Kyron Horman Discussion Thread 2020 - 2022

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... TMH became the focus because she was seen leaving with Kyron, and she has no alibi for around an hour and a half that morning. She also had a motive, and she certainly had opportunity. Her behavior has not been that of a grieving who loved a child who was now missing.

TMH is the prime POI for a number of reasons, and all of them are solid.

Well, I must have missed the critical piece of bolded information (and much that follows it). Can you please link me to the Law Enforcement source for that critical bit? Not Desiree, but an official LE source. Heck, I'd even take a statement from Kaine as a source being that he is actually the legal next of kin for information release purposes.

Also a link to where an LE source indicates that they have absolutely ruled out any third party abductor from the picture would help with your assertation that everything else has been thoroughly investigated and ruled out. It would help as I'm of the opinion that investigation into that possibility was lacking and that they blindered onto the step mom from the get go - I harken to the failed sting etc.

As for motive, I still haven't seen those emails and the ones I have seen indicate to me a parent that was concerned about a child.

She lawyered up only after the murder for hire allegations and the failed sting. Can't say I'd blame her had they done the same to me. She was fully cooperative until that point. There's also been statements that she would still talk to LE, but only with her lawyer present. Can't say I wouldn't do the exact same thing either. None of that is an indicator of guilt … especially so given that LE has never bothered to request her and her attorney to present themselves since.

Granted - there is the "she quit fighting for her daughter bit", but there's also the "Desiree withdrew her lawsuit bit" as a counter to that.

I don't know if Terri did this or not and not an iota of actual fact released from an LE official source so far would have me voting "guilty" at this point.
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Well, I wouldn't lawyer up after only three and a half weeks. And I suspect that most loving mothers (she has described herself as his mother and stated she loved him) of missing children wouldn't either.

Can you cite any other case where an innocent parent of a missing child has stopped talking after a month?

By her own statements Terri knew Kyron better than anyone, she took care of him more than anyone. That's what she said anyway. So, she would know where he had been, who he knew, who he had been in contact with him, who he had seen, who he was involved with. She would know everything about him.
So, after only 3 and a half weeks, she had told LE everything she knew, everything she could think of? She didn't wake up in the middle of the night after a month, 5 months, a year, having remembered something that might be helpful? After racking her brain, desperately trying to think of anything that might help find the child she loved, she had nothing? All done in less than a month? I don't buy it.

She put herself first. Which she has a legal right to do. But rights aren't mandates. She's in a class by herself as someone who even gave up her little order to put herself first.

Well, I must have missed the critical piece of bolded information (and much that follows it). Can you please link me to the Law Enforcement source for that critical bit? Not Desiree, but an official LE source. Heck, I'd even take a statement from Kaine as a source being that he is actually the legal next of kin for information release purposes.

Also a link to where an LE source indicates that they have absolutely ruled out any third party abductor from the picture would help with your assertation that everything else has been thoroughly investigated and ruled out would help as I'm of the opinion that investigation into that possibility was lacking and that they blindered onto the step mom from the get go.

As for motive, I still haven't seen those emails and the ones I have seen indicate to me a parent that was concerned about a child.

She lawyered up only after the murder for hire allegations and the failed sting. Can't say I'd blame her had they done the same to me. She was fully cooperative until that point. There's also been statements that she would still talk to LE, but only with her lawyer present. Can't say I wouldn't do the exact same thing either. None of that is an indicator of guilt … especially so given that LE has never bothered to request her and her attorney to present themselves since.
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Well, I wouldn't lawyer up after only three and a half weeks. And I suspect that most loving mothers (she has described herself as his mother and stated she loved him) of missing children wouldn't either.

Can you cite any other case where an innocent parent of a missing child has stopped talking after a month?

