Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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I guess I keep thinking that if an appointment was actually made then there would no confusion or controversy surrounding it. Even if Kaine was unaware of the appointment, there would be some proof that an appointment was made. "Yes, my wife made an appointment but I was not aware of it," or "Yes, he had an appointment on Friday but never made it there," or simply, "Yes we know Kyron had an appointment." What is the reason for Kaine, the family, and LE to be so secretive about the alleged appointment?

I could see where LE might not want the fact of what day the appointment was made for out there just yet or who the appointment was made with. It could also be KH not wanting to comment on it definitely because he didn't know about it in advance and thinks it was a ruse.
I can't help thinking that the way Kaine and Desiree are handling their part of the media, with the e-mails and Q&A's the result of somebody telling them that the weirder, the better, i.e. in keeping Kyron in the news...I just can't comprehend this manner of communicating or even that they ARE communicating with media at this point, unless it is to say "Kyron, we love you, etc..." none of which we have seen. None of it makes sense to me...:(

Why not talk to Kyron directly, if you think he is alive. But I don't think they really think that deep down...they just don't think the opposite.
Just logged on and omg, what a pleasant surprise these questions are. Clearly written, clearly answered, no drama, no chaos, and answers that can't be twisted or taken out of context. The answers are there for us to read over and over, discuss forever. moo

What I learned:
...Dad was there in the am, hugged Kyron telling him they would go for ice cream later in the day.
Dad worked from his office and home that day. Leaving about 7:45am arriving at work shortly after 8:00am...about a 15-20 minute car ride for dad.

He left work about 1:45p and home about 2:00: - saw Terri on the computer. Baby girl home. All walked to the bus stop to find out Kyron wasn't on it. moo

Clear to me baby girl was with a babysitter when Terry brought Kyron to school. moo

My big question: If Terry, Kyron, and baby girl were home at 7:45 as dad says, how did Terri get baby to sitters and get to school by 8:00 to be seen by PTA President? Maybe sitter came to the house? Or lives a couple doors down? Or is right on the way to Kyron's school? moo

Anyways - I really like this format for questions. For me, seeing Kaine is quite a distraction and he takes away the focus being on Kyron. Hope to see a little more of Desiree. moo mho

ETA: Let's not forget that step-dad Tony is a detective with Medford LE and is there to help answer questions so that nothing interferes with the investigation.
LOL, since we are all sharing our different experiences with who schedules what appointments in the household, and who is married to this person that is an engineer and all that, let me just add that I work as an assistant in an engineering firm, a building full of these highly focused, detail oriented perfectionists. You'd think they would have minds like steel traps. And usually, they do. However, at least a couple times a month, one of them goes flying out the door because their Outlook just popped up the calendar reminder for their doctor's appointment that's scheduled for 15 minutes from then :)
Maybe Kaine and the others don't care because they don't need protection at all. If KH, DY and TY know they are innocent, why would they need a lawyer to protect them? Like LE's, maybe the biological parents and stepdad's loyalty is ALSO ONLY to Kyron and to what happened to him that day.

Hi. FWIW, I took it to mean protecting the case, not themselves. Things said now by Kaine, could potentially be used to build reasonable doubt by TH's lawyer later. That could interfere with justice for Kyron. JMO :)
I've read since the beginning of this case that TH had given the teacher paperwork relating to Kyron's upcoming Dr.'s appointment. In my experience the paperwork that would be given to a teacher relating to a dr.'s appointment is almost always related to diagnosing a special need in their student- ADHD or some type of ASD being the first that comes to mind, though there are others.

With that being said, if that was the case it would be very surprising (to me) that KH was unaware of an upcoming doctor's appointment because of the natural concern that would arise. The flip side of that is the family might not want to reveal this do to privacy concerns.

