Kyron Horman Discussion Thread 2020 - 2022 - #2

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Only one Terri.
The book quote:
[Pg 263] Underhill said at least one witness told police they saw a second adult, on a phone, in the truck while Terri was in the school. Another had seen the truck moved. Later, detectives told Desiree that despite tips, they didn't think there was anyone else in Terri's truck, at least when it was parked at the school. They thought the person sighted on the phone in the truck was Terri.
Boy Missing · The Search for Kyron Horman" by Rebecca Morris

I've bolded the relevant words.

From the quote, it appears law enforcement placed Terri alone; outside the school; on the phone; in the F250; for an unknown length of time between 8:15 a.m. and 8:45 a.m.

The quote, like a lot from the book, is muddled and confused. But let's say it is so, that would mean Terri walked into the school with Kyron at 8:15, was in the classroom with him until 8:30 (ca), taking the picture and talking to the teacher, then went on tour to the other classrooms, where they were seen by at least one other teacher - then for some reason Terri leaves the school, goes to sit for a while in the truck and then what?

Timewise this just doesn't work. The whole point of the "mystery person" was that they did these things (sitting outside in the truck, moving the truck) while Terri was inside the school. This is half an hour, add the time spent walking to and from the car, while handling a toddler even, and you just can't make both of them fit.

Despite tips, they didn’t think anyone else was in the vehicle.

***At least when the F250 was parked at the school.***​

This makes a couple of pieces fit better—such as the sightings of Kyron alone inside the school by both TP and TK. Sweet Kyron. 7-years-old. Trusting. Happy. With friends. Expecting a million wonderful tomorrows.

We don’t know where the baby was while Terri was alone outside the school, but the 18-month-old was at the house when her father returned from work around 2:00 p.m. No matter what she endured, she was the lucky child that day. She made it home alive.

The baby was with Terri the whole time. She was noted in the list given by the police as having been in the school with her that morning. She was seen by a witness just after 9:30 with Terri in a store.

The following helps us know that Terri re-entered the school before 8:45 a.m:

[Pg 38] Desiree and Tony heard Terri describe her day. Terri said she had taken the photo of Kyron at 8:45 a.m. and walked out of the school with [the baby “K”] at 8:50 a.m. She said she had parked the truck in the school parking lot.
Boy Missing—The Search For Kyron Horman by Rebecca Morris

[Pg 57] [GZ] told police she had seen Terri take Kyron's photo in front of his science exhibit. That was at 8:45 a.m.
Boy Missing—The Search For Kyron Horman by Rebecca Morris

And here we manage to make the scenario even less believable. The only one who has ever claimed Terri said she took the picture at 8:45 is Desiree, and she is also the only one who claims GZ gave that time to the police. This is directly contradicted by GZ herself who gave multiple interviews to the media, and who said she saw Kyron posing before his project at 8:15, not 8:45.

But again, let's entertain this. Terri arrives at 8:15, goes to Kyron's classroom, takes a picture (seen by GZ), leaves at ca 8:30 (another time given by GZ for seeing them in the classroom), tours the school, goes downstairs to meet Kyron's old teacher, leaves Kyron alone in the school, crosses the parking lot, sits in her car, makes a phone call, goes back inside the school, finds Kyron, takes him back to the classroom, has him pose for a new picture, then walks out with him - all of this in 30 minutes?

8:45 never made sense as the time the picture was taken, and the only source for it is Desiree, many years later.

[1:23 First Video] [Voiceover] This picture of Kyron beaming proudly in front of his project on the red-eyed tree frog was taken by his stepmom, Terri, just minutes before he vanished.
Host: What time did Kyron go missing?
Desiree: It was exactly between 8:45 am and 8:55 am.
[Voiceover] Yet the school marked him absent that day. … Desiree claims several people told her they saw Kyron leave with Terri.
Desiree: He was in his classroom. He got the photo taken by Terri, and he, apparently according to eyewitness accounts, multiple adults that can vouch for the fact that Terri walked out the side entrance of the school with Kyron in tow and we know this because Kyron’s friend even saw him with her right outside the school.

The search for missing Oregon boy Kyron Horman

And yet the book has placed Kyron's friend who supposedly saw them together outside, inside the school - even inside the classroom. CL would have no reason to be outside the school after 8:45.