By her own statements Terri knew Kyron better than anyone, she took care of him more than anyone. That's what she said anyway. So, she would know where he had been, who he knew, who he had been in contact with him, who he had seen, who he was involved with. She would know everything about him.
So, after only 3 and a half weeks, she had told LE everything she knew, everything she could think of? She didn't wake up in the middle of the night after a month, 5 months, a year, having remembered something that might be helpful? After racking her brain, desperately trying to think of anything that might help find the child she loved, she had nothing? All done in less than a month? I don't buy it.

She put herself first. Which she has a legal right to do. But rights aren't mandates. She's in a class by herself as someone who even gave up her little order to put herself first.

I'll wait for that link to an official LE source for the critical statements of facts I asked the poster for. Or, from you if you should have them.

I am a loving stepmom of 3, mom of 2 and a ginger to boot. Maybe it's just me, but I sure as heck would lawyer up after a failed sting and what LE did to get my husband to take my child and then have their "evidence" crumble to ashes. For me, that indicates LE blinders, not stepmom's guilt. The time is 10 000% irrelevant given their failed sting operation. Cite me another case with those factoids. And, again to be clear, Terri lawyered up and hey made a statement that they would talk further with LE with the lawyer present and that all LE had to do was ask. They haven't. That's LE's fault, not Terri's; she offered. They failed to take up the offer.

And, I think any mother, innocent or guilty, would be a fool not to do so at that point. Especially so a stepmom.
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I don't know if Terri tried to have her husband killed or not, but the failed sting is not proof that Terri didn't try to d0 that. It just means the sting failed.

An innocent, desperate mother wouldn't let that stand in her way. She wouldn't think, " oh no, they suspect me, they think I did it, I better stop talking! That may hurt the investigation, but at least I'll be protecting myself!"
No matter what LE did or didn't do or believed or didn't believe, an innocent parent would put that aside because they would be putting finding their child first. Worrying about being a suspect would be a secondary concern. Unless they weren't putting their child first.

Every parent is going to be highly suspected at first. To name a few, following are some parents who were highly suspected. They did not lawyer up. They were innocent. According to you, they were fools.

Step father and mother of Jaycee Dugard. Step father last to see her.
Parents of Dianna Alvarez. Let the murderer live with them.
Mother of Faye Swetlik. Mother criticized for not watching her closely enough.
Parents of Elizabeth Smart. Let the perp work for them.
Parents of Isabel Celis. Father highly suspected even by Websleuthers.
Mother of Jessica Ridgeway. Mother had phone turned off all day.
Step father of Anne Kasprzak. Went missing from mother and stepfather's home.
Those parents were all innocent.

There are many others, including step parents who were highly suspected and criticized, who continued to speak to LE without lawyers. These threads are full of them. They were innocent.

And then there are the parents who did stop cooperating. One currently in the news:
Lori Vallow Daybell. She certainly stopped talking. Actually she never even started. But maybe you think she's innocent?
At least she's not a "fool."
Well, I must have missed the critical piece of bolded information (and much that follows it). Can you please link me to the Law Enforcement source for that critical bit? Not Desiree, but an official LE source. Heck, I'd even take a statement from Kaine as a source being that he is actually the legal next of kin for information release purposes.

Also a link to where an LE source indicates that they have absolutely ruled out any third party abductor from the picture would help with your assertation that everything else has been thoroughly investigated and ruled out. It would help as I'm of the opinion that investigation into that possibility was lacking and that they blindered onto the step mom from the get go - I harken to the failed sting etc.

As for motive, I still haven't seen those emails and the ones I have seen indicate to me a parent that was concerned about a child.

She lawyered up only after the murder for hire allegations and the failed sting. Can't say I'd blame her had they done the same to me. She was fully cooperative until that point. There's also been statements that she would still talk to LE, but only with her lawyer present. Can't say I wouldn't do the exact same thing either. None of that is an indicator of guilt … especially so given that LE has never bothered to request her and her attorney to present themselves since.

Granted - there is the "she quit fighting for her daughter bit", but there's also the "Desiree withdrew her lawsuit bit" as a counter to that.

I don't know if Terri did this or not and not an iota of actual fact released from an LE official source so far would have me voting "guilty" at this point.