Just my thoughts and opinion - please no one love smack me, I'm new :couch:
I wanted to add Calliope's post (that I can't find on this thread now?) that you were replying to, For The Kids, to my response for clarity. I totally agree with you, it does seem very harsh to say that Kaine doesn't know much about what is going on in his son's life. From seeing all those photos that were released recently of a smiling, happy Kyron and Kaine doing things together; to reading about the Toy Story 3 lunchbox that Kaine ordered for Kyron who was super excited to see the movie; to the vacation that they were supposed to take together to CA for the 4th (which sounded very much like a fun, "together time" vacation); to his description of his last words to Kyron (praising him for how much effort he put into his Science Fair project, etc.), Kaine sounds like a very involved dad, IMO. Also, reading his emotional accounts of little things with Kyron (how he cried when the lunchbox was delivered and Kyron wasn't there to receive it and how the last goodbye he had with Kyron is "etched into his mind"), he seems like he deeply loves his son and is involved. For someone that honestly comes across as slightly stoic (which I get, he's an architect), I think these little bits and pieces say a lot. Regardless, it's no one's place on this board to say that he wasn't involved in his son's life, period.

I wasn't saying he wasn't involved in his son's life. I was responding to a specific point made in the post I quoted. MY point was that it seems whenever a question is asked --- for example, why he wasn't at the talent show (when some seemed to think it suspicious Terri didn't attend), or why he couldn't be more specific about the appointment, or pretty much anything related to their home life, etc. --- it's explained away in that fashion. I don't see how Terri being a SAHM has anything to do with whether Kaine is involved in what goes on in the home and with his children. This isn't the 50s.
I've read since the beginning of this case that TH had given the teacher paperwork relating to Kyron's upcoming Dr.'s appointment. In my experience the paperwork that would be given to a teacher relating to a dr.'s appointment is almost always related to diagnosing a special need in their student- ADHD or some type of ASD being the first that comes to mind, though there are others.

With that being said, if that was the case it would be very surprising (to me) that KH was unaware of an upcoming doctor's appointment because of the natural concern that would arise. The flip side of that is the family might not want to reveal this do to privacy concerns.

Just my thoughts and opinion - please no one love smack me, I'm new :couch:

Imo, I think there are reasons LE is not confirming the appt one way or another. Your post explains why - at least in part, to me. We can debate all day about if men are or aren't aware of their children's dr appts and why or why they wouldn't be, but I'm sure that is moot at this point. There is a reason LE wants to keep this from becoming public.
Q: Was Kyron supposed to be out of school the following Friday for a doctor’s appt.?
A: KAINE – There was some discussion about the appointment but it was unknown exactly when the appointment was scheduled so we cannot comment for certain.

Maybe nobody knows if the appt. was scheduled before or after Kyron went missing, or the day of, or the day before. Clear to me, there is some confusion and he is saying 'no comment'. This is a huge question within the investigation - why not just let it be unanswered for now? moo
I just wanted to make a comment: this being a sleuthing forum ... no matter what I read on either the parents, or relatives or anyone else ... involved in the case, I never see it as attacking them, blaming them, etc. .. I only look from the 'outside' and take it as ... well ... sleuthing.

Of course it gets emotional for the child or person missing for me, but I don't see the use of getting upset or affected by what's said, or theories, etc ... on persons involved. Just look at it as a board game, take a step back, and sleuth away. And of COURSE I'm not saying you or I, won't get emotionally attached to the innocent child involved, just not so much with those who 'could' be suspects.

I sure hope that all came across as I intended.

Thank you for this post. I'd like to add that in any Internet discussions, we all bring a part of our own history, our own heartaches to our interpretations of strangers.

We identify with this person, or we dislike another person...based pretty much on our own life experiences. We project onto strangers...qualities and personalities in our personal lives.

Sometimes I think we are not defending one suspect or another...we are defending ourselves...because we think we KNOW these people...because of our own life history.

But we don't. Every family and every individual is unique.

So, to your excellent point, we need to remember that and stay a bit detached.
I've read since the beginning of this case that TH had given the teacher paperwork relating to Kyron's upcoming Dr.'s appointment. In my experience the paperwork that would be given to a teacher relating to a dr.'s appointment is almost always related to diagnosing a special need in their student- ADHD or some type of ASD being the first that comes to mind, though there are others.

With that being said, if that was the case it would be very surprising (to me) that KH was unaware of an upcoming doctor's appointment because of the natural concern that would arise. The flip side of that is the family might not want to reveal this do to privacy concerns.

