Kyron Horman Discussion Thread 2017-2019

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Today, Sunday July 9th, there is a new search going on for Kyron Horman'

Here is an article about the search today. The search is for law enforcement only.

Officials are saying there is nothing new yet they are organizing a search.

That does not make any sense. Sorry. I'm calling this and saying there IS something new but no one wants to release it. In my opinion.

If I am right and there is new info what could it be?

Terri Horman, Kryon's step-mother, last person to see him alive and a suspect in his disappearance, was found NOT GUILTY of [FONT=&amp]grand theft of a firearm recently.

[/FONT]Jump in and let us know what you think about the case of missing Kyron Horman.

I think they have had cell phone pings and sightings of her truck that has fueled the searches for years. But the region is dense with incredible vegetation and the small little body they were searching for makes it literally like finding a needle in a haystack.

If they find him they're charging her with murder.

So glad they have refused to give up.
Terri Korman is truely disturbed. She went to court for a name change. DENIED. The name she wanted to go by is Claire Sullivan. Claire Sullivan is a character in a book called" Burn". By Nevada Barr. Its a Anne Pigeon series. Its about child sex slaves. Alot of fans of the Anne Pigeon series were disturbed by the subject matter. Most of the settings in the series are set in the wilderness.
WILDERNESS? I do wonder if there is a clue to the whereabouts of Kyron in one of Nevadas earlier books? She seems to be a fan.

Claire Sullivan is also the name of an Australian comedian who has red hair and looks a lot like Terri Horman. I really think Terri Horman was looking at moving out of the country, and confusing her identity with someone else.
Claire Sullivan is also the name of an Australian comedian who has red hair and looks a lot like Terri Horman. I really think Terri Horman was looking at moving out of the country, and confusing her identity with someone else.

She can have all her pending new "neighbors" in jail call her Claire. Jus' saying. Speculation and opinion only!
I think they have had cell phone pings and sightings of her truck that has fueled the searches for years. But the region is dense with incredible vegetation and the small little body they were searching for makes it literally like finding a needle in a haystack.

If they find him they're charging her with murder.

So glad they have refused to give up.

Praying that they find the earthly remains. Desiree needs closure. She is an incredible woman; so brave and strong.
Gitana: Do you think they will charge D-D S with anything? Accessory, obstruction, or?
I think they have had cell phone pings and sightings of her truck that has fueled the searches for years. But the region is dense with incredible vegetation and the small little body they were searching for makes it literally like finding a needle in a haystack.

If they find him they're charging her with murder.

So glad they have refused to give up.

(RBBM for focus)
Wouldn't there be more to it than that, though? Like evidence, determining cause of death, first?
The DA has had years to piece together a compelling case. My amateur opinion is all they have been waiting on are the remains to insure a conviction!
Gitana: Do you think they will charge D-D S with anything? Accessory, obstruction, or?

I have no idea. I don't know what they have on her. But I will never forget her smirk as she exited the grand jury that day.


(RBBM for focus)
Wouldn't there be more to it than that, though? Like evidence, determining cause of death, first?

I have no doubt there is vastly more than that. We know a lot of it already. Cause of death would be "homicide by undetermined means". It would not be difficult to piece together a strong case.

1. She tried to get Desiree to take back custody.
2. She began expressing deep hatred of Kyron in emails.
3. She became harsh and punitive with Kyron in the months leading up to his disappearance.
4. She was the last one know to have seen him alive according to LE.
5. She testified that she drove around aimlessly with a sick child, for a long period when Kyron disppeared, after she supposedly dropped him off at school.
6. She lied to the teacher the week before about Kyron having a docotor's appointment the day he went missing, ostensibly to confuse her and cause her not to make a call that he was absent, on the day her disappeared, buying her more time to do her evil deed.
7. Her cell phone pings pinged at a different location form where she claimed to have gone, leading to searches in that area.
8. Kryon cried the last time his mom saw him, begging to stay with her but would not say what was so upsetting to him at dad's house.

Add all that together and as long as we don't get another ignorant and frustrated, sequestered jury like at casey anthony's trial, if his body is found near an area where her phone pinged or she was sighted, or both, that's enough, IMO. It's a strong circumstantial case and convictions have been won with similar evidence, even without a body.

The DA has had years to piece together a compelling case. My amateur opinion is all they have been waiting on are the remains to insure a conviction!

I agree. I think they've worked tirelessly and this is personal to them. I think every day of freedom she has is galling to them.


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I have no idea. I don't know what they have on her. But I will never forget her smirk as she exited the grand jury that day.


I have no doubt there is vastly more than that. We know a lot of it already. Cause of death would be "homicide by undetermined means". It would not be difficult to piece together a strong case.