[Pg 50] [GZ] left around 9 a.m. for her job at a restaurant. The last time [GZ] saw Terri and Kyron was after Terri took the photo of [GZ’s daughter]. Kyron and his stepmother were walking away by themselves, presumably to view some of the other science projects.
Boy Missing—The Search For Kyron Horman by Rebecca Morris

Right, somewhere between 8:15 and 8:30.

[Pg 200] Kyron’s regular bus driver, plus Kyron’s friend Carson and Carson’s sister and grandmother, had all seen Kyron leaving the school on June 4 with Terri. It was true. Kyron, [baby “K”] and Terri had walked through the parking lot at 8:50 a.m. on June 4. They were not holding hands, the bus driver said, but they were walking together. Terri had not parked in the school parking lot, where she said she had, but on a gravel road on the far-west side of the school [soccer field side] where the elevation of the school building and grounds partly concealed the white truck.
Boy Missing · The Search for Kyron Horman by Rebecca Morris

And the only source for Terri claiming she parked in the lot is - again - Desiree. The police at the time gave the correct spot - the shoulder of the road, just before the access road - and never gave any hint she had lied about that.
I have extended the quote to help set its occurrence into the timeline. I believe this conversation happened on the evening of June 4, 2010. The email written on June 5, 2010, doesn’t appear to have been written to discredit the June 4, 2010, conversation but to expand upon it. Beef it up. Make it more credible, even though it failed

Or Desiree, going on half-remembered conversations and snippets from media, has given a false representation of what actually happened. Seems far more likely to me. Take the recent statement about the talent show from earlier in the thread. Up until and including the book, Desiree was adamant that Kyron was not supposed to be in the talent show. Now? Not only was he supposed to be in the talent show, it was actually part of Terri's statement to the teacher.

The above is my opinion only. YMMV

[Pg 37] For the first time, Desiree and Tony heard details from Kaine and Terri about the day. …Desiree and Tony heard Terri describe her day. … Terri had some theories. … Terri, who said she’d seen Kyron enter his classroom, told a different version too: she said that when she left Kyron, he’d been with a “chaperone” leading the children around to see the various science projects. The school said there were no adults acting as chaperones. Later, a parent involved with the PTA explained that there were parent-led groups of students walking between the classrooms to see the science exhibits. She led the group made up of Kyron’s classmates. He was not in it.
Boy Missing – The Search For Kyron Horman” by Rebecca Morris

Correct, the book quotes the full June 5th email but for different reasons. I’ll link the email below from a media article. Note this email was written on June 5, 2010. Seven-year-old Kyron had been missing for a little over 24 hours. He was out there alone. Somewhere. Cold, hungry, scared. Did he have his glasses? Did someone have him? Were they hurting him? Was he crying? Where was he?

But Terri wants to scream about what they were saying about her on the blogs. Showing no concern for Kyron at all. And she includes her alibi. Strictly my opinion only

If you know you're innocent, and everyone is focusing on you, then you also know that this may well allow the kidnapper to get away with it. It may even result in Kyron's death. I'd want to scream too.

Regarding the parent-led/chaperone/substitute issue. I believe it has nothing to do with Kyron’s disappearance and is being used to sow aspersion at the school. The students were divided in groups, the groups were led by an adult. Kyron never got to join his group. We know this now. That’s what matters. IMO

We actually don't know this, though we can suspect as much.

If anyone is sincerely curious, try Googling the definition of chaperone. Think about insurance requirements and any school’s compliance practices. What the group leader is called would likely matter in that regard, and representatives of the school would be allowed to comment on that issue. Which is what they have done. My opinion only.

That's a huge stretch. Also, the school has never publicly denied there being chaperones.
When the attorney asked DeDe if she got paid for work she did leading up to the party, she took the 5th.

Line 16:
Q: And was that paying work for Ms. [V]?
A: No, no, none of this was paying.
Q: Was it paying work for Ms. [H]?
A: She compensated me for the days of the party, if I remember right, yeah, but – because I was kind of hostessing and things, too, but not for gardening.
Q: So when you were helping her get ready for the party, she didn’t pay you for your work?
A: I don’t remember. You know, I think I’m going to – on the advice of my counsel I respectfully decline to answer based on my Fifth Amendment and Article 1, Section 12 constitutional privileges.

