Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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There must be more to it. There is so much that makes no sense in this case, I have to believe that there is more to be known.

There is. That's why she has a CRIMINAL attorney involved in what should be a civil case. She has much to hide, and she will keep it hidden for as long as possible. I don't know of any divorce cases where getting a high dollar criminal defense lawyer involved is even necessary. It's just kind of rare.

He's there because she did something that will result in criminal charges.....
She has a criminal attorney, perhaps, because LE has made it clear they consider her a suspect in Kyron's disappearance, at the very least. They showed that by doing the whole photo montage, and displaying pictures of the truck, IMO. I have no idea if she is truly guilty, but it is very clear to me that she needs a criminal defense attorney, as would anyone who is being looked at seriously for a crime against a child. JMO
She has a criminal attorney, perhaps, because LE has made it clear they consider her a suspect in Kyron's disappearance, at the very least. They showed that by doing the whole photo montage, and displaying pictures of the truck, IMO. I have no idea if she is truly guilty, but it is very clear to me that she needs a criminal defense attorney, as would anyone who is being looked at seriously for a crime against a child. JMO

But that shouldn't stop her from moving forward in the civil matter...especially if she did nothing wrong. Why not just get the divorce, since it is inevitable anyway?

And she should fight for time with her child but she isn't.

What happened to Kyron is all tied up with evidence in the divorce case somehow...or vice versa. The criminal attorney is taking the lead in both courts.That's the unusual part.
This is a very strange and sad case.

IMO, Terri had no choice but to hire a criminal defense lawyer. LE and public opinion made it pretty clear that she was enemy #1. Even if she had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance, she needs a good criminal defense lawyer. It's just my opinion, but anything and everything she says will be used AGAINST her.

I don't know any of these people, except for what's been paraded on the TV. I suspect that Terri has low self esteem and is erratic at times. If she were depressed in her marraige, overwhelmed, a functionally unbalanced being if you will, I can definitely see her failing some lie detector tests.

I feel horrible for Desiree's sorrow, but I agree with others that say the tactic to sway Terri to talk by reading an open letter will result nothing. It's painfully bare and brutal, and no doubt heart-felt, but I'll bet Terri is still stinging from Desiree's last media blitz that pretty much encouraged locals to take up their pitch forks in anger and camp on her lawn.

I do think it's interesting that Desiree feels a smidgeon of empathy for Terri and her marraige. Those two do share a sadness. They are both living without their children. They are both stained from a bad marraige with the same man. With nothing new to go by, I must say that there is something with *that man* that holds the key to finding Kyron. I wonder if LE has been watching him.
This is a very strange and sad case.

IMO, Terri had no choice but to hire a criminal defense lawyer. LE and public opinion made it pretty clear that she was enemy #1. Even if she had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance, she needs a good criminal defense lawyer. It's just my opinion, but anything and everything she says will be used AGAINST her.

I don't know any of these people, except for what's been paraded on the TV. I suspect that Terri has low self esteem and is erratic at times. If she were depressed in her marraige, overwhelmed, a functionally unbalanced being if you will, I can definitely see her failing some lie detector tests.

I feel horrible for Desiree's sorrow, but I agree with others that say the tactic to sway Terri to talk by reading an open letter will result nothing. It's painfully bare and brutal, and no doubt heart-felt, but I'll bet Terri is still stinging from Desiree's last media blitz that pretty much encouraged locals to take up their pitch forks in anger and camp on her lawn.

I do think it's interesting that Desiree feels a smidgeon of empathy for Terri and her marraige. Those two do share a sadness. They are both living without their children. They are both stained from a bad marraige with the same man. With nothing new to go by, I must say that there is something with *that man* that holds the key to finding Kyron. I wonder if LE has been watching him.

I have to agree with you about "That Man"...
something in the air - something amiss - ulterior motives.
Also - if you dim the lights a bit on Desiree's comments to Terri it seems like she is asking her to let the cat out of the bag on Kaine as much as she's pleading for info on Kyron.
If the above has any weight and Kaine has some culpability in the disappearance then Desiree is doubly strong for enduring his presence while suspecting the person standing in her defense through the first several months of this case.
Kaine was at work when Kyron went missing. He had nothing to do with the disappearance of his son. Many, many people saw him at work that morning. He is not responsible for what happened to Kyron. Terri is a psychopath, and she had Kaine fooled too. He said as much in an interview last year.

I must also add....Kaine has disputed Desiree's version of how their marriage ended. There are always 2 sides to any divorce.

It is incredibly unfair to blame him for what happened. He is suffering as much as Desiree, and he loved his son. He had no way of knowing that Terri was capable of disappearing Kyron.
I don't believe it's a direct placement of blame that some previous posters have said about Kaine - but maybe indirectly - as in it being someone he knew or associated with in some way.

