Kyron's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

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Hi, was wondering, can anyone tell me if a stroller was ever mentioned being used, ever, with Baby K?? tia
Hi, was wondering, can anyone tell me if a stroller was ever mentioned being used, ever, with Baby K?? tia

I can't find anything that mentions a stroller, only other people wondering the same thing. Going by Kaine's comments in this article

"I put shoes on K*** and we started walking down toward the bus stop."

Was Kaine waiting at the bus stop for Kyron to get off of the school bus?

"Yes I was. I walked K*** down to the bus stop about 3:35 with Terri following close"

she may have walked during the science show. Only a guess though, someone else may be able to find something.

*I know if my child were sick enough that I had to go get medicine and drive around (?) to make her feel better I'm not sure I would have made her walk around at a school event though. :twocents:
Thx...when my child was that age, a stroller stayed in my vehicle- so I just wondered if one had been transferred to, or put in the truck, in case it was needed....
did anyone at the school even ever mention Kyron's little sister being there? You would think someone might recall a toddler, being carried or tottering around... unless I have missed that info some where...
From memory apart from a couple of comments early on from one of Kyrons friends and the teacher(?) or substitute, no one has really said much about that morning. I will go back through articles in the morning my time if no one else can find that info in the meantime.
oh thanks keyleigh- I haven't found anything's just something that makes me go hmm
ALL and I mean ALL text phone and email communique from Kaine Horman needs to be disected from 2 mos before and 2 mos after he was taken.

I do belive that KH wanted OUT of that marriage; and putting Kyron somewhere, might have been the hand HE played. I am firm on this until ALL of his communique is revealed.
Who, other than Kaine and Terri would know he was on the last row? And Kyron would have no reason to go through the door unless he knew either Kaine or Terri was on the other side? So, his disappearance yet again points not to a stranger but to one of his caregivers.


This is true but the only problem I have with this scenerio is that the event the science fair was open to the public; and then we have his friends testimony that he went outside to see "the electric one" someone lured him out that door; I believe his friend Tanner's statement.

But I also believe with heart and soul that KH wanted cleanly out of that marriage so that TH wouldn't try to "claim" rights to Kyron in any way. I see that in Kaine. He was fine letting these women raise this child. He continually is lying in his interviews. THIS IS MY OPINION based on his body language and his speech and his behaivor before and after the crime. Kyron was set to fly out to CA that very weekend.

So did he board that flight? Did he board an earlier flight? Was there a change in his flight?

I am so tired of asking LE this question; and I know you are reading here as much as the FBI is.

Please get on Kaine; and uncover all his work communique; his texts his emails and all online searches. 2 mos back 2 mos after. I require it! I demand it at this point, please LE.

It's not rocket science. This has smacked of a child custody case from the very first day to me. Not a killing, a "hiding" let's say. By Kaine Horman who has relatives in Germany.
ALL and I mean ALL text phone and email communique from Kaine Horman needs to be disected from 2 mos before and 2 mos after he was taken.

I do belive that KH wanted OUT of that marriage; and putting Kyron somewhere, might have been the hand HE played. I am firm on this until ALL of his communique is revealed.

I don't understand the logic. If Kaine wanted out of the marriage to Terri, what advantage would there be to fake-kidnapping his own biological son? What would Kyron have to do with a divorce from a woman who isn't even Kyron's mother? And of course LE has checked Kaine's email and phone records, along with Terri's and Desiree's and Tony's and Dede's and everyone else involved. That was the first thing they did, including administering polygraphs, years ago.

eta: nevermind the above - I just read your other post about LE and the FBI tracking the posts on websleuths, etc.
Terri has no rights to Kyron. None. He has a mother and there are other relatives as well that would come into play well before Terri would have any claim. Basically, Terri has no claim.

As far as getting rid of kids, Terri has the record with the baby and her son.

She also managed to drive drunk with her son at .15 blood alcohol level.

She managed to get an unrelated man pay child support for her son and went to court and got even more money from him.

Terri wanted Kyron about as much as she would want a job cleaning public restrooms, which is probably a job she could get.
Wasn't Kyron supposed to be going to his mom's after school that same day? Also, wasn't Kyron supposed to be going to California for a vacation soon after school finished for the summer? Who was supposed to drive him to Eugene to see his mom? TIA
Just to throw this in here I took a picture yesterday (I have one from 2010 somewhere) through the FRONT DOOR of the school
(west is to the left, east is to the right)
You go UP to the 2nd level and DOWN to the lower level.

The school sits on a hill so the east side bottom level is kind of below ground but the rooms, exits are all exposed on the west side.

ok I had a front door picture in that album but this shows a bit better the top of the stairs

Thanks for posting that, free.

Here is a pertinent LE comment concerning Terri and Kyron's specific movements in the school. It was made by MCSO Lt Mary Lindstrand June 5 2010.:

"His stepmother and he were in the school looking at the science fair, had been in 2 or 3 different classrooms. I am told he went up one stairwell, she went up the other stairwell. She saw him walking down the hall toward his classroom, and that’s the last she saw him.”

Here is the layout of the school again. Kyron's class was room 213 and the stairs are circled in red:


My guess has always been that if Kyron and Terri went up different stairwells, that Kyron probably went up the stairs by the office and Terri the stairs by the gym, because if Kyron went up the stairs by his classroom, he wouldn't have had to walk down the hall. And it does seem that Terri could have seen him walking down the hall to his classroom if that were the case.
Something else I remember but haven't seen discussed. What about the "supposed" Dr. Appointment for Kyron that day?