Read the whole thing. She says she wasn't being paid for the gardening "internships", but that she was compensated by Ms H for doing other things like hostessing. There is no contradiction there.
Read the whole thing. She says she wasn't being paid for the gardening "internships", but that she was compensated by Ms H for doing other things like hostessing. There is no contradiction there.

A little confusion, perhaps? "I don't remember". "I'm not sure".
(1st Quote by me, Bottom right of Page 3) Line 16:
Q: And was that paying work for Ms. [V]?
A: No, no, none of this was paying.
Q: Was it paying work for Ms. [H]?
A: She compensated me for the days of the party, if I remember right, yeah, but – because I was kind of hostessing and things, too, but not for gardening.
Q: So when you were helping her get ready for the party, she didn’t pay you for your work?
A: I don’t remember. You know, I think I’m going to – on the advice of my counsel I respectfully decline to answer based on my Fifth Amendment and Article 1, Section 12 constitutional privileges.
(New quote, Bottom right of Page 11) Line 5,
Q: How long did you intern with [V]? Was it like a week or a month or six months?
A: I’m not sure now. Gosh, I think it had only gotten to be maybe a couple of months.
Q: And I know I asked you this before. I apologize for repeating myself. But I’m just wondering if the answer’s occurred to you since we first spoke. Did you get paid for your work with [Ms H]?
A: I’m asserting my Fifth Amendment right.
Q: Were you drawing unemployment benefits in the first half of 2010?
A: Yes, yes.
Q: Would it have been a violation, to your understanding, of receiving those benefits to have received pay?
A: Oh, yes. It is a violation to receive pay without reporting it, yes.
I've bolded the relevant words.

The quote, like a lot from the book, is muddled and confused. But let's say it is so, that would mean Terri walked into the school with Kyron at 8:15, was in the classroom with him until 8:30 (ca), taking the picture and talking to the teacher, then went on tour to the other classrooms, where they were seen by at least one other teacher - then for some reason Terri leaves the school, goes to sit for a while in the truck and then what?

Timewise this just doesn't work. The whole point of the "mystery person" was that they did these things (sitting outside in the truck, moving the truck) while Terri was inside the school. This is half an hour, add the time spent walking to and from the car, while handling a toddler even, and you just can't make both of them fit.

The baby was with Terri the whole time. She was noted in the list given by the police as having been in the school with her that morning. She was seen by a witness just after 9:30 with Terri in a store.

And here we manage to make the scenario even less believable. The only one who has ever claimed Terri said she took the picture at 8:45 is Desiree, and she is also the only one who claims GZ gave that time to the police. This is directly contradicted by GZ herself who gave multiple interviews to the media, and who said she saw Kyron posing before his project at 8:15, not 8:45.

But again, let's entertain this. Terri arrives at 8:15, goes to Kyron's classroom, takes a picture (seen by GZ), leaves at ca 8:30 (another time given by GZ for seeing them in the classroom), tours the school, goes downstairs to meet Kyron's old teacher, leaves Kyron alone in the school, crosses the parking lot, sits in her car, makes a phone call, goes back inside the school, finds Kyron, takes him back to the classroom, has him pose for a new picture, then walks out with him - all of this in 30 minutes?

8:45 never made sense as the time the picture was taken, and the only source for it is Desiree, many years later.

And yet the book has placed Kyron's friend who supposedly saw them together outside, inside the school - even inside the classroom. CL would have no reason to be outside the school after 8:45.

Right, somewhere between 8:15 and 8:30.

And the only source for Terri claiming she parked in the lot is - again - Desiree. The police at the time gave the correct spot - the shoulder of the road, just before the access road - and never gave any hint she had lied about that.
No, no. Let's not muddle and confuse anything. Let's not say it's so. Let's not entertain.

Let us seek only the truth for Kyron Richard Horman. He was 7-years-old.

Desiree knows exactly when the picture was taken. So does Terri.
Or Desiree, going on half-remembered conversations and snippets from media, has given a false representation of what actually happened. Seems far more likely to me. Take the recent statement about the talent show from earlier in the thread. Up until and including the book, Desiree was adamant that Kyron was not supposed to be in the talent show. Now? Not only was he supposed to be in the talent show, it was actually part of Terri's statement to the teacher.

