Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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LE hasnt' commented on much at all, out of concern for Kyron's safety? But this is what I am thinking regarding Kyron's glasses. Why would they put these statements out there regarding Kyron's glasses? This would alert the perp that he/she could just remove his glasses and he would be rendered legally blind and afraid. This makes me think that maybe the glasses have been found and they are speaking to a suspect.


Whether the glasses have been found or not it's extremely important that this info is known to the perp/suspect (IF there is one involved in this case) & it should have been reported on that very first day vs 3 weeks later!

The perp/suspect knowing without his glasses he can't see anything is huge..It tells him Kyron can't possibly identify him (unless he knows him well enough to recognize his voice) & this can make the diff between life & death for Kyron..I am extremely pissed it took this long to come out & hope with all my heart it's not already too late!
To me this is by far the best interview. Very informative. What a he## those parents are going through.

Raw: Kyron's parents; full interview

I agree Ruby - mom and dad are two very articulate people who are working together for the sake of their child. They are speaking exclusively as the biological parents and include the step mom and dad as necessary. Takes a few more minutes but certainly worth watching the entire interview. moo mho

ETA: I noticed that when they say 'we', they are referring to bio parents (themselves)moo
Hey hey hey! Easssy!!! (I work in broadcast news... )

I can tell you that I've never known a reporter who would make up a rumour to a mother that just lost a child to try to get a reaction out of her. No way, no way. The hardest thing we do is ask bereaved parents for an interview. We all hate it. We have feelings too, honestly! Do you honestly think a reporter would shout out something abusive to a victim to get a reaction, and still have a job the next morning?

If we're guilty of anything, it's doing story after story about murder after murder, and after a while the names and faces blur into each other. And we do develop a thick skin to take punches and give them from time to time as well.

Your second sentence is so wrong! We do care about victims' feelings!

I don't doubt that some in the press do care but imo there are many that really don't and all they care about is "if it bleeds it leads" and the more sensationalized they can make the questions then the better for their ratings.

I found some of these interviewers very respectful to these grieving parents but not all of them. It reminds me of Rita Cosby's infamous interview with Archie Lunsford, shortly after LE had found Jessica's body. She asked this poor man "did LE tell you what happened to Jessica's in her last hours?":furious: IMO she didn't care a thing about the grief of that family..... only wanting to get the scoop to the gory details. The man was so shocked by the question he didn't even know what to say.

And we have those who ask family members the most brutal intimate details concerning the victims and then when the interviewer gets a tidbit they run with it over and over and over again nightly even though the family member had told them they did not want to talk about that anymore.

It was obvious that both Kaine and Desiree were told by LE to not discuss the case itself or what has happened during the investigation. I have no doubt those perimeters were put in place before the interview began since the police Lt. was on scene when the interviews were held. Yet the interviewer keeps trying to push the envelope because the more is revealed then the more the ratings go up and imo when it comes to national media it is all about ratings and really nothing about the victims or the families themselves.


Whether the glasses have been found or not it's extremely important that this info is known to the perp/suspect (IF there is one involved in this case) & it should have been reported on that very first day vs 3 weeks later!

The perp/suspect knowing without his glasses he can't see anything is huge..It tells him Kyron can't possibly identify him (unless he knows him well enough to recognize his voice) & this can make the diff between life & death for Kyron..I am extremely pissed it took this long to come out & hope with all my heart it's not already too late!

Seems to me if the perp didn't already know he couldn't see without his glasses, it would take about 5 sec to find that out. I can't imagine a perp not knowing or finding out this info right away. moo mho
To me this is by far the best interview. Very informative. What a he## those parents are going through.

Raw: Kyron's parents; full interview

yes, all interested in the case will want to watch this one.

BTW - Kaine shakes his head no (no-like) when he's saying that yes LE has been just wonderful on this case, and moves to a yes shake towards the end.. And that the searchers were just wonderful. He shakes his head (no-like) similarly. For me, at least, all bets are off with the head-shaking no "tell" for Kaine, IMO.