Desiree gets her information from LE. Her interview is already linked here. You can go look for it.

And Desiree withdrew her lawsuit to keep the investigation intact. That is also already linked here in another thread,

Terri would not cooperate in the divorce trial because evidence used in the civil trial would be used against her in the criminal trial. That means there was evidence of guilt that they needed to keep out. That's exactly why a criminal defense attorney was involved in a divorce case. That was unusual. And it's why she refused to testify.
The judge in the civil trial made the extremely rare ruling to keep a baby away from her mother for the baby's safety. That judge saw evidence that the public has not seen. He made that ruling....and it says a lot about the evidence.

There is no comparison between what Terri did in her civil case, and the decision that Desiree made. Desiree had nothing to hide. It most certainly does not "balance" anything.

Terri was NOT cooperative with LE. She lied to investigators.

You can actually read the older threads yourself about the guy on Sauvie Island who was an early suspect. The information is here on WS. And the guy in the plaid shirt, plus all the other people present at the science fair when Kyron was there were all investigated, including his teacher. All of this information has been linked here many times.

No one outside of LE and Kyron's parents have seen the emails so not sure why you think they aren't a factor. LE found them during the investigation, so those emails are evidence. They aren't going to release them until there is hopefully a trial. Terri was NOT concerned about Kyron. She was emotionally abusing him by being overly strict, and it was a cause of marital conflict....per Kaine, since you want his input. He has also talked about Terri's neglect of the baby and her drinking problem. All linked here already.

There has to be a reason to require Terri and her attorney to appear in regards to Kyron. The civil case has been long settled, and Terri got supervised visits if she ever wanted to see her daughter. There is evidence that supervision was necessary.....

Terri has been in plenty of trouble since the divorce and has been in court several times but those cases each had a different victim.

And she no longer has that expensive attorney, btw.
I don't know if Terri tried to have her husband killed or not, but the failed sting is not proof that Terri didn't try to d0 that. It just means the sting failed.

And yet, a failed sting could also be indicative of … innocence. It could also be proof that she did not do try to have her husband killed. And, if that were so, that would mean that the reason they gave Kaine for filing the restraining order and taking her daughter was bunk.

An innocent, desperate mother wouldn't let that stand in her way. She wouldn't think, " oh no, they suspect me, they think I did it, I better stop talking! That may hurt the investigation, but at least I'll be protecting myself!"
No matter what LE did or didn't do or believed or didn't believe, an innocent parent would put that aside because they would be putting finding their child first. Worrying about being a suspect would be a secondary concern. Unless they weren't putting their child first.

Every parent is going to be highly suspected at first. To name a few, following are some parents who were highly suspected. They did not lawyer up. They were innocent. According to you, they were fools.
Not what I stated at all. Those parents you speak of here, were not set up for a sting that failed miserably and caused her to be separated from her husband and child … especially if she were innocent! Not lawyering up at that point in the same circumstances? Foolish. If LE was going to that resort, no telling what else they'd do in an attempt to get you locked up and you're innocent. Yep, ANY cop would tell you … ALWAYS lawyer up, let alone at that point and after those events.

Step father and mother of Jaycee Dugard. Step father last to see her.
Parents of Dianna Alvarez. Let the murderer live with them.
Mother of Faye Swetlik. Mother criticized for not watching her closely enough.
Parents of Elizabeth Smart. Let the perp work for them.
Parents of Isabel Celis. Father highly suspected even by Websleuthers.
Mother of Jessica Ridgeway. Mother had phone turned off all day.
Step father of Anne Kasprzak. Went missing from mother and stepfather's home.
Those parents were all innocent.

There are many others, including step parents who were highly suspected and criticized, who continued to speak to LE without lawyers. These threads are full of them. They were innocent.
And, as I posted before, not a single one of the above was set up by LE in a sting that failed miserably that also served as LE's impetus to convince her husband (who FULLY supported her until that time … as did Desiree) to leave with her child and file the restraining order. You're trying to compare apples to oranges that haven't even ripened yet.