If you know you're innocent, and everyone is focusing on you, then you also know that this may well allow the kidnapper to get away with it. It may even result in Kyron's death. I'd want to scream too.

We actually don't know this, though we can suspect as much.

That's a huge stretch. Also, the school has never publicly denied there being chaperones.
Desiree has more class and integrity than most of us have in our little fingers. I admire her so much.

I believe sometimes in life, it's good to take the gloves off and punch back.

Early on in the case, Desiree and Kaine were asked by LE not to speak to the media about timeline details and they complied. Kyron's scheduled participation in the talent show is an important part of the timeline.

If Desiree chooses to take the gloves off now, after nearly 14 years of relentlessly searching for her missing son, I applaud her. I'm so proud of her.

Should anyone be interested in the correct timeline, I recommend the thread link in your comment.

Justice for Kyron! Justice for Kyron! Justice for Kyron!​
And here we manage to make the scenario even less believable. The only one who has ever claimed Terri said she took the picture at 8:45 is Desiree, and she is also the only one who claims GZ gave that time to the police. This is directly contradicted by GZ herself who gave multiple interviews to the media, and who said she saw Kyron posing before his project at 8:15, not 8:45.
In your link, could you point out where it says GZ said she saw Kyron posing before his project at 8:15?

I see where it says GZ arrived and saw Kyron in front of his project with his stepmother at 8:15 a.m. I don't see anything about posing or taking his photo at 8:15.

8:15 a.m.
[GZ,] president of the school PTA, arrives and sees Kyron with his stepmother in front of his exhibit.
Desiree has more class and integrity than most of us have in our little fingers. I admire her so much.

I believe sometimes in life, it's good to take the gloves off and punch back.

Early on in the case, Desiree and Kaine were asked by LE not to speak to the media about timeline details and they complied. Kyron's scheduled participation in the talent show is an important part of the timeline.

If Desiree chooses to take the gloves off now, after nearly 14 years of relentlessly searching for her missing son, I applaud her. I'm so proud of her.

Should anyone be interested in the correct timeline, I recommend the thread link in your comment.

Justice for Kyron! Justice for Kyron! Justice for Kyron!​
Couldn't agree more!!
In a story about a crime on the ID channel today (don't remember the names) a cold case investigation revealed there were several people who shared new information 36 years after the crime. They were too "scared" at the time. And one woman said, she wasn't going to tell LE anything, it wasn't her job, she wasn't going to do LE's work for them; as her reason for not coming forward.
People do withhold information and outright lie sometimes.

But I also suspect there is information we know nothing about, given to LE, from multiple brave people in this case. Maybe even from people others think have not talked. Oh, wouldn't some like to know what that is.
After all, we don't know (unless we were actually involved in the case, but I'm sure that doesn't apply to anyone here) who has talked to LE, maybe some would be surprised at former friends or acquaintances of Terri who have actually "betrayed" her and told the truth.

Your secrets aren't safe, Terri.
In a story about a crime on the ID channel today (don't remember the names) a cold case investigation revealed there were several people who shared new information 36 years after the crime. They were too "scared" at the time. And one woman said, she wasn't going to tell LE anything, it wasn't her job, she wasn't going to do LE's work for them; as her reason for not coming forward.
People do withhold information and outright lie sometimes.

But I also suspect there is information we know nothing about, given to LE, from multiple brave people in this case. Maybe even from people others think have not talked. Oh, wouldn't some like to know what that is.
After all, we don't know (unless we were actually involved in the case, but I'm sure that doesn't apply to anyone here) who has talked to LE, maybe some would be surprised at former friends or acquaintances of Terri who have actually "betrayed" her and told the truth.

Your secrets aren't safe, Terri.
I also believe there are witnesses we don't know about besides the investigation details that LE will not release. There are moments ahead that will surprise us.

Apparently, from the school alone 490 people were interviewed. We've only heard from a handful.
A little confusion, perhaps? "I don't remember". "I'm not sure".