IMO - They are not pleased that Terri's friend yapped the press (in spite of what may have been good intentions). They are not pleased with negative Terri press. Desire wrote her letter to Kyron because 1) she wanted to tell him those things and 2) she wanted to get the attention back on Kyron after last weekend's flurry of Terri-related stuff.

They want everyone to help them look for Kyron. They don't want anyone to stop looking because they "think Terri did it".

"He would be expected to follow the instructions of an adult at school"..."Teachers, volunteers, parents..." - Kaine Horman

- Random strange adult that happens to be in the school - "Hey, can you help me carry in this Science project from my car please?"

Children should be expected to follow instructions from an adult in school as long as they KNOW the adult or their regular teacher has told them it's okay. Not some random adult in the hallway. I wonder if it was clarified that you don't have to listen if they ask you to do certain things? Such as leaving the school or sexual abuse issues, no matter WHO they are?

Whether the glasses have been found or not it's extremely important that this info is known to the perp/suspect (IF there is one involved in this case) & it should have been reported on that very first day vs 3 weeks later!

The perp/suspect knowing without his glasses he can't see anything is huge..It tells him Kyron can't possibly identify him (unless he knows him well enough to recognize his voice) & this can make the diff between life & death for Kyron..I am extremely pissed it took this long to come out & hope with all my heart it's not already too late!

I see your point amysmom. I cannot accurately speculate on the reasons LE or the family hasn't discussed the glasses sooner but now it is suddenly a topic in interviews. I wonder if this was a stranger abduction wouldn't it make sense if the perp took away his glasses right away for fear of being identified? Could LE have not wanted the perp to know this information for fear of Kyron being in more danger? Wish I knew what they're thinkin'!

I watched the uncut interview from this morning and my heart aches for these parents. And I am so worried about Kyron and what he could be going thru.

We are all here hoping Kyron comes home safely. I am sending out prayers for his safe return as I must log off now. But before I do, I wanted to say how much I have enjoyed the discussion on this thread today with all of you sleuths.



:waitasec:psst btw, what does 'sbm' mean? Tia.
I agree Ruby - mom and dad are two very articulate people who are working together for the sake of their child. They are speaking exclusively as the biological parents and include the step mom and dad as necessary. Takes a few more minutes but certainly worth watching the entire interview. moo mho

ETA: I noticed that when they say 'we', they are referring to bio parents (themselves)moo


Eyes, I'm glad you brought this up.

I did not think that that when they used the word "we" that it was always a reference to "we the bio-parents".

This has me very very confused. They mix "us", "we" and "the family" throughout the interview.

Contextually, there are a few areas where it's very important to understand who they are referring to as "we" or as "the family" or "us". Otherwise, we actually don't understand for certain who they are talking about.

This is very frustrating :banghead:me, and it leaves everything open for personal interpretation. Again. :banghead:

Maybe I have to watch it again. :waitasec:
What do we know about Kaine and Terri's living status right now? I get the feeling from some of Kaine's responses that they're not living together currently. ("I believe she's committed.. to finding Kyron".) If they're not, that would speak volumes to me.

I also get the impression they may not be living in the same house anymore.

My thoughts headed in that direction when we met Terri's friend doing the interviews last weekend. Acting as Terri's spokesperson. As her P.R. rep. We would naturally think that Terri's husband would be her spokesperson if Terri herself couldn't do this.

Was the "Blended Family" article a joint effort or one put out by family and friend's of Terri?

Also, his saying that, to the best of [his] knowledge, his wife's account of July 4th is what truly occurred. Added to your above quote of Kaine stating that he "believe she's finding Kyron," and it doesn't sound good for Kyron.

It seemed, watching and listening to Kaine and Desiree this morning, that Terri is not a part of the "we."

My thoughts, running along side of yours on this idea.

I think that if we knew they were not living together at this point we could rest assured that Terri has been named a suspect; at least to Kyron's loved ones.

So sad, and what about the baby? The absolute (probable) chaos of this woman's psyche right now, if she is the one, doesn't bode well for the baby. I won't be surprised to hear that custody proceeding are initiated by Kaine very soon.

