Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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Hello everyone. I just read the newest issue of People Magazine and was quite shocked to see LM's (TH's father) comments towards the end of the article. When asked if he thought TH would be arrested before it's all said and done.... he said there was a 50/50 chance. There was another comment also that caught me off guard. Did anyone read this?

Sorry if this has been mentioned earlier... I could have missed it.
Also, I could not find a link to an internet copy of the article/interview... so not sure if I am even able to talk about this specific article???
I've watched and re-watched, and I guess I think they put themselves out there for whatever help it might be and did the best they could. They are not professionals when it comes to public appearances, on national television. They're probably very distraught, to make a HUGE understatement, and were trying to juggle a number of considerations, like at least a few instructions or requests from LE not to reveal investigatory stuff, yet to humanize the need to get information about Kyron's whereabouts. I think they didn't reveal much new factual information and gave the most non-inflammatory, non-revelatory explanations or answers they could on the touchy issues, like polygraphs, Sauvie Island, etc. I didn't expect much other than a personal appeal from the parents.

I have tried putting myself in their situation and I honestly think they did a heck of a job on these interviews. They are probably already feeling on the verge of hysteria, emotionally. Then couple that with the nervousness of going on National telvision for the most terrible of reasons, which would make an average Joe nervous under happy circumstances. I'm just saying, my mind would be racing and I'd probably just ramble without making a lick of sense.

I agree with Emma Peel. I think maybe they had some type of coaching in advance. I really thought about it, and I would want to have a few trial run throughs beforehand. Otherwise, i might accidentally blab something I shouldn't which could compromise the investigation.

I thought they handled the interviews this morning with class and dedication to finding their son and keeping the focus where it belongs.
This is all JMO. :twocents:

I am so glad that kgw posted the raw interview. The edited interview made Kaine seem like he was reluctant to answer questions, but the raw one shows him jumping in to answer just as quickly as Desiree.
Did Kaine say when they were leaving for the CA vacation? That it was to be before the end of the school year?

Here is the transcript:

Reporter: What do you both remember about the last time you saw Kyron or what you talked about?

Desiree Young: We talked about summer and spending more time together. And our trip that we had planned. And he was extremely happy about that.

Kaine Horman: Vacation. We were actually supposed to be on vacation right now. We were really looking forward to going down and visiting some friends in California. We were going to be there for an extended period of time. A lot of the families down there have kids around his age that he knows so we were really excited about that.

I saw him the day of the science fair that morning and I was just really proud of him for all the work he put into his project. We gave each other a couple of big hugs and I just told him to have a great day at the fair and enjoy presenting the project.

Kaine states that the vacation was the last thing he talked with Kyron about. It does not specify that the vacation was starting right away that weekend and could have started after school ended. Sorry about the confusion. The way it's answered led me to think the vacation was starting after school since it was the last thing he spoke with Kyron about.
Why is that curious? If my child were missing I would throw open my LIFE for LE to search. Don't bother wasting time on a warrant.

What? :waitasec:

Hordes of people WERE out searching for him. IIRC they said this was the biggest search and rescue operation ever in OR. I don't think they ever said he wasn't taken - just that they had no evidence pointing to that, so who knows?

The fear about the glasses is NORMAL for someone with such impaired vision. My child can't even see enough to find his glasses if he takes them off and doesn't put them in the exact same spot every time. It is terrifying - for the person who can't see and for the parents who know he couldn't find his way out of bed without them.

And I think the disbelief that he's been gone this long is the desperate need to believe that they would find him, he'd be home, it would all be a big misunderstanding and he'd be okay. Not that they are foolish or even in denial, but just unable to fathom how they will go on if he is found dead or seriously harmed or...maybe worse...never found at all.

The comment about the portal was not a real theory of the crime. It was a statement that there was so little evidence, so little to go on, that it was as if a portal had opened up. An expression to show how little evidence there really is.

And again, to me, that doesn't sound like someone who suspects Terri. I know you will say they are just kidding themselves because they know her, but I think as a detective, Tony would have clued Desiree in if he even thought there was a chance of that.

I thought they did an admirable job, and this thread is exactly the reason LE has encouraged them to keep a lid on the media.

Oh my, my posts which are only my opinions of the interview turned into debates and a few didn't understand my point at all. My point was that I would like to know WHO (if anyone) might have been influencing them to believe that Kyron would be found very quickly AND if they believed he may have wandered off maybe there should still be people searching even if LE says no. About the glasses: I asked WHY is he terrified about his glasses. Terrified is a very strong word. A little kid very used to his glasses should be comfortable, but might need training to never lay them around the house. I do have a nearly blind family member and one with a degenerative eye disease that runs in my family and they are not terrified over glasses, not that my knowing anyone legally blind has anything to do with my question. I questioned if he may be terrified of losing the glasses. Has anyone said that he can't see to walk without them, as in falling and having to feel his way? Maybe someone has instilled great fear about breaking or losing the glasses..
It seems funny that Kaine weighs his words so carefully--"To the best of my knowledge"--but then says something like, "We do know he was dropped off." Because that means we do know he was brought and left.
Terri could be very unstable right now. If they rock the boat they may not get the answers they are looking for.

