Kyron no longer to be listed as a Skyline student.

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Feb 14, 2008
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Kyron Horman to be no longer listed as Skyline student

Kyron Horman was being dropped from the registry of students at Skyline Elementary.

Matt Shelby with the Portland School District confirmed the boy missing that's been missing for 15 weeks was being dropped as a current student after Monday’s final bell. It is district policy to drop a student from the enrolled students list after they have missed 10 consecutive days.

So sad...and final.
Keeping Kaine in my thoughts as I know he was hoping that his son would be home in time to start school. I hope that Kaine holds onto the Iron Man backpack and supplies, just in case.


PORTLAND, Ore. -- Kyron Horman was being dropped from the registry of students at Skyline Elementary.

Matt Shelby with the Portland School District confirmed the boy that's been missing for 15 weeks was being dropped as a current student after Monday’s final bell. It is district policy to drop a student from the enrolled students list after they have missed 10 consecutive days.


Last week, Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Staton said the case would be shifted to a task force-style investigation. Staton said there had been "significant movements" in the 15-week investigation and there was a more defined scope, allowing them to not be as broad in their efforts.

Investigators can now concentrate on their current course to support a theory of what happened to the boy. He said he had seen no evidence that indicated Kyron was not alive.

I think it is a matter of funding (what else)...
I would hope the teacher has not been calling out his name every morning, taking attendance...
It IS due to funding, yes. PPSD cannot count a child that has missed 10+ days of school. It is against the rules for their government funding.
In light of this sad development today, let's all take a few moments to think about and say a little prayer for Kyron and his family :praying:
Kyron Horman to be no longer listed as Skyline student

Kyron Horman was being dropped from the registry of students at Skyline Elementary.

Matt Shelby with the Portland School District confirmed the boy missing that's been missing for 15 weeks was being dropped as a current student after Monday’s final bell. It is district policy to drop a student from the enrolled students list after they have missed 10 consecutive days.

So sad...and final.

What on earth was the reason for Mr Shelby to publicize that sad tidbit? Who was the sleuth that asked the question? Does it really matter? It's like another fist in the stomach to people who care for Kyron. I'll never understand the inane "reporting" that passes for legitimate journalism these days. They must be all be Phoenix grads.
I also don't understand the point of publishing that sad information. We all know that Kyron hasn't been in school, therefore he's absent, so what is the point of telling us that the school no longer has him as a student? When Danielle Van Dam was missing before her body was found, did we hear about how her school took her off the roster? I doubt it. Sadly, children in schools across America disappear or die everyday and it's just unnecessary for anyone to be, "They're not on the roster anymore since they haven't been here for 10 days." We KNOW that and this is just a crude reminder. It's like the media was waiting for it to hit the 10 day mark so they could report it.
Don't blame the school. Blame the reporter who "ran across" this tidbit and publicized it.

It might be sad, and it might seem cold to some, but it's a fact and Mr. Shelby cannot very well lie about it when asked, now can he?
Somehow I doubt that he called the paper and volunteered this information.
Come to think about it, wouldn't that be releasing confidential information? Oh well, I just wish he would have said "no comment".
Since it was speculated 10 days ago when school started about when Kyron would be dropped from the rolls, I don't think the reporter is doing anything other than following up on another aspect of this story.

I guess one could say if his father had waited until Kyron's return to enroll him for the year, this particular report would never have come out at all.
My heart just broke reading this's like a NO HOPE DAY.
How do the other children cope?
Was the desk removed?
It makes it so final, like KYRON is gone and not coming back.
Sends such a sad message.
I don't care about funding, I care about feelings.
Why did it NEED to be reported?
Why didn't they take his name of for the state and go on believing and hoping????
GOD Bless KYRON and his parents today!
My heart just broke reading this's like a NO HOPE DAY.
How do the other children cope?
Was the desk removed?
It makes it so final, like KYRON is gone and not coming back.
Sends such a sad message.
I don't care about funding, I care about feelings.
Why did it NEED to be reported?
Why didn't they take his name of for the state and go on believing and hoping????
GOD Bless KYRON and his parents today!

If I recall correctly, the teacher asked Kaine if she should set up a desk, and he deferred. There was a discussion about this 10 days ago. No doubt a thread, too.

The issue was Kaine's insistence on registering him for the year before he was returned safely. I feel for that hopefulness, but with it comes this bitter pill to swallow.

I don't think anyone has given up hoping. Practicality HAS to be considered as well.
Since it was speculated 10 days ago when school started about when Kyron would be dropped from the rolls, I don't think the reporter is doing anything other than following up on another aspect of this story. I guess one could say if his father had waited until Kyron's return to enroll him for the year, this particular report would never have come out at all.

I will use debs' post to admit that I thought about this first thing this morning and posted this on the "Questions for Locals" thread:

Unless there is a miracle within the next 24 hours, tomorrow will mark the 10th day that Kyron won't be attending school. It was reported at the beginning of the school year that Kyron is registered but will be removed from his class roll after 10 days. I would appreciate any information about this that might be in tomorrow's press or on local TV/radio. Thank you.

Please don't fault a journalist or the school district for acknowledging this somber day; they are doing their job. I, too, wanted to know whether or not Kyron would be removed from his class roll at Skyline. This doesn't mean that I'm an insensitive person, because I'm not. In my heart, mind, and soul, I was dreading this day, and it has been very sad for me, but much more so for Kyron's parents and family, I'm sure :(
I see this reporting of Kyron being dropped as two-fold. The first is utter sadness and, the second is let it be a reminder to whoever took Kyron of just another thing they've taken away from him (& his family).

can't they just keep him on as an honourary student or something

I know it needs ot be done for stats & all that

I'm just so sad right now & especially sad for Kyron & his family )-;
If Kyron were found tonight and had been held by people who took great care of him and treated him with love then I could see putting him back in school fairly soon. But if he had been a victim of awful abuse then I feel pretty sure he should not be put back in school anytime soon, although I would hope that decision would be made in concert with mental health professionals who have experience in this area.

And he would have to feel comfortable with the school. If he were abducted by a stranger from the school then Skyline could really freak him out. And that would obviously pose major issues for the rest of the kids at school. Even if Terri were responsible for him disappearing he could still associate the school with bad things.

Obviously this is symbolically important but I tend to look at it as a small thing compared with the larger issues.

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