My opinion.
"He would be expected to follow the instructions of an adult at school"..."Teachers, volunteers, parents..." - Kaine Horman

That was a great question and an answer they have thought long and hard about.

In an effort to help Kyron meet behavior and focus expectations at school, they have drilled into the importance of doing what all school personnel and volunteers tell him to do.

That was just such a honest, frighteningly helpless realization. It broke my heart.

It was as if they think Kyron would have just followed instructions from someone at school - who the left with him.
It seemed as though they both were adamant that it happened as TH said. They seem to trust her, but on the other hand, Mom was quick to correct the misinformation out there that she knew Terri before Kyron was born, the answer was a firm NO.

Really? Incredible. Not good that family lied. Why do people do that [LIE]? It is such an easy thing to disprove: Just go to the source; all the sources. What would Terri and family hope to gain by lying during this investigation?

Where did you read or hear this?

Thanks in advance.
I'm trying to understand why
"because as a family we love pumpkin patches - they are good family times and also many school trips to the pumpkin patches." (paraphrased)
is the reason Kaine gives us for the Sauvie Island searches.

I am thinking about that one. Too hard, probably. :crazy:
Wow, that interview was tough to sit through. So much emotion involved even though they are reserved people. I can't express how much my heart goes out to them.

They did say they weren't sure whether the talent show rumor was true or not. I thought that was interesting.

Kaine worked half a day at home so that's why he left Kyron in the morning but was there to meet the bus.

I believe Kaine when he talks about wanting to stay positive and block out the rest but it's very obvious that there is so much more on Desiree's mind. I can't say for sure what I think the details and possibilities are that she's thinking about but she's got a whole lot more depth of thought going on than what she is saying.
I think most kids would follow instructions from an adult at school. They can't discriminate. They don't have the abstract thinking skills.

The parents do not need to beat themselves up about that.
I'm trying to understand why
"because as a family we love pumpkin patches - they are good family times and also many school trips to the pumpkin patches." (paraphrased)
is the reason Kaine gives us for the Sauvie Island searches.

I am thinking about that one. Too hard, probably. :crazy:

That seemed strange to me, too. I chalked it up to the possibility that LE isn't telling the parents why they searched the island, and this is the only reason Kaine could figure out. He could be thinking that whoever has Kyron is from the school, ergo he mentioned the school trips.
It seemed as though they both were adamant that it happened as TH said. They seem to trust her, but on the other hand, Mom was quick to correct the misinformation out there that she knew Terri before Kyron was born, the answer was a firm NO.


I saw that interview as well. She was very firm in saying no.
Wow, that interview was tough to sit through. So much emotion involved even though they are reserved people. I can't express how much my heart goes out to them.

They did say they weren't sure whether the talent show rumor was true or not. I thought that was interesting.

Kaine worked half a day at home so that's why he left Kyron in the morning but was there to meet the bus.

I believe Kaine when he talks about wanting to stay positive and block out the rest but it's very obvious that there is so much more on Desiree's mind. I can't say for sure what I think the details and possibilities are that she's thinking about but she's got a whole lot more depth of thought going on than what she is saying.

yes, that was interesting. And thanks for reminding me about that "rumor he was in a talent show" that they "aren't sure about" ... I'm having a hard time understanding why they don't know whether or not that was a fact or a rumor by now.

I'm going to hazard a guess here:
that's on the list of "no-talkie" points.

Also on the "no talkie" list:
"how does Terri feel about the "wanted" flyer with her face on it?" and
"how 'bout those double lie detector test rumors?" and
"how 'bout that Sauvie Island search stuff?" Questions.

It would be interesting to go through the tapes again and see how many "no-talkie" points the various reporters hit.


Final random observation:

I could have missed something but...
It does seem like all the "loose lips" faux paxs with media have come from Terri (FB) or from Terri's family/friends. Perhaps they are just an more chatty bunch - compared to the more reserved members of the family.
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