Terri sure does look guilty, but looking guilty does not mean that she is.

I know it's grasping at straws, but I've always wondered if someone wanted Kaine...and this person knew that he wouldn't leave Terri because of the children and so a plan was made to get Kaine away from Terri that involved removing one of the children, and it just so happened to be Kyron.

I just can't wrap my head around how Terri would have been so smart, so capable, so conniving, to get rid of Kyron with another child in be seen by so many at a public venue (school) and take the chance of being caught and imprisoned/or losing her life, and losing her daughter when it would have been much easier to take Desiree aside and say, "hey, I need a break, but Kaine would kill me if he found out...what can we do so you can have Kyron back for a while?"

But then again...I'm not a sociopath or have sociopathic tendencies...
I don't believe it's a direct placement of blame that some previous posters have said about Kaine - but maybe indirectly - as in it being someone he knew or associated with in some way.

Terri sure does look guilty, but looking guilty does not mean that she is.

I know it's grasping at straws, but I've always wondered if someone wanted Kaine...and this person knew that he wouldn't leave Terri because of the children and so a plan was made to get Kaine away from Terri that involved removing one of the children, and it just so happened to be Kyron.

I just can't wrap my head around how Terri would have been so smart, so capable, so conniving, to get rid of Kyron with another child in be seen by so many at a public venue (school) and take the chance of being caught and imprisoned/or losing her life, and losing her daughter when it would have been much easier to take Desiree aside and say, "hey, I need a break, but Kaine would kill me if he found out...what can we do so you can have Kyron back for a while?"

But then again...I'm not a sociopath or have sociopathic tendencies...

You just described a sociopath. Regarding Terri's ability to "get rid of Kyron", in this part of the country--the Pacific Northwest--it is really not that hard to dispose of someone or something. I can tell you with 100% confidence, that everyone directly involved in this case, (family, search and rescue, and law enforcement), is absolutely 100% convinced that Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance. The problem is that they can't rule out the unlikely but slightest possibility that Terri may have sold Kyron to someone. They need to find Kyron to have an airtight case. I am, however, still hopeful that they will eventually move forward with their case against Terri even if Kyron isn't found; it may take 2-3 years longer though.
Kaine was at work when Kyron went missing. He had nothing to do with the disappearance of his son. Many, many people saw him at work that morning. He is not responsible for what happened to Kyron. Terri is a psychopath, and she had Kaine fooled too. He said as much in an interview last year.

I must also add....Kaine has disputed Desiree's version of how their marriage ended. There are always 2 sides to any divorce.

It is incredibly unfair to blame him for what happened. He is suffering as much as Desiree, and he loved his son. He had no way of knowing that Terri was capable of disappearing Kyron.

Thank you for your post. I agree with what you have written 100%.
I have to agree with you about "That Man"...
something in the air - something amiss - ulterior motives.
Also - if you dim the lights a bit on Desiree's comments to Terri it seems like she is asking her to let the cat out of the bag on Kaine as much as she's pleading for info on Kyron.
If the above has any weight and Kaine has some culpability in the disappearance then Desiree is doubly strong for enduring his presence while suspecting the person standing in her defense through the first several months of this case.

In my opinion, Kaine has absolutely no culpability in Kyron's disappearance. Considering that Desiree's husband, Tony, is a very well respected and experienced detective in law enforcement, I believe that he had very much input in the wording of Desiree's letter to Terri. It is a known tactic to feign sympathy and understanding towards a probable suspect. I know that Desiree has absolutely no empathy for Terri Horman, the woman who Desiree knows caused harm to her little boy--Kyron.
I have to agree with you about "That Man"...
something in the air - something amiss - ulterior motives.
Also - if you dim the lights a bit on Desiree's comments to Terri it seems like she is asking her to let the cat out of the bag on Kaine as much as she's pleading for info on Kyron.
If the above has any weight and Kaine has some culpability in the disappearance then Desiree is doubly strong for enduring his presence while suspecting the person standing in her defense through the first several months of this case.

I think it's really reaching, and very misguided to blame Terri's actions on Kaine. He is not responsible for her behavior. She made the choices she made on her own, and she was not forced into anything. If she was miserable, she could've left him. Instead she tried to have Kaine killed, and she did something to Kyron. She was trolling for her next victim, and set her sights on Michael Cook just a few days after her husband left her, and while a child she was responsible for was missing. She was certainly not grieving. That's very sociopathic behavior, and it is chilling. She is one cold, plotting, scheming piece of work.

Kaine did not make her capable of doing those things. She's a psychopath, and he's another one of her victims.
You just described a sociopath. Regarding Terri's ability to "get rid of Kyron", in this part of the country--the Pacific Northwest--it is really not that hard to dispose of someone or something. I can tell you with 100% confidence, that everyone directly involved in this case, (family, search and rescue, and law enforcement), is absolutely 100% convinced that Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance. The problem is that they can't rule out the unlikely but slightest possibility that Terri may have sold Kyron to someone. They need to find Kyron to have an airtight case. I am, however, still hopeful that they will eventually move forward with their case against Terri even if Kyron isn't found; it may take 2-3 years longer though.