They were terrified if they pushed Susan Smith too hard she would commit suicide. She had a history of suicide attempts.

We have no idea what Terri's history is, or what statements she has made since June 4th. They could have legitimate concerns that she may harm herself and/or someone else if she thinks she could be going to jail (guilty or innocent.)

I can see Desiree keeping it together in that situation, even if she suspects something.
The body language between mom and dad gave me a chill, especially when emotional issues were mentioned. IMO Desiree acted like a normal mom with a missing child; Kaine was a cold fish, very cold, although there may be a reason for it.

Also IMO, it is too little, too late. I hope LE knows what they're doing, but I sense another Haleigh Cummings case coming up. I hope I'm wrong, ALTHOUGH the part about the school swallowing him up may have some merit - just not sure what it is.

My opinion only

In one of the interviews I got the feeling that their response indicated they believe the school is responsible. They may have suspected that people at the school may not have been forthcoming with information, or maybe they think someone is deceptive. I do think it is possible that someone has him, which has happened in several cases with missing kids. It is good that there were numerous national interviews, in case someone took him out of state.
Did anyone besides me think it was a little snarky how Robin Roberts asked, when Kaine said they couldn't comment on what Terri had said about that morning, "You realize that the more people do know...don't you feel they'll be better able to help you and locate your boy?"

Snarky but just what I expected. The media doesn't care about the victim's feelings, they care about getting a newsworthy reaction in order to boost ratings.

What the media carefully edits out of their footage in many such situations are the downright abusive things they will shout at victims just to get a story.

A friend of mine lost her twenty two year old son in a boating accident on a river with a dangerous current. There were eyewitnesses, it was clear it was not a crime and there was no doubt he'd gone into the water and hadn't come out. It was just a matter of searching downstream until his body was found.

The media was awful to her. They would shout things like "is it true that part of your son's body washed up today?" There was no such rumour, it was just something they made up hoping to get a big reaction out of her. Or "is it true that you had a big fight with your son and he actually committed suicide?"

They dug up every little thing they could about her family, like the father's DUI, her son's arrest five years before for marijuana possession, etc.

It was all just part of what they did to try to get "good" footage of the family.
I have tried putting myself in their situation and I honestly think they did a heck of a job on these interviews. They are probably already feeling on the verge of hysteria, emotionally. Then couple that with the nervousness of going on National telvision for the most terrible of reasons, which would make an average Joe nervous under happy circumstances. I'm just saying, my mind would be racing and I'd probably just ramble without making a lick of sense.

I agree with Emma Peel. I think maybe they had some type of coaching in advance. I really thought about it, and I would want to have a few trial run throughs beforehand. Otherwise, i might accidentally blab something I shouldn't which could compromise the investigation.

I thought they handled the interviews this morning with class and dedication to finding their son and keeping the focus where it belongs.
This is all JMO. :twocents:


I'm not sure if you are quoting me because you think I disagree with what you are saying here or not, but I think we are pretty much saying the same thing. I wasn't being judgmental about their not revealing tons of new information. I do think they are walking the line LE wants them to walk.
"I saw him that morning, before leaving for work, and TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE he went in for a science fair to GO OVER A PROJECT ... AND THAT WAS THE LAST TIME THAT PEOPLE SAW HIM."

But this is the best of his knowledge! As far as he knows, that is the last place people saw him------but since Kyron is not in the school, obviously something happened that dad does not have knowledge of.

My kids always had an after school snack. They were always starved half to death when school ended, and they'd eat big snacks. I homeschooled most of my kiddos, but two decided to attend public school, and I actually listed "Prepare after school snack" on my daily "To Do" list! It never seemed to keep them from eating their dinner!
Hi, kgeaux.

I take Kaine's words, and the order in which he spoke them, and come up with an entirely different meaning then you do; which is what makes us all individuals. To me, the way you are describing Kaine's word order is just too complicated, it has to jump through too many hoops, and it doesn't make sense. It also wouldn't line up with the rest of the way Kaine expresses himself. In My Opinion.

Please don't take this as an insult (because it is not meant to be one). We all hear and interpret words and personalities differently. You could be so right and I could be very wrong.

(I know there must be a more concise way to say what I am trying to express, so sorry everyone for so many words!)

I heard Kaine answer a reporter's question asking him what happened that morning of June 4th. The one person who claims to know what happened up until waving good-bye to Kyron outside of his classroom, is Terri, his step-mom, Terri, Kaine's wife.

When Kaine answers the question about what happened after he saw Kyron that morning at home, before his leaving for work; about his wife taking Kyron to school and what transpired between Terri and her step-son once they reached the school, he expresses doubt of his wife's story, by saying "To the best of my knowledge." This is how I interpret what he says.

