Kyron's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

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One thing I've noticed is that Kaine's view of Terri seems to have shifted. He used to be a good bit more circumspect than Desiree regarding the evidence the MCSO has against Terri. Now he seems to be just about as resolute as Desiree about Terri having the answers to what happened to Kyron. I do think that Kaine's belief that Terri is responsible has grown as time has gone on.
The sexting thing wasn't a really good game plan either imo.

And during the sexting, writing gleefully how she used the excuse of driving around because she was missing her baby to go over to his house for a booty call. Or asking him to lie for her. Or talking about her burner phone to trick LE. I'd forgotten how totally sketchy she was acting.
After plowing through all the posts on multiple forums, it seems that there are a couple of assumptions that can be made about the case:

1. TH's whole day was designed to (1) prevent a missing child alert from being sent for the maximum time, and (2) create an alibi for herself. She did #1 by giving the impression that KH was going to be at the doctor. She did #2 by documenting most of her day.

#1 was validated by one of KH's classmates and two teachers. TH stated that the appointment was actually for the next week, which seems reasonable - except that KH's classmate explicitly said that KH wasn't going to be there, so he wasn't surprised that he wasn't on the bus. If the appointment day filtered down to the kids, then KH thought his appointment was that day as well. Doctor appointments are a big deal to kids, and they do remember.

#2. TH's timeline that day showed that she really didn't have a lot of time to do anything untoward to KH. According to TH she left the school at 8:45 and was at the first Fred Meyer by 9:15. She ran through a few more stores, including the bizarre Albertson' visit. Then drove around for a while then was at her health club by 11:30. Again, there's no time.

Oh, and during the whole time her daughter was strapped into the carseat and along for the ride.

So - IMO TH's whole day was designed to show that if she was ever put under a microscope a reasonable person would conclude that she wasn't involved. A misunderstanding in the AM, then errands etc. There were some strange things, like the meeting at the Fred Meyer where she showed a picture of KH and travel to a relatively far-away grocery (there are Albertsons that are much closer).

The only other odd thing was a sighting of TH north of Logie Trail Rd. I checked the times on google maps, and from Skyline School -> Logie Trail Rd & 30 -> Fred Meyer on Imbrie (via Cornelius) is around 30 minutes. That fits TH's timeline, given that she left school at 8:45 and was at the Fred Meyer at around 9:15.

So...if she was up there, what was she doing up there?

The problem is that it doesn't make sense. KH does this great job of laying a clear trail, then asks her gardener to kill her husband. That's hardly a criminal mastermind. Planning the doctor appointment thing takes time and forethought. Disposal of KH would also take forethought and planning. But there's nothing in her background that seems exciting. Did she watch/read a lot of crime shows/books?

If she was working with/for someone, would they have coordinated? Given the planning necessary, I doubt KH was a random target...but it's not like someone out of the blue would say "I want you to kidnap KH." How would they even know he existed, and how would they find an assistant like TH?

When was the Doctor appointment booked? 6 hours of no alert is a long time - enough time to drive to Canada. Is that another blind alley?

If there was a transfer to a third party, I'd guess it was done near Logie Trail Road. There's no other reason for her to be there. There wasn't quite enough time to dump a body. The location would also explain the Sauvie Island Ping - the road comes out right across the river.

I guess in the end the only key is with TH - and she's not talking anymore. Everything exciting happened between when TH (and presumably KH) left the school and arrived at the first Fred Meyer.

The good thing, I think, is that KH may still be alive. TH et al wouldn't go through all this work just to hide a body.
Mannyv, that was a GREAT first post! :highfive:

Welcome to Websleuths! We're honored to have you join us!


:welcome5: mannyv, great first post, so glad you joined us.

I agree with the great majority of your post.

Unfortunately, I am not hopeful at all that Kyron is alive, on that we differ in our thoughts. I think exactly opposite, TH has every motivation to hide a body and none to hide a live Kyron. I believe the longer she is silent the more likely that Kyron met his fate that day and I have long suspected that the loggie trail drive was about disposal :(

I have never been able to shake the feeling that he is up there somewhere, just waiting to be found and brought home to rest.

Hope to hear more of your thoughts on this and other cases. Again, Welcome :)
True! I'd sure love to know more about the landscaper's claims too! And DD Spicer.

There is so much we don't know!

