Kyron Horman Discussion Thread 2020 - 2022

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Today, Sunday July 9th, there is a new search going on for Kyron Horman'

Here is an article about the search today. The search is for law enforcement only.

Kyron Horman-related search to be conducted Sunday, sheriff's office confirms

Officials are saying there is nothing new yet they are organizing a search.

That does not make any sense. Sorry. I'm calling this and saying there IS something new but no one wants to release it. In my opinion.

If I am right and there is new info what could it be?

Terri Horman, Kryon's step-mother, last person to see him alive and a suspect in his disappearance, was found NOT GUILTY of [FONT=&amp]grand theft of a firearm recently.

[/FONT]Jump in and let us know what you think about the case of missing Kyron Horman.
There is no way on this earth that Terry isn't responsible for his disappearance, there are just to many red flags that point to her. If you go back to the video of her when he first went missing she looks like the cat that swallowed the.canary. I will be very surprised if they ever find his body. I have offened wondered how do these people who murder someone know where to hide a body that is never found, I wouldnt have a clue. I also would really like to know after she says she last saw him going into his classroom, how did she get him back outside to end up with her?
There is no way on this earth that Terry isn't responsible for his disappearance, there are just to many red flags that point to her. If you go back to the video of her when he first went missing she looks like the cat that swallowed the.canary. I will be very surprised if they ever find his body. I have offened wondered how do these people who murder someone know where to hide a body that is never found, I wouldnt have a clue. I also would really like to know after she says she last saw him going into his classroom, how did she get him back outside to end up with her?

She sent him out the door by his classroom maybe?
She sent him out the door by his classroom maybe?
I remember there was discussion she may have told Kyron he had a Dr. appointment, and to meet her back at the truck after they dropped of the project and did the tour.
With all the chaos that day, it was the perfect cover to execute her plan.

Unfortunately I don't think Kyron will ever be found. Will TH ever be prosecuted? I'll just say this, Desiree will never give up, and the statute of limitations on murder never expires ...
I remember there was discussion she may have told Kyron he had a Dr. appointment, and to meet her back at the truck after they dropped of the project and did the tour.
With all the chaos that day, it was the perfect cover to execute her plan.

Unfortunately I don't think Kyron will ever be found. Will TH ever be prosecuted? I'll just say this, Desiree will never give up, and the statute of limitations on murder never expires ...
I totally agree with you
I would love to know where do you hide a body that is.never found???
With all the chaos that day, it was the perfect cover to execute her plan.

You're not wrong. I've seen people question if Terri was guilty, why would she risk taking Kyron to school? As you suggest, it was not a typical school day. There were a lot of kids and parents milling around. A lot easier to take Kyron out of the side-exit and deflect the blame onto someone else. Furthermore, had Kyron disappeared while he was at home, Terri wouldn't have had any cover and would be the prime suspect. Turns out she was anyway.
You're not wrong. I've seen people question if Terri was guilty, why would she risk taking Kyron to school? As you suggest, it was not a typical school day. There were a lot of kids and parents milling around. A lot easier to take Kyron out of the side-exit and deflect the blame onto someone else. Furthermore, had Kyron disappeared while he was at home, Terri wouldn't have had any cover and would be the prime suspect. Turns out she was anyway.
In the video where she describes the last time she saw Kyron (the back of his head). Listen to her talk about the layout of the school, in addition she makes a dig at Kaine & Desiree "they have only been to the school on the first day of Kindergarten, so they wouldn't know the school very well". But TH knew the layout well.

Kyron didn't disappear from his home, the grocery store, a park, or another public place. As a teacher herself, that probably made a lot of sense to her in terms of a plan.
I also don't buy for a minute, that the person who kept tabs on Kyron's daily class performance, was confused about the schedule of the science fair.
Thanks. Have these persons ever been identified or come forward to substantiate Terri's claim?

Not publicly that I'm aware of (would you come forward in the public domain as it is right now if you were going to say something viewed as "pro" Terri? There's some pretty vapid harassers out there in cyberland of anyone who expresses any inkling of a thought that perhaps it may not have been Terri ). I find it interesting that her lawyer uses the words ""We have witnesses who will say, in fact, they know facts first-hand that demonstrate that is not true." So, he has either talked to these people himself or it's simple spaghetti flinging. 50/50 odds I guess. Either it's true or it's not. Stuff like this is why I still remain sitting atop the fence.
There has never been a better time for people to come forward in support of Terri. Except for this forum, all the other blogs and forums are full of her supporters. In fact, the ones who won't cave to worship at her feet are the ones who are brutally harassed.

What about the one witness Terri, herself, outed on the Dr. Phil show? Wasn't that nice of her.
There has never been a better time for people to come forward in support of Terri. Except for this forum, all the other blogs and forums are full of her supporters. In fact, the ones who won't cave to worship at her feet are the ones who are brutally harassed.

What about the one witness Terri, herself, outed on the Dr. Phil show? Wasn't that nice of her.

Opinions vary obviously. Lot of sites that are not pro-Terri … (I'm not restricting to blogs and forums only) … That "World" page for example - their absolute, full-up stalking of her parents home, her workplace, court during request of name change, attempts (some successful to obtain her new addresses as she moves/moves in/re-marries) etc etc, their harrassment of person who voice a hint of anything that does not mirror their own "Terri did it. Full stop!!" insistence, their "Terri, where's Kyron" recommendation … IMO, neither side is holding the moral high ground in this despite all protestations otherwise.

And none of it is furthering the actual goal of finding Kyron.

Where are you Kyron?
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Opinions vary obviously. Lot of sites that are not pro-Terri … (I'm not restricting to blogs and forums only) … That "World" page for example - their absolute, full-up stalking of her parents home, her workplace, court during request of name change, attempts (some successful to obtain her new addresses as she moves/moves in/re-marries) etc etc, their harrassment of person who voice a hint of anything that does not mirror their own "Terri did it. Full stop!!" insistence, their "Terri, where's Kyron" recommendation … IMO, neither side is holding the moral high ground in this despite all protestations otherwise.

And none of it is furthering the actual goal of finding Kyron.

Where are you Kyron?

Terri knows exactly where Kyron is. And those sites that I have read that are pro-Terri are full of deliberate, misleading statements and outright lies. They have no interest in correcting their false statements either, and some get very defensive about their untrue postings. I find that very telling....
A person can have an opinion, but facts are facts and that cannot be changed. A blogger can leave out factual information to promote a particular agenda. I suspect that Terri put a lot of that stuff online to manipulate readers, and to help spread her false narrative.
She is no victim. Law enforcement did a thorough job of investigating Kyron's disappearance despite the allegations that they didn't. There are legitimate reasons why Terri became a suspect, and the evidence that led LE in her direction is because of her own actions.
I do not blame Desiree one bit for trying to apply pressure. She wants Kyron, and Terri has the answers. I hope Desiree continues to pressure her until Terri finally decides to tell the truth. I hope Terri never has a moment's peace. I would be relentless just like Desiree if I was in her situation.
Desiree DOES have the moral high ground here. We support her efforts to find her son. Kyron was her child.....she is his voice. Desiree deserves the answers that Terri refuses to give, and Kyron deserves justice.
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It's been my hope since the weekend after Kyron disappeared that he could come home. It was pretty well apparent that wasn't going to happen. The TMH show was on
Still in my prayers and on my mind. His location isn't going to be revealed and he isn't coming home
But he is a peace and the one responsible is living on the edge. Tragic MOO
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