Kyron Seen Near Truck? Could This Be New Info?

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I think you are correct, AbbieNormal.

This discussion has me wondering about a few things. The other day, I commented on another thread, just accepting that a man had been seen near the trruck. I didn't look for links to read or listen to this information, and so now I'm thinking that there were many witnesses, and LE came to the conclusion that it was DeDe near the truck, or in the truck, and she was mistaken for a man by some of these witnesses.

Thus, out came the new flyer with her picture on it. No sketches of a man, because it had already been determined, by compiling all witness statements, that the "man" and DeDe were one and the same.

Just thinking, just an opinion. or near the truck. I don't have the link immediately at my fingertips, but will look for it. Since it was not believed to be DeDe, that must mean that they have verified where she was at that time, or that the witnesses have said it was a man, or said that it was definitely not DeDe.
I finally watched the video my thoughts on it are that Desiree is wondering why Kyron would be at a truck with someone else in it other than Terri. The interviewer mentions a man at the truck and Desiree does not correct that. So then the person at the truck is a man and Kyron "saw it all and was involved". He was either escorted to the truck or told to go to the truck. Kyron was not killed or drugged inside of the school, or placed in a container or some other thing to hide his body. He left the school with someone and went to the truck or was told to go to the truck by himself. JMO

Investigators have learned they have reason to believe it may not have been DeDe Spicher, the friend of Kyron Horman’s stepmother Terri Moulton Horman, who was seen in a truck the morning Kyron disappeared.

This makes me wonder if they do know it was a man. But they don't think it was Dede. or near the truck. I don't have the link immediately at my fingertips, but will look for it. Since it was not believed to be DeDe, that must mean that they have verified where she was at that time, or that the witnesses have said it was a man, or said that it was definitely not DeDe.
I don't remember it being stated that it was not believed to be DeDe. How would that make sense in light of the newest flyer?

DeDe's picture (3 of them), Terri's pictures, and pictures of the Horman's truck.

Just a thought.
After posting I saw your link, Morag and quote part of it here: "It may not have been DeDe Spicher," which could also means it may have been DeDe Spicher.I appreciate you looking up the link. Off to read or listen, whichever the case may be.

Investigators have learned they have reason to believe it may not have been DeDe Spicher, the friend of Kyron Horman’s stepmother Terri Moulton Horman, who was seen in a truck the morning Kyron disappeared.

This makes me wonder if they do know it was a man. But they don't think it was Dede.

I don't remember it being stated that it was not believed to be DeDe. How would that make sense in light of the newest flyer?

DeDe's picture (3 of them), Terri's pictures, and pictures of the Horman's truck.

Just a thought.
Isn't this an odd phrasing:

Investigators have learned they have reason to believe it may not have been DeDe Spicher,

Does this mean that they always believed it wasn't her and now they have learned that their reason was confirmed?

Or is this just careless journalism 101?

I have learned I have reason to believe that I oughta be doing something more productive now.
I think folks are putting way too much stock in the particular words used in this interview. Desiree was clearly emotional, frustrated and angry throughout. The interviewer was rushed, disorganized, and not the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with. So my impression was that these were not carefully selected words but rather it was Desiree inaccurately repeating the reporter's semi-literate description of a tip. The details in the set-up were less important to her than her main point: any sighting of Kyron outside of school or of another person in the truck or whatever, is significant because it's inconsistent with the story Terri told and all the little inconsistencies add up to Terri being involved.
I think folks are putting way too much stock in the particular words used in this interview. Desiree was clearly emotional, frustrated and angry throughout. The interviewer was rushed, disorganized, and not the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with. So my impression was that these were not carefully selected words but rather it was Desiree inaccurately repeating the reporter's semi-literate description of a tip. The details in the set-up were less important to her than her main point: any sighting of Kyron outside of school or of another person in the truck or whatever, is significant because it's inconsistent with the story Terri told and all the little inconsistencies add up to Terri being involved.

