Kyron Horman Q&A ***No Discussion***

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Did they ever search the church across the street from the school when looking for Kyron? I can't find that it was anywhere, and it would seem logical to have been included in the initial searches.
I am sure this has been asked...and answered as best we know...but if LE THINKS their was someone else in that "White Truck"..the Horman's truck...where is fingerprints analysis...because, unless that person wore gloves, which I doubt, there are fingerprints in and on that truck.Could be a whole bunch of fingerprints for all we know....friends or foe....
My question is about the third polygraph. Kaine confirmed that Terri took the full poly for the third one. I'm trying to find a source reference for her having failed that third poly.

I've found two links so far, and neither say she failed it.

Again, I'm clear on the first and second polys, it's only the third I'm seeking a reference for her having specifically failed on.


Kaine: She took the first, went to take a second and walked out before the machine portion of the test could be administered, then went back 8-10 days later and completed a full test. This was information she shared openly with all friends, family, and law enforcement that were at the house at the time of the events.

Q: Can you describe how Terri Horman handled the polygraph requests? I believe you have said to others that Terri walked out of a second polygraph, and then waited about 10 days before taking a third? Can you clarify this for us?

A: She fully cooperated and took the first polygraph then subsequently vented her failed results to all family, friends, and law enforcement at the house. A few days later she cooperated and went to take a second polygraph test but got up and walked out before the machine portion of the test could be administered... again by her own statement to family, friends, and law enforcement at the house ...She continually pushed back and refused to repeat the second test for several days (approx. 8-10) before going to take the test and then once again coming back to the house and venting to all listeners.

I finally found Kaine specifically saying that Terri failed the third polygraph. It's in this audio interview with Willamette Week:
Where can I find court docket information for Oregon? Or is it available at all?

I'm looking for those who have been arrested and their court docket info from that point. Like we get in the Florida cases.

New member, first post.

I have been to this section many times as a visitor, reading about Kyron's case. There is so much info here, it would take me weeks to find out for sure whether the answer to my question is here somewhere. My question is this:

If a judge believed the evidence that TH had tried to do a murder for hire on KH, to the extent that the judge issued a restraining order and made sure that KH got the baby, then why has she not been charged in this crime? It is pretty serious when a judge decrees that a mother is so potentially dangerous that she is to be totally denied access to her child. That kind of ruling can't be made on a whim.

Something about this case does not add up when compared to the case of Haleigh Cummings of FL and similar cases. Usually when a family member is under wide suspicion, as is the stepmom of Haleigh Cummings, LE will arrest that person and treat him or her in the harshest way allowed by law in an effort to make the person uncomfortable enough to finally tell what he or she knows about the missing child. In other words, the evidence from case #2 is used as a tool to pry loose any evidence in case #1 that the person may be withholding. NG has implied that the stepmom in Haleigh C's case has been charged with the most serious crimes they can "nail" her for, threatened with the harshest sentences, and thrown into general population. All of that is designed to "encourage" the stepmom to tell anything she knows about what happened to Haleigh. Now the stepmom in that case seems to be a pretty tough nut and has not (the last I heard) revealed too much ... but one of her relations has told enough that LE was led to search a body of water. That lead was not revealed until someone in the know was in jail and needed a bargaining chip.

I don't see why this hasn't been done with TH. It seems like they have plenty of evidence to charge her. Even if she has lawyered up, what is to stop them from dealing with her in the harshest way allowed by the law and not bargaining with her until she offers them something useful regarding Kyron--or brings forth evidence that she knows nothing more than what she's already told?

I am not saying I think TH is guilty of anything. I'm just saying that it's so widely believed that TH knows something that Kyron's parents were allowed to go on national TV and cite TH as their only suspect.

TH appears to me to have lived a fairly comfortable life to date. Perhaps even a privileged life. She does not strike me as the kind of person who would enjoy hanging out in general pop with prostitutes and drug dealers or showering with 50 women or living on twinkies from the canteen. Why is LE not taking advantage of this seeming opportunity to put the pressure on her?

Thanks in advance for any insight any of you have; and sorry if this is posted elsewhere on this catagory. I'm still reading!
Welcome to WS! Your question might be one that we don't have factual answers for, just speculation. Maybe they don't have enough evidence for the MFH or maybe they have but prefer to wait until they have more evidence in Kyron's case or something else happens. Maybe they want to see who she talks to on the phone. It took almost a year before they arrested Misty Cummings so it's early days yet, compared to Haleigh's case.
Welcome to WS! Your question might be one that we don't have factual answers for, just speculation. Maybe they don't have enough evidence for the MFH or maybe they have but prefer to wait until they have more evidence in Kyron's case or something else happens. Maybe they want to see who she talks to on the phone. It took almost a year before they arrested Misty Cummings so it's early days yet, compared to Haleigh's case.

Thank you, Donjeta. You connected a dot for me--that a year passed before they arrested Misty C. (Forgot that "little detail!") Guess I was getting ahead of the curve. It does seem likely that the police must have a good reason for not charging her yet.
if this has been asked and answered I apologize. But in a case like Kyron's where all family members would be focused on for eliminations purposes, would LE review everyones personal/business electronic devices ?
it's been mentioned here that this was the first year Skyline had the science fair for their school. I have asked this on numerous occasions and don't believe there has been an answer to my knowledge.maybe know one knows and maybe answered and I missed it... I think is is very important to know when the students knew this fair was going to happen.How much preparation time did the students,parents, and faculty have to prepare for was not on their 2010 calendar...just the talent show..
Where can I find court docket information for Oregon? Or is it available at all?

I'm looking for those who have been arrested and their court docket info from that point. Like we get in the Florida cases.

Not sure if this is what you're looking for...
This being my first post, I'm not even sure if I did this right or even if it's ok
to link this info?? Please delete if it's not - TIA.
What area around skyline and germantown road was searched? I remember reading about it and even seeing a map, but now cannot find that discussion.

A few days ago, KOIN removed the Kyron section link from their website home page. Now I can't the Kyron section at all. If anybody finds a working link it, would you please post it?

I am seeing a page listing 15 links to articles or videos they've done, and clicking on the first one brings up the pizza fundraiser......Am I misunderstanding what you're trying to get?
I am seeing a page listing 15 links to articles or videos they've done, and clicking on the first one brings up the pizza fundraiser......Am I misunderstanding what you're trying to get?

Yes it was an archive they had a link to on their home page. You could click on page numbers to go through in date order on the articles. There was also their court document archive on it.

When you googled for something from one of their articles, and then clicked through, whereas they already removed some articles, you could still sometimes get a hit in the archive on or near the page they had the article stored on. But now it doesn't come up at all in Google.

Not having it just makes it take longer to find stuff, and I like instant gratification on my news stories and videos. :)

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