Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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quote from dy:

I personally have learned of information lately that has disappointed me in Kaine's choices and his behavior, and I just can't stand by and support the choices that he's making.


i would like to know what choices kaine is making that dy doesn't support. or if maybe she meant choices he made prior to kyron going missing, like saying on several occasions dy getting custody of kyron was "NOT AN OPTION".

The choice to leave their (D and K's) only child between them in the hands of someone who could write hateful things about that child? To leave a seven year old child a stepmother blames for her marriage problems alone with that stepmom? Those are my guesses.
I wonder when the need to whitewash everything to aid Terri Horman will stop. Everything that comes out about her...the pile of disgust that gets larger and larger...all must be someone else's fault...not Facebook Terri the Fabulous Mom. Never just the ugliness of this sick woman's own making. I wonder if people look Desiree in the eye...see her horrific pain and have an handy excuse ready for every aspect of this case about Terri!

Every new thing that comes out...well, let's just disregard the accumulation here and blame others...never Terri!

Terri must be being set up...or misunderstood....every single time! Granted we do not know her...but LE must be corrupt or lying to have told Kaine that Fab Terri attempted to hire a hitman and did so in a manner "similar" to her sexting with Kaine's friends.

It just can't BE! She is too Fabulous! Too tragic! Too sinned against..not sinning!

Lie detector tests mean nothing...and aren't what does it MATTER if she failed! Dismiss that please. Can't or won't account for her time? Well, we all need to drive sick babies around for hours then dump them in public nurseries with other kids.

Poor Terri was "misunderstood" or just jesting with the Landscaper. It's a "he-said/she said" and the Landscaper was probably illegal therefore he was lying about Terri to help himself.

The sexts with a near stranger were just what all normal women of her age do all the time...especially when in the midst of a tragedy that could involve a child being sexually tortured during that time period she was taking "pictures" of her body parts Just...ugly coping. Or Kaine set her up. Or what healthy girls do now all the time.

Now disgusting hateful emails about a child she "raised" from birth...that too must be a set-up again. Because, the simplest explanation that all these things mean this Terri Horman so hated her husband and his child that she felt entitled to murder them...and then indulge her sexual fantasies for fun.

Thank you for putting into words what I have been feeling for several months. There can be no more excuses for TH. She knows where Kyron is and it's still all about HER. No, TH, it's not about you and NOBODY gives a rat's ugly butt about you anymore. Tell where Kyron is so that maybe there will be some evidence that there is a little bit of humanity left in you.
I have felt deep down that TH is behind Kyron's disappearance all along. She has shown her character to the public by her actions and non actions since little Kyron disappeared. However, I felt a big THUD by Desiree's words this morning.

If Desiree wanted Kyron to live with her and Terri wanted Kyron to move to Desiree and Tony's, then what is KH's motivation for poo pooing the idea? DY stated that she tried to gain custody last year and Kaine stated it wasn't an option and it became a point of contention. Also, Kyron's presence in the horman home was a point of contention in TH & KH's marriage. I'm not meaning to sound like I am bashing KH at all. I just wonder why he was so closed minded to Kyron spending more time with his mom since Kyron had exhibited signs of unhappiness and behavior problems.
Hope this makes sense.

Just an FYI about the emails. I'm not sure about Hotmail and others like it, but am 100% sure this is how it works with Yahoo.

If a person uses a Yahoo account, and does not use the windows email program (can't think of the name...) everything is stored on the Yahoo server. Unless you deliberately save an email to your computer, it is never on your hard drive, and once deleted, can NOT be retrieved from your hard drive. To gain access to deleted emails from Yahoo, Yahoo must be served with a court order, at which point they can pull them from their server. There is no other way to get them.

LE could have had these emails right at the beginning, or, if they had to go through a process as explained above, they could have just recently obtained them.
I have felt deep down that TH is behind Kyron's disappearance all along. She has shown her character to the public by her actions and non actions since little Kyron disappeared. However, I felt a big THUD by Desiree's words this morning.

If Desiree wanted Kyron to live with her and Terri wanted Kyron to move to Desiree and Tony's, then what is KH's motivation for poo pooing the idea? DY stated that she tried to gain custody last year and Kaine stated it wasn't an option and it became a point of contention. Also, Kyron's presence in the horman home was a point of contention in TH & KH's marriage. I'm not meaning to sound like I am bashing KH at all. I just wonder why he was so closed minded to Kyron spending more time with his mom since Kyron had exhibited signs of unhappiness and behavior problems.
Hope this makes sense.