Thank you, thank you. I also feel that the title of this this thread . Kyron seen near a truck, is only new info to the public. I believe this is the info LE had at the time the gave out the first flier. Desiree gave us the info of Kyron being seen near the truck, just now, I also believe they could have possibly been sitting on this info at the time of the first flier and that's why they have been so adamant, that Terry hasn't been truthful.
I think this is a slip up and is info that we have not been privy to.......someone saw him outside near the truck with someone else in it other than Terri......which is why she says it contradicts the timeline (this is a bit confusing cos how could he been seen in two places)......what concerns me is the phrase "Kyron saw it all"............maybe this whole thing wasnt about Kyron but he has unwillingly become a part of another crime......maybe it was a ploy to sue the school........
I think this is a slip up and is info that we have not been privy to.......someone saw him outside near the truck with someone else in it other than Terri......which is why she says it contradicts the timeline (this is a bit confusing cos how could he been seen in two places)......what concerns me is the phrase "Kyron saw it all"............maybe this whole thing wasnt about Kyron but he has unwillingly become a part of another crime......maybe it was a ploy to sue the school........


I'm sorry and certainly not directed to the above poster, I thought the quote was outside near a truck? I hate to be anal but a truck does not mean the truck to me - which is it? Can anyone clarify this please - TIA
Kaine's truck .... As in Kaine had everything - a new wife, new baby, and Kyron.
TH & Kaine were more than likely receiving c/s for both Kyron and TH son from her first marriage. We already know that Kaine makes 150k +/annum. So perhaps the laughter was meant to be derisive, a jibe directed at Kaine. Maybe a hint that Kaine placed great significance on having ownership and control over the people AND things in his life. JMO...

When Desiree said "Kaine's truck" she was correcting the reporter who called it "Terri's truck". What a gaff.

I'm sorry and certainly not directed to the above poster, I thought the quote was outside near a truck? I hate to be anal but a truck does not mean the truck to me - which is it? Can anyone clarify this please - TIA
The interviewer was referring to the last flier that LE had sent out,IIRC Which had a picture of the Horman truck on it. Unfortunately the interviewer used the word "Terry's" truck, that got corrected to "Kaines" truck, "the" truck was mentioned and "a" truck was mentioned. It's all the same flippin truck.
I have always wondered if they put out the Horman truck description to jog someone's memory of seeing perhaps another truck sitting close by with someone else in it.

This statement seems very odd to me as if she is saying why would Kyron be standing by a truck with someone he didn't even know in it?


I wish Desiree would have a bit more discression [sp] in what she says to the public. To me it is confusing and basically her opnion anyway. I think with what she has been told by LE and what she knows from being a part of the family, her viewpoint is one sided to even where Kaine corrects her and Tony is now out of the picture at public news events. And I feel strongly that Terri is deep in the planning of Kyron's disappearance !IMO
I'm a couple of days behind here and haven't read this entire thread, so please excuse me if this has been discussed.

If it was a man seen in or near the(a) truck, could this be the man Terri referenced in her e-mail when she said Kyron was seen with a male chaperone? I've never seen an explanation for her statement about the mysterious male chaperone, so I'm wondering if there is a correlation here. Perhaps when she and Kaine were at the school that afternoon, school personnel or LE, maybe the witnesses themselves, told her and/or KH that Kyron was seen in the company of a man who at the time, witnesses thought was a chaperone. If that is the case, then LE should've known about him from the beginning. OTOH, with so many statements to sort through, it's possible even LE was confused about some of the details until they were clarified when the witnesses testified for the GJ. Just :twocents:
I'm a couple of days behind here and haven't read this entire thread, so please excuse me if this has been discussed.