1. She tried to get Desiree to take back custody.
2. She began expressing deep hatred of Kyron in emails.
3. She became harsh and punitive with Kyron in the months leading up to his disappearance.
4. She was the last one know to have seen him alive according to LE.
5. She testified that she drove around aimlessly with a sick child, for a long period when Kyron disppeared, after she supposedly dropped him off at school.
6. She lied to the teacher the week before about Kyron having a docotor's appointment the day he went missing, ostensibly to confuse her and cause her not to make a call that he was absent, on the day her disappeared, buying her more time to do her evil deed.
7. Her cell phone pings pinged at a different location form where she claimed to have gone, leading to searches in that area.
8. Kryon cried the last time his mom saw him, begging to stay with her but would not say what was so upsetting to him at dad's house.

Add all that together and as long as we don't get another ignorant and frustrated, sequestered jury like at casey anthony's trial, if his body is found near an area where her phone pinged or she was sighted, or both, that's enough, IMO. It's a strong circumstantial case and convictions have been won with similar evidence, even without a body.
I agree. I think they've worked tirelessly and this is personal to them. I think every day of freedom she has is galling to them.

Interesting. So, is what you're stating is that they will automatically deem the cause of death as a homicide by undetermined means without forensics to back it up? Am I understanding that right?
I have no idea. I don't know what they have on her. But I will never forget her smirk as she exited the grand jury that day.


I have no doubt there is vastly more than that. We know a lot of it already. Cause of death would be "homicide by undetermined means". It would not be difficult to piece together a strong case.

1. She tried to get Desiree to take back custody.
2. She began expressing deep hatred of Kyron in emails.
3. She became harsh and punitive with Kyron in the months leading up to his disappearance.
4. She was the last one know to have seen him alive according to LE.
5. She testified that she drove around aimlessly with a sick child, for a long period when Kyron disppeared, after she supposedly dropped him off at school.
6. She lied to the teacher the week before about Kyron having a docotor's appointment the day he went missing, ostensibly to confuse her and cause her not to make a call that he was absent, on the day her disappeared, buying her more time to do her evil deed.
7. Her cell phone pings pinged at a different location form where she claimed to have gone, leading to searches in that area.
8. Kryon cried the last time his mom saw him, begging to stay with her but would not say what was so upsetting to him at dad's house.

Add all that together and as long as we don't get another ignorant and frustrated, sequestered jury like at casey anthony's trial, if his body is found near an area where her phone pinged or she was sighted, or both, that's enough, IMO. It's a strong circumstantial case and convictions have been won with similar evidence, even without a body.

I agree. I think they've worked tirelessly and this is personal to them. I think every day of freedom she has is galling to them.
That smirk says an awful lot. And none of it good.
whatever happened to her 'friend' ... the other redhead? I can't remember if we're allowed to talk about her or not ... I wonder if a search of jail records would reveal that name

or did Terri herself give something away in her recent gun case? hmmm

My guess would be they have received a credible tip. Someone talked. Perhaps someone gave up this info in exchange for leniency in another matter? Pure speculation.
Where is this new search area in relation to where DDS was working that day?
Interesting. So, is what you're stating is that they will automatically deem the cause of death as a homicide by undetermined means without forensics to back it up? Am I understanding that right?
If they find remains (the possibility now made me cry just to think about it, although I want resolution), the means may not be obvious unless there is a bullet hole or cut marks in bone.

It would be homicide (even without evidence of the means of death) because there's no way a 7-year-old would have made it that far on foot and without being seen. IMO
I don't know. I've read really compelling accounts of why Terri is innocent. If it's only half a mile away, could he have walked there?
This case makes me insane. He goes missing with hundreds of pairs of eyes around. Has to be something mundane that is associated. No alarm bells went off likely because he left with TH. JMO


My heart leaped up a bit when I saw Kyrons' case in the 'most recent thread replies'......
Praying his remains (I do believe he is deceased , and not accidentally) are found !!

And if he was murdered ....... SO hoping for justice !!!!
I don't know. I've read really compelling accounts of why Terri is innocent. If it's only half a mile away, could he have walked there?

Care to share some theories you might have? My mind is made up with all the extra drama this case brought up. Coverage was insane re the extra stuff that took away from Kyron.....
Care to share some theories you might have? My mind is made up with all the extra drama this case brought up. Coverage was insane re the extra stuff that took away from Kyron.....

What extra stuff?
If his little remains are found, IMO, they would probably be just bones (this sickens me to write this).
Probably no COD with just skeletal remains. We all learned this when Caylee never received justice.
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