Ok it's post #61. Look, I've been a member for 3 years, and as you can see by the number of my posts I don't chime in too often- I mostly read. And am usually quite satisfied with the content and the commentary. But seriously, if you go back to the beginning, you will observe a sea-change that takes the (normally) objective WS comments from fact and evidence driven, to statements based on personal bias ("she won't speak about Kyron nor will her weirdly devoted friend DDS"), to hearsay (Desiree said on her home page.......") to assumptions based on facts not in evidence, (TMH failed three polys.....") Tricia or Kimster or whover holds the reins here......you need to take a good look at this case from the beginning and see how this commentary has devolved. If you want to tell me to flip off I will accept--but I hope it won't come to that.
Websleuthers, let's get this train back on track......because when we're good, we're very, very good, but when we're bad, we're. .......well, you know.