IMO, "control"; his way or the highway.
I really do feel Desiree's pain. She had no control over the situation. I'm not surprised at her reaction, in fact, I would expect her to react that way. However, I'm not ready to start Kaine bashing just yet. Am I feeling disappointment? Yes, I am. I can't lie about that. I wasn't even sure I could post after reading about what Desiree said. But I feel like I have to say something.

We don't know if Kaine even knew about these emails until LE showed him (if they have shown him). I do think that his male pride got in the way, though. I think he wanted to believe that things weren't as bad as they were in his home. It's taken my own husband seven years to get his daughter into therapy for her mom leaving when she was five. Anytime I bring up something about her behavior and her emotional state, he acts like she's just fine for her age when she is not. Men don't want to see that something is wrong with someone they love. They don't want to believe that things are as bad as they are. It doesn't make them bad men, it just makes them blinded by love and pride, and they just can't accept that something is wrong in their family sometimes until it is too late.

Plus, if you look at Kaine now, he looks like he's suffering from cancer too. He is suffering just as much as Desiree, if not more. He knows now how bad things were. He knows now that maybe he should have let Kyron go live with his mom. I'm sure he wishes he had done that every second of every day of his life since Kyron went missing. He knows he made mistakes, and he's suffering for it. Please, don't let this dissolve into attacking him for emails that we don't even know he even knew about. What Desiree said was out of sheer anger, and that shouldn't be taken to now convict Kaine in what happened with Kyron.

We don't know how much Kaine knew about his wife, what he tried to do to get her help, or anything that went on in that home between him and his wife. For all we know, she kept all of this away from him, and he only knew about the passing out at night. My goodness, he was supposed to make a leap from that that Terri would kidnap and kill Kyron? He was supposed to have a crystal ball and know everything his wife was up to while he worked hard to provide everything for her and the kids? It just isn't fair to put all of this burden on Kaine's shoulders alone and give Terri a pass once again.

Terri hurt Kyron. Terri killed Kyron. The evidence keeps amassing to this. It cannot be ignored. It cannot be blamed, everytime, on some phantom conspiracy to frame Terri. It's not. It is what it is. She hated Kyron, blamed him for marital problems, and killed him. There is no one to blame for that BUT Terri. Kaine is still a victim in all of this, and no matter what bad choices he might have made, he doesn't deserve to have his son taken from him and murdered for it.
I have felt deep down that TH is behind Kyron's disappearance all along. She has shown her character to the public by her actions and non actions since little Kyron disappeared. However, I felt a big THUD by Desiree's words this morning.

If Desiree wanted Kyron to live with her and Terri wanted Kyron to move to Desiree and Tony's, then what is KH's motivation for poo pooing the idea? DY stated that she tried to gain custody last year and Kaine stated it wasn't an option and it became a point of contention. Also, Kyron's presence in the horman home was a point of contention in TH & KH's marriage. I'm not meaning to sound like I am bashing KH at all. I just wonder why he was so closed minded to Kyron spending more time with his mom since Kyron had exhibited signs of unhappiness and behavior problems.
Hope this makes sense.


I've also felt TH had something to do with what has happened to Kyron.

JMO, but we have the luxury of hindsight, while Kaine did not. IMO, it's just human nature to maybe not see things are as bad as they are. Kaine has had custody of Kyron since he was very young, and IMO, he loved him. It's not like a car or something Kaine won in the divorce he is no longer using and now DY wants it, it is his flesh and blood child, and IMO, he loved him, and he loved having him and didn't want to just hand him over and go to seeing him every other weekend. IMO, he thought things were going to get better.
Now I have to wonder if Th's wanting Kyron to go live with Desiree coincided with the time she sent her son to live with his dad? Maybe TH had this insane notion that if it were just her, Kaine, and Baby K, that everything would be all wonderful. Does anybody else think this is possible since this morning's interview? Maybe Kaine knew that sending Kyron away was not the answer to saving their marriage and intended to show TH it would not work. The sad thing is, this backfired on him in a huge way. I would not want to be in that man's shoes for all the money in the world. My heart breaks for Desiree, but my mind cannot go where Kaine's must be going right now.
Oh heavens to Betsy, I just lost my very long post.

