Kyron Horman story "over-reported"

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Dare I say Tiger Woods? We have a teenager last seen on high school property in Toronto and there was an apparent sighting of her in another province but our Canadian National News lead that night with the latest developments in the Toger Woods drama for over 6 minutes! Disgusting! BTW, for anyone living under a rock for the past 10 months Tiger is now divorced but back on the golf course and this young woman is still missing without a trace!!

Speaking of young women missing and ignored by the news:

"A new report has added 62 more names to a growing list of missing or murdered aboriginal women and girls.
The report by the Native Women’s Association of Canada pegs the total at at least 582."

Included: the Highway of Tears, where 18 women have been abducted, and several found murdered. The majority of the victims have been indigenous; one was Vietnamese. The community had to work hard to get any press coverage at all, and to get LE to take the reports of missing women seriously--and to *finally* decide that there might be a serial killer at work.

Like you, I got so sick of Tiger Woods coverage. Meanwhile, how many missing children and women didn't get much attention at all? We have a very sick society.
The "problem" I would have with an article taking about the disparity of media attention and resources between cases like Kyron's and other cases in Portland that we don't know about is that's the only time they'll ever mention the unknown cases is in that one article and then they'll never mention them again. I'm just going to make up a name here--let's say Jason has been missing in Portland too and has gotten no media coverage. WW does an article about Jason v. Kyron media coverage yet we'll never see them mention Jason ever again yet they'll write dozens more articles on Kyron.

Also, I think the media disparity just comes down to ratings and $$$ which are determined by the public. It's not possible for anyone to be interested or even know about every single murder and missing child case. Why do we spend our time reading about Kyron instead of other children? I won't lie; I read a lot more about JonBenet than Natalee. So I think instead of asking why the media covers certain children, we should ask ourselves what makes us follow other missing kids more than the others. I know that everyone here has the same sympathy for every case mentioned here but some cases have a lot more messages than others.
Well, a real journalist wouldn't use the term "freak show family." This is just another example, to my mind, of the nastiness of some corners of the internet showing up in the online version of a marginal news publication. Trust me, though I've never read that paper, it ain't winning any Pulitzers based on that kind of writing.

Moreover, I don't see most mainstream news outlets (local or otherwise) concerned at all about the plight of children in this country, given how little intelligent coverage they give real problems that affect children: poverty, the backward economic slide of the middle class, unemployment, foreclosures that leave whole families homeless, the gutting of American education by corporate textbook publishers and standardized testing companies that make BILLIONS without any scrutiny from anyone while dumbing down every minute spent in the classroom. And don't get me started on how they cover politics like a tag-team WWE death match instead of holding politicians and their enablers accountable for the unbelievable mess they are making for our children and grandchildren with the kabillion dollar debts. Let's see how well that rag covered any of that. Or, for that matter, how they have covered the freakazoid perverts stalking kids on streets across this country. I never say "JMO" but I will say it here because I realize I am about one step from foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog.

Kyron's story hit so big because his last known location was his school. There is no record of his leaving. And people, quite sensibly, were alarmed and stunned that a child could disappear, seemingly from school. That fact, and the picture of him with his tree frog project (with the science fair on that day) caught at peoples' heartstrings. As well it should have.
The "problem" I would have with an article taking about the disparity of media attention and resources between cases like Kyron's and other cases in Portland that we don't know about is that's the only time they'll ever mention the unknown cases is in that one article and then they'll never mention them again. I'm just going to make up a name here--let's say Jason has been missing in Portland too and has gotten no media coverage. WW does an article about Jason v. Kyron media coverage yet we'll never see them mention Jason ever again yet they'll write dozens more articles on Kyron.

Also, I think the media disparity just comes down to ratings and $$$ which are determined by the public. It's not possible for anyone to be interested or even know about every single murder and missing child case. Why do we spend our time reading about Kyron instead of other children? I won't lie; I read a lot more about JonBenet than Natalee. So I think instead of asking why the media covers certain children, we should ask ourselves what makes us follow other missing kids more than the others. I know that everyone here has the same sympathy for every case mentioned here but some cases have a lot more messages than others.

Excellent points, thank you!

BBM--yes, we should.
Pot, kettle on line one.

This piece of 'news' sank into my marrow. A journalist complaining about the news reminds me of the folks who swim with sharks, feed them chum and scream when they are bit. Name calling or quoting monies spent on a finding a missing child is beyond tasteless.

If they want to be on the cutting edge of journalism explore all the missing children in Oregon instead of criticizing the efforts to find a child who disappeared from a public school. Are they scared this type of journalism wouldn't pay the bill? So instead they print another 'sensationalized' piece being judge and jury. Nothing infuriates me more than people who have the means to CHANGE circumstances but are content to merely point out the flaws...obviously someone there has a computer.

And by the by, it was Kyron's precious face that drew me to this case. I just fell in love with all the joy and hope in his beautiful, innocent face. The rest of the oddities that surrounded this case just made me yearn for him to be found and brought home to those who love him. It his right to be found and brought home and I don't give a tiger's tail if it cost another million dollars before that happens. Every right that child has is being violated and I am never one to put a price on a human beings freedom no matter their age.