(New quote, Bottom right of Page 11) Line 5,
Q: How long did you intern with [V]? Was it like a week or a month or six months?
A: I’m not sure now. Gosh, I think it had only gotten to be maybe a couple of months.
Q: And I know I asked you this before. I apologize for repeating myself. But I’m just wondering if the answer’s occurred to you since we first spoke. Did you get paid for your work with [Ms H]?
A: I’m asserting my Fifth Amendment right.
Q: Were you drawing unemployment benefits in the first half of 2010?
A: Yes, yes.
Q: Would it have been a violation, to your understanding, of receiving those benefits to have received pay?
A: Oh, yes. It is a violation to receive pay without reporting it, yes.

Being unsure of some irrelevant details years later? Seems insignificant.

No, no. Let's not muddle and confuse anything. Let's not say it's so. Let's not entertain.

Let us seek only the truth for Kyron Richard Horman. He was 7-years-old.

Desiree knows exactly when the picture was taken. So does Terri.

The book muddled and confused things, and can't be taken as a serious account of what happened. Sorry. Desiree's always evolving story goes against what we know from the earliest days. Desiree wasn't there when Terri took the picture. Terri was. GZ was. Porter was. None of those who were there have ever said the picture was taken at 8:45.

Should anyone be interested in the correct timeline, I recommend the thread link in your comment.

OK, so let's look at what Desiree's latest story is:

You made Ms Porter take kyron out of the chaperoned student group so that you alone could control where he walked througout the school. So he was in the school with you, Terri, between 8:15-8:45am, then he left.

Except the groups weren't formed until after 8:45, so why would Terri need to take Kyron out of a group that hadn't formed yet? They're not going to form the groups before school has started and before the buses arrived.

Walking out the doors with you 8:45-8:50am as noted by several eyewitnesses.

Teleporting witnesses, since if CL was in the classroom when Kyron's picture was taken, and the picture was taken at 8:45 (both of which Desiree claims in the book) how did he suddely appear in the parking lot to see Terri and Kyron leave together?

You told Ms Porter you were taking him to a doctors appointment and that he would be back at school by 11am to participate in the talent show with his friend.

From chapter 2 of the Morris book:

In addition to the school-wide science fair that had brought hundreds of people to the school, there was an afternoon talent show. Kyron was not slated to be a part of it, so his absence still didn’t get anyone’s attention.

Not only that, but why would the teacher then expect him to be gone all day, and not sound the alarm when he didn't return at 11?

In your link, could you point out where it says GZ said she saw Kyron posing before his project at 8:15?

I see where it says GZ arrived and saw Kyron in front of his project with his stepmother at 8:15 a.m. I don't see anything about posing or taking his photo at 8:15.

8:15 a.m.
[GZ,] president of the school PTA, arrives and sees Kyron with his stepmother in front of his exhibit.

GZ mentions posing here. Is the idea that GZ had two distinct encounters with Terri and Kyron in the classroom, one at 8:15 and another at 8:45 and despite being interviewed extensively by media and for the book, she somehow failed to mention this?
Being unsure of some irrelevant details years later? Seems insignificant.
Well, yes, it does seem insignificant. However, to my understanding, it had enough significance that it allowed her to qualify for immunity for her part in Kyron's disappearance. So, I can't help but wonder if it was indeed insignificant. JMO

GZ mentions posing here. Is the idea that GZ had two distinct encounters with Terri and Kyron in the classroom, one at 8:15 and another at 8:45 and despite being interviewed extensively by media and for the book, she somehow failed to mention this?
GZ mentions posing at that link, yes; but a time is not given for when she saw Kyron posing. GZ saw Kyron three times that morning: 1) when she first arrived (her daughter was in Kyron's class); 2) when Terri took Kyron's picture; and 3) when GZ was leaving the school she saw Terri, Kyron, and the baby supposedly heading off to look at the other science projects.

Rebecca Morris, the author of Boy Missing--The Search for Kyron Horman, interviewed GZ for the book. These are not Desiree's statements, BTW.

8:15 a.m.
[GZ,] president of the school PTA, arrives and sees Kyron with his stepmother in front of his exhibit.