Here it is, more concise:

first: :grouphug: to my WS friends

second: Tony's a saint and Desiree is moving through her grief.

third: Kaine - good grief. Talk about not being a Team Player. Shame on you.

fourth: Terri's older son knows all sorts of stuff, IMO.

fifth: $1 M is a lot of money to spend searching for a child while his father and stepmother commit lies of ommission.

sixth: Yup lies of omission. To the press, to Desiree, and likely to LE at the get-go. The MFH plot sting pushed Kaine for disclosure, IMO. As much as it was meant to push Terri. Something had to give with these two. Kaine gave it up. That was a long meeting that day with LE. Remember?

seventh: Yet still, he didn't tell Desiree. :eek: Holy Carp. That's wrong. No excuse. Kaine has lost my respect. Sorry. He still has my sympathy/compassion. I think I'm making this point twice. But seriously. I'm LOOKING at you Kaine. This is the behavior of a guy with tremendous guilt. Some closets you just can't clean. And who are you protecting, exactly?

eight: going back to read the Intel hush memo.

ninth: more to come, IMO, out of Horman home's closet.

tenth: Another innocent child becomes collateral damage of a selfish, loveless, abusive home and marriage. Where's Kyron?

eleventh: I think we all knew this a long time ago, didn't we? Can we talk about it now?

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFENCEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII...................................................EMMA :cow:
I have felt deep down that TH is behind Kyron's disappearance all along. She has shown her character to the public by her actions and non actions since little Kyron disappeared. However, I felt a big THUD by Desiree's words this morning.

If Desiree wanted Kyron to live with her and Terri wanted Kyron to move to Desiree and Tony's, then what is KH's motivation for poo pooing the idea? DY stated that she tried to gain custody last year and Kaine stated it wasn't an option and it became a point of contention. Also, Kyron's presence in the horman home was a point of contention in TH & KH's marriage. I'm not meaning to sound like I am bashing KH at all. I just wonder why he was so closed minded to Kyron spending more time with his mom since Kyron had exhibited signs of unhappiness and behavior problems.
Hope this makes sense.


I've felt for a while that their marriage was bigtime on the rocks and that Kaine was planning to divorce Terri. Perhaps he wanted to have custody of K (which in light of the drinking stuff would make sense) and maintaining full custody of Kyron would aid in that goal.
Oh heavens to Betsy, I just lost my very long post.

Here it is, more concise:

first: :grouphug: to my WS friends

second: Tony's a saint and Desiree is moving through her grief.

third: Kaine - good grief. Talk about not being a Team Player. Shame on you.

fourth: Terri's older son knows all sorts of stuff, IMO.

fifth: $1 M is a lot of money to spend searching for a child while his father and stepmother commit lies of ommission.

sixth: Yup lies of omission. To the press, to Desiree, and likely to LE at the get-go. The MFH plot sting pushed Kaine for disclosure, IMO. As much as it was meant to push Terri. Something had to give with these two. Kaine gave it up. That was a long meeting that day with LE. Remember?

seventh: Yet still, he didn't tell Desiree. :eek: Holy Carp. That's wrong. No excuse. Kaine has lost my respect. Sorry. He still has my sympathy/compassion. I think I'm making this point twice. But seriously. I'm LOOKING at you Kaine. This is the behavior of a guy with tremendous guilt. Some closets you just can't clean. And who are you protecting, exactly?

eight: going back to read the Intel hush memo.

ninth: more to come, IMO, out of Horman home's closet.

tenth: Another innocent child becomes collateral damage of a selfish, loveless, abusive home and marriage. Where's Kyron?

eleventh: I think we all knew this a long time ago, didn't we? Can we talk about it now?

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFENCEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII...................................................EMMA :cow:

How much should be spent?
In the grand scheme of things, whatever Kaine did or didn't know about Terri and his reasons for Poopooing the idea of him living with D & T may have been simply to provide consistency in Kyron's life. I am sure his loves Kyron very much and is kicking himself with woulda, shoulda, coulda's right now. As I am sure is Desiree. I am gonna lay off the questions I have about him for now. And I do not feel in my heart that he had anything to do with Kyron's disappearance.