I'm not sure that more evidence will become available that hasn't been available in more than 1.5 years already...I don't think LE has a case against TH at all, other than her behavioral issues and possible feelings...JMO. Even if the state doesn't want to use child witnesses, I think the defense would, considering several seemed to think they saw Kyron on his own, without TH and at one point, on MCSO's own site, they stated that he had last been seen at the "door of his classroom", while it was always stated that TH left him in the hall and turned away. Not sure what that means, if anything, but other printed sources have said she was the last known "adult" to see Kyron. So it will be very tricky, IMO, to charge her without something very solid, and that may be even more than finding Kyron.

Not saying I believe she is innocent, I have no idea in the world if she is or not, but that I think it will be very difficult to prove a case from what I have read, which I think is close to everything available. Again-JMOJMOJMOJMOJMO
I'm not sure that more evidence will become available that hasn't been available in more than 1.5 years already...I don't think LE has a case against TH at all, other than her behavioral issues and possible feelings...JMO. Even if the state doesn't want to use child witnesses, I think the defense would, considering several seemed to think they saw Kyron on his own, without TH and at one point, on MCSO's own site, they stated that he had last been seen at the "door of his classroom", while it was always stated that TH left him in the hall and turned away. Not sure what that means, if anything, but other printed sources have said she was the last known "adult" to see Kyron. So it will be very tricky, IMO, to charge her without something very solid, and that may be even more than finding Kyron. Not saying I believe she is innocent, I have no idea in the world if she is or not, but that I think it will be very difficult to prove a case from what I have read, which I think is close to everything available. Again-JMOJMOJMOJMOJMO

Thank you for your post. I live in the local area, and I do know that law enforcement does have more evidence against Terri Horman than just behavioral concerns and feelings. They are absolutely convinced that she is responsible for Kyron's disappearance. However, it would be really difficult in court to prove a case based entirely on circumstantial evidence which is why they need to find Kyron. There are actually many cases in which law enforcement has forensic evidence of a crime, and they don't name a suspect or arrest anybody. A few recent cases come to mind. I do really feel though that this case will eventually go to trial whether Kyron is recovered or not.

Regarding the written statement that MCSO put out last year regarding where Kyron was last seen, it was not written that Kyron was seen at the door of his classroom. It was that Kyron was last seennear the door of his classroom; that could very well mean in the hallway near his classroom.
How sad that there is nothing to post here, days go by without a post in Kyron's forum lately...not even much to argue about anymore.
This is a very strange and sad case.

IMO, Terri had no choice but to hire a criminal defense lawyer. LE and public opinion made it pretty clear that she was enemy #1. Even if she had nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance, she needs a good criminal defense lawyer. It's just my opinion, but anything and everything she says will be used AGAINST her.

I don't know any of these people, except for what's been paraded on the TV. I suspect that Terri has low self esteem and is erratic at times. If she were depressed in her marraige, overwhelmed, a functionally unbalanced being if you will, I can definitely see her failing some lie detector tests.

I feel horrible for Desiree's sorrow, but I agree with others that say the tactic to sway Terri to talk by reading an open letter will result nothing. It's painfully bare and brutal, and no doubt heart-felt, but I'll bet Terri is still stinging from Desiree's last media blitz that pretty much encouraged locals to take up their pitch forks in anger and camp on her lawn.

I do think it's interesting that Desiree feels a smidgeon of empathy for Terri and her marraige. Those two do share a sadness. They are both living without their children. They are both stained from a bad marraige with the same man. With nothing new to go by, I must say that there is something with *that man* that holds the key to finding Kyron. I wonder if LE has been watching him.

wyome, actually, Terri REALLY DOES have a choice, if she is indeed guilty of nothing, she doesn't need a criminal defense attorney.

IF Terri has done nothing, she should quit claiming the 5th, answer Kaine's attorney's questions in the divorce proceedings & she & KAINE will be divorced. Terri CHOSE to give up her rights to visitation BECAUSE she didn't want to answer questions pertaining to Kyron.

imo, TMH murdered Kyron, she possibly had some help disposing of the remains but I don't think she anticipated it backfiring & that she would suffer the consequencs. Terri has CHOSEN to lose visitation of Kitty because she doesn't want to answer questions, she can't get her monetary settlement that she needs from the divorce UNTIL she answers Kaine's attorney's questons, & she can't get a divorce. It;s so simple Terri! Get honest!

Houze, Terri's Criminal Defense Attorney is the ONLY person that has called Terri a SUSPECT, and imo, for good reason.
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