Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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Kaine said, "Based on briefings we've had recently she is still not cooperating."
I find it interesting that in the same interview he seems to have accepted Kyron's missing and appears to be moving on (getting a routine going for baby K, going back to work) and yet is waiting for Kyron to come back this weekend.

Do they really believe that Kyron might magically reappear this weekend? If so what leads them to think this? Their hearts or LE info??


That's what I was wondering too. What's so special about this weekend in particular?? Or Monday? I'm so confused.
I don't find it strange at all that Kaine wants to use the weekend to change the locks, etc, before he starts work and baby K starts in a new daycare next week. It is most likely the testimony we will hear today as for the reason for having her out before Monday.

"FOX 12: You've all said recently that you think someone else besides Terri may have been involved in Kyron's disappearance. Do you have any theories about who that may be?

Kaine Horman: currently I do not although i do believe that it is someone that Kyron has met before, whether I know of the person or they were only a friend of Terri's."

I too was struck by this answer from Kaine. For the first time in weeks it made me think that he and Desiree are not just irrationally hanging on to some sliver of hope to preserve their sanity, but that maybe the emergence of Terri's pattern (for lack of a better word) of enlisting the assistance of pretty much any male that moves into her orbit to commit crimes for her relates directly to Kyron and maybe LE has some solid information about a plot to harm or remove Kyron.

My mind returns to Desiree's unequivocal statement that "Kyron is alive." It would be wonderful if that were true; even with the certain knowledge that his experience would be deeply wounding to him I, like hundreds (possibly millions) of others, would be so relieved if this dear boy were found to be still be alive.
Just a reminder to leave the names of minors out of your posts and use initials, etc, so a mod doesn't have to do clean up.
let's see if teh beats me to this snip from Kaine:

The fact that Terri's legal representation thinks she should stay until Monday leads me to believe they do not expect the truth from her this weekend.

I am so puzzled by this one. He think Terri's lawyer is working on getting the truth from her? Or, that LE doesn't think they'll get the truth. But what does Terri's lawyer's actions have to do with what LE is doing? :waitasec:
I don't find it strange at all that Kaine wants to use the weekend to change the locks, etc, before he starts work and baby K starts in a new daycare next week. It is most likely the testimony we will hear today as for the reason for having her out before Monday.


Is the hearing going to be televised? I thought family court hearings were private. Or are you talking about after the hearing on the courthouse steps?
Is the hearing going to be televised? I thought family court hearings were private. Or are you talking about after the hearing on the courthouse steps?
it may not be televised but i am sure there will be reporters tweeting about it the entire time (and the courthouse steps LOL) I also think the court documents will be released at some point as well... just as all the previous documents
I am so puzzled by this one. He think Terri's lawyer is working on getting the truth from her? Or, that LE doesn't think they'll get the truth. But what does Terri's lawyer's actions have to do with what LE is doing? :waitasec:

Basically he is saying he doesnt think that Terri will confess this weekend if her lawyers want her to stay in the house til next week. If she confessed she would get arrested and wouldnt need the house for the weekend.

What I find really confusing/interesting is that he talks about wanting to have the house situated so that Kyron can come home to his own house and own room should he be located/returned this weekend. and then a few responses later states that Terri's reticent to move this weekend leads him to think she has no plans to divulge any new information to LE regarding Kyron this weekend.

Those two statements seemed two indicate two contradictory thoughts. As if one the one hand he had reason to hope Kyron may be at home as soon as this weekend. And yet he feels Terri will be divulging no new info regarding Kyron this weekend?
What I find really confusing/interesting is that he talks about wanting to have the house situated so that Kyron can come home to his own house and own room should he be located/returned this weekend. and then a few responses later states that Terri's reticent to move this weekend leads him to think she has no plans to divulge any new information to LE regarding Kyron this weekend.