[Pg 57] [GZ] told police she had seen Terri take Kyron's photo in front of his science exhibit. That was at 8:45 a.m.
Boy Missing—The Search For Kyron Horman by Rebecca Morris

[Pg 50] [GZ] left around 9 a.m. for her job at a restaurant. The last time [GZ] saw Terri and Kyron was after Terri took the photo of [GZ’s daughter]. Kyron and his stepmother were walking away by themselves, presumably to view some of the other science projects.
Boy Missing—The Search For Kyron Horman by Rebecca Morris
And the only source for Terri claiming she parked in the lot is - again - Desiree.
Witness TK saw the truck in the parking lot.

"I just saw him (Kyron) in the gym, and I saw the truck out in the parking lot," he [TK] said Wednesday. [TK] said Kyron was looking at other students' science fair projects, seemed happy and was with friends. … He said when he saw Kyron in the gym he didn't see Terri with him. He and his family have turned over pictures they took at the science fair to investigators, but they've been asked not to disclose the timeframe in which he saw Kyron.
The baby was with Terri the whole time. She was noted in the list given by the police as having been in the school with her that morning. She was seen by a witness just after 9:30 with Terri in a store.
[Pg 37] Desiree noticed, as did others, that [baby “K”] acted angry at Terri. She avoided her mother and didn’t go to her to be held. Instead, she went to Desiree and the others. Was [baby “K”] reacting to the stress in the house? Or to something that had happened that day? If only she could speak about what she’d seen, Desiree thought. She had presumably been with Terri all morning in the school and in the truck. Terri had said so.
"Boy Missing · The Search for Kyron Horman" by Rebecca Morris

Speculation only: (Timeframe: unknown length of time between 8:15 a.m. and 8:45 a.m.) What if the witness who kept an eye on baby “K” while Terri was out in the parking lot came forward?

I’m sure there are many more witnesses we have not heard from than the few we have heard from.

Perhaps this is how law enforcement confirmed the person in the truck when it was parked at the school between 8:15 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. was Terri and not DeDe. JMO
The police at the time gave the correct spot - the shoulder of the road, just before the access road - and never gave any hint she had lied about that.
At the link above, regarding one prong of the presser only, law enforcement was seeking additional witnesses to confirm the movements of the F250 while it was parked at the school that morning; and to confirm who was seen in or around it. One person? Two people? They included three positions they were interested in: 1) outside the school’s front fence on the shoulder of NW Skyline Boulevard; 2) up a gravel path in front of the school’s playground, and 3) the school’s south parking lot.

What they did not offer in that article was confirmation of where Terri parked and the statement that she did not lie.

In no particular order, by August 11, 2010, Terri had failed three polygraphs; been caught in two plots to have Kaine killed; tried to kidnap baby “K”; had a torrid sexting affair and revealed the location where Kaine and the baby were hiding (from her); lived with DeDe for more than 11 days; had “friends” purchase burner phones for secret discussions; hired a criminal attorney; and had been forced out of Kaine’s house and retreated to her parents house in Roseburg. There is probably more but that’s what comes to mind at the moment.

Kyron was missing and they couldn’t find him. Law enforcement knew Terri lied. They weren’t holding those kinds of pressers to vindicate her parking spot. My opinion only, of course.
Last edited:
GZ mentions posing here. Is the idea that GZ had two distinct encounters with Terri and Kyron in the classroom, one at 8:15 and another at 8:45 and despite being interviewed extensively by media and for the book, she somehow failed to mention this?
BBM GZ was a busy, responsible mom who served as president of the PTA and had a part-time job. It's safe to say she was time-conscious. Unlike 8-year-old witness TP.

GZ didn't reveal everything to the media. Not everyone does, especially when being asked not to do so by law enforcement.

A little more of what she witnessed on June 4, 2010, was revealed in the book but Kyron had been missing for 10 years by then. Terri (and DeDe) had been very vocal in the media and elsewhere muddling the details of the investigation. They were pretty much controlling the narrative.

I appreciate that the book gave us a few more details to consider. Maybe GZ still hasn't revealed everything. She was probably parked in the school parking lot and left the classroom right after Terri, Kyron, and the baby. She is a very credible witness. My opinion only.
In this Dateline broadcast, originally aired November, 12th 2010, GZ is interviewed. She confirms Terri took the picture, and it's stated it was taken "around 8:30 am".
The broadcast is broken up into about 1 minute segments. You can find GZ's segment about 10 frames in, using the slide bar at the bottom to advance the segments.

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