I do feel like these alleged e-mails could be used as evidence of premeditation on Terri's behalf in Kyron's disappearance, possible death. Can they? (A question for those of you more versed in the law than myself;)

How much should be spent?

oh, thanks for asking mmmagique. I'll try to clarify my post.

$1M is not the problem. It's spending it without the information regarding Terri's/Kaine's marriage - those 1st ten days - information that may have helped LE/FDLE/FBI, etc, etc, spend such a tremendous amount of resources in a more efficient, directed manner. Please remember the terrain, and the searchers involved. To set them out on that search, without giving LE complete information (as I am proposing/postulating happened) in that first week - that, to me, is a shame. I will add, it's likely none of Kyron's parents were in their right minds early on - Kaine & Desiree likely in shock. But if the first instinct here was to control information to preserve reputation, custody, or whatever ... that got in the way early on. Hope my meaning is more clear.
IMO, "control"; his way or the highway.

We are getting to the essence of Kaine Horman. :cow: Perhaps the fatal flaw.

Again, I still have compassion for the guy. He may just be made this way.
I've felt for a while that their marriage was bigtime on the rocks and that Kaine was planning to divorce Terri. Perhaps he wanted to have custody of K (which in light of the drinking stuff would make sense) and maintaining full custody of Kyron would aid in that goal.

That's kinda where my head was with my earlier post about him not giving up Kyron. But the more I think of it, it would make since, if he were going to file for divorce and try to get baby K, to go ahead and give Kyron back to Desiree. Think about it, he could say to any judge: "Your honor, things have gotten so bad with my wife that I had to let my son go live with his mother for his own protection". That would have went further in his battle for custody of the baby than trying to keep Kyron when he knew just how bad things really were with TH. That would have made him look like a bad father and TH's lawyer would have jumped all over it. There is so much more to this than we have yet to find out. I don't think I want to know much more, except: Where is Kyron? The rest means nothing to me. Just clues to a puzzle that won't be solved without that little boy.
oh, thanks for asking mmmagique. I'll try to clarify my post.

$1M is not the problem. It's spending it without the information regarding Terri's/Kaine's marriage - those 1st ten days - information that may have helped LE/FDLE/FBI, etc, etc, spend such a tremendous amount of resources in a more efficient, directed manner. Please remember the terrain, and the searchers involved. To set them out on that search, without giving LE complete information (as I am proposing/postulating happened) in that first week - that, to me, is a shame.

Yeah, I guess. But I still don't see how knowing that Terri drinks too much or didn't "like" Kyron would aid in the search.
Most of us don't put all our garbage out for everyone to see until it's apparent we have no choice.
I think Kaine started off believing this was just a senseless kidnapping or a child wandering off and getting lost, and as more facts were brought to light, he began to see the whole ugly picture. I know I've had times in my life where I couldn't see what was in front of my face until I moved back a bit. Perhaps we're all a bit "farsighted" when it comes to our own lives?
quote from dy:

I personally have learned of information lately that has disappointed me in Kaine's choices and his behavior, and I just can't stand by and support the choices that he's making.


i would like to know what choices kaine is making that dy doesn't support. or if maybe she meant choices he made prior to kyron going missing, like saying on several occasions dy getting custody of kyron was "NOT AN OPTION".

I just listened to the video & recall that she said "the choices he's made." Past tense.

These poor choices are glaingly obvious. Who allows their husband/wife to get drunk & pass out on the sofa and their baby up at all hours? Maybe it's just me that's finds it appalling - but then, I hate drunks. I ran a tight ship - if my hubbie had been a drunk he would've walked the plank!
Very well put Emma on your posts. I totally agree with everything you've posted

I have lost Respect for KH awhile ago. And why was he not forthcoming about TH's behavior toward the beginning of all this. Why did DY have to find all this out from the Media?

I can't even fathom what could be written in those emails...

My heart hurts for Kyron. I just hope soon, closure will come one way or another.
scanner called for someone to Columbus Dr.,, asked if true. now scanner very quiet, also seems subduded. Maybe they have found something.

I think bio dad wanted custody so he didnt have to pay child support. Im not saying he didnt love Kyron, Im just saying child support is very often a big deal for the one paying it out.
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