Kyron's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

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When a little boy is missing you don't plead the don't lawyer don't avoid the talk, you tell everyone and anyone who will listen every detail you can possibly think of. I can only conclude that DDS was a lot more involved than perhaps we originally thought. Otherwise, who would risk going to jail for a friend? That must be one very interesting friendship. As always...speculation only, and my opinion only!

i respectfully disagree. we don't know everything that she pled the fifth about but it could have to do with her tax stuff which is what she was offered immunity from. maybe she didn't know the answers to the questions LE was asking because she had absolutely no involvement whatsoever. If i was being railroaded by LE and the media and knew I did nothing wrong, I would lawyer up too as it is our constitutional right. She didn't risk going to jail for a friend because she knew she was innocent and did nothing wrong, which is why she lawyered up to protect herself, JMO. I don't think DeDe is involved in any way, shape, or form, and has any knowledge to help investigators about Kyrons disappearnce but that is JMO.
i respectfully disagree. we don't know everything that she pled the fifth about but it could have to do with her tax stuff which is what she was offered immunity from. maybe she didn't know the answers to the questions LE was asking because she had absolutely no involvement whatsoever. If i was being railroaded by LE and the media and knew I did nothing wrong, I would lawyer up too as it is our constitutional right. She didn't risk going to jail for a friend because she knew she was innocent and did nothing wrong, which is why she lawyered up to protect herself, JMO. I don't think DeDe is involved in any way, shape, or form, and has any knowledge to help investigators about Kyrons disappearnce but that is JMO.

Actually we do know quite a bit.

Most of what she plead the fifth about has nothing whatsoever to do with her taxes and everything to do with her friendship with Terri and Kyron's disappearance, and I guarantee you that she knew the answers to questions like, "Did you become a friend of Terri Horman?" and "Do you know Terri Horman's email address?" and "Were you ever interviewed by People Magazine" and the like.

If you don't know the answer to something LE asks you about you don't have to plead the fifth, normally, you can just say that you don't know.
The tax issue is one that we knew about in 2010. She was working and collecting unemployment. I think in three years the unemployment office has caught up with her.

It would be a matter of repayment. Not that big of a deal. If there is a tax liability, in three years that should have been taken care of as well. It is penny ante stuff . I doubt if LE can do anything about tax or unemployment fraud issues.

Her story is BS IMO

Good point, and even if there was a serious crime in that somewhere I don't think it's the kind of case in which the prosecution would hang upon the subject incriminating themselves. It seems simple enough if they have someone testifying that they gave the subject X amount of money and perhaps a bank statement to verify that, and then there'd be records if any taxes ever got paid or not.
I am grateful you linked the depo with all of the assertions. Puh-lease. Sorry that I dont have a pithy statement to make, but the assertions speak for themselves. imvho.
One additional point-she asserts the 5th on the questions as to whether or not she was given a poly, but then discusses it in the interview with BOC?

Maybe BOC is working with Desiree and the Sheriff's office. ;)
But you gotta love the victim mentality... that, combined with stupid, is always a winner... I mean, if you are mixed up in a missing child investigation, and plead the fifth to everything having to do with the child and a potential suspect and won't even say if you know them or not... Okay so that's your right... but then to be surprised and outraged that the police aren't convinced that you know nothing about it? Really...what did you expect that would happen?

I think she should consider firing her lawyer because I think he gave her lousy advice.
Asserting the fifth to questions she had already replied to in People Magazine makes no sense and does not protect her from prosecution, it just makes her look guilty.

Spicher declined comment when contacted by The Oregonian Wednesday. She referred all questions to her attorney, Chad Stavley, who also declined comment.

So why do you think that is? If she wants to go public with being cleared, why talk to a crime blog but not to the news people who might reach more people?

Edit: I'm not the only one asking that question.

"It's not at all uncommon or unthinkable that the district attorney would be making an immunity deal with somebody associated with Kyron Horman's disappearance," said legal analyst Bruce McCain about the blog.

McCain did, however, question why Spicher would share the revelations with a blog, when she refused to comment during previous depositions.

"If the goal was the get her story out, she could have picked frankly a better venue," McCain said.

The Multnomah County Sheriff's Office issued a "no comment" when FOX 12 inquired about the blog's report that Spicher had been "unofficially" cleared.

The district attorney's office also issued a "no comment."
Actually we do know quite a bit.