My guess has always been that if Kyron and Terri went up different stairwells, that Kyron probably went up the stairs by the office and Terri the stairs by the gym, because if Kyron went up the stairs by his classroom, he wouldn't have had to walk down the hall. And it does seem that Terri could have seen him walking down the hall to his classroom if that were the case.

I was just reading this and wondering... what ever happened to the part where she said she last saw him with a "male chaperone"?
....the emails mention a chaperone that Terri Horman said was with Kyron when she last saw him.

"They seem to indicate that she is blaming somebody else who was with Kyron at the time. She wrote that she thought she saw Kyron with a male chaperone and two girls after she left the science fair, which is of course the last time Kyron was seen."
Something else I remember but haven't seen discussed. What about the "supposed" Dr. Appointment for Kyron that day?

Right away I saw a comment by the teacher's hubby on the newspaper site. Don't remember which newspaper. And I did not screenshot it. I wonder if anyone did because it disappeared very quickly. It was within the first day or so.

The hubby said that TH was trying to blame the teacher. The comment said Terri hollered across the gym? about the appointment. This was way before snything came out. Does anyone have it?

The other one I wish I had was one from her FB where she talked about telling off a child at the gym daycare who was mean to Kiara. Does anyone have that?
I was just reading this and wondering... what ever happened to the part where she said she last saw him with a "male chaperone"?

Ahhh, forget it. I just went back and re-read and she said "someone" saw him with a male chaperone after she left. The article I quoted above was wrong, as far as her emails went.
“The teacher thought I said I was going to take Kyron with Kitty for a doctor’s appt.,” she wrote on June 5, 2010. “I said I was going to look at other exhibits - how do you mess that up? His coat and backpack were still at school. I left the school at 9 and he was seen with a man ‘chaperone’ and 2 girls after I left. There were no men on the chaperone list. That and it was highly chaotic - had to been 300 people running around - no coordination ...”
Right away I saw a comment by the teacher's hubby on the newspaper site. Don't remember which newspaper. And I did not screenshot it. I wonder if anyone did because it disappeared very quickly. It was within the first day or so.

The hubby said that TH was trying to blame the teacher. The comment said Terri hollered across the gym? about the appointment. This was way before snything came out. Does anyone have it?

The other one I wish I had was one from her FB where she talked about telling off a child at the gym daycare who was mean to Kiara. Does anyone have that?

PORTLAND, Ore. - There was no expectation on the part of Skyline School that Kyron Horman would be in class after the science fair the day he disappeared, according to multiple sources.

Prior to his June 4 disappearance, Kyron Horman’s stepmother, Terri Horman, informed his teacher he had a doctor’s appointment on Friday, the sources said, and it was why there was no expectation Kyron would be in class after the science fair. Once class began at 10 a.m., his teacher marked him absent.

According to sources, investigators believe Terri Horman was vague about which Friday she was referring to when she gave notice to the school Kyron would be gone and only after he was missing did she clarify that the doctor’s appointment was on June 11, the Friday after the science fair.

KH's son, K****, who Terri Horman photographed with his science project around the time she took a picture of Kyron that morning, said her son knew about the appointment too.
PORTLAND, Ore. - There was no expectation on the part of Skyline School that Kyron Horman would be in class after the science fair the day he disappeared, according to multiple sources.

Prior to his June 4 disappearance, Kyron Horman’s stepmother, Terri Horman, informed his teacher he had a doctor’s appointment on Friday, the sources said, and it was why there was no expectation Kyron would be in class after the science fair. Once class began at 10 a.m., his teacher marked him absent.

According to sources, investigators believe Terri Horman was vague about which Friday she was referring to when she gave notice to the school Kyron would be gone and only after he was missing did she clarify that the doctor’s appointment was on June 11, the Friday after the science fair.

KH's son, K****, who Terri Horman photographed with his science project around the time she took a picture of Kyron that morning, said her son knew about the appointment too.

Thanks for that. But the comment was from the hubby in the comments section of the paper. It disappeared real quickly. It was within the first day or so.

Remember how Terri said the teacher was hard of hearing and new?
You guys need to back off Kaine. There is ZERO evidence that he is involved in this case. In fact, quite the opposite. For WS purposes, he is a victim.

Bumping this. TIA
Thanks for posting that, free.

Here is a pertinent LE comment concerning Terri and Kyron's specific movements in the school. It was made by MCSO Lt Mary Lindstrand June 5 2010.:

"His stepmother and he were in the school looking at the science fair, had been in 2 or 3 different classrooms. I am told he went up one stairwell, she went up the other stairwell. She saw him walking down the hall toward his classroom, and that’s the last she saw him.”

Here is the layout of the school again. Kyron's class was room 213 and the stairs are circled in red:


My guess has always been that if Kyron and Terri went up different stairwells, that Kyron probably went up the stairs by the office and Terri the stairs by the gym, because if Kyron went up the stairs by his classroom, he wouldn't have had to walk down the hall. And it does seem that Terri could have seen him walking down the hall to his classroom if that were the case.

I've actually never even thought about the stairs by the gym. =)

Here is a link that has floor plans w/out circles and some more enlarged floor plan pics - misc pictures/Maps KYRON
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