BBM: I agree ... and "chiming in" here with my :twocents:

Yes, there is so much info that was never revealed to the public ... maybe we will get to see some if because of Desiree's lawsuit ...

The "perp" had over a 7 hour head start than when Kyron was first reported missing to LE so whatever info LE had should have been released ASAP as time was of the essence to find Kyron !

Another thing that comes to mind: the info about the "white truck" in the school parking should have been released sooner :waitasec: maybe they didn't have it sooner -- but releasing it appx 6-8 weeks later ? And why NOT release whether or not Terri was seen at the Fred Meyers Stores -- don't those stores have surveillance videos -- did LE get surveillance videos ? And why NOT let us know IF Kyron had a Doctor's appointment for either Friday June 4 or Friday June 11 ?

I could go on and on :innocent: ...

Oh, and we haven't even heard the 9-1-1 call yet, have we ? Wow, that was 2 years ago today ! That is one thing I would really like to hear -- the 9-1-1 call !

:please: for Kyron on this very sad day ...
06-10-2010, 04:31 AM

Join Date: Aug 2008
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Horman's Desk Mate Says Substitute Noticed Him Missing
Last Update: 6/09 11:30 pm

snip the first person to notice Kyron Horman was missing was a substitute teacher who was taking a head count as the second and third grade class was re-assembling after visiting other classrooms for a science fair at Skyline School last Friday.

"And she was like 'oh no where's Kyron there's only five' and Mrs. Porter was like it's okay calm down, calm down he's probably in the bathroom or getting a drink of water and she said alright I'm going to leave and she left, " says TP.

snip T says Kyron was in school for at least an hour Friday morning and that he saw Kyron's step-mother leave the school without Kyron.

snip Upon hearing the substitute teacher noticing that Kyron was not present in the classroom, Pumala says the regular teacher said Kyron had probably gone to get a drink of water or to use the bathroom.

snip P's grandmother says F-B-I agents and Multnomah County investigators have asked P and his grandmother not to speak with the media, for reasons they did not divulge. Fuhrur says she decided to allow her grandson talk snip

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Kyron Horman - Portland, Oregon MEDIA AND IMAGES LINKS[/ame]
06-10-2010, 04:31 AM

Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 19,167
Blog Entries: 13
Horman's Desk Mate Says Substitute Noticed Him Missing
Last Update: 6/09 11:30 pm

snip the first person to notice Kyron Horman was missing was a substitute teacher who was taking a head count as the second and third grade class was re-assembling after visiting other classrooms for a science fair at Skyline School last Friday.

"And she was like 'oh no where's Kyron there's only five' and Mrs. Porter was like it's okay calm down, calm down he's probably in the bathroom or getting a drink of water and she said alright I'm going to leave and she left, " says TP.

snip T says Kyron was in school for at least an hour Friday morning and that he saw Kyron's step-mother leave the school without Kyron.

snip Upon hearing the substitute teacher noticing that Kyron was not present in the classroom, Pumala says the regular teacher said Kyron had probably gone to get a drink of water or to use the bathroom.

snip P's grandmother says F-B-I agents and Multnomah County investigators have asked P and his grandmother not to speak with the media, for reasons they did not divulge. Fuhrur says she decided to allow her grandson talk snip

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Kyron Horman - Portland, Oregon MEDIA AND IMAGES LINKS

TP and his grandmother lived adjacent to Kyron's house at the time he went missing, right?

ALSO, Thanks for your meaty post Mannyv and a hearty WELCOME to Websleuths. Your post made a mark on my brain and I appreciate your thoughts. Here's to the answers coming about Kyron's going missing.

I'll never forget the day I was driving on the #26 freeway past Sylvan and looked up overhead to see Kyron's smiling face looking down on all who passed under it. Portland and her citizens do care about Kyron even tho the case might be at a slow point right now.

We had a man hit by lightening the other day during a mid-afternoon thunder storm. It was torrential, I know, as I had to run a ways to my car in hail - got drenched. The man hurt was up at Forest Park where many of us have often thought Kyron could have been placed, as it is a vast and mighty forest up close to where he went missing. The First Respondents had a ways to go to find the man and bring him out as he was deep into the forest. Naturally I thought of Kyron. He could be buried there. He might not be. But there were a series of tunnels built in Forest Park during WW2 that are still accessible. Tunnels where the military could go if we were under attack here in Portland Or. If he was put there, way back off the beaten track, how would they ever find him?