And then there are the parents who did stop cooperating. One currently in the news:
Lori Vallow Daybell. She certainly stopped talking. Actually she never even started. But maybe you think she's innocent?
At least she's not a "fool."
Oh please. This is about Terri ... someone who LE set up for a sting that failed getting a lawyer. And she'd have been a fool not to given that failed sting only proved that LE was/always was lazer focussed on her.

It isn't about Chad and Lori who served up their own misdeeds and evidence trail. Totally different case facts.

Anyway, still waiting on those links to official confirmation or statements from LE on the critical facts stated earlier. Or, was that just speculation? I've been here since the beginning as this was the case that brought me to this site, yet I've never seen the critical facts that were brought up earlier. I've also seen Desiree's interview. Also her statements that an arrest for the MFH etc were imminent … the statute of limitations on that is now expired I think. That an arrest for Kyron was going to happen soon (that's been a couple years ago now), but now rests as it will happen when Kyron is found. Oregon prosecuted Joel Abbot without a body due to there being no signs his victim was still alive and got the conviction. There is precedent if there is evidence. I would think especially so if this evidence against Terri is so overwhelming and verified.

I hope he is found … and soon. And that there is an arrest in his case; I'm just not convinced that it will be Terri who is arrested … I'm still waiting for facts from LE. And, neither they nor Kaine, Kyron's legal next of kin, seem to be saying much.
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What about the two failed polys and the poly she walked out on? They don't count because she said she is deaf in one ear? Why is it that we should take her word as truth but not Desiree's?

I find the following two quotes below add credibility to Desiree's statement:
Quote: "It tells me everything I need to know," said Kaine. "She's told us about the failed polygraphs. And when you fail two to three polygraphs, the percentages are really high. And when the questions are around your involvement with taking him from the school that day, I think we know. We all do."
Five years later: Why Kyron Horman's dad believes his son is alive

Quote: Portland Public Schools spokesman Matt Shelby said two teachers saw Kyron with his stepmother and thought the two left school together. He said it was common for parents to pick up kids this way, so no suspicions were raised.
Police question parents at missing boy's school

I doubt much has changed since the following:
Quote: Ms. Horman has an open invitation to speak with MCSO.

"The Multnomah County District Attorney's was in contact with defense attorney Stephen Houze earlier this week and was advised that he continues to represent Terri Horman. Mr. Houze requests no contact with Ms. Horman by law enforcement absent his authorization and her consent."
Updated Jan 09, 2019; Posted Sep 22, 2016

Authorities conduct 'investigative search' regarding Kyron Horman case
Poor Terri. Only her very unique cirumstances justify stopping talking when her child is missing.
She put herself first. Ahead of Kyron and her little child.
She did not do what she needed to do to get contact with her child, because she put herself first.
She did not help find Kyron because she put herself first.
If my little seven year old child were missing, even if I thought LE was trying to frame me, I would talk and talk and talk. If I were seperated from my toddler, I would do whatever it took to get contact back.
That's what innocent mothers would do.
Terri is not innocent. She is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, imo.
Terri, where is Kyron?

And yet, a failed sting could also be indicative of … innocence. It could also be proof that she did not do try to have her husband killed. And, if that were so, that would mean that the reason they gave Kaine for filing the restraining order and taking her daughter was bunk.

Not what I stated at all. Those parents you speak of here, were not set up for a sting that failed miserably and caused her to be separated from her husband and child … especially if she were innocent! Not lawyering up at that point in the same circumstances? Foolish. If LE was going to that resort, no telling what else they'd do in an attempt to get you locked up and you're innocent. Yep, ANY cop would tell you … ALWAYS lawyer up, let alone at that point and after those events.

And, as I posted before, not a single one of the above was set up by LE in a sting that failed miserably that also served as LE's impetus to convince her husband (who FULLY supported her until that time … as did Desiree) to leave with her child and file the restraining order. You're trying to compare apples to oranges that haven't even ripened yet.