What a husband would normally say, IF he believed the story his wife had told him, would be something like the stories attributed to Terri Horman, which include her saying she drove Kyron to school, went into the school with him, took his picture, and all the rest. He would tell us what his wife told him and there would not be any glimmer of a doubt, no "to the best of my knowledge."

What would cause Kaine to say: "To the best of my knowledge" when referring to the actions of his wife that morning?

I understand that you are saying he is speaking to something else, but that is not at all what I took away from this interview, this answer.

As always, my opinions.
I'm not sure if you are quoting me because you think I disagree with what you are saying here or not, but I think we are pretty much saying the same thing. I wasn't being judgmental about their not revealing tons of new information. I do think they are walking the line LE wants them to walk.

I am on the same page with you. Sorry if my post seemed ambiguous. The written word isn't always interpreted the way that it sounds in my head while I'm typing it. lol!

I didn't think you were being judgemental and am in total agreement about the fine line these parents must walk in giving these interviews.!

Hope this clarifies abit:dance:. I enjoy your posts.

Snarky but just what I expected. The media doesn't care about the victim's feelings, they care about getting a newsworthy reaction in order to boost ratings.

What the media carefully edits out of their footage in many such situations are the downright abusive things they will shout at victims just to get a story.

A friend of mine lost her twenty two year old son in a boating accident on a river with a dangerous current. There were eyewitnesses, it was clear it was not a crime and there was no doubt he'd gone into the water and hadn't come out. It was just a matter of searching downstream until his body was found.

The media was awful to her. They would shout things like "is it true that part of your son's body washed up today?" There was no such rumour, it was just something they made up hoping to get a big reaction out of her. Or "is it true that you had a big fight with your son and he actually committed suicide?"

They dug up every little thing they could about her family, like the father's DUI, her son's arrest five years before for marijuana possession, etc.

It was all just part of what they did to try to get "good" footage of the family.

Hey hey hey! Easssy!!! (I work in broadcast news... )

I can tell you that I've never known a reporter who would make up a rumour to a mother that just lost a child to try to get a reaction out of her. No way, no way. The hardest thing we do is ask bereaved parents for an interview. We all hate it. We have feelings too, honestly! Do you honestly think a reporter would shout out something abusive to a victim to get a reaction, and still have a job the next morning?

If we're guilty of anything, it's doing story after story about murder after murder, and after a while the names and faces blur into each other. And we do develop a thick skin to take punches and give them from time to time as well.

Your second sentence is so wrong! We do care about victims' feelings!
I think the "they didn't think he would be gone this long" thing could be something as simple as maybe they hoped in their hearts that he had just wandered off and would have been found safe and sound after looking for him for a bit. Some of their first reactions could have been that there was a reasonable explanation for why no one could find him....he was asleep on the bus, went home with a friend and was going to call his parents when he got there, etc.

I just think it was a simple statement reflecting the idea that no parent wants to imagine their child going missing and certainly not for any extended period of time.

I agree.

I think there is often a protective denial that goes on in the family's minds. If they thought their child was gone forever, they'd just sit down and cry. What good would that do?

So they tell themselves at first "he's coming home in just a few minutes" which gives them the energy to call school, call friends, etc. All the normal stuff you do when your kid doesn't get off the bus.

Then after a while, when the easy solutions are ruled out, denial shifts to "he'll be home tomorrow" so that they can start doing stuff like making flyers, etc.

It can take a long time to get to "my child may never come home..."

For a look at one family's process when their child went missing, look at the Rachel Cooke case. Her father kept a blog dating from about two weeks after she disappeared of what they were doing, how he was feeling, how they were dealing with the situation, etc.
1. No worries. Easily verifiable by LE via doctor.

2. Final day of school was June 15th.

3. I wish I knew too, but, IMO, likely there's a reason that makes sense. I can think of 10 reasons just sitting here. We don't know if K y r * n had a solo or a group role for the talent show. We know nothing about it.

p.s. I just realized that because I commented on your post, your post was then subject to coming up in a K search engine. :crazy: So I fixed it. But not sure everyone will realize this when they quote your posts...

I don't care about my posts per se coming up in a search engine. I'm just thinking if some family member or someone close is searching, I don't necessarily want them to see what I am saying.
That's what Kaine said. Verbatim. LOL.
I realize that, Emma. I was just pointing out that I found it interesting the quotes People magazine chose to print and those they left out.

Also, the title is really misleading...not untruthful, when based on a few things said by Kaine (and Desiree)... but really NOT the focus, and NOT the substance of what all these interviews of Kaine and Desiree were about today.

To me, the title was either to grab readers (using the word "step-mom") OR it was biased in favor of the step-mom. OR, plain old sloppy, lazy, shallow reporting. It certainly wasn't a reflection of the barrage of interviews we had today.

my opinion.
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