strength to overcome.
I live in Hopkinsville and I can tell you that the LE here is being very tight lipped. The story that I'm getting is her current husband was on post all day (Fort Campbell - 101st Airborne) and that has been confirmed.

Kristi was found outside in the pool with multiple stab wounds. All the children had their throats slit - but one body was found half in / half out & crawl out a window (to escape the fire?).

It has been reported that Kayla's father is in California and the LE wont even release information to him --- maybe they haven't 'confirmed' that Kayla was one of the victims in the house.

Again - this is all just what is going around here at work - but 'supposedly' the suspect stole a Directv van to flee --- the van has been recovered -- but the suspect has not.

Many here are getting upset that LE wont say if we need to be on the look out of this person ---

Here is the link to our local newspaper.

Kristi with multiple stab wounds in pool, tells me she was last and he could not get close enough to her to slit her throat or other. From what I can tell, she is the only one that made it outside on her own.

Who plans to execute 4 people, (3 of them kids) in broad daylight and needs to steal a getaway vehicle?

Something went wrong, someone saw something. Bloody guys driving stolen vans do not go unoticed.

1) Where was Kayla living over the last year and why did she return-
How recently was she back home? Any x-boyfriends, etc..?

2)What type of Insurance policies are maintained on the victims, and who is the beneficiaries? What kind of estate? Any recent inheritences?

3)What proximity of SO, recent parolees have been searched and interviewed?

4) Who if anyone is awol on base as of yesterday, who showed up to assigned duty with wounds or went to the infirmery, or the local Hospital possibly w/out ID or insurance, so perhaps clinic?

5) Any prior domestic disputes, any recent court orders pertaining to custody or support, alimony, etc..

What did I miss?

I could be completely wrong, but this feels like money motivated to me in some form or another.
Pictures of this family are now posted at our online newspaper here in Hopkinsville. Such a beautiful family.

I was told this afternoon (from a fairly reliable source) that the mother is waking up - and beginning to share what happened. Apparently, when the children got off the bus and entered their home - they witnessed their mother was being raped.

Supposedly, Kristi was able to give officers a description of this monster. Hopefully his face will be plastered everywhere soon.

The link above also tells of a neighbor seeing an unfamiliar vehicle & unfamiliar man in Kristi's drive, as the neighbor was leaving her residence.
Pictures of this family are now posted at our online newspaper here in Hopkinsville. Such a beautiful family.

I was told this afternoon (from a fairly reliable source) that the mother is waking up - and beginning to share what happened. Apparently, when the children got off the bus and entered their home - they witnessed their mother was being raped.

Supposedly, Kristi was able to give officers a description of this monster. Hopefully his face will be plastered everywhere soon.

The link above also tells of a neighbor seeing an unfamiliar vehicle & unfamiliar man in Kristi's drive, as the neighbor was leaving her residence.

OMG! How can this get any worse. I'm so, so sorry for the mother and I'm distraught that her children had to see what was happening to their mother right before they were killed. I don't know what to say. :mad:
If the mother lives and can tell what happened, it should just be a matter of time -- if the ex did it.

For the record, I felt like I was going to lose it when I got divorced. But you know, it dang sure never occurred to me to hurt anyone. I think some men are just barely veiled psychos for most of their lives and all it takes is something that in their minds finally gives them the excuse.
I think you are right on the money about that. Pretty dang scarey stuff, ain't it?
For the record, I enjoy your blogs.
Thank you Bluegal. Sounds like this could be random.
respectfully snipped

The link above also tells of a neighbor seeing an unfamiliar vehicle & unfamiliar man in Kristi's drive, as the neighbor was leaving her residence.

Why did the man need to steal the Direct TV van then? Could there have been 2 men and one left when things went awry?

What assailant parks in the vics driveway?
Pictures of this family are now posted at our online newspaper here in Hopkinsville. Such a beautiful family.

I was told this afternoon (from a fairly reliable source) that the mother is waking up - and beginning to share what happened. Apparently, when the children got off the bus and entered their home - they witnessed their mother was being raped.

Supposedly, Kristi was able to give officers a description of this monster. Hopefully his face will be plastered everywhere soon.

The link above also tells of a neighbor seeing an unfamiliar vehicle & unfamiliar man in Kristi's drive, as the neighbor was leaving her residence.

Bluegal, I responded before reading that link because those 2 questions popped in my head immediately, but upon reading it, I did not see the reference to the car in driveway or unknown man- did I miss it?
Bluegal, I responded before reading that link because those 2 questions popped in my head immediately, but upon reading it, I did not see the reference to the car in driveway or unknown man- did I miss it?

Blink -

I just went back to the article and my jaw dropped to the floor. Kentucky New Era has deleted that portion of the article. I SWEAR to you it was there.