Just my thoughts and opinion - please no one love smack me, I'm new :couch:

welcome:) we love new ideas and opinions on this many as we can get!
Thank you for this post. I'd like to add that in any Internet discussions, we all bring a part of our own history, our own heartaches to our interpretations of strangers.

We identify with this person, or we dislike another person...based pretty much on our own life experiences. We project onto strangers...qualities and personalities in our personal lives.

Sometimes I think we are not defending one suspect or another...we are defending ourselves...because we think we KNOW these people...because of our own life history.

But we don't. Every family and every individual is unique.

So, to your excellent point, we need to remember that and stay a bit detached.

I thought this deserved more than just clicking the "thanks" button. We really should all keep this in mind, even though it is difficult, at times. Thanks for this gentle reminder, I will definitely take it to heart.

Bravo, excellent post:)
I wasn't saying he wasn't involved in his son's life. I was responding to a specific point made in the post I quoted. MY point was that it seems whenever a question is asked --- for example, why he wasn't at the talent show (when some seemed to think it suspicious Terri didn't attend), or why he couldn't be more specific about the appointment, or pretty much anything related to their home life, etc. --- it's explained away in that fashion. I don't see how Terri being a SAHM has anything to do with whether Kaine is involved in what goes on in the home and with his children. This isn't the 50s.

Ah, I understand. However, like I said in my post, I couldn't link back to yours for whatever reason. In fact, I even looked through the pages and couldn't find it, so I was going on the snipped portion of your post that For The Kids had replied to with his/her response of "wow, that seems harsh" (paraphrasing). So, my apologies that I took your response out of context.
I wasn't saying he wasn't involved in his son's life. I was responding to a specific point made in the post I quoted. MY point was that it seems whenever a question is asked --- for example, why he wasn't at the talent show (when some seemed to think it suspicious Terri didn't attend), or why he couldn't be more specific about the appointment, or pretty much anything related to their home life, etc. --- it's explained away in that fashion. I don't see how Terri being a SAHM has anything to do with whether Kaine is involved in what goes on in the home and with his children. This isn't the 50s.

In fairness it depends what Terri even told Kaine about anything. And the other thing is..maybe LE just told him not to answer the questions. That doesnt mean hes not involved in his life at all.
Terri and Kaine may not even have been speaking of late, prior to 6/4, for all we know...
I've read since the beginning of this case that TH had given the teacher paperwork relating to Kyron's upcoming Dr.'s appointment. In my experience the paperwork that would be given to a teacher relating to a dr.'s appointment is almost always related to diagnosing a special need in their student- ADHD or some type of ASD being the first that comes to mind, though there are others.

With that being said, if that was the case it would be very surprising (to me) that KH was unaware of an upcoming doctor's appointment because of the natural concern that would arise. The flip side of that is the family might not want to reveal this do to privacy concerns.

Just my thoughts and opinion - please no one love smack me, I'm new :couch:

Welcome! :blowkiss: Thank you for posting!
Forgive me if this has already been brought up...I've tried to read this whole thread...but my eyes are going bonkers

IF Terri set all of this up...and did make mention of a Dr. appt. Then there should be one. Whoever went to all of this trouble to get Kyron out of a school unseen (from what we know) everything else we know about this case... Certainly TH would have known that a mention of a Dr.'s appt would be one of the first things checked out. I doubt very seriously that detail would have gotten past her.

Then again possibly there wasn't a dr. appt yet. Maybe the paperwork needed to be filled out before the appt was made - especially if this was some kind of "specialty" dr. appt. - one that if there was lots of testing involved the paperwork would be a guide as to what specific test were needed - and then the appt would be made.

I think it would be interesting to know if Kaine noticed if TH had changed clothes or looked like she had recently showered when he returned home from work that fateful day...
In fairness it depends what Terri even told Kaine about anything. And the other thing is..maybe LE just told him not to answer the questions. That doesnt mean hes not involved in his life at all.

And another point - IF true that Terri was searching for a 'hit man' to murder her husband, why would we expect any communication between her and hubby. I doubt they talked much at all especially about children's dr's. appts. Can you just imagine their mindset? moo mho
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