Oh please. This is about Terri ... someone who LE set up for a sting that failed getting a lawyer. And she'd have been a fool not to given that failed sting only proved that LE was/always was lazer focussed on her.

It isn't about Chad and Lori who served up their own misdeeds and evidence trail. Totally different case facts.

Anyway, still waiting on those links to official confirmation or statements from LE on the critical facts stated earlier. Or, was that just speculation? I've been here since the beginning as this was the case that brought me to this site, yet I've never seen the critical facts that were brought up earlier. I've also seen Desiree's interview. Also her statements that an arrest for the MFH etc were imminent … the statute of limitations on that is now expired I think. That an arrest for Kyron was going to happen soon (that's been a couple years ago now), but now rests as it will happen when Kyron is found. Oregon prosecuted Joel Abbot without a body due to there being no signs his victim was still alive and got the conviction. There is precedent if there is evidence. I would think especially so if this evidence against Terri is so overwhelming and verified.

I hope he is found … and soon. And that there is an arrest in his case; I'm just not convinced that it will be Terri who is arrested … I'm still waiting for facts from LE. And, neither they nor Kaine, Kyron's legal next of kin, seem to be saying much.
I'll wait for that link to an official LE source for the critical statements of facts I asked the poster for. Or, from you if you should have them.

I am a loving stepmom of 3, mom of 2 and a ginger to boot. Maybe it's just me, but I sure as heck would lawyer up after a failed sting and what LE did to get my husband to take my child and then have their "evidence" crumble to ashes. For me, that indicates LE blinders, not stepmom's guilt. The time is 10 000% irrelevant given their failed sting operation. Cite me another case with those factoids. And, again to be clear, Terri lawyered up and hey made a statement that they would talk further with LE with the lawyer present and that all LE had to do was ask. They haven't. That's LE's fault, not Terri's; she offered. They failed to take up the offer.

And, I think any mother, innocent or guilty, would be a fool not to do so at that point. Especially so a stepmom.

Nope. You can go dig for them yourself. It's not my job to do your research. The information has been here for years. We have been following the case since the very first day, and there are probably hundred of links. It's always helpful to actually familiarize yourself with an older case. Many of those links are no longer functioning, and I'm not going through them.

Terri tried a murder for hire plot once before according to an old boyfriend.
Terri Horman's ex-boyfriend alleges murder-for-hire plot in 1990

And she has been unstable for years. LE did not make that up.

She also drove around drunk with her young son in the car, and was arrested for it. That impacted her career, and she couldn't get a job teaching anywhere. She seemed to be very jealous of Kyron's teacher and she set up that poor woman up by deliberately misleading her about Kyron's Dr appointment. She is a very manipulative woman.
Mystery 911 Call to Kyron Horman's Home Adds to Police Case

There are many things about Terri's actions during that time that don't add up. And there is plenty of evidence that LE hasn't released to the public.
No one ever said TH is stupid, quite the contrary. The murder for hire sting failed, because the guy was nervous and raised her suspicions.

It's ridiculous to focus on a few things, and ignore the plethora of evidence of her guilt. A truly innocent person would have fought for custody of their child (Kiara) after losing one (Kyron). You can't downplay that, regardless of hair color.
What about the two failed polys and the poly she walked out on? They don't count because she said she is deaf in one ear? Why is it that we should take her word as truth but not Desiree's?

And an indication of possible innocence would be the fact that Terri herself disclosed this. It's also a fact that LE often lie about results to some takers and the fact that there's a reason they are NOT allowed in court as being unreliable. There are many instances in the legal system where persons investigated failed lie detectors (such as due to emotional stress etc, which in this case is not unfathomable) but turned out to be innocent. Not a single Official LE source has confirmed whether or not she actually did fail her tests. A possible indication that perhaps she actually did not is the fact that they were run on multiple occasions, even so she did walk out n the one, there were still multiples. Is that possibly because investigators weren't getting the result they wanted? Why is it that their unreliability and witnessed error rates not being considered by some of you?