Sorry about the rant...
"Here’s what every reporter in town has been thinking for nearly four months but won’t write: “We’ve spent a million dollars and countless reams of media attention on a missing child and his freak-show family while we ignore Oregon’s other children and their desperate families,.." **snip**

I don't like this article AT ALL! Why are they referring to the family as a 'freak' family? That's downright condescending and cruel! moo mho

Kyron is missing in the most horrible of circumstances. Loved ones and friends of Kyron's are in pain. Getting the story out there to the public is crucial...can't think of anyone who would disagree with that! moo mho

I have no problem with getting the story of a missing child out in front of the public eye - the more coverage the better. MY problem comes with the 'way' and 'what' was put out there. Using prime time to conduct a character assassination; asking for help when you already know who the perp is; and asking for judgmental America to chime in to support a personal theory is just plain misuse of the media.

I would love to see all parents of missing children blast the media with their missing child. Problem is, not all parents are articulate and not many can work the media to their advantage. Kaine and Desiree were able to work the media, it's what they put out there that I disagree with. moo mho

above BBM. I respectfully disagree.. I do not think that Kaine and Desiree have "worked" the media...
In fact I'd bet my last dollar that these two wish more than anything in this universe that they were as lucky as u and i[those of us fortunate to be safe at home with our children]and not have been thrust into this Gawd-awful limelight and microscopic views of their lives from the media... They are NOT "working" the media.. They are dealing with the BS that being in the media's limelight causes[just stated above] for the sake of keeping their precious, innocent son who they do not have the comfort in knowing[as many of us do]that our child is nestled warm and safe in their own bed tonight, for his sake they deal with the media BS to KEEP HIS NAME OUT THERE!
"working" the media I DO NOT SEE!
Aside from this article, what media BS has there been? The media is carrying their story and getting out their message with little, if any, question. Whenever the parents want face time with reporters, they get it. The media have played by Kaine's ground rules. They have been content to let Kaine and Desiree call the shots and provide the information with no further investigation on the part of the 'reporters' (minus a very few brief exceptions). I don't see any BS. At least not toward the parents.
"Here’s what every reporter in town has been thinking for nearly four months but won’t write: “We’ve spent a million dollars and countless reams of media attention on a missing child and his freak-show family while we ignore Oregon’s other children and their desperate families,.." **snip**

I don't like this article AT ALL! Why are they referring to the family as a 'freak' family? That's downright condescending and cruel! moo mho

Kyron is missing in the most horrible of circumstances. Loved ones and friends of Kyron's are in pain. Getting the story out there to the public is crucial...can't think of anyone who would disagree with that! moo mho

I have no problem with getting the story of a missing child out in front of the public eye - the more coverage the better. MY problem comes with the 'way' and 'what' was put out there. Using prime time to conduct a character assassination; asking for help when you already know who the perp is; and asking for judgmental America to chime in to support a personal theory is just plain misuse of the media.

I would love to see all parents of missing children blast the media with their missing child. Problem is, not all parents are articulate and not many can work the media to their advantage. Kaine and Desiree were able to work the media, it's what they put out there that I disagree with. moo mho

Repeating myself, but this bothers me, because they are actually setting precedence for the "next" parents who might be in this situation. If they are wrong and this all backfires, the next parents might not receive the media and national attention the Hormans have been privy to... moo

above BBM. I respectfully disagree.. I do not think that Kaine and Desiree have "worked" the media...
In fact I'd bet my last dollar that these two wish more than anything in this universe that they were as lucky as u and i[those of us fortunate to be safe at home with our children]and not have been thrust into this Gawd-awful limelight and microscopic views of their lives from the media... They are NOT "working" the media.. They are dealing with the BS that being in the media's limelight causes[just stated above] for the sake of keeping their precious, innocent son who they do not have the comfort in knowing[as many of us do]that our child is nestled warm and safe in their own bed tonight, for his sake they deal with the media BS to KEEP HIS NAME OUT THERE!
"working" the media I DO NOT SEE!

I've followed many missing child cases and have seen loved ones who aren't articulate nor savey as to what the media likes/wants. Engaging the media and keeping them engaged is what I call 'working the media'. Example would be Marc Klass. He had/has a gift for keeping his daughter's name/tragedy out in the media. He is smart, articulate, down-to-earth with much common sense. People like him and listen. He used the media as they used him. moo

NOT everybody has the qualities necessary to keep their child's name out there - not everyone can work the media. Kaine and Desiree were able to use the media to their advantage and, at the same time, increase ratings. moo mho
What a crappy thing to say - Freak Show Family. How would Kyron feel reading or hearing, people thing his family is a freak-show.

