Kyron no longer to be listed as a Skyline student.

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I personally feel like the school should have NOT replied when pressed with this issue or question. A no comment would have sufficed IMHO. I think it adds insult to injury for the family and everyone involved.
I personally feel like the school should have NOT replied when pressed with this issue or question. A no comment would have sufficed IMHO. I think it adds insult to injury for the family and everyone involved.

I don't see how they could reply 'no comment'.
I think the school probably warned Kaine about this rule when he enrolled Kyron...hopefully it did not come as a total shock.

It's just such a terrible, unprecedented situation...I know the school and especially the students need to move on...if not now, when? There would have to come a day, at some point, and we don't know if there will ever be a resolution.

But it does seem like a brutal policy, under the circumstances...
My heart just breaks for Kyron, Kaine & Desiree & Kyron's sibs, and his beloved cat too. Life is not Fair! :(
I read on another board that some of the billboards are coming down as well...:(

I think it was on
If someone is telling you how to post, use the alert button. AGAIN I say, if you respond, you are subject to a time out too!!! Those who know me from Haleigh's forum know that I will warn and warn and then I get fed up and pull out the ray gun! :nono:

I'm going to reopen this thread now. Let's do our best to refrain from turning it into a thread about who is responsible for Kyron going missing. This is VERY upsetting to know that the 10 days passed and a miracle didn't happen so that Kyron could join his friends. I think we can all agree on how sad we feel.
I read on another board that some of the billboards are coming down as well...:(

I think it was on

The billboard nearest my home has been down for several weeks now. It bothered me when I noticed it, but I must assume that whoever sponsored those billboards paid X amount of dollars for X amount of time, as with any type of billboard.

But it truly did bother me when it wasn't there anymore.
Odd.....we were talking about that here in another thread today. For 4 weeks, it's about $7500 to keep a billboard up (that's in the greater Portland area).

yet another sad practicality that hits very very hard.
Since it was speculated 10 days ago when school started about when Kyron would be dropped from the rolls, I don't think the reporter is doing anything other than following up on another aspect of this story.

I guess one could say if his father had waited until Kyron's return to enroll him for the year, this particular report would never have come out at all.

In Portland Public Schools, a parent does not have to re-enroll their child every year. You enroll your child for kindergarten, then your child is automatically enrolled on a continuous year to year basis unless you inform them otherwise. I doubt Kaine did anything at all to bring this about. Kyron was already enrolled.
I just hope they "pounded the teacher" who saw his things there, but he never came back that day!! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I just hope they "pounded the teacher" who saw his things there, but he never came back that day!! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

I think that teacher was also a victim of purposeful miscommunication. I note that the school district agrees since she is still there and was in fact assigned to be Kyron's teacher this year.

Kids leave things behind all the time. Especially if they are leaving for a short period and expect to come back. I don't think his things being left behind should necessarily have been a red flag.
Personally, I don't give a flying flip about budgets, reporters, or school board regulations. My heart weighs heavily tonight for Kyron and his parents. RIP sweet Kyron.
I think the school probably warned Kaine about this rule when he enrolled Kyron...hopefully it did not come as a total shock.

It's just such a terrible, unprecedented situation...I know the school and especially the students need to move on...if not now, when? There would have to come a day, at some point, and we don't know if there will ever be a resolution.

But it does seem like a brutal policy, under the circumstances...

I sure would hope Kaine and D were made aware of this policy. Budgets, etc., are based on students enrolled. We're moving back to San Diego, and the school secretary was bummed that we coudn't make it for September, as they really need the headcount to keep elective courses.

I agree, it's a brutal policy, but I believe the bigger picture here is finding Kyron.


Terri definitely knew that Kyron, once enrolled, could miss no more than 10 days. To a person that thought she should have been Kyron's 2nd grade teacher (allegedly) and insisted on being a stickler for daily behavior reports, this news might really mean something.
In Portland Public Schools, a parent does not have to re-enroll their child every year. You enroll your child for kindergarten, then your child is automatically enrolled on a continuous year to year basis unless you inform them otherwise. I doubt Kaine did anything at all to bring this about. Kyron was already enrolled.

About the enrollment - it's been reported several times, including yesterday in the Oregonian, that Kaine had enrolled Kyron for this year. I thought as you did, that that wouldn't be necessary - I didn't have to enroll my son every year at school - it was automatic.

But then I realized as I was going to sleep last night and noodling, that Kyron went missing on June 4 and was marked absent that day. The school year ended on June 15. That's 11 days. So I think he was disenrolled (is that a word? lol) because there was the 10 days again, and that would be why Kaine enrolled him again at the start of this school year.
Since it was speculated 10 days ago when school started about when Kyron would be dropped from the rolls, I don't think the reporter is doing anything other than following up on another aspect of this story.

I guess one could say if his father had waited until Kyron's return to enroll him for the year, this particular report would never have come out at all.

BBM...something tells me that if Kaine hadn't enrolled Kyron for this school year, there would be someone, somewhere, making some comment about Kaine not enrolling him for this year and finding something to say about that. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't :(

Anyhow, this is just sad, no matter which way you slice it. Praying for Kyron and his family :praying:
Sad, absolutely. But when, as in the post I was addressing, the question comes why the reporter would report on something like this, going back 10 days to look at why they report 10 days later is helpful. Kaine talks about attending the parent meeting before school started. The article talks about Ms Porter being assigned as Kyron's teacher again. The lunch box, the signing him up for soccer, talking about getting him signed up at art class because he does so well........These are things Kaine did do in order to get his missing son ready for school when he returns. But he further states that Kyron wouldn't even start school until an adjustment period "and when he's ready" ...... so the message is mixed, and inevitable that a reporter would have to print that Kyron has been dropped from the rolls ........... he isn't there.

I don't know that sort of wishful hoping and preparing to make it happen, and seeing it fade. It is a grief unknown to most of us. I said nothing in a manner which should have been interpreted as bashing Kaine. I am pragmatic and see a progression of events which led to an article stating Kyron was dropped from the rolls.

That is all. Carry on.

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