I find the following two quotes below add credibility to Desiree's statement:
Quote: "It tells me everything I need to know," said Kaine. "She's told us about the failed polygraphs. And when you fail two to three polygraphs, the percentages are really high. And when the questions are around your involvement with taking him from the school that day, I think we know. We all do."
Five years later: Why Kyron Horman's dad believes his son is alive
Again, as per my above, Terri herself disclosed her failures and not an official LE source nor has an official LE source confirmed Terri's "fails". If it's factual … then why haven't they?

Quote: Portland Public Schools spokesman Matt Shelby said two teachers saw Kyron with his stepmother and thought the two left school together. He said it was common for parents to pick up kids this way, so no suspicions were raised.
Police question parents at missing boy's school
Oh, so two teachers, because Kyron disappeared from his school and because his Mom was there that morning, assumed that he must have left with her. Much as many here are assuming. So, that's an assumption and not a fact.

I doubt much has changed since the following:
Quote: Ms. Horman has an open invitation to speak with MCSO.

"The Multnomah County District Attorney's was in contact with defense attorney Stephen Houze earlier this week and was advised that he continues to represent Terri Horman. Mr. Houze requests no contact with Ms. Horman by law enforcement absent his authorization and her consent."
Updated Jan 09, 2019; Posted Sep 22, 2016

Authorities conduct 'investigative search' regarding Kyron Horman case

So again, Mr. Houze has indicated for them to go through him. That hasn't happened.
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No one ever said TH is stupid, quite the contrary. The murder for hire sting failed, because the guy was nervous and raised her suspicions.

It's ridiculous to focus on a few things, and ignore the plethora of evidence of her guilt. A truly innocent person would have fought for custody of their child (Kiara) after losing one (Kyron). You can't downplay that, regardless of hair color.

That's an assumption on your part; not fact.

Perhaps it failed because she is innocent of this allegation? Therefore the "plethora" of evidence is actually a bunch of assumptions of "guilt", not factual evidence of guilt.

As for custody battles … it's ironic that pulling out of a fight for custody is indicative of monstrous motherhood and ability to raise a child by some in this case. There's others here who didn't fight for custody of their child when their medical issues were dealt with. That does not make Desiree a bad mother or monstrous in any way, shape or form. There's always two sides to the story and, in Terri's case, we have zero idea why her lawyer advised he to pull out of that battle (perhaps he thought LE was trying to "situate their estimate" (that's a saying we used in the military when we think someone is trying to make things happen to get the result they desire instead of the result that should be were it based on facts]).
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No one ever said TH is stupid, quite the contrary. The murder for hire sting failed, because the guy was nervous and raised her suspicions.

It's ridiculous to focus on a few things, and ignore the plethora of evidence of her guilt. A truly innocent person would have fought for custody of their child (Kiara) after losing one (Kyron). You can't downplay that, regardless of hair color.

Heck, I didn't call her stupid either. I said she's be stupid to not get a lawyer after it became obvious with the failed sting that LE was lazer focused on her to the exclusion of everyone and anything else.
All scenarios were considered in the beginning of this case. LE did an extremely thorough investigation, and there were other POIs in the early days but these people were ruled out. They did not fixate on TMH. They considered every possibility and investigated everyone who was in that school on the day Kyron went missing. Their investigation was exhaustive and was run parallel....which means they looked at Kyron's family while looking at other suspects and considering other possibilities. TMH became the focus because she was seen leaving with Kyron, and she has no alibi for around an hour and a half that morning. She also had a motive, and she certainly had opportunity. Her behavior has not been that of a grieving who loved a child who was now missing.

TMH is the prime POI for a number of reasons, and all of them are solid.

Nope. You can go dig for them yourself. It's not my job to do your research. The information has been here for years. We have been following the case since the very first day, and there are probably hundred of links. It's always helpful to actually familiarize yourself with an older case. Many of those links are no longer functioning, and I'm not going through them.