It was the mother of the young lady that seen the unfamiliar vehicle & unfamiliar man -- who gave the interview to Kentucky New Era. She even said that her daughter was now staying elsewhere because they feared for her safety after what she saw. Several of the comments at the bottom of the article were blasting this mother & Kentucky New Era saying - 'if she saw what she saw - and is afraid for her safety --- Why in the hell would you tell a newspaper reporter about it -- and why would KNE even print it?'

I see those comments have been deleted as well.

It was there.

Maybe I should start copy & pasting the article 'as is' when I post, and the link. Therefore if there are any changes, we still have the original here.

My sincerest apologies.
Just for the record, I know Jeff Frensley, personally, he in no way had anything to do with these crimes...he loved those children and raised all of them as if they were his own...not to mention he has a rock solid alibi. Maybe these crimes were committed by someone who knew the mother and had a seems awful brutal and personal to be a ramdom act of violence. There were real reasons why Kayla had been living with her father in Cal., Kortney with her grandparents in Fl. and Jeff trying to get full custody of Ethan.
Also, in the printed version of the Kentucky New Era, they definitely did report on the car in the driveway seen by the neighbor...not too smart of the mom to talk to a newspaper about her daughter who lives beside the scene of these murders.
All I know for sure is the monster that did this better hope the LE finds him before the military guys or good ol boys from Roaring Springs..although I personally would like to see some good old fashioned justice handed out!
Blink -

I just went back to the article and my jaw dropped to the floor. Kentucky New Era has deleted that portion of the article. I SWEAR to you it was there.

It was the mother of the young lady that seen the unfamiliar vehicle & unfamiliar man -- who gave the interview to Kentucky New Era. She even said that her daughter was now staying elsewhere because they feared for her safety after what she saw. Several of the comments at the bottom of the article were blasting this mother & Kentucky New Era saying - 'if she saw what she saw - and is afraid for her safety --- Why in the hell would you tell a newspaper reporter about it -- and why would KNE even print it?'

I see those comments have been deleted as well.

It was there.

Maybe I should start copy & pasting the article 'as is' when I post, and the link. Therefore if there are any changes, we still have the original here.

My sincerest apologies.

Oh my, that does happen. I thought it might be something like that. I agree that was irresponsible on both counts of the neighbor and the news to print that- I am very surprised LE did not advise them not to speak to the press.
Just for the record, I know Jeff Frensley, personally, he in no way had anything to do with these crimes...he loved those children and raised all of them as if they were his own...not to mention he has a rock solid alibi. Maybe these crimes were committed by someone who knew the mother and had a seems awful brutal and personal to be a ramdom act of violence. There were real reasons why Kayla had been living with her father in Cal., Kortney with her grandparents in Fl. and Jeff trying to get full custody of Ethan.
Also, in the printed version of the Kentucky New Era, they definitely did report on the car in the driveway seen by the neighbor...not too smart of the mom to talk to a newspaper about her daughter who lives beside the scene of these murders.
All I know for sure is the monster that did this better hope the LE finds him before the military guys or good ol boys from Roaring Springs..although I personally would like to see some good old fashioned justice handed out!

Guest, welcome to WS and adding your perspective.
From your comments it would seem you are close to this case. I hope you realize we try to keep as objective as we can here to evaluate facts and not rumors as much as we can.. To that end, are you comfortable elaborating on the custody/visitation issues preceeding this incident, in general terms of course? I completely understand if not.
Thank you for the welcome Bluegal.
I don't think this is the time to hash out all the personal aspects of this case. I just wanted people to be objective and not jump to the first conclusion that it is always an angry Dad. Mom's put their children in danger as often and sometimes more than Dads. I don't know how to add a link on here but if you go to you can read an aritcle with some other details including the arrest and pending case against the mother for an arrest on Oct. 9 for public intoxication at a school beauty pageant.
I in no way want to appear to know more than I do. Just some background before everyone jumps to the conclusion of accusing a good man and a highly decorated US soldier.
Also, in my prior posts I was not repeating rumors, or trying to make anyone look bad, just putting a few facts out there.
Guest, Welcome to WS. Below is the link and snip of the article you mentioned.

The couple had agreed to shared custody of Ethan, but in July, Jeffrey Frensley sought full custody, accusing Kristy Frensley in court documents of drinking around Ethan, keeping a filthy house and failing to regularly take him to the doctor.
Many of the allegations were unsupported, the judge said. Court-ordered tests showed Kristy Frensley was not using illicit drugs, according to documents in the case.
Trigg Circuit Judge C.A. Woodall III declined to alter the custody agreement in an Oct. 1 ruling.
Kristy Frensley was arrested Oct. 9 and charged with alcohol intoxication after a sheriff's deputy noticed she was acting peculiar at a beauty pageant at Trigg County High School, according to a police citation. The case is pending.

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