God Bless Kyron wherever he is tonight.
TP and his grandmother lived adjacent to Kyron's house at the time he went missing, right?

scandi, not adjacent as in 'next door'. I would estimate it's a 10 minute walk at least. Out to the road from the Horman house/extended driveway, up a hill a good piece, turn right & back about a city block's worth.

I see I wasn't the only one who had thoughts as a result of that lightning strike.
OT, I've been re-enjoying Chelsea Cain's crime series that takes place in Portland (featuring lots of Forest Park!). Of course, "Grimm" will take you right there in pictures on TV, too.
Do the locals hear people talking much about this anymore?

:welcome5: mannyv, great first post, so glad you joined us.

I agree with the great majority of your post.

Unfortunately, I am not hopeful at all that Kyron is alive, on that we differ in our thoughts. I think exactly opposite, TH has every motivation to hide a body and none to hide a live Kyron. I believe the longer she is silent the more likely that Kyron met his fate that day and I have long suspected that the loggie trail drive was about disposal :(

I have never been able to shake the feeling that he is up there somewhere, just waiting to be found and brought home to rest.

Hope to hear more of your thoughts on this and other cases. Again, Welcome :)

I also believe that sweet, little Kyron is up there in the Dixie Mountain area and just hasn't yet been found. Either that, or he is on or near the Horman family property. Considering the wild terrain around here, it is not surprising to me that Kyron would be overlooked. So sad.
The Gilbert River Boat Ramp @ Sauvie Island - That is where a young fisherman today reeled in something very bizarre he said that looked like the scalp of a human body. The reporter said it had hair.

That is what I just heard on the 11pm News {KOIN} I raced to my 'puter and am still in a state of shock at the thought of it!

They followed that by saying it is a place where they have searched over, again and again for missing Kyron Horman.

Dear Kyron, let it be you.

PS: I have to add, IMO acc to locals at the time he went missing there was a drowning at Sauvie Island. The police were there I believe when Kyron went missing. And acc to a local, a redhead was seen driving a white truck there and ran another car into the ditch. The police received a 911 call about this incident. It all could be what really happened. Then again we need confirmation.

I did call KOIN's newsdesk and spoke to a man named Sean {Shawn}. I told him what I heard on the news about the scalp with hair pulled out of the water off . . . . and I stuttered and he immediately said, 'Do you mean the body?' I said well the news said it was a scalp and he said Yes {twice he said Yes, quite loudly infact} I told him that when the news said it was where they have looked for Kyron I got so excited because I so want him found. And he said something like, Yes. I understand. And I asked when it will be on their website. He said the man who does the website won't be in until tomorrow morning at 7 and to expect it shortly thereafter.

ETA: Too bad there is no one on this site to share the news. It is the most positive thing I have ever heard about the possibility of Kyron being found since he went missing.

Even if this isn't Kyron I hope LE has certain phones tapped. When involved parties hear this they'll for sure be on the phone, right? It is a golden opportunity for LE to learn more about the case IMO.
Here is a photo of the Gilbert River boat ramp on Sauvie Island:

I heard something about a scalp being found on sauvie island. I was in kitchen so I didn't hear it all and it was over by the time I got back in my room. Did anyone else hear about them finding a scalp??? All I seen was LE removing yellow tape. So did they really find something or was it a false lead??? I cannot find anything on the web about this yet..nor any of the portland news websites..nothing??? weird.
The Gilbert River Boat Ramp @ Sauvie Island - That is where a young fisherman today reeled in something very bizarre he said that looked like the scalp of a human body. The reporter said it had hair.

That is what I just heard on the 11pm News {KOIN} I raced to my 'puter and am still in a state of shock at the thought of it!

They followed that by saying it is a place where they have searched over, again and again for missing Kyron Horman.

Dear Kyron, let it be you.

PS: I have to add, IMO acc to locals at the time he went missing there was a drowning at Sauvie Island. The police were there I believe when Kyron went missing. And acc to a local, a redhead was seen driving a white truck there and ran another car into the ditch. The police received a 911 call about this incident. It all could be what really happened. Then again we need confirmation.

Has anyone heard anything else on this...nothing on the morning new.
I emailed Koin News to see if there was anything to the story I heard on last nights news. We shall see if I get a reply.:peace:
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