If it was a man seen in or near the(a) truck, could this be the man Terri referenced in her e-mail when she said Kyron was seen with a male chaperone? I've never seen an explanation for her statement about the mysterious male chaperone, so I'm wondering if there is a correlation here. Perhaps when she and Kaine were at the school that afternoon, school personnel or LE, maybe the witnesses themselves, told her and/or KH that Kyron was seen in the company of a man who at the time, witnesses thought was a chaperone. If that is the case, then LE should've known about him from the beginning. OTOH, with so many statements to sort through, it's possible even LE was confused about some of the details until they were clarified when the witnesses testified for the GJ. Just :twocents:

Thank you for pointing this out, Bessie. I kept thinking about the fact that Terri mentioned (on June 5) this bit about the male chaperone. How did she know this? Someone at the school must have told her that the afternoon or evening before! And there were also two girls said to have been in the Kyron and chaperone group.
Thank you for pointing this out, Bessie. I kept thinking about the fact that Terri mentioned (on June 5) this bit about the male chaperone. How did she know this? Someone at the school must have told her that the afternoon or evening before! And there were also two girls said to have been in the Kyron and chaperone group.

Until the chaperone and the girls are verified as actual people by LE or by dependable sources from the school, I'm not going to put much stock in what Terri wrote in that letter.

If and when this is something that is verified, I will reconsider my position.
Thank you for pointing this out, Bessie. I kept thinking about the fact that Terri mentioned (on June 5) this bit about the male chaperone. How did she know this? Someone at the school must have told her that the afternoon or evening before! And there were also two girls said to have been in the Kyron and chaperone group.
Yeah, it's been stuck in my craw for awhile, too. It didn't have the sound of something she would make up as an excuse. KWIM? She might use the information to her advantage, to convince her friends she was innocent, but I don't think she'd make it up. And the fact that she says there were no male chaperones on the list, someone had to tell her that. There's a ring of truth to it.
Until the chaperone and the girls are verified as actual people by LE or by dependable sources from the school, I'm not going to put much stock in what Terri wrote in that letter.

If and when this is something that is verified, I will reconsider my position.

Of course. But this is just one of many pieces of unverified information which we have discussed and will until we know one way or the other. This particular story will no doubt have been queried by LE, probably within the first 24 hours, and any explanation will have been investigated. Surely Terri would have said, 'but Kyron was with a male chaperone, Mrs. Chuzzlewit from the school told me so', (if that is what she said happened). We just don't know yet. IIRC, at least some of what Terri said in those communications (emails-I don't remember) have been supported by what witnesses said in the GJ.
AIEEE! the dreaded double post!

How about this for an explanation of the other person in the truck? Terri doesn't take a diaper bag into the school- not too unusual with a toddler rather than an infant. The inevitable happens.

She goes to the truck, sits on passenger side, changing baby, who is on the drivers side. The buses arrive, and someone on a bus observes the truck with someone in it. Terri returns to the school, meets up with Kyron- who has been in the gym with his friends, as witnessed by TK- and shortly thereafter says goodbye and leaves.

Voila!- you have the truck with an adult in it, seen by at least two witnesses.

By the time Terri exited the truck, the passengers would be inside, and no one would have seen that the adult was merely Terri.

As for the truck on the access road, after seeing this clip, I am still inclined to think that it was the turf technician's truck. There is film of him actually mowing, and at one point you can see his truck and trailer in the background. When there is no mower on the trailer, it tends to blend into the background. Although it is parked in a different place (other than the access road), we don't know where it might have been on June 4.

Here's the short clip:
I wish Desiree would have a bit more discression [sp] in what she says to the public. To me it is confusing and basically her opnion anyway. I think with what she has been told by LE and what she knows from being a part of the family, her viewpoint is one sided to even where Kaine corrects her and Tony is now out of the picture at public news events. And I feel strongly that Terri is deep in the planning of Kyron's disappearance !IMO

People can talk about Desiree's use of "a truck" vs "the truck" all day long but to me the most interesting thing to come out of that interview was Kaine and Desiree's response, when asked about their confidence in Terri's involvement. Their belief that Terri is involved is based entirely on Terri's inability to verify her whereabouts for a portion of the day and things that Terri has done (or, more to the point, not done) SINCE the day Kyron disappeared. Not even a mention of tips or evidence that the police have developed during the investigation - you'd think that sort of thing would come to mind, if it existed.

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