Most of what she plead the fifth about has nothing whatsoever to do with her taxes and everything to do with her friendship with Terri and Kyron's disappearance, and I guarantee you that she knew the answers to questions like, "Did you become a friend of Terri Horman?" and "Do you know Terri Horman's email address?" and "Were you ever interviewed by People Magazine" and the like.

If you don't know the answer to something LE asks you about you don't have to plead the fifth, normally, you can just say that you don't know.

Thank you so much for reposting that link!

I feel like people who are speculating about DDS being "railroaded" and refusing to answer questions only about her employment and tax situation have simply not followed the case. She willingly talked about her gardening non-job and hostessing for which she got paid. She said "I don't know" if she didn't know the answer to something. What she refused to answer was any question about Terri or Kyron, or how Terri felt and spoke about Kyron. She and her attorney even specified halfway through the deposition that she would specifically not answer any question about TMH in order to avoid self-incrimination.

So why do you think that is? If she wants to go public with being cleared, why talk to a crime blog but not to the news people who might reach more people?

Edit: I'm not the only one asking that question.

BBM: Exactly ... as I posted earlier, why didn't she contact CNN or FOX or a reputable MSM news agency ?

To go on BOC ? Really ? OMG :facepalm:

It gives her story even less credibility, IMO ...

ITA with all who believe the immunity had nothing to do with tax evasion/unemployment fraud. First, as pointed out by others, she answered re: questions about income in the depo. Second, this is a Multnomah County case. Either the State of Oregon (the State does levy an income tax) or the IRS would have to agree to “immunity” for what, do doubt, was a penny-ante violation. Doubt VERY much that happened.

Also, IIRC, it was DD that KH contacted to arrange TH’s birthday party. If she a ‘distant’ friend, how would she know who to invite? No. The connection between DD and TH might not have been kissin’ close, but *something* about that connection underlies the immunity. IMO, of course.
One more reason that I don't really buy Dede's story that she's been cooperative and told LE the same story truthfully over and over again is that if she had done that, why would her lawyer think that refusing to respond truthfully to the same questions in Desiree's depo would protect her from prosecution in any way? I expect that any minimal definition of cooperating would require responding to most of the questions she pled the 5th in the depo. Wouldn't she already have incriminated herself plenty at the police interrogations if saying whether or not she knew Kyron and Terri involved that danger?
Here's the People mag story for reference. If she could tell the world that she met Terri at the gym in 2002 and became friends with her without incriminating herself, why couldn't she tell that to Desiree's lawyers at the depo?,,20413527,00.html

Exactly what I am wondering! What I am most baffled by is why she was able to get away with refusing to answer questions such as when she met TH, if she even knew Kyron, and others like those, that were common knowledge. There is no way that any answer to those questions could be incriminating, no matter what anyone had done.

Even if TH was tried and convicted, or even if DDS was the mastermind behind the whole thing - admitting that she knew TH or that she gave a People magazine interview (that the lawyer had a copy of in his hand) could not possibly incriminate her in the crime regarding Kyron. I thought that was the point of the taking the 5th - to not answer a question in which you might incriminate yourself for the crime in question.

So how did she even get away with that? My understanding is the judge could have compelled her to answer or face contempt charges and jail.
I'd like to know from DeDe as to why she told all of this to an internet blogger and didn't contact Kaine or Desiree and explain in private. If she came on WS and wanted to "tell her story", that would be my first question to her before allowing her to post. Just sayin'.
Here's a look back at DS's 'missing time' ...

“Sources tell KGW that DeDe Spicher, a close friend of Terri's, was doing gardening work not far from the Horman family home on the day Kyron disappeared, but was unaccounted for during a three-hour period from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. She could not be reached by cell phone during this time either, according to sources.”

Now I know I can't quote from the latest blog interview. But if you read it, see if you can align her story re: why she couldn't be found/seen with this picture of the driveway to the farm, posted by Kimster:
I'd like to know from DeDe as to why she told all of this to an internet blogger and didn't contact Kaine or Desiree and explain in private. If she came on WS and wanted to "tell her story", that would be my first question to her before allowing her to post. Just sayin'.

BBM: Exactly !

IF DD's "story" has any credibility at all, why not let Desiree and/or Kaine break the "news" ?

:couch: Maybe you could invite her to be a guest on the radio show ? :couch:

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