This is another reason why I do not like WW.
Oprah didn't have on Adji's family. Or haleighs. But tom cruise has been on twice. Ratings. Money. We pick what we are interested in, the media just feeds us what we want, like a parent who gives a child candy instead of a healthy meal ... saves the parent from verbing their title. A glut of what I want when I want it! In one respect, the media acts as though the public was made up entirely of Veruca Salt's!
I think there are two fundamental views of journalism. One views MSM as a leader of sorts, picking and choosing which stories to report. The other view is that MSM is essentially a follower of public opinion and they follow up only on stories that get a lot of public response.

I believe the second view is more accurate. I see MSM as being rather akin to fishing for public attention via publishing a variety of stories and then using public response to choose which to follow up on.

I, too, would love to see some MSM outlet do investigative reporting on issues of inequality in the attention that various missing persons receive. But I also know that the truth is, various MSM have reported on such inequalities for years (going back as far as the late 60s, which is when I started reading the newspaper every single day).

And the response from the public? A gigantic yawn. So it becomes yet another unprofitable story... Next!

The WW article wasnt a shock to me. Through the years on crime message boards the disparities in reporting cases have long been discussed.

I too would like to see investigative journalists for MSM do articles about it. It is still puzzling to me why some cases get all the media attention and other cases just as tragic do not.

It isn't very often that a case gets media attention for months on end. Now a lot of them can dominate the news for a month or so but then it will fade. Even though my heart still goes out to Beth Twitty over Natalee imo Natalee's case also consumed the headlines night after night for months on end and I have no doubt that during that time other children were going missing across our country who desperately needed air time too.

I remember it well. Two weeks before Natalee went missing the Greone children were kidnapped. For two weeks we saw their photos daily but when Natalee's case hit the news the photos of Dylan and Shasta were no longer shown. Their case just dropped from sight and as we all know now those two children were out there for weeks alive suffering unimaginable horrors being done to them by Duncan before he finally murdered Dylan. So why did Dylan and Shasta get only two weeks when Natalee's case in the media went on for four months?

So I too question why some cases get way more attention than others. I also wonder how LE decides to spend the amount of money they do on each search of a missing children. Do all of them spend over a million each time? I don't think so.

I always find it strange when the media complains about the media. I've seen plenty of articles asking why one child gets more media coverage than another but the same media outlet that is complaining, will never put the other lesser known child on the cover, will never do countless stories on them, etc. The only place they'll mention the other children is in an article about why they don't get media coverage. If the media really cared about the disparity in coverage, they would report on other missing children too.

It's like when they 20/20 did a program about "pretty white women syndrome." Have they ever dedicated an entire program after that for a black woman or child? How many programs have they done for Laci, JonBenet, and Natalee? It seems very hypocritical.

Oprah had the fam of the young black woman on her show Kujos to her. The one who smothered her 2 young children and then put them in the car and put it in the water. Sorry, cant remember her name.
I have only seen one murdered black womans story on at night on primetime.
So, they have a good point as far as "pretty white woman syndrome".
And I believe they did a story on her because her white husband was a millionaire. She was from a prominent black family.
Definately, Laci JonBenet and Natalee and Casey A have dominated and got the most attention. I cant imagine how this makes black families feel:(
I wonder what led them to the conclusion "freak show family" as opposed to "evil stepmother." There's a collective judgment, which is curious, IMHO.

Yes, I noticed that too ... Very strange, IMO
I believe that some members of freak show families might grieve their children just as much as the rest of us.
Here's the full quote:

“We’ve spent a million dollars and countless reams of media attention on a missing child and his freak-show family while we ignore Oregon’s other children and their desperate families, because people would rather watch a soap opera about one very sad misfortune than think about systemic problems that have no easy solutions.”

This is information copy/pasted from a news article, not my opinion.


This statement really, really gets to me personally. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it seems to tie Kyron into the whole "problem" as writer sees it.

Missing children don't determine what family they are with, nor do they participate in their own exploitation or abuse. The problem is not one missing child getting too much attention. The problem is the other missing children not getting enough. Also, I suspect if most families aired their dirty laundry publically, they would look like freak shows as well. (*raised hand* :crazy:)

MOO, and all that.
Repeating myself, but this bothers me, because they are actually setting precedence for the "next" parents who might be in this situation. If they are wrong and this all backfires, the next parents might not receive the media and national attention the Hormans have been privy to... moo

I think the point is that the child before Kyron disappeared, and the child after Kyron disappeared.........hasn't received the same media and national attention the Horman's have been privy to.
I wonder what led them to the conclusion "freak show family" as opposed to "evil stepmother." There's a collective judgment, which is curious, IMHO.

JMO, but I think the writer was referring to when Kaine kicked WW out of the presser and took charge of the press conference. That's unusual, but not freaky, IMO.
I think that the way LE and the family are behaving with regards to the investigation ,the appearance is that this was a family crime, in the sense that it was not a random or stranger crime...and if that is true, it has received far more attention that other family-type crimes, Casey Anthony notwithstanding. As someone else noted, many of the other missing children, family-type abductions are suspected and we don't even know any of the names of those children. So I guess in that sense, this story is over-reported, or the others, under-reported...

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