Kyron Horman Discussion Thread 2017-2019

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Look, I agree that anything is possible. I just have a hard time thinking DeDe showed up at the school that morning and risked being seen for a kidnapping and murder. I see bad things happen to kids all the time, but this is different. There is no body, no sign of a murder, like a fire in the other case and a body. I do think he may have been passed off, they could have arranged that, but anything is possible. Thanks for sharing. I will read her book when it comes out. Maybe I will look at things different. IDK.
I agree with Truth....the similarities are very strange. But I want to believe that, like KH, he's out there alive somewhere because they haven't found anything of his. Has anyone read the books that included the character that had the name that she wanted to take for her own?
I've only read "Burn" in the 19 or so book series by Nevada Barr. That one book is a disturbing read because not only is it about a child sex slave ring, but Claire Sullivan is running from the law because she is charged with the murder of her own two children. Of course, Claire Sullivan winds up a big hero because she finds and saves her two children as well as the children of others, and she breaks up the child sex ring.

There is also another book with a character called Claire Sullivan (same spelling if I have my information correct). It's titled "A Call In The Night" by Susan Howatch. This one was written in the late 1960's and is not available in e-book format. I haven't read it, but I've heard it's about Claire Sullivan searching for her missing sister. So, it sounds a little tamer to me.
So if I were DS and I was completely innocent of any involvement in Kyrons disappearance. Why would I plead the 5th? Or refuse to sincerely cooperate with the investigation?

1. I'm lying and was involved or helped to coverup a crime.
2. I have private things in my life that I don't want to be put on blast.
3. Protecting a friend that I feel is being falsely accused.

Wasn't DS's Dad a cop? Can't remember where.

Yes, DDS’s father was the police chief of Klamath Falls, OR.
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I am so glad we are all passionate about advocating for victims. Regarding the Delphi girls I am passionate about them as well. I am so close to that case I could walk there. I have a small stack of blue sticky notes with names of POI. I am willing to add more if needed.

If TH walked out of that school with Kyron and neither returned that would be stated on his official missing posters, I do not believe it is. TH did account for her time but it is simply dismissed by many. The cell phone pings are just that and not indicative of any thing. We could go round and round about all these things and we would be nowhere but back to where we started. I am just glad we have a place to discuss it here at WS. I know I am in the minority on Kyron's thread. God I want Kyron found and alive would be wonderful. I just don't think asking one women "where is Kyron" is the answer.

Probably the reason that information wasn’t listed on Kyron’s missing poster is because LE didn’t know at the time of the missing poster that he’d been seen leaving the school with TMH.

According to Desiree, that information came out later from eyewitness accounts who were at the school that day and from forensic data examination.

The first we’ve heard of Kyron being seen leaving the school that morning with TMH was during Desiree Young’s podcast interview on June 4, 2019.

The reason they found sign of a fire and a body in the Scotty Baker case is because the accomplice talked. In Kyron's case, no one has talked.

Look, I agree that anything is possible. I just have a hard time thinking DeDe showed up at the school that morning and risked being seen for a kidnapping and murder. I see bad things happen to kids all the time, but this is different. murder, likeThere is no body, nsign of a a fire in the other case and a body.o I do think he may have been passed off, they could have arranged that, but anything is possible. Thanks for sharing. I will read her book when it comes out. Maybe I will look at things different. IDK.
The day Kyron disappeared was intentional , jmo. Anyone knows how hectic science fair days are at school. That day was chosen for a reason. It was not a random stranger abduction.


She knew that day would be chaotic.
She knew there would be a lot of new faces in the gym.
She knew the teachers and staff would be overwhelmed.
She knew by being at the gym they’d have easy access to slip out the back doors that lead to the parking lot.
She knew there would be a lot of people/cars coming and going and she could take Kyron and leave unnoticed.

June 4, 2010 was handpicked to accomplish two things. To get rid of Kyron and to try to the hold the school responsible for his disappearance.

Please remind me: When TH said Kyron had a doctor's appointment did she say that verbally or was there a written note? Has she ever explained this?
Desiree says there is an email which TMHV sent to Kyron's teacher confirming the doctor's appointment for June 4, 2010.

Did TMHV ever explain? Sure, she said the teacher was deaf in one ear and got everything confused.

She certainly seems to favor the "deaf in one ear" excuse, doesn't she? Years later she offered it as her own excuse for failing two polys and walking out on one given in between the two failed ones.

She knew that day would be chaotic.
She knew there would be a lot of new faces in the gym.
She knew the teachers and staff would be overwhelmed.
She knew by being at the gym they’d have easy access to slip out the back doors that lead to the parking lot.
She knew there would be a lot of people/cars coming and going and she could take Kyron and leave unnoticed.

June 4, 2010 was handpicked to accomplish two things. To get rid of Kyron and to try to the hold the school responsible for his disappearance.


Totally agree, she carefully planned his disappearance and in her arrogance assumed the school would be blamed. She would be able to play the victim, and gain financially from a lawsuit. Who knows what she planned long range, but I don't think it involved staying with Kaine.

Even though we don't know where Kyron is, I do gain some satisfaction that ultimately her plan blew up in her face. She may not be in prison, but she is in hiding of sorts. Desiree makes sure we all know where she is and what she's doing.
While I truly believe it was Terri's doing with the help of her friend..if she previously allegedly wanted Kane killed first, why not just leave? In the end it was Kyron. Why not try to send him back to Desiree or again, just take her baby and leave? Any one understand her logic? Also, was it said if the sick babu was brought into the school or left n the truck? With who? DeDe? My memory has severely faded lol
A sociopath's brain does not work like our's. Logic has no bearing in what she planned or carried out.
Profile of the Sociopath

Terri, is 49 and on her fourth marriage, she was married twice before Kaine. She was/is, never able to successfully carry out anything in her life long term; a business plan, teaching career, friendships, marriages. Nothing lasts in her life. I believe she was trying to set herself up for financial gain. Remember, grandiosity is a hallmark of a sociopath.
While I truly believe it was Terri's doing with the help of her friend..if she previously allegedly wanted Kane killed first, why not just leave? In the end it was Kyron. Why not try to send him back to Desiree or again, just take her baby and leave? Any one understand her logic? Also, was it said if the sick babu was brought into the school or left n the truck? With who? DeDe? My memory has severely faded lol
TMHV did try--and succeeded--in getting Desiree to approach Kaine about having Kyron come live with her. That failed; Kaine told Desiree that was not going to happen.

According to court documents that became public during their divorce hearings, TMHV was drinking heavily and passing out on the couch leaving her 18-month-old awake and unattended. She was unemployed and probably unemployable at the time, due to her drinking.

Kaine is a formidable opponent, (unlike the former two husbands), and I think TMHV realized she would be lucky to gain even joint custody. That would have been unacceptable to her--and that is the only part in all of this where she did not get what she wanted.

Where was the 18-month old? Many, many witnesses and Kaine place the baby with TMHV in the school and running the "errands" with TMHV that morning. That is some of the reason TMHV was allowed zero custody of her daughter. Kaine and the authorities believe that the 18-month old may have witnessed something terrible that morning.
Terri was also an educator and knew how the school system worked in re to school functions and absences of students. Very chilling to me that my son had her for a sub a very long time ago and I will never forget there was something off re her personality. He normally liked his subs but not her. MOO
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