Those two statements seemed two indicate two contradictory thoughts. As if one the one hand he had reason to hope Kyron may be at home as soon as this weekend. And yet he feels Terri will be divulging no new info regarding Kyron this weekend?

Maybe they have some information that they don't need Terri to divulge anymore?? I dunno. And as for putting the info out that he will be going back to work and putting baby K in daycare, maybe that is part of the plan to get something, anything out of Terri.
I don't get the impression he has any information about Kyron's whereabouts at all. He is simply believing what he needs to believe right now and at the same time, trying to regain some semblance of normalcy before he has to return to work, etc.
What I find really confusing/interesting is that he talks about wanting to have the house situated so that Kyron can come home to his own house and own room should he be located/returned this weekend. and then a few responses later states that Terri's reticent to move this weekend leads him to think she has no plans to divulge any new information to LE regarding Kyron this weekend.

Those two statements seemed two indicate two contradictory thoughts. As if one the one hand he had reason to hope Kyron may be at home as soon as this weekend. And yet he feels Terri will be divulging no new info regarding Kyron this weekend?

If he'd made the request on his petition for the RO, it would have been a mandatory ouster with police standby. Given what he's said and implied regarding Terri remaining in the house, I have to wonder what his intent was in not requesting this in the first place.
- We've been gone almost 3 weeks and while we don't have everything we could use (her high chair, nice clothes for court, etc),

Now we know why he was dressed as his was at court yesterday.

- Her actions continue to paint the picture of the person she has become.

I want to know, become since when, since what point in time?

- I love that he is totally focused on what's best for baby K and Kyron in regards to the house. That's what the focus should be IMO. You rock, Kaine.

- FOX 12: You've all said recently that you think someone else besides Terri may have been involved in Kyron's disappearance. Do you have any theories about who that may be?
Kaine Horman: currently I do not although i do believe that it is someone that Kyron has met before, whether I know of the person or they were only a friend of Terri's.

No theories as to who it could be. :(

BBM - an indirect way of saying whomever she was sleeping with at the time???
BBM - an indirect way of saying whomever she was sleeping with at the time???

I'm betting.

Terri's known for some time now that Kaine was asking the court to remove her from the home. Certainly long enough to give her time to pack what's essential. The judge should just order her out today and be done with it. If she's not taken the last week or so to pack up and be ready for this, too bad.

I'm getting tired of all this peripheral drama.
What I find really confusing/interesting is that he talks about wanting to have the house situated so that Kyron can come home to his own house and own room should he be located/returned this weekend. and then a few responses later states that Terri's reticent to move this weekend leads him to think she has no plans to divulge any new information to LE regarding Kyron this weekend.

Those two statements seemed two indicate two contradictory thoughts. As if one the one hand he had reason to hope Kyron may be at home as soon as this weekend. And yet he feels Terri will be divulging no new info regarding Kyron this weekend?

Not necessarily contradictory at all. It could simply mean he doesnt expect Terri to tell the truth this weekend and thats why she wants to remain in the house this weekend. However despite receiving no help from Terri LE could find Kyron and return him home where he would require his own room.

She should have been forced to leave that very night she was served.
If he'd made the request on his petition for the RO, it would have been a mandatory ouster with police standby. Given what he's said and implied regarding Terri remaining in the house, I have to wonder what his intent was in not requesting this in the first place.

He had just been told his wife had tried to hire someone to kill him. At a time his young son was missing and his wife was suspected of being involved. Somehow i doubt his brain was firing on all cylinders at that point.

I think these statements and actions are being made to further isolate Terri. He is essentially saying, "You don't matter to me anymore. I am moving on with my life." For a narcissist/sociopath, I would think that would sting more than anything - no more attention, no real place to call home, knowing that nothing she says or does now will affect Kaine and little K. I think the plan is that it will force her hand to say or do anything to remain in the limelight or to have Kaine's attention - which is hopefully going to be about Kyron and where he is/what happened to him.
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