Terri tried a murder for hire plot once before according to an old boyfriend.
Terri Horman's ex-boyfriend alleges murder-for-hire plot in 1990

And she has been unstable for years. LE did not make that up.

She also drove around drunk with her young son in the car, and was arrested for it. That impacted her career, and she couldn't get a job teaching anywhere. She seemed to be very jealous of Kyron's teacher and she set up that poor woman up by deliberately misleading her about Kyron's Dr appointment. She is a very manipulative woman.
Mystery 911 Call to Kyron Horman's Home Adds to Police Case

There are many things about Terri's actions during that time that don't add up. And there is plenty of evidence that LE hasn't released to the public.

It's not my research; I've been here since the beginning too. I could go back through everything to find it myself but that would be a total waste of time as it doesn't exist.

Rather, I asked you to provide the Official LE source for the critical bit of information you stated above as being factual vice your opinion. That's totally in keeping with Websleuths forum guidelines.

There's a whole lot of statements of "fact" being bandied about in Kyron's case ... that just aren't confirmed by offical LE sources. Or even Kaine as Kyron's official next of kin for legal and LE purposes.
so, if they did go back to the drawing board....where would you start? Since there were no cameras in the school how could we know who was there and who wasn't? From what I hear, you have to start with the person that saw him last....and as far as I know, that is still only TH (unless you count his friend who says he saw him and talked to him). We'll never know if there were people in the school that weren't supposed to be there because there was no sign-in or cameras in place. And if it was just some Joe off the street, then poor Kyron may never make it home. It truly is like a hole opened up and he fell in. Maybe believing what DY has said about Kyron not being trusting of anyone he didn't know, has put a spin on this case. Maybe someone had just the right story or was able to just grab him with no sound being made, while inside a school, with parents all around. Stranger abduction just seems really hard to swallow because it was inside a school and the more I research, abduction by a family member just seems more likely. JMHO

This whole thing has failed since day 1 at the school. One needs to go back and re-do the entire thing. My fear is that it is now sadly impossible. It's beyond discussion in this thread as there are more like me who aren't convinced of Terri's guilt at this point, but aren't posting here. Too many are so convinced of her guilt that it's impossible to bring forth anything in the way of trying to toss up possibilities so why bother … just like happens on other threads about other cases. That's not helping to find Kyron IMO - it's almost a decade now.

Where is Kyron? After all this time there’s no evidence where he might be. It’s terribly sad. :(


Where are you Kyron?
Who took you?
How did they take you?
Justice for Kyron.

With that, let the dogpile continue. I'm through on this thread.
If a poster feels they're being "dogpiled," they should alert the mods.

Here's how WS works: a poster presents their arguments; other posters respond either in agreement or to refute said arguments. The consequences of posting are others may respond and disagree.

You choose the argument, you choose the consequence of others responding to your argument.
If a poster feels they're being "dogpiled," they should alert the mods.

Here's how WS works: a poster presents their arguments; other posters respond either in agreement or to refute said arguments. The consequences of posting are others may respond and disagree.

You choose the argument, you choose the consequence of others responding to your argument.

Yes indeed; and one can choose to leave when opinions and suppositions are repeatedly presented as fact (which would draw it's own wrath in any other thread on this site) instead of "IMO" and in a herd mentality, IMO. I'm a big girl in the Army - I can look after myself. I don't need mods to rescue me from a dog pile that everybody, including me, knew would come as soon as I dared to express an opinion that I'm not convinced by evidence that Terri is guilty yet. Not surprised by it and not surprised that official source links still haven't appeared to back up these things they cite as "facts" proving her guilt.

The consequences of choosing to leave the thread won't impact upon the thread in question continuing to do nothing towards advancing the search for Kyron as, IMO, anything that is not "she did it" is not considered by those posting here anyway. None of that helps find Kyron … which should be the actual goal after all. And another decade is on the horizon …

10 years of … nada.

Poor Kyron.
Where are you Kyron?
Who took you?
How did they take you?
Justice for Kyron.

Back